Need Quick Help Rounding Out Menu


DIS Veteran
Sep 4, 1999
Having people over Saturday night for son's High School Graduation dinner.

So far am having

Seafood casserole
Honey baked ham for non-seafood lovers
Patti LaBelle's Over the Rainbow Macaroni and Cheese
Sweet corn bread

and don't know what else. Any and all suggestions welcome.

Thanks in advance.
How about a huge vegi tray, with dips and some appetizers? Finger foods...or is this formal sit down stuff?
I wouldn't complain, but I don't see any vegis mentioned. How about a large green salad and some kind of vegetable side dish? Another thing you could make would be a barley/cous cous or Orzo salad. My mom used to make a mushroom barley at family parties. It was amazing. (Note to self: get that recipe!) I sometimes make cold sesame noodles, but I don't know if that goes with what you are making. Let me know if you want that recipe.
Well, you are right, no veggies mentioned. Not a big veggie person, therefore not many ideas with them.

Not formal, serve self at the buffet counter and grab a seat and eat.

May do salad. I can open a bag and set dressing out :) Looking for some side dishes that might go well with ham and seafood. Not asking for much, huh?

thanks again for any suggestions.
Ok, how about coleslaw, or some of the salads mentioned in the post running right now? You could do a 3 bean salad, a black bean and corn salad, that tortellini salad really is wonderful from dt, or just go to the local deli and buy whatever looks good ( ;) )...It would make it a bit easier this close to d-day...

Good luck whatever you do, and congratulations to your son!!! :D


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