No Day But Today-A Third Installment of TigerCheer2009's Progress so Come On In!


<font color=990099>Random dancing and Xtreme Laund
Mar 31, 2005
Hello everyone! My name is TigerCheer2009. I came back to WISH because I was sick of being overweight. This is my third time, did I mention?

I was a cheerleader at my high school-one of the best. I won "Most Improved" last year. It broke my heart when I didn't make it this year.

After I didn't make cheerleading, I sunk into a deep junk-food-no-exercise rut where I thought Cheetos, extra pepperoni pizza and pints of sorbet and TV would get me somewhere. I got somewhere but it wasn't a place I wanted to be-I did a WI this morning and landed at 215!:scared1: :scared1: :scared1:

Since Thursday (and every other day after that), I have been trying to become healthier because I LOVED the me that was and I'm not quite sure I adore this new junk-loving person I have become.

My first goal would DEFINITELY be to reach ONEderland. Weight: 215. Waist measurement: 42. Stomach around measurement: 45. What I'm doing about it: food journaling, portion sizes and reintroducing myself to exercise. Why: for me and for cheerleading (but mostly me).

It's been really busy here because we have a play coming up, and state proficiency tests (especially important because this upcoming one determines if I graduate!!), and this will definitely try me. It's been a long hard time since these lights were lit on this path towards the new me, but I know the way. It's just going to be living one day to the next.

I'm going to try to be more faithful to this journal than to ones I've been in the past. I'm going to show those cheerleaders what they missed last year and what they'll be lucky to possibly have again!

Yesterday's meals:
-peanut butter toast (2 slices with one tablespoon of peanut butter)
-clementine (1)

-sloppy joe sandwich
-potato "triangles"

-one can :scared1: tomato soup made with milk
-baked potato

-pasta (3/4 cup dry)
-tomato sauce (1/4 cup)
-salad (lettuce, carrots, tomatoes, chicken) (1)

Total calories: 1401.

Oh-did I mention that I was going to start eating 1500 or under calories? Yeah, that's a healthy amount for a teenager like me :)

Everyone is welcome! Come in and talk to me, and advise me, and share this wild adventure with me!
So far so good. I went to the library (mom drove), and to the bank to cash my last couple of checks.

The family is going to Walmart today for grocery shopping and I'm going to snag a couple of exercise DVDs and an exercise ball.

Last night I did "gravity" or "wall splits" for 5 minutes. It hurt like a beast, but I did it!

Lunch was a "mug" of tomato soup with 1 TBSP mozzarella cheese, a tuna sandwich and a clementine.

Snack was 1/4 cup shredded chicken with 5 saltines. Exercise includes 5 minutes wall splits, and 5 minutes of calisthetics (like assorted kinds of crunches, push ups, leg warmups etc.)
It is a wonderful morning here at the TigerCheer house! I am currently sitting on my new exercise ball (last night I only fell off twice!! :))

Today my youth group is planning a romp on the pond-we're going to go out and play in and around and with the snow! It sounds like fun and I am very excited.

Running the meals for yesterday:

toast (2 slices)
peanut butter (1 TBSP)

tuna sandwich (1...1/2 cup tuna, 2 slices bread, lettuce)
tomato soup (1 "mug")
mozzarella cheese (1 TBSP)
clementine (1)

"chicken mix" with crackers (1/4 cup shredded chicken, 1 TBSP mozzarella cheese, 5 crackers)
ham (2 thin slices)

three slices homemade pizza (thin crust, pepperoni, cheese, sauce, onions, ham)

Total Calorie Count: 1489!:banana: :woohoo: :dance3:
Jen I'm SO SO SO SO SO VERY VERY VERY VERY VERY Glad you're back!!!

I've been thinking about you & praying for you - a lot!!!!

And I've REALLY missed your enthusiasm!!! Those cheerleaders will rue the day they let you go!!

Hope you have a Blessed Sunday & a great week!!!

PLEASE don't disappear again!!!
Awwwwwwwwwwwwwww, thanks, Julie!!!! :goodvibes Thanks for the positive thoughts and prayers because I really appreciated them! :hug: :hug:

The only way I plan to disappear again is to have some of this weight be gone, so I plan on being here (and UPDATING!) for a good, long time.

The first basketball game I ever went to this year was very hard, but I've managed to come back and I realize they are going to regret the day that decision was made!!!

Breakfast was 1.5 cups of Honey Nut Cheerios (no milk because it's hard to eat cereal and milk on a balance ball without spilling it all over your PJs). It's usually cinnamon rolls that have a bazillion calories each and everyone gets two, but I was so so SO hungry that I folded. Cheerios taste better anyway.
I've avoided the cinnamon rolls thus far. Lunch was kind of nutty though-the hungries I get before TOM found me!

"lunchable" of 4 slices ham, 1 ounce of cheese split up into four cubes, 4 saltines
two slices pizza:headache: :headache: that I didn't really want and didn't even taste good, but by golly, I wanted them!:headache: :headache:


I also tried my new cardio dance blast fat slim down DVD. That's not the actual name, though. It was TOUGH. 28 minutes of that and I was done.

I think I might be coming down with something. My throat hurts and my lungs have felt gurgly all day.
Hi Jen
Welcome back :)
I'm sure those cheerleaders will regret their decission!
Did you enjoy your fun in the snow?
I hate the stuff, but it is a fun way to get some exercise :)
Hi there, Tracey! Thanks for the welcome :) Um. I don't like snow either. I figured that out this morning when I went outside (plus I figured I would just end up lying out there because I don't have ice skates, our sled is MIA in our garage and I don't like being wet and cold at the same time). That, coupled with a pile full of homework and an essay to start for my semester project, led to my decision of no snow. But I am going to go out for a little bit and frolic, just because!

Thanks and enjoy your stay here :)
Romp I did! I romped around in what 3 inches of snow stuck (man oh man it is cold out!). It's not even packable snow because I made a snowball...more like a powder ball and tossed it in the air. Powder snow + throwing motion + up + standing right beneath it= snow down the neck! That was a chilling experience, no pun intended. I also took our cats outside...needless to say, they didn't want any powder ball action and wanted inside immediately. It was fun while it lasted, but MAN, am I glad to be inside!

Dinner is something that I don't know about. I think I will cook and make something healthy. :scratchin
Jen, my love! I am SO HAPPY you are here. I can't even tell you how much I've missed you! I checked the 150s thread so much to see if you'd reappeared and was so worried about you. But I know how busy you'd been with school and youth group and work, so I just wanted patiently.

Your enthusiasm and determination have always been impressive, sweetie! You will absolutely succeed because you can do anything you set your mind to! And I have been with you before and watched you progress to a you that that was healthier! So, good for you for finding the path again. I am so excited about sharing the journey with you!

BTW, my Jenn started college this past fall and I have often thought the two of you have a lot in common, including your enthusiam and your compassionate hearts. So, I am WISHing for you the joy and success that I wish for her. :love: :hug:

Thank you for visiting my journal, too, to let me know you are here.
All of the people here are like family to me...some are my sisters and brothers, but some are like mothers: they lead the way and inspire you and help you grow! Cam, you are like a mom to me and I mean that with the utmost respect. Moms are very important figures in my mind. Hope that doesn't freak you out or anything.:confused3

Anyway, things have been extremely busy here (no doubt about it). I have a full courseload, am the text and picture editor for the yearbook, have been doing all sorts of fun things in band, have two jobs (the ice cream place one that is a seasonal thing, and work at a drug store, running the cash register and cleaning), AND have managed to snag a role in the school production of "Once Upon A Mattress". Youth group is up there too. Busy sometimes feels like an understatement, but I love what I do!!

I plan on sticking around for some time, so we will definitely take this journey together, one step at a time. Thanks for the encouraging words-I'm SO SO SO glad I found the path again. It's a little snow covered and dusty, but nothing a good shovel and time can't fix!

Please tell your Jenn I said hi :) We do sound a lot alike and I'm glad you think of us as alike in ways! :goodvibes Journals are how WISHbuddies keep track of each other-find the journal, find you!

Back to the regularly scheduled thread: quesadillas and soup for dinner tonight!

Positive thoughts and happy wishes to all!
Okay-I'm done eating for today. Like I'm going to have dinner, and that's planned, but I'm not going to add anything new.

Not so happy with today's turnout, but tomorrow is a new day. ETA: the soup (tomato) was made with water...under for the day!

1.5 cups Honey Nut Cheerios

"lunchable" (ham, crackers, cheese)
2 slices pizza :( :(

2 apples
peanut butter
**can we say Happy Mouth Fever?!

tomato soup

1492 calories! Live and I know the pizza wasn't worth it and I won't make that mistake again. Simple dimple.
Hi Jen,

Welcome back to WISH!:cool1: You are doing a great job! You sound focused and ready to accomplish all of your goals.... Keep up the good work!:thumbsup2

Have a wonderful week!:goodvibes
Hey, Jen! Thanks for reminding me that Pizza just isn't worth it. The Dominos guy just delivered FIVE medium pizzas and the smell is overwhelming! (DS17 has friends from work/church over playing the Wii & asked if I could get them Pizza if he & his GF pay - I said I would & they didn't have to) I WILL NOT EAT PIZZA!!!!! Jen says I don't need it!!!
Jen -- I hope the rest of your evening went well for you! I think your day was really good, sweetie! I have been using and put in a goal of losing 16 pounds by May 1 and it told me I need to have between 1200-1550 calories per day and burn 1110 calories a week (5 days of 222 calories). So, I think that if you took in 1492 calories yesterday you are doing great! (we won't talk about the fact that I had 1622 calories yesterday :eek: )

Oh, and I am totally flattered that you think of me as your "WISH mom" -- I think you are a sweetheart and any mom would be proud to call you her own. I know how busy you are with yearbook, band, youth group, work, etc. but just keep up the good work and plan ahead and you will be fine!

And be sure to post here so we know you are doing okay. I know right after school is a really hard time and it is easy to succumb to the munchies, so be sure to plan and have some snackies in the fridge or on the counter for when you get home! You may want to stock up on sugar free jello, hard-boiled eggs, apples, clementines, bananas, low fat crackers, low fat or fat free cheese. I have found that if I do a combination of protein and carbs, I am more readily satisfied and stay full longer. Those soup at hand soups are a good "grab" too. I find tomato to be very satisfying!

Have a great day! :hug:
It is a beautiful snowy day here. It is pretty darn cold too...and snowy. I heard we are supposed to get truckloads of snow, so whatever happens, happens.

bread (2 slices)
banana (1)
Honey Nut Cheerios (3/4 cup)

hamburger (1)
fries (1)

I go with the school lunch because I know it is portioned. It's not the healthiest stuff, but it's moderation and that is what counts!

I have drama club today at 3:30, so I'll respond to everyone then have a small snack, then scoot!

Tracy! Hi! Thanks for the words of encouragement!:goodvibes I hope you are having a wonderful week, also!

Julie! Hi! Yeah, pizza isn't really worth it. We had homemade pizza for dinner and I was munching on leftovers. It was not a good thing because I wanted so much for it to taste good, but it actually didn't. I think the crust went funny.

Cam! Hi! I use and it's been good for me. Yesterday I wanted to haul out the chips and salsa, but I didn't because I checked fitday and if I would have eaten those chips, I couldn't have had my quesadilla! It's much more filling, plus it tastes better. Those snacks are good ideas. I think I'm going to have an apple and LOTS of water before practice.

Gotta dash-just thought I'd fill you all in! Have a lovely day :) See you later!
WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! :woohoo: :woohoo: I just finished my cardio DVD and man oh man did it kick my butt!!! 40 solid minutes of the FIRM Cardio Dance Slim Down :) :woohoo: It was just like being in cheerleading again...but with more kick-butt-ness.

I think I'm going to have soup and garlic bread for dinner. My throat is scratchy so I'm going to take it easy on the yodeling lessons for awhile. ;)

:cheer2: The first step to becoming a new me!! :cheer2: Well, one of them anyway.
We have a snow day. We've used up all of our calamity days (plus we haven't had a full week of 6 hour days since Christmas break :eek:) so we'll be attending school when it's hot and sunny.

I might do the cardio again.

I'll check in later :)

Oh, wait! Breakfast...maybe an eggy with ham and toast.
Happy Snow Day!!!

We've had 3 with NONE built into our calendar, but Bekah is going to FL on 2 of the make up days!!!! Friday & Monday coming up! She lucked out!!

Have a fun day & stay WARM!!!
Hi Jen,

We live near Cleveland and our kids didn't have a snow day today. :( I bet they will tomorrow though! ;) Enjoy your day off!:cool1:

I read in your post about the FIRM Cardio DVD that you did. Can you tell us more about it? Is it from a new series? I love the FIRM and I am always looking for new DVDs to keep motivated!:thumbsup2

Have a wonderful snow day and keep up the good work!:cool1:


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