Need prayers and good thoughts for Kevin's Mom today * Update 5/8/11*

oh Kevin, i am so very sorry for your loss!
i hope you are comforted by the knowledge that you were such a wonderful devoted son and that you have so many good memories of your mother...

you, John and your family are in my thoughts :hug:
I hope you can take time and think of all the wonderful time you had with your mother. I know from what I have heard about her from the show you just adored her. God Bless

I am so sorry to hear this news. You all remain in my thoughts and please try to remember that while you are feeling this great loss, she is always with you in heart and spirit. :grouphug:

As a mother, I can think of no better way to pass than having lived a full life and live my last days in the home of my grown child, who has shown me neverending love, adoration and support. She has witnessed the amazing perosn you have become and I'm sure she passed on with a full heart... it was fitting that she chose to complete this life she lived on Mother's Day.
While I did not have the pleasure of knowing your mother personally, I think she would want you to always remember this day- not as a day of sadness, but as a beacon of the fufilled and proud life she led as your mother. You were a wonderful son and an amazing person and I thank you for letting us into your life and reminding us all what it means to love someone.
Kevin,John & family..loved hearing that most of your dining reviews included your mom. Such great memories for all of you. She was well loved and taken care of. You are the person you are today because of her and that is the best lasting memory sending peace & prayer your way... Dana soto
So sorry to hear about your mom. I myself lost my mother just three months ago and I know how difficult it can be, no matter how well you prepare for it. My thoughts and prayers are with you, John and your family.

I'm so sorry to hear about your mom. My thoughts and prayers are with you, John and your family. :grouphug:
Kevin and John,
We are so sorry to hear about your mom Kevin. Our prayers and thoughts are with you and your family. I believe she is with your Dad now and happy.
John you are a wonderful and supportive person. We thank God for you and your support to Kevin and his family these past few difficult months.
Having gone through the loss of my mom just last June, I feel and know your pain. But knowing that there is no pain, nor sorrow, nor suffering, but only life everlasting for our Mothers makes me feel at peace and gives me hope.
Hang in there, the pain in our hearts, of those of us left behind, does diminish over time.
May her memory be eternal.
with love and the deepest of sympathy,
denise, Jimmy and Eleni
My condolences go out to you, Kevin, and all those in your family (including your Dis family). Thank you for introducing us to your mother through the podcasts. It was wonderful to get to "meet" her. My deepest sympathies on your loss.

I haven't been on the podcast board for awhile, so just saw your sad news. I am very sorry to hear of your mom's passing. She sounded like a wonderfully sweet lady. :hug:
Kevin, I am so sorry for your loss. Your love and affection for your Mom was very obvious to us all. It has been wonderful in the way you have shared her with us through your stories and memories over the years. I know she will not be with you physically, but she will certainly always be with you.

Please don't hesitate to let me know if there is anything I can do.
Take care my friend. :hug:

My condolences to you, John, and your families. Not an easy time. But, wanted you to know there are people who don't even know you (one sided conversation and all) who care about you deeply and wish you some grace and peace as you deal with your loss.

I am thinking of you during this difficult time. I hope the prayers and good thoughts can bring you some comfort. :grouphug:

I am so sorry to hear about your mom. As long as you remember her she will never truly be gone and will forever be loved.

Thoughts and prayers going out to you and your family.
So sorry to hear about your loss, Kevin. Our family will keep you and your family in our prayers.


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