Need some prayers--just found out mom has brain cancer


DIS Veteran
May 17, 2006
What a crazy 2 weeks. My dad called on Father's Day to say my 55 year old mother was in the hospital. She had been feeling a little confused the day before, so they took her in. Did a scan and found a brain tumor. They transferred her to a bigger hospital to have surgery. At that time, the doc said he was 99% sure it wasn't cancer. He said we caught it at the best possible time, it was only 3cm. She had it taken out 2 days later--the doc said he felt it went very well and that he got over 90% of it out. (He was more cautious since it was on the left side, he didn't want to harm mom's speech and other abilities.) She came out great, just has trouble finding the right word now and then. With therapy that will come back. 3 days later they were ready to release her from the hospital. Someone from the surgeon's office came in to tell her the pathology was back, and it was a Glioblastoma Multiforme. NOT what we wanted it to be. She never said the "C" word, but I looked up the doc they were referring mom to and it's an oncologist, so not much mystery there. We can't get into that office til this coming Monday, so that's when we find out the next step.

Long, rambling post, sorry for that. There's just lots of scary things you can google about this sort of thing and it's all just so sudden. I can't imagine being without my mom and my kids without their Grandma. Any prayers would be greatly appreciated!
I am so sorry for you and your family! You will be in my prayers. Just remember they can do so much now with all types of cancer or other serious diseases. Your mom is only 55 so I know she will do what they tell her too. She has you, her grandkids (they are powerful, speaking as a grandma) and a lot of other reasons to fight. Take one day at a time with a lot of prayer.
Stay strong and focused.....helping your Mom and Dad through this.. She is young and I think that is a good thing, hopefully they can hit her with a dose of radiation or chemo or both and knock this thing into oblivion.. that is my prayer for you all.
I will keep you all in my thoughts and prayers. :hug:
I am so sorry to see this news. Please know you and your Mom are in my thoughts and prayers.

Lots and lots of hugs for you. :grouphug:
AllesonWonderland, my older brother was diagnosed with that type of tumor when he was 31...let me know if you have any questions about the disease or treatment.
We went through 3 surgeries, chemo and radiation and spent 5 months in and out of hospitals. I will say a prayer for your mom and your family. The only thing that I can say is that they seem to have caught it early. Having chemo or radiation asap should help.

One word of advice would be to stay off the internet, doing medical searches online always seems to lead to the worst possible information!
oh, and feel free to PM me if you have questions or just want to vent in private...hugs to you and your family! :goodvibes
Thanks for all the prayers and good advice. We met with the oncologist today. I feel like it went very well. He didn't give a timeline/prognosis, but did say with the current combo of radiation and a certain chemo drug more people are making it past the 2 year mark. It's still a small percentage, but it's better than zero, right? We go for her radiation consult this week, and will get started ASAP.

Thanks again for the wishes! :grouphug:
Hugs to you... and prayers for Mom.. It is not easy going through chemo and radiation, but it does buy you time and maybe even a hang in there...
I am so sorry to hear about your mother. I will keep you all in my prayers.

I hope your mother defies the odds and lives for many many more years.
Mom starts chemo and radiation on Wednesday. The meds she can just take at home, so that's a good deal. Here's hoping that she doesn't get too sick/wore out and it is very successful. Thanks for all the support.
Well, mom's radiation/chemo got bumped back to start today. Over the weekend she started having some trouble moving her right side. Took her in and they ordered a CT scan and MRI. The tumor has regrown already. *sigh* We're not even a month out from the first surgery. I hope the chemo and radiation are effective...what a horrible disease. :sad2:
I am so sorry about your mom. I will keep your family in my prayers. Don't lose hope, between modern medicine, prayers and love, a lot can go right. Hang in there.:hug:


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