Need some help here...


DIS Veteran
Feb 6, 2001
I am thinking of getting a room for 3-4 nights for an in-law relative who has two children, one is about 18 mos, and no probs. the other is a bit over 3, and has some problems. namely, he has a genetic disorder, which results in his being unable to, as i understand it (which i don't) of walking for any great distance, talking, and although he does "speak" i am sure he gets looks, has, or will, develop an apitite for food that is indicriminate and apparently a constant battle (locks on the pantry, etc.) and seizures. While I don't have much $$$, they have even less, and, from our reconing, have not been on a real vacation, besides conferences, out of town trips to drs, etc. for over three years.

So, my questions:

Presumptive to give a certificate/reservation for the hotel/tickets? Anybody ever done this for you? Were you pissed that someone else did it, or was it a grateful deal.

What have you experienced with other people in the park? Is the public in the park worse then the general public? "Why can't your kid talk yet?" type questions, or is it a friendly atmosphere. I wouldn't want to send them into an atmosphere which made mom and dad feel bad.

Any freebies? always heard wdw was friendly to kids with problems. is it true. Any special things that can be arranged? Had Barney show up to his birthday party, and he loved it.

thanks for the help.
Hmmmm. lots of questions..

I am not sure how they would react to a gift of a trip, that depends on the personal dynamics of thefamily. hard to tell. Most people would be happy to be somebody's guest at WDW, but many would feel uncomfortable to have somebody else pay their way. Hard to tell without knowing the situation.

There are several good posts on this board, many have slipped to previous pages. You might want to search for information about the Guest Assistance Card, using strollers as a wheelchair, dealing with staring and comments, etc. which are scattered through the pages of this board. Just go down to the lower right-hand corner and click on next page, look for interesting topics.

One of these days we are going to put together a book... we keep saying that... life keeps happening...


"My brain takes a vacation just to give my heart more room..."
Teri, really, I DO plan to at least write up my airplane bit when we get back from our March trip!!!!

I agree with Teri - read the board - there are tons of comments. If it were me - I would love for my relatives to recognize that my life stinks, (most of the time), and give me a vacation!!!

RE: Disney freebies - well, I think it will be a cold day before that happens, BUT - your relatives may qualify for a Make-A-Wish trip. In Ohio, it's not that the child has to have a terminal illness, but a potentially life ending one. I suggest you check with your local chapter.

If our relatives ever recognized that our life basically stinks, I would keel over. I really think you should pursue this - the family will REALLY appreciate it. They would also appreciate an evening alone at a local hotel for what it's worth! Just any night away from the daily stresses can really make the world seem a little lighter. Yes, this is my pet peeve, can you tell? Sorry!

Glad that someone is looking in to this for them.
Sue :)

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Sue, you are coming on the Ladies solo/respite trip next time. No excuses.


"My brain takes a vacation just to give my heart more room..."
That bad, huh? :eek:

Well - you know how those days are! The feeling sorry for yourself blues. BUT - DH does owe me some solo trips - twice a year he gets to go to Atlantic City for three days with a pal - believe it or not, they go gambling AND hit the collectors antique show. Strange combination - both are gambling in a way. But he has fun.

Today we are all going to see the movie "Recess - School's Out". I plan to drown my sorrows in movie popcorn!!

But Dennis - please pursue - you must have noticed that they could use this vacation, so go for it! Again, I suggest Make A Wish or even some local Kiwanis type organization. Please let us know how this turns out!

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I think that the family would really Love the trip idea(I know I would)
Has far has traveling with a 3 yr old who doe not talk, troublr with walk, etc. Disnet is the perfect place for this. I am going again this yr with my now 3 yr old DD who has a rare genetic disorder and is globaly delayed. I think Disney is the only place that I felt my family was able to leave some of our troulble behind us. It just takes some extra planning.
I'm a little late responding, but I agree with everyone else. As far as extra special freebie type things, I have never heard of people getting them except thru Make a Wish or one of the other wish organizations. I think Disney does it that way because they get so many requests and if someone comes thru a Wish program, they have been screened, etc.
For the Guest Assistance Cards,
CLICK HERE for a link to one of the threads about GAC. This one has a link to another one. You can also just scroll down the pages and open up things that lokk interesting. The search function sometimes doesn't work correctly (this is Beta test softwear), so if it doesn't work for you, try again later.
Good luck and good wishes to you.f

SueM in MN
Co-Moderator of disABILITIES
I agree with Teri's first response- that this can get a little tricky. We just tried to help out my brother and his family and while they were appreciative- my brother ultimately said he was too uncomfortable taking a trip from his "little" sister and they did not end up coming with us. This family has been through quite a lot and has never been able to afford a vacation, just when things were getting a little better (they were able to buy 1st house etc.) their third daughter was diagnosed woth a brain tumor that eventuallly claimed her life. Since then they have not been on a real vacation and they have a 13yr oldDD.7yr old DD and 2yroldDS- so when we were going we tried to make it look like we had extra room etc.- got great deals and Mark still just could not do it- which I fully understand. So I guess it would depend on your relationship and how it was presented- Good Luck and what a wonderful thought!



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