need your best tips to give first timers


<font color=purple>Asks a lot of silly questions h
Jul 1, 2001
We are going to WDW with friends who have a two year old. This will actually be their second trip but last year on their honeymoon one of them got sick and was hospitalized before they were able to see much of anything, so basically this is like their first trip. I would love to give them a great list of tips, like what to pack (for themselves and their 2 year old) what not to forget and whatever great tips you have for touring the parks. Even though they will be with us they might listen better to what others have to say. Thanks!
I noticed this post had lots of reads and no replies. Maybe because it is so broad. If you gather info. from other posts (especially from the Disney for Families board), it might prove more useful. It's been a while for me, but here are some things I've either read or learned from experience....

#1 Be flexible! Especially with little ones. Set low goals for how much to see and do.

#2 Plan on a midday break. Even if you can't or don't want to return to the hotel, find a cool place to stop.

#3 Be prepared. Read over park info before you go (good guidebooks abound--even in libraries). Plan which things you "must do" and which you'd like to get to.

#4 Go to the parks early.

#5 Many packing lists have been posted on these boards...but remember to wear good, broken-in sneakers, have a plan for water (your own water bottles, Britta water bottles or money for water!), small backpacks for changes of clothing, ziplocks for wet stuff, wipes, sunscreen, sunglasses, hats/visors...

#6 Don't push the kids. Enjoy each moment and don't worry about "what you're missing."

#7 Did I say be flexible?

#8 Notice the details. They make THE WORLD what it is.

#9 Use a stroller for the little one(s).

#10 Bring lots of film and be careful w/it through airport security.

I'm sure there are more great tips. These will get them started.
They should get a guidebook and has tons of info!!! Great info on traveing with toddlers and a packing list.

Do Early Entry! Or at least get there VERY early. Leave the park after lunch for a swim/nap , return in the evening. That's my #1 piece of advice. Pack two outfits per day. Bring lots of wter, sunscreen, and "easy to fold up" stroller with a sunshade Don't lug too much around the parks! Bring medicines!! I pack my whole med cabinet and bring a small ziploc to the parks with first aid items, tylenol, etc. Once, my son had an ear ache at Downtown Disney. I had to buy him tylenol there, when I had some in the room!!!
Use the baby care centers in each park, if you need to.
PLAN before you go!!!

i can't tell you how many people i know who just show up and then don't have a very good time. they never listen to me. :rolleyes: ;) :p
Let's see -

Saves time & money -

--Eating breakfast in the room
--Taking snacks & drinks (water) into the parks
--Coming back to the resort for a mid-day break & making your own sandwich to eat by the pool

Good for organization in the room -

--bring an over the door shoe holder for the bathroom for toilettries, etc.
--put dirty clothes in an empty suitcase under the sink or in the closet

Other tips -

--get to parks early, especially with young child
--MUST DO - take a mid-day break
--comfortable shoes
--Don't go to the parks every day. Have at least 1 or 2 pool days if you have the time

Just relax & have a great time. It's nearly impossible to see & do it all, so enjoy what you see. What they miss gives them a reason to return some day. :p
The best thing to do (IMHO!) when travelling to Disney with little ones is to go at their pace. Get up when they normally do, take a nap when the normally do, go to bed when they normally do. If they start getting a bit crabby, take them back to the room for some down time, or to the pool for a swim. There is nothing worse than seeing parents dragging their screaming, crying kids around the park because they (the parents) don't feel like retreating. It's just not worth it. They'll get a much more enjoyable experience if they just take their cues from their little one!!

Have a great trip. See what you can and if you miss something just remember it the next trip!!
ok - went twice previously before being an adult

once an adult - we went in 2001 for xmas with no particular plan -was a zoo - should have spent sometime studying the issues and the schedules to get to know the flow of things better. There is a saying "people don't plan to fail - they fail to plan"

when I was a kid we stayed at the contemporary - that was easy. One other time I went solo and stayed offsite at a very slow season - no need to plan that time - had the place to myself almost.

Xmas 2001 though was nightmare - we had a good time - my daughter had a better time - but should have planned not just "shown up".

This time we have a gameplan - have studied the parks schedules - early mornings - eticket nights - have fanny packs - ponchos for rain - seating reservations at restaurants - and we are staying at the contemporary because it is easy to come and go from the two main parks ... FROM NOW ON I SAY - PLAN PLAN PLAN PLAN - you don't have to stick to your plan... but it is good to know what is going on so you can take best advantage of the opportunities.

The most important tip I have is to check out park schedules - check e-ride schedules - early day schedules - put together a list of the things you want to do - and then with all the other info...put together a plan of how to do it.
Originally posted by Joyfulsnuff
like what to pack (for themselves and their 2 year old) what not to forget Thanks!

Things I packed for our two year old and wouldn't travel without are:

Stickers, lots of stickers and a sticker book (whenever I was out I always picked up packs of Disney themed stickers and they really kept her entertained)

Coloring books and crayons

Crayola colorwonder markers


Water diapers

Fruit snacks or crackers

Disposable sippy cups- I think first years makes these and they are great because you don't have to worry about losing it. Make sure the kids and adults drink lots of liquids.

I had some empty spring water bottles laying around the house (small size) so I fiiled one with dish soap for rinsing sippy cups and refillable mugs and the other with some clothes soap for rinsing bathing suits and brought them. They were great to have.

Take breaks for naps to to cool off in the pool! We stayed at the Contemporary a few weeks ago and GF in September. It's great being so close to MK (which is where we spent most of our time) so going back to the room to relax was no problem at all.

We found that the playgrounds at Mickey's toontown, Splash Mt., the boneyard in AK, and Honey I Shrunk the Kids play area in the Disney Studios were great places for our daughter to run around burn off energy.

We only had a couple of dinner PS so we made them early, right at 5pm. That way we would avoid waiting for our table and it was early enough that our daughter wasn't getting cranky from being too tired.

I packed each outfit in it's own ziploc (gallon size?). This was great because I could fit my clothes and my daughter's clothes in one suitcase for a 10 day vacation. This worked great becuase after showering/bath, I would just pull out a bag and the outfit was all there (clothes, underwear, socks, ribbons) and I didn't have to go thru the suitcase to find everything or make a mess of the clothes in the suitcase trying to find particular outfits. I then put the dirty clothes back in the bag at the end of the day and in one suitcase and kept them separate from all of the clean things.

Look to see what times shows and parades are so you can plan around them. Don't miss Playhouse Disney in the Disney Studios.

Don't run from park to park or even attraction to attraction. No matter how fast you run, you will not be able to do everything. It's much better to take your time and enjoy things as they happen. The whole racing thing can KILL a WDW vacation.
I agree that patience is key. No matter how much you have planned and want to get done, be sure to slow down for the little things like playing in a fountain or with the Legos in Downtown Disney. If you do things with the children in mind, you will be having so much fun watching them that it won't matter what did or didn't get done.

Now for the stuff to bring:
Bandaids, moleskin, etc.
those small boxes of cereal and snacks like nuts, raisins, etc.
waterbottles (my kids have frontpacks that hold small ones)
quarters and pennies
mints, licorice, etc. (everyone likes a treat)
pain reliever
camera/film (disposable cameras for children as young as 4:wait for a processing deal to develop them as some may not be great)
reading light (I prefer to a flashlight as I can use it several ways)
batteries for anything you've brought (gameboys, flashlight, camera, etc.
laundry soap (the disks are handy) and dryer sheets
woolite (a sink soak can save the next day!)
small surprises for the trip down and back like puzzle books, suckers, travel games, etc.
motion sickness bag (this goes into whatever you carry each day)
reading material
mix and match clothes
well-worn shoes
plenty of ziplocs
a cooler (if possible) - we use the plug in type
maps and tour books
paper and pens
extra sunglasses, sunscreen, bugspray, eye drops

(I carry a lot into the parks and have had to save a lot of other unprepared parents with ice cream sticky kids, blistered feet, etc.)
I must agree with grinningghost here! The number one tip I would give any first timer is check out the guide books, or the DIS, and make a MUST DO list for each park you plan to visit. 4 or 5 attractions may be enough for starters. There is no way to see and do everything on one trip, especially with a toddler in tow! Anything else you get to do or see will be gravy!
My #1 tip is: When someone is tired or frustrated -- slow down and get them a Mickey bar. When someone is thirsty -- get them a drink and a Mickey bar. When someone is hungry -- get a Mickey bar!!


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