Nicole's Journey-Marathon Dreams (Comments appreciated)

Nicole--you are doing so great on your runs. It is awesome to see how much you have improved since starting your journal. That is one of the really cool things about keeping a journal, you can go back and see how far you have come!

Keep up the good work, you are doing so AWESOME!!
A pretty good day, I will be way low on my calories, which is suprising, since I was up at 4:15 with DD, her allergies are really bad right now, and it is always so hard to stay OP when I am so tired. But I did manage to do a good toning session, it felt pretty good, I am still trying to really focus on doing the movements slow and correctly.
Dh is doing pretty good. He is still kinda out of it from all the meds, but he is out of town for the week, so he should get to just work and rest, and hopefully be lots better when he comes back.

Laurie- Thanks! I was actually looking back at a written journal from last June, and it showed me doing 4 miles in 46:57, so the 45:59 was a great time, beacuse I would have definitely said I was in better shape back then. I am definitely feeling stronger, and much more confident.

Goldcup- Thanks for the encouragement, I appreciate it.
Bills suck, it seems like everytime things seem to be settling down, something, like his teeth, happens to throw everything out of whack again! :headache:
Decent day today, considering DD woke up with a 101 degree temp at 2:30 this morning. Guess it wasn't just allergies after all! I managed to get 40 mins in on the tm, I ran the entire 30 min workout, including the hills! It was very slow for the hill part, but I have never been able to run hills at all, and I was running with a 6% incline! It felt pretty good for a tm workout! I wish I could have made it outside, it was a beautiful day. But with DD being sick, there was just no way. I also managed to stay on the diet. I will be right at 1600 cals, although the choices were not the best, pretty much easy snacky foods all day. Thankfully dd is doing pretty good, and even now that it is night, her fever has only come up to 99.4. Hopefully we can both get a good night sleep and she will be better by morning!
Not a great day, I really don't feel very good. Probably just lack of sleep. DD is doing better, no fever today, but the congestion is making it hard for her to sleep.
I have struggled alot today with my eating. Bad choices this morning left me with very few calories for the evening. I pretty much made it, although I am afraid I am a little over due to some mindless snacking I know I did but don't know how to count, because I am really not sure how much I ate. Thankfully it was a small baggie of DD's Goldfish crackers, so I know it wasn't to horrible.
I also did 30 mins of hills on the tm. Just an easy workout, but I am happy that I at least got it in. All I really want to do is rest today, just feel totally wiped out.
Bad Bad Bad last couple of days! :sad2: Yesterday, my eating was good all day, then I got to hungry and got pizza for DD and I. Went way overboard. But I felt bad about it and figured out my calories and did an extra 53 mins on the tm, walking hills. I also did my normal toning, and 25 mins run/walking during DD's preschool. That was supposed to be my workout for the day, 30 min run, but I just felt awful. Side pain almost immediately, headache, and my scalp was tingly, not sure what that was about. So I did not run to much and decided to do toning instead and do the run today, which did not happen due to a really bad headache. Have not stayed OP with my diet today, and I haven't done any exercise. I just feel cruddy. But DH is home, so DD will be back in her own bed tonight and hopefully I can get a good night sleep and have a great day tomorrow. I will probably end up just running on the tm, due to thunderstorms and wind forcast, but I think I can do a pretty good workout that way.
I will be getting at least the first part of my marathon plan from my trainer soon, I will post what that is like as soon as I can. I do not know what to expect. She is really wanting to build my confidence, help me lose this weight, and get me set to enjoy the marathon, and a 10 day vacation right after the marathon. I have a feeling she is changing things up on me, and I am afraid she is really going to work me hard, early on, to build my confidence and help me get this weight off.
Hey there Nicole!!

Sorry to be MIA the past few weeks, just feels like there is not enough time to catch up with everyone.

I hope you and your DH and DD are feeling better. It must be something going around, as I have had a bad headache the last few days and just not feeling well, and it seems like everyone I talk to is saying the same thing. Hang in there!

I can't wait to here what your trainer plans out for you for the marathon training. You can so do whatever she plans for you!! You have been doing a great job, keep up the good work!
Still not feeling great today, kinda achy and headachy. But DH is home and doing good, and DD slept in her own bed! She woke up once for about an hour, then slept til 9! It was great, I got to totally relax and just lay there dozing! :cloud9: It was cold, windy and rainy today, and I did not end up doing anything workout wise. So I have taken 2 rest days in a row, but I think it will help me in my LR tomorrow, which if possible I am going to do 5 miles, because I got my new plan! :scared1: I will officially be starting it on Mon Apr 2, and it is pretty intense. It has me doing toning on Mon, rest on Tue, running on Wed, Thu, and Fri, with the workouts being shorter run, longer run, shorter run, rest on Sat and LR on Sun. The LR's start at 6 miles and go on from there working up to 20 miles by week 15. Then 3 easy weeks, until I get the 2nd portion of the training plan, which is going to be more XT and I think more toning, backing off on the running until closer to the marathon. So, I will be doing 20 miles sometime in late June! Kind of freaks me out, but she has made it clear that I am supposed to listen to my body and take it as slow as I need to, trying to stick with the plan as much as possible. And I know she would never give me anything that I could not do. She totally changed up the plan from what she had originally been working on for me, because of my weight not moving, and because I think she finally realized how much confidence I am currently lacking in my ability to do this. She thinks this will help me with discipline, and greatly increasing my confidence, because I will have worked up to 20+ miles twice before the marathon actually gets here. My sister thinks I'm crazy, but I think if I follow this plan, I will be able to enjoy completing the marathon, not just endure it the way she (my sister) did with her first marathon, and go on to enjoy a great vacation, without being in complete agony for the first few days after the race. I am nervous and excited about trying this new plan, and I am tempted to kinda "unofficially" start the plan this week, by trying to run 3 days in a row, just to see how I feel doing it.

Laurie- Glad your back! We are all doing pretty good, DD is much better, DH is doing good, even my mom is making improvements. She was able to get into the nuerologist last week, and really liked him, and he has some good ideas on what to do to get her feeling better. I am pretty much freaked out by my trainers plan, but I just keep reminding myself to take it one week at a time, since the first week only has me doing 3 mile runs W/Th/F, with a 6 mile LR, which is not scary. So I guess I'll just see how it goes and worry about week 2 when it gets here. If I could just get the weight off, I think I would feel much better, but I just keep fluctuating up and down the same 1.5 lbs! :mad:
Nicole-Sounds like your trainer set up a nice plan for you. Just take it week by week, I don't even look ahead in my plan anymore because it used to psyche me out. Not I just focus on the week at hand, and it is so much easier. I used to freak out about thinking about running a half marathon in April. I used to say "oh my gosh, 13 miles is SOOOOOO far!!" Well today I finished 7 miles and afterwards I said to my DBF that wasn't so bad! Oh how my feelings have changed! I am actually getting really excited for my race.

So, keep up the good work! Plus with nicer weather coming, training gets so much easier!!!

Hope your 5 miler went well today!!
Well, we managed to do 5 miles yesterday, but it was probably the worst run I have ever had. We made it to the turn around point, and walked for about 3 mins, then ran again for about 1.5 more miles. At that point, I just didn't have anything left. I started walking for 30 sec, running for 1-2 mins, then walking again. Made it thru another 1/2 mile like that, then ended up walking the last 1/2 mile, in tears. I have had bad runs before, but never ended up in tears. I just felt so horrible. I was feeling like there was no way I could make it 26 miles, if I couldn't even make it 5. But then my sister had a very good point, I did make it 5 miles. It may not have been pretty, but I did make it. So, while it is not a run I will ever be proud of, it has turned into a big learning experience. I still feel disappointed, but I am glad to have at least made the distance. It does make me nervous that in just 2 weeks, I have to do 6 miles, but I keep reminding myself I have lots of miles to go before I get there. I have changed my training plan for this week, to up my mileage, hopefully getting ready for my training plan next week. I am going to run 4.5 miles tomorrow, running home from work. It should be a good run, but it has lots of long hills, thankfully they all end with equally long downhills! So I am kind of excited about that, especially since it is a one way, heading home.
I also realized that my trainer gave me a plan very similar to Hal Higdons novice training plan, she changed it up some on several of the weeks, but the plan follows the same general guidelines. At least I know she isn't crazy! :scared: LOL
I also realized something yesterday, as I was wallowing in self pity and doubt :rolleyes1 I realized that maybe this is why she gave me this training plan so early! It all of a sudden clicked with something she had said months ago, that at the time I didn't pay any attention to, and some of the things she emailed me just recently. In email recently she said I needed this to learn the discipline, to suck it up and get it done (my words not hers) and a few months ago she said her goal for me was to have me so well trained for this race that no matter how little sleep I had gotten the night before, or how sick, headachy, crampy, I was I would know without I doubt that I could get through the marathon. And now that I have hit this wall, and realize how much it shakes my confidence, I think I have a new understanding of what she is trying to do by starting me out so quickly. I think it is going to be very tough, but I know if I can get through this, I can get through anything, and that definitely makes me feel better (until I start thinking about the runs yet to come! :laughing: )
Laurie- I completely agree! It is crazy how the thought of miles changes as things progress. I have to admit, I am still nervous about uping my miles, but just a few weeks ago, I could barely make it 2.5 miles, and now I am planning 4.5 miles for myself, without having my trainer give me a plan! I can't wait for the first time 6 miles seems like a short run! :rotfl:
Hey Nicole--sorry to hear about the tough run. But remember, we all have runs like that once in awhile. THe important thing is to just forget about it and don't think about it. Just focus on the next run. And also rememeber sometimes it doesn't matter how fast you went, but you did finish the mileage!! That does count!

Your realization about the training plan is awesome. You are right, if you can get through this training, you can definetely finish the marathon. And if you follow the plan set out by your trainer you can definetely do the training.

Keep up the good work! You are doing AWESOME!!
Didn't stay on plan yesterday. Went and got new shoes, which took way longer than I expected. But I love them, and I got a new fanny pack belt thing, and a water bottle to attach to it. I used everything today, and eveything was great. The shoes have a little more stability then my old ones, so my legs were pretty sore when I got back today. Anyway, shoe shopping took longer then anticipated and the store was right across from an Olive Garden so we had dinner there. I didn't have soup or salad, only had 2 breadsticks, but I did eat my whole meal. Not sure how that happened, just talking to dh, excited about my shoes, and it was gone. :confused: But I did do a good toning workout when we got home.
I will also stay on plan today, plus I ran home from work. 4.57 miles. It was very slow going, because there are 2 hills that are over 1/2 mile long, and lots that are shorter. There is hardly any flat areas on the run, but there are some really downhills! I feel pretty good the workout, I made it in 58 mins, which is very slow, but I did it! Last year I never would have believed I would even attempt this run, knowing how bad the hills are, and here I have done it. I am also planning on doing it again on Thu. So now I have a goal of being able to run the whole way home from work, and in a few months, I will be trying to run there and back.

Laurie- You were right about shoe shopping. The people were great, and I learned lots about my stride, which turns out to be pretty good. I tried on a bunch of shoes and found the ones that will hopefully work the best. And as always, thanks so much for the encouragement. It is so nice to be able to come here and vent and know that I am not alone in how I am feeling.
Not a great diet day, not feeling to great. I think it is PMS. I just feel tired and down. I have not done terrible on the diet, I just know I am over my calories, I have been hungry all day! I am going to do 40 mins on the tm, just an easy workout. Then hopefully run tomorrow, although if the weather turns as bad as they are saying, I will just run on the tm. It is supposed to be windy, and a rain/snow mix, with temps in the very low 40's. I am hoping they are wrong. I am also starting to really stress over my training plan. I am supposed to start it Monday, and the first few weeks are going to be ok, but I am looking ahead (trying not to, but can't seem to help it) and wondering how I will ever have time to get all these miles in!
Not a great day. Cold, windy, snowy and wet, and I feel depressed. I know it is just pms, so it should be better soon. I did not do great on the diet, had a soda, and way to much sugar. I all of a sudden today realized that this is yet another month without any weight loss. I don't know what is going on. I know I am probably not staying OP long enough to see results, but I have fluctuated by about 1.5 lbs up or down for almost the past 2 months. It really got to me today, so I go and eat more sugar, ensure I won't lose anything. It hadn't been bothering me, I had been dealing with it pretty well, doing good with the training, and looking better, but today it really bothered me to get on the scale and see the same number. I keep telling myself if I just hang in there until the training really starts that there is no way I can help but lose weight. Today it just didn't seem like it would ever really happen. I don't know, it just really bothered me.
Anyway, I did 1 set of a long toning workout. I focused on form, throughout each move, and while I can feel it in my shoulders and triceps, I can tell I have gained strength, because my normal workout used to be 1 set, not the 2sets I have been doing for the past couple of months. :banana:
Tomorrow will be better. I am going to try to run outside, but they are saying it will still be snowing, but if the wind has stopped, and the temps are like they were today, 33-34, I think I may just try to run in the snow. We will see.
Feeling a little better today. I was able to get out and run, it was a little breezy, and kinda cold, 38 when I left. But it was sunny, and it was nice to get out. I did not have a great run, ended up walking more than I would have liked. I was going to try the Galloway walking break thing, walking 1 min for every 4 of running (bases on my speed), but I think I pushed the running to hard, and then walked to slowly. My legs would tighten up during the walking and then take at least a min to feel loose again. So it didn't work to well for me, and I ended up walking about the last .5 mile. Not to upset, since this was just an "extra" workout. I set it for myself, it was not really planned or anything.
Bad diet day, also. Really craving sweets, and having trouble fighting it. I am not stressing over it though. I have to do good tomorrow, because I think it will really help for my run on Sun, which is supposed to be 5 miles, if I don't have cramps. Plus I officially start my marathong training on Mon, and I think that will motivate me to do better diet wise. I just don't think there is any way I can get through all of this training at the weight I am currently at.
You're doing really well, Nicole! Training is TOUGH!

Hope you have a good weekend. You CAN do this!
Did 5 miles today. I only wanted to do 3, TOM is starting so I had cramps, and a bit of a headache, but my sister was determined that we should at least try for 5, and she was so right. It was a much better run than last week, and I was able to cut over 2 mins off my time. I am still going very slow, but I never felt like I was going to die, and I didn't get down on myself when I needed to slow down and walk. I also managed to run up all the hills, and I was able to run at the end. I feel much more confident going into my official training. We "only" have to do 6 miles next week, and I think I could have done that today, as long as I kept walking when I needed to. I am glad that this run turned out faster, because it shows me that I really did just push to hard last week, and that I can still do good taking walk breaks as needed.

Julie- Thanks for the encouragement. I really appreciate it!
5 miles! You go girl! :thumbsup2 Those hills make such a difference, don't they? I'm amazed at my ability on a perfectly flat air-conditioned running track. :laughing:

Hang in there. You are doing great and will be more than ready for the 6-miler next week.
Well, day 1 of my official training has finally arrived. Not nearly as scary as I feared. I just wish I felt better. TOM finally arrived, along with the so fun cramps and headache. I also, for some reason, have a really sore throat. I am praying that it is just allergies, since they say it is going to be a very bad year, I just don't think I can stand to get sick again! I am also taking Airborne, just in case. I did my toning today, just like any other Monday. So the "official" marathon training is starting off alot like any other week. I am going to try to run 3 miles tomorrow, if I am feeling up to it, otherwise I will take my first rest day and run the 3 miles on Wed.
I did ok on the diet. I was feeling down this morning, and was about to give up for the day, so I did not make great choices, but I counted all the calories, and was able to stay pretty close to my planned calories, only going over by 45, since I had a very good evening.
I am also worrying about DD, she just can't seem to get over her congestion. We need to really watch her weight, as she is borderline overweight right now, and I definitely do not want her to end up overweight this early in her life, so we are supposed to be keeping her as active as possible, but that is really hard when she starts coughing as soon as she starts running or jumping. I feel so bad telling her to settle down, not to run and jump. So I talked to her dr today, she says it could be a virus, since the cough and congestion with a virus can last 3+ weeks, or it could be allergies. We started giving her Claritan today, and we will see how she does. If she doesn't get better, they are going to refer her to an allergist at National Jewish. I hope it doesn't come to that, but at least I know there are options. She is just having so much trouble, when she is too active she starts coughing so hard she either throws up, or ends up gagging.
And an update on my mom, she is doing much better. She is still not able to work, as she is just so run down, but right now she is having more good days then bad days, and she is finally starting to believe she will get through this.

Jen-thanks for the encouragement! I need all I can get, as those really long runs get closer and closer! I am supposed to do 9 miles in 4 wks! :scared1:
Hey Nicole--Sorry to be MIA for the several days, I was camping with my DBF in Virginia at the NASCAR race! We had a blast!

Glad to hear you are starting your 'official" marathon training!! Isn't that a great feeling. I remember when I started my official training for my half marathon, and now it is only a few weeks away!! You are going to do awesome, you are so ready. Look how far you have come already! A few months ago you weren't running that much and now you did 5 miles this weekend!!! YOU GO GIRL!!!!

I hope you and your DD are feeling better! Hang in there. I have awful allergies and unfortunately, I cannot take Claritin because I am allergic to it..go figure! Last year, I had a severe allergic reaction to Claritin, so now none of that for me. I use singulair which really seems to help me. Hopefully allergies are not as bad as they say they are going to be this year.

I will check in again later on to see how your 3 miler went.

Enjoy the day!


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