Never say Neverland: Easter '18, May/June '18, July '18, Sept '18, Nov '18 TRs (8/22 UPDATE!)

NEVER say NEVERLAND Day 4: People People PEOPLE!!

Ok I have to say the Plaza is one of my favorite little places to eat. It's reasonable in terms of pricing for good food and has some great views too. Kids of course had to enjoy milkshakes:


Our server here was also lovely. We shared the bacon cheese fries which were okay...not enough for all 6 of us though.

I got a tuna sandwich which was delicious, and I think DD had some soup and the rest had burgers or sandwiches. It was all good as usual.

We finished and I decided our only plan would be to stake out a GOOD spot to watch Happily Ever After that evening. We walked around for a bit to determine just would be a good spot for us, and eventually we found one. The kids wandered off to do something...we told them to meet back later and we would direct them to our location once we had one.


Here we are with a few hundred+ of our friends.

Kids returned just after 8pm or so, and we killed some time by playing one of our favorite card games:


This helped pass the time until we had to stand, but MAN oh MAN this was just crazy. I can't tell you how many times people tried to penetrate our little circle to stand in front of us. We were actually right next to a wall, which seemed like a great idea. And then the show started...and some kid climbed on the trashcan in front of us. And then, somebody who I suspect was his MOTHER, climbed up ON the WALL and stood right in front of us...for most of the show. This started DH yelling at her...LOUDLY and OFTEN to get down...but she would not be deterred. Another adult in front of her also stood on the wall, blocking the view of other kids behind him. So crazy. Anyway we did see the show, mostly through the camera of rude woman standing on the wall, so I'm sure her video turned out great with my husband yelling at her constantly.

I try to think of it like this...for some people this may be their ONLY trip. Is it an excuse for them to be rude and inconsiderate? Not really but it's going to happen. We know we will be back and we can see this show again. So even though I really wanted my FIL to experience it this time we did our best.

The madness of people.

Once the show was over, I can't recall what we ended up doing. I feel like my daughter probably had more FPs for us. I know we at least ended up here, just the two of us again:


Since the park was closing at 11pm this night, I don't know what we accomplished. Clearly we were on our own again. I think we may have even gotten on BTMRR again as well.

Soon it was time to say goodbye. The trip was too short but I'm still glad we went. It was a nice little break from reality and I'm so thankful for my friend who was watching our puppy and sending me photos and videos DAILY of the fun she was having. It made it so much easier for us to just relax and enjoy our time together.


We returned back to Shades of Green where we would soon be packing up and saying goodbye to once again.

Your trip looked like it was a lot of fun in a short period of time. Again, love all the photos!
Plaza is also one of our favs and we have reservations to eat there in June.
I think for some people, vacation means forgetting all of their manners...o_O
Your trip looked like it was a lot of fun in a short period of time. Again, love all the photos!
Plaza is also one of our favs and we have reservations to eat there in June.
I think for some people, vacation means forgetting all of their manners...o_O

Yes a short trip is always better than NO trip I believe. Thanks! Plaza is definitely one of the top spots for eating at MK for us, and it's just as reasonable as some of the quick service...with better food!

I agree about vacations and manners, but what can you do? You just have to try your best to get over it and enjoy anyway. We did that.
Yes a short trip is always better than NO trip I believe. Thanks! Plaza is definitely one of the top spots for eating at MK for us, and it's just as reasonable as some of the quick service...with better food!

I agree about vacations and manners, but what can you do? You just have to try your best to get over it and enjoy anyway. We did that.

I agree 100%!!!!
NEVER say NEVERLAND Day 5: On the Road Again

So we are up to our final Disney day. While originally I had contemplated doing some early morning touring on this final day, after dealing with the "rope drop" crowds on previous days, I just decided it wouldn't be worth it for us. And so, we had the time on our final day to wake up at our leisure, pack up, and be prepared to arrive at Animal Kingdom Lodge for Easter Day Brunch at 8:20am.

We arrived pretty close to our designated meal time and were seated pretty quickly. I learned part of the price included a free Mimosa. Yes I was down with that.


Breakfast was delicious. We have always enjoyed our meals here. I wish there was a little more to the desserts, but overall it was very good. We finished our meal, did some browsing in the gift shop there at AK Lodge, and then hit the road for the drive back home. Good thing I refilled this:


Sadly it did not last very long. I shared more of the driving this time with DH, who admitted he wasn't tired of driving...just bored.

Eventually we traded off and I think I took at least the last few hours of the drive. I think we arrived back home close to midnight. Our cats were very happy to have us home and it's always nice to sleep in your own bed again.

CONCLUSION: This was our very first Easter break trip to Walt Disney World. I expected crowds, at least comparable to Thanksgiving week. I think these were much, much worse. I wouldn't attempt it again. Still we were on vacation and I'm glad for the little break we had there. The weather ended up being perfect, which is always tough in Florida. I wish it had been a bit warmer, but I'll take the little-to-no-rain days for sure anytime. I'm not sure we'd do anything different if we did go at this time again, other than really concentrate on being there well before park opening. I must say that touring in the evening was the BEST idea ever, and I'm glad my daughter and I did this a few times. We got a LOT of rides in for those last 2-3 hours. We definitely made good use of our extra Fastpasses during those times too, but it was easier I'm sure with just two of us.

We did miss out on Animal Kingdom Park this time, so I'm a bit sad about that. However our last few trips we have really made the most of getting in many rides on Pandora so I think we are okay.

Still up for debate right now is the July 4th week trip. I really want to take advantage of our water parks passes and summer is the perfect time to do that. I know the family isn't thrilled about the long drive, but we'd stay a bit longer this time and it's just so much cheaper. I'd need to book it soon to take advantage of trying to book ANY Toy Story Land FPs for sure.

Stay tuned to see what we decide!

Awesome report, thanks for sharing with us! Hope you can make it for your July trip, those fireworks are amazing.

(I never have to worry about the lack of desserts at Boma cuz I usually eat a whole serving tray of their bread pudding! Yum!!)

Are you are home enjoying your puppy? I am currently at my dd's watching my new little grand fur baby. She's a 9 week old Corgi, and stinking cute. Puppies are the best!
Awesome report, thanks for sharing with us! Hope you can make it for your July trip, those fireworks are amazing.

(I never have to worry about the lack of desserts at Boma cuz I usually eat a whole serving tray of their bread pudding! Yum!!)

Are you are home enjoying your puppy? I am currently at my dd's watching my new little grand fur baby. She's a 9 week old Corgi, and stinking cute. Puppies are the best!

Thanks! Yes agree that the July 4th Fireworks are fantastic. We went a few years ago but DH had a horrible time there so this would be a nice redo for him.

Yes the Boma bread pudding is definitely yummy!

I'm working now, puppy is at home. My son is only in high school until about this time, so he should be home pretty soon to let her out.

So I've gone back and forth but really just want a trip where we can do a few waterpark days and so last night I finally did it...booked Caribbean Beach for July!

We have never stayed at CB but it was there or a value resort...and I thought CB might be cool to check out despite the construction there. We don't spend a lot of time at the resort anyway, and I expect we'll mostly be at pools and waterparks. I still may change to Pop or one of the All-Star Resorts, but we'll see. I think this works out best for us.

Our mode of transportation is still up for debate. I'd like to save the money and just drive there, but that takes two days away from us. I can use some points to fly us down and pay some in cash...we'll see. I'm also even considering the AutoTrain at least down there but not back. It's all up in the air right now but I'm not in a rush to book it right now.

I already have some dining booked for July 4th week:

'Ohana Dinner: July 4th & July 6th

Dine with an Imagineer at Cítricos: July 5th

Trail's End Restaurant Dinner: July 5th

Sci-Fi Dine-in Theater: July 8th

I don't know if I'll keep all of these, but I'll most likely at least keep O'Hana for dinner one night. We haven't done this one in years and I can't wait to go back. I am letting my youngest son pick a restaurant as well, since his birthday is July 5th. We'll see what he decides.

I vote to keep the 4th of July trip!!! We have gone the last 4/5 4ths and haven't found the crowds to be bad at all. That being said, the week before Easter will NEVER happen again...
I vote to keep the 4th of July trip!!! We have gone the last 4/5 4ths and haven't found the crowds to be bad at all. That being said, the week before Easter will NEVER happen again...

Yes I do as well. July 4th will mark one year since the death of my mother-in-law, so we really don't want to spend it at home. Her last trip to Disney with us was July 4th week, so it seems fitting to go during that time. I totally agree with you on Easter though...that was just madness. I am shocked at how many ADRs I can book right now for July 4th week. I'm having a hard time deciding!
Flashback to our July 2015 Trip:



Here we are above. My FIL and MIL ended up bringing their grandson (my nephew) along on the trip with them. We did not travel together. They came down a bit later than us and left earlier, because MIL had to return back to MD for some medical appointments. This was to be her last hooray trip before having surgery for kidney cancer. She wanted it to be great.

As you can see below, we ended up getting stuck in a downpour one day leaving the Magic Kingdom.


And last but not least, this was her favorite ride:

Unfortunately I don't think this trip was all she hoped it would be, as she struggled even while there with some health issues, but I am sure she made the best of it.

It seems fitting to honor her there this year I think.


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July 4th Trip Update

Ok so I think we've finally settled on a plan...and the July 4th trip is on for sure. We have my FIL going along with us, we'll need to make arrangements for our dog while we are gone. As much as I'd love to take her, it seems unfair to just have her stuck in a room most of the time. At least at a kennel, she gets her own vacation and playdates with other dogs perhaps!

I think it's also decided that for the trip south, we'll book the AutoTrain for all of us. It's just a great way to travel and saves us from dealing with the July 4th holiday traffic. We'll drive ourselves home a week later.

I have made a few more dining reservations AND this morning I booked some FP+ for us. Yes we have Slinky Dog Coaster and the Alien Saucers booked for two different days. Gotta try them at least once. We also have FOP booked. Now to get my FIL a ticket (now slapping ourselves for not making him buy an AP back in March) for the trip so we can add him to all of our FP+ plans.

I'm sure the plans will change a lot in the next 60+ days. I definitely need to narrow down some of the dining and our park days. I really want to focus on waterparks this trip like we did last July:



I'm sure we'll also spend extra time at the pool, so hopefully the CBR pool will be fun. We are used to Deluxe Resort pools and fancy slides (Polynesian, Bay Lake Tower) but it sounds like CBR will be nice.

I'm wondering if we should book another tour. Those are always fun. This one at AK was probably one of our favorites:

Hard to believe that was almost 3 years ago. Wow we have all changed so much:


I would like to book something extra for sure, just haven't decided what yet. It might be a dessert party instead of a fancy dinner this time.

Stay tuned as our 2018 Disney Adventures continue! In just about 3 weeks I'll be booking ADRs for Thanksgiving Week!

July 4th: The Plan

So we've got a plan for every day of the trip now, and I have the buy-in to extend it by one day. This will give us essentially 6 nights there and allow us to depart early on our last day.

There are still some decisions to be made. Right now I have two rooms booked at CBR, one is a standard room with AP rate and the other is a garden/pool view room. I had hoped to get connecting rooms at the resort, but with two different levels that most likely can't happen. The problem is that a standard room with AP rate isn't available right now. So we'll just keep what we have and try to be in the same building or we will upgrade our room at some point. I'm still waiting to make that change.

We also need to still book the Autotrain, since that appears to be how we are leaning for the trip south. We'll be okay driving north when it's not holiday traffic, but we did the July 4th holiday traffic drive in 2015 and it was U-G-L-Y. I still need to book our Autotrain tickets.

Last night I worked with my youngest son on working through his birthday. His older brother celebrated his 18th birthday this year in Disney, and now he will celebrate his 14th there. This is the second time for him to celebrate there. I asked him about a special birthday meal. He told me Via Napoli originally, then changed to California Grill. CA Grill wasn't available so I talked him back down to Via Napoli. Thank you to my bank account on that one!

So we talked about our plans for July 4th and marking the anniversary of his grandmother's death. This made him sad to think about, knowing she died just a day before his birthday last year. In tribute to her, we plan to eat at one of her favorite restaurants in Disney: Mama Melrose. We also plan to ride Tower of Terror that day also, since that was her favorite. I am happy that we have both of these booked for us for that first day.

As for his birthday, he selected EPCOT as the park to visit, as we wants to ride Test Track and Mission: Space, and so I've booked those as well. We may do some morning park time, waterpark afternoon, then dinner that evening back at EPCOT.

The rest of our days are pretty well outlined, but always open for changes. I have meals booked at: Mama Melrose, Via Napoli, O'Hana, Sanaa, Sci-Fi Dine In and The Plaza. The first two are obviously celebration meals, and we've been there within the last few years. O'Hana dinner we haven't had in many years, so I'm looking forward to that return. Sanaa was a request from my husband, since it also used to be a favorite, and we're doing lunch there. Sci-Fi Dine-In is another we haven't done in years but I thought it would be fun to try again. The Plaza is just a nice way to end the trip, I love this place on Main Street. Most of these meals should be pretty reasonable, no signatures this trip for right now.

I have booked most of the FP+s in the morning, hoping we can do early park time, ride some stuff, then return for afternoon breaks at the pool or a waterpark almost every day.

Overall I'm happy with our plan so far, except for the fact that some of our park days are planned for EMH days which I usually try to avoid. However my son requested EPCOT on his birthday, and I thought Friday was a good first day for MK even though it's an EMH day. Perhaps the saving grace is that EMH are being extended to Hollywood Studios EVERY day that week also, so that may move some of the crowd over there to check out the NEW Toy Story Land.



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