My Weight Watchers journey!! I DID IT!!! Before/after pic, post 128!!!!

Well, I am back from a few days off (not a few days off from WW, but a few days off from posting). Went up north for the weekend to relax with the family, and was off work on Monday because my sitter is on vacation and I didn't have a back up that day. Today is another weigh in. I am crossing my fingers to be in the 160s!

B: Weigh in

L: Lean Cuisine 3 Meat Pizza - 10
20 oz Diet Pepsi - 0

D: Fish tacos at a local restaurant - 19

S: Nothing

Water: 64 oz

Exercise: 75 minute walk outside, pushing a stroller
Well, it is a rainy day today. But it's okay, we need the rain. I am sick of going out to water my container garden every night!!! Had my weigh in yesterday, and I was down another 3 pounds!!! Have a great day everyone!!

B: Carnation Instant Breakfast - 4

L: WW Ziti and Meatballs - 10
Carrots - 0
20 oz Diet Pepsi - 0

D: Homemade pizza - 5

S: Sugar snap peas - 0
94% Fat free microwave popcorn - 3
1 cup chocolate milk - 4

Water: 64 oz

Exercise: 45 minute Zumba class
Ugh, headed to the dentist today to get a permanent crown put in. Hopefully my teeth will be good for a while after this. I hate the dentist!!!

B: WW Breakfast Burritos - 6

L: WW Pasta with Spinach and Ricotta - 7

D: 2 oz hamburger - 4
1/4 frozen corn - 1
5 mini tater tots - 1

S: 94% Fat Free microwave popcorn - 3
2 tsp almond oil - 2

Water: 64 oz

Exercose: 64 minute walk on treadmill at Y set at random hills
Ugh, yesterday was not a fun day. Had to go get a permanent crown placed, so my mouth was hurting all day long. Plus, I went to work, left for the dentist, and then came back to work, and really didn't want to be there!! It was a drag! Oh well, today is a new day!!

B: Quaker oatmeal - 4




Water: 32 oz

Whew, what a weekend. Sometimes it sure is nice to get back to work, just to have some sort of routine! Went and got a pedicure this weekend. It was my treat for losing 20 pounds....oops, a little late getting it done!! I really need to treat myself to a pedi more often!! This week starts football for DS, so we will be running more, at least for the first two weeks. Have a great week!!

B: Quaker oatmeal - 4

L: WW Cheesy Chicken Broccoli Rice - 9

D: 4 oz chicken breast - 4
Lettuce blend - 0
2 tbsp light ranch dressing - 2
1/2 cucumber - 0

S: 1/2 cup carrots - 0
WW cookie dough sundae - 4
94 % fat free microwave popcorn - 3
1 tsp almond oil - 1

Water: 96 oz

Exercise: 45 minute Zumba class
Another weigh in day is upon me. Hopefully it is decent. I am thinking it is going to be right around 1 pound or, so, which is great! Normally on Tuesday nights we go out to dinner, however, now that football practice has started for DS, he told us we can't go out to dinner until Wednesdays, so he can come too! So now I have an extra day to decide where we are going out to. I am thinking Mexican...mmm!!

B: Weigh in

L: Lean Cuisine four cheese pizza - 9
Apple - 0
Diet Pepsi - 0

D: Tilapia - 4
Steamed broccoli - 0
Garden salad mix - 0
2 tbsp ligth ranch dressing - 2

S: WW Peanut Butter Cup sundae - 4
94% fat free microwave popcorn - 3
1 tsp almond oil - 1

Water: 64 oz

Exercise: 15 minutes weight lifting, 20 minutes walking, 45 minute Zumba class
Lost another 1.4 pounds at weigh in yesteday for a grand total of 36 pounds lost so far. Met my mini goal to lose 35 pounds by my 35th birthday, so now, with 2 weeks until my birthday, I am going to kick it into high gear and try and lose 40 by my birthday!!

B: Quaker weight control oatmeal - 4

L: Lean Cuisine Three Meat pizza - 10
Diet Pepsi - 0

D: Out to dinner for Mexican - 25 (estimating here)

S: Sugar snap peas - 0
Pineapple - 0

Water: 96 oz

Exercise: 40 minute treadmill on incline at the Y
Mmm, put myself in a food coma with dinner last night, but I enjoyed every second of it!! It's my once a week treat! Back on track today.

B: Quaker Weight Control oatmeal - 4

L: WW Pasta with Spinach and Ricotta - 7
Pineapple - 0
Diet Pepsi -0

D: Arnold Sandwich Thin - 3
1 egg - 2
1/3 cup turkey scrambles - 1

S: Sugar snap peas - 0
WW Cookie Dough sundae - 4
1 tsp almond oil - 1
94% fat free microwave popcorn - 3

Water: 96 oz

Exercise: 40 minutes walking uphill on treadmill, 20 minutes weight lifting
Morning all!! Thank goodness the weekend is here!! This week has been totally dragging for me at work. Have a good day/weekend everyone!!

B: Yoplait Light strawberry shortcake yogurt - 3
Fiber Plus bar - 3

L: Lean Cuisine Three Meat pizza - 10
Diet Pepsi - 0


S: Red grapes - 0

Water: 32 oz

Good morning!! Hope everyone had a great weekend. Weekend was good for me. We are down to 14 unpacked boxes in our house (not bad, seeing as we moved just shy of a year ago!), and our workout room is cleared out and ready to be used!!

B: Quaker Weight Control oatmeal - 4

L: WW Cheesy Chicken Rice and Broccoli - 9
Pineapple and strawberries - 0
20 oz Diet Coke - 0

D: 4 oz chicken breast - 4
1/2 cup brown rice - 3
1 cup broccoli - 0

S: 1 cup sugar snap peas - 0
WW Cookie Dough sundae - 4
1 cup chocolate milke - 4

Water: 96 oz

Exercise: 45 minute Zumba class
Time for another weigh in day. This is my 13th week in the program, and I am hoping it is lucky 13!!

B: Nothing

L: Lean Cuisine Spinach Mushroom pizza - 9
Strawberries and pineapple - 0

D: 4 oz chicken breast - 4
1/2 cup brown rice - 3
1 cup green beans
1 tsp olive oil

S: Luna bar - 5
WW Cookie Dough sundae - 4
94% fat free microwave popcorn - 3
1 tsp almond oil - 1

Water: 64 oz

Exercise: 32 minute walk on incline on treadmill, 20 minutes weight lifting
Yesterday was another weigh in, down another 1.4 pounds. I'll take it!! I am finally really starting to notice changes in my body, and have gotten lots of compliments lately, which is awesome!

B: Lean Cuisine Spring Rolls - 5

L: WW Ziti with Meatballs - 10
Apple - 0

D: Taco Johns Super Nachos -22

S: Sugar snap peas - 0
Banana - 0

Water: 64 oz

Exercise: 45 minute Zumba class
Well, this week is just FLYING by!! The weekend is getting closer and closer!! Got to indulge in some nachos last night...amazing!!! And then I was a good girl and went to Zumba afterwards!! Tonight will be weight lifting again, which isn't my favorite, but I am starting to see rewards from it.

B: Quaker Weight Control oatmeal - 4

L: Lean Cuisine Three Meat pizza - 10
20 oz Diet Pepsi - 0

D: Clif bar (it was either that or McDonalds, I figured the Clif bar was the best of the two choices) - 7

S: WW Peanut Butter Cup sundae - 3
94% fat free microwave popcorn - 3
1 tsp almond oil - 1

Water: 32 oz

Exercise: 40 minutes on treadmill at 4% incline, 20 minutes weight lifting
Well, not the best of days yesterday. Food choices were okay, but didn't do much for fruits and veggies, and water intake was miserable. But, thankfully, today is a new day!!

B: WW French Toast and Sausage - 7

L: Lean Cuisine Tortilla Crusted Fish - 8
Sugar snap peas - 0
Diet Pepsi - 0



Water: 32 oz

Yes, I have been terribly neglectful of my journal. Sometimes life tends to get in the way! However, I have still been sticking with the program, and hit my mini-goal today to lose 40 pounds by my birthday (which was yesterday!). I will be back to journaling tomorrow!
I am so going to have to start following you. From few posts I scanned sounds like you are doing freat job. Hopefully at work tonight I will be able to read thru it all. Keep up the great work. :cool1:
Well, I am back to my journaling!! We have been so busy lately that it is hard to remember to write in here. Only a few weeks left before schools starts. I am so ready to get back into that routine!

B: Quaker Weight Control oatmeal - 4

L: Naked Homewrecker from Moes - 17
Chips - 12

D: Knew I wasn't going to have time for dinner, which is why I was okay with my huge lunch!

S: Sugar snap peas - 0
Apple - 0
Carrots - 0

Water: 64 oz

Exercise: Nothing formal, unless you count shopping with my sister!
So I finally got to catch up. AMAZING that you lost 40 lbs in such a short time. I so wish I could do that. What do you think was biggest factor in helping lose the weight?
I think my biggest factor was jumping in wholeheartedly to Weight Watchers. I knew that during the first month, I would have to be exceedingly diligent about everything I did. Track ever single bite I took, weigh and measure everything, etc. I think it gave me a good basis to keep going on with the program.


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