My Toddler Hates Riding in a Stroller - Help!


Feb 20, 2011
So, a stroller is essential at Disney for a toddler. Last time, I found it essential for our then 4 & 5 year olds! My dd hates riding in the stroller. It's a screaming fit every time that we try to put her in it. Any tips on how to deal with this? Not riding is not an option as she is not a good walker. She think she should have the independence of her older sisters and won't ride or hold hands.

I'm sure my dh will shoot this down, but I'm toying with the idea of renting a double from Apple Strollers so, one of the older girls can ride with her. Not sure that I want to push the heavier ones around though.
I like the idea of the double stroller. Perhaps decorate the stroller to in a way that she likes and makes it look "new". When my DD would get stubborn about the stroller I would call it her Cinderella carriage. That worked sometimes.
Could you make up a letter from her favorite princess and have it 'delieved' that that princess is sending a special stroller just for her - maybe this will help.
How old/big is she? Could you wear her in a backpack carrier?

Maybe if you let her walk for part of the day holding hands, she'll get tired enough and won't mind the stroller so much??
Don't know-thats a tough one!!
My toddler hates his stroller too he's very independent. He thinks he should be able to walk with big brother. What we plan to do is let him walk and let him hold big brothers hand but when he gets tired we have the stroller so he can take a rest. I think he's less likely to put up a fight when he's tired
I was too going to suggest a stroller a sibling can share with her. I agree to let her walk as much as possible, maybe use a harness with her if you think her running off is an issue. Hopefully she will get so tired that she will want to ride in the stroller. When you say she is not a good walker, what does she want to do? Does she want to be carried? This could be a huge problem as you guys might get very tired very quickly. I think how you decide to handle this is going to depend on the type of kid she is. I have heard people make the rule, "we will not carry you." whether this works or no so depends on your child and whether or not you would give in.
Maybe try everything to make the stroller idea more appealing. Renting one, off site or in the parks might be key. Call it a princess carriage and really get your older kids to help play it up. Maybe allow her special snacks only when she is in the stroller, or purchase a new toy that she can only play with in the stroller. Maybe pick a favorite ride and talk it up and then tell her she needs to hop in the stroller to get there super fast. If she refuses, maybe have the rest of the family walk quickly toward the ride and MAYBE she will see she needs the stroller to keep up. Some folks are going to say, "she rides in the stroller or you stand there till she does." Might work for some kids, but honestly with my youngest, he would have stood there for hours!
Think about a sling carrier and combine that with letting her walk some? Maybe take the stroller and put one of the older kids in it telling her that they get to ride. Im really not for using all these tricks and tactics to get children to obey, but sometimes, especially on vacation, avoiding power struggles, you know you are going to loose, is just worth it. Good luck!
I think the double stroller is a good idea.
Also, what about a carrier. There are several that are big enough for toddlers, and then you have her strapped in without the exhausted arms of carrying her.
You might be surprised. My DD hated the stroller. She would not set foot in at after she was 12 months old and took her 1st steps. She had her first trip to WDW at age 2. She quickly realized how big WDW was and happily jumped in the stroller. She also realized we could get places faster if she was riding. From that point on we went to WDW every year and that was the one time a year that the stroller got used. Even if your DD refuses to get in it at first, after walking a while, she may give up and get in.

How old are your older girls now? A double isn't a bad idea. I think we used the stroller through age 5 for DD. There is just so much walking at WDW!
The WDW rental strollers arent really strap-in strollers. Your kid just sits down and with your other kid. They're not separated. It's like a little bench. They're cheap to rent to. She can get in and out as she pleases. I'd say just rent a stroller just in case but don't bring your own. She probably hates being strapped in and taken in and out.
She's 2, nearly 3, but thinks she's 8 or 9 like her older sisters. She's a runner and she's fast! Won't hold hands, doesn't like to be carried. She's also a stroller magician. She can unbuckle herself in a flash and will slip out the bottom under the tray. My first two girls were great, easy babies. This one is a challenge in every way.

I do have a hip carrier that I might be able to use sometimes. We have a CityMini so, I hate to rent one, but I really think a different stroller might do the trick. I actually think she'd like a double park stroller best, but I'm also hoping she'll nap in the stroller. Anyone have any good tips on how to make a park stroller more comfy? I also think putting one of her siblings in would be our best way to persuade her in. I'm know they'd have no problem with that!
She's 2, nearly 3, but thinks she's 8 or 9 like her older sisters. She's a runner and she's fast! Won't hold hands, doesn't like to be carried. She's also a stroller magician. She can unbuckle herself in a flash and will slip out the bottom under the tray. My first two girls were great, easy babies. This one is a challenge in every way.

I do have a hip carrier that I might be able to use sometimes. We have a CityMini so, I hate to rent one, but I really think a different stroller might do the trick. I actually think she'd like a double park stroller best, but I'm also hoping she'll nap in the stroller. Anyone have any good tips on how to make a park stroller more comfy? I also think putting one of her siblings in would be our best way to persuade her in. I'm know they'd have no problem with that!

You can buy a fan that clips on to the side of the visor part so it will cool her off while she naps. Bring a tiny travel pillow for her. She should be fine. If she's that young and little, put her in the stroller by herself. She can lay across it. It's kind of like a bench. She'll be fine! :)
I'm going to follow this post! I have the same issue. DS will be turning 3 during our trip in the fall and he hates his stroller. I carried him for 6 hours at Sea World last fall and mommy was exhausted (he didn't let daddy carry him at all...he's a momma's boy.) I bought a Tula last year and ended up selling it because he threw a fit every time I tried to use it. He's getting very independent and won't ride in the stroller at the zoo for longer than 5 minutes. He's an only child, so no convincing him with older siblings. I'm trying to convince DH to rent a stroller for the trip just in case -- we're there for 9 days and I'm just dreading it. DS walks a lot - sometimes up to a mile a day - but I know that's nothing compared to what we'll do at Disney. Hoping DS would end up giving in and decide the stroller isn't so bad after all.
Maybe she doesn't like the restraint of the stroller. I know my toddler hates being restrained he wants to be a "big boy" like his older brother. I think you might be better to rent a park stroller. She might feel more free in there and make it her idea to want to get in it. Plus if 1 of your older kids sits in it first and makes a big fuss over it she's likely to play along with it. Maybe bring a lightweight blanket or something to make it more comfy? Or a favorite stuffed animal that she could use as a pillow if she gets tired. Tell her you are going to get her a princess carriage for the day. She might feel special if you tell her that. Make it fun for her and make her want to sit it in it bc she wants to, not bc you are making her, lol.
I'm going to follow this post! I have the same issue. DS will be turning 3 during our trip in the fall and he hates his stroller. I carried him for 6 hours at Sea World last fall and mommy was exhausted (he didn't let daddy carry him at all...he's a momma's boy.) I bought a Tula last year and ended up selling it because he threw a fit every time I tried to use it. He's getting very independent and won't ride in the stroller at the zoo for longer than 5 minutes. He's an only child, so no convincing him with older siblings. I'm trying to convince DH to rent a stroller for the trip just in case -- we're there for 9 days and I'm just dreading it. DS walks a lot - sometimes up to a mile a day - but I know that's nothing compared to what we'll do at Disney. Hoping DS would end up giving in and decide the stroller isn't so bad after all.

I find with my kids they don't realize just how big Disney is until they walk it. My older son has been to Disney 3 times, this upcoming trip will be his 4th time there. He went when he was 3 and again when he was 5. When he was 3 he was also independent and wanted to walk but he quickly realized that that was not such a good idea. Even when he was 5 we still had an umbrella stroller for him bc he tired easily. He also realized that there were times he was going to be out of the stroller bc you can't take the stroller in lines with you. I think kids don't realize just how big Disney is until you get there. Last year was his first year walking the park and we still had to take breaks bc he was tired. I think when you are in Disney you just need to go with the flow of things and see how it pans out. If they want to walk, thats great they can walk but make it a rule that they will not be carried. If they get tired they need to go in the stroller to rest, not a parents arms. As long as you set that rule I think everything will be fine.
I find with my kids they don't realize just how big Disney is until they walk it. My older son has been to Disney 3 times, this upcoming trip will be his 4th time there. He went when he was 3 and again when he was 5. When he was 3 he was also independent and wanted to walk but he quickly realized that that was not such a good idea. Even when he was 5 we still had an umbrella stroller for him bc he tired easily. He also realized that there were times he was going to be out of the stroller bc you can't take the stroller in lines with you. I think kids don't realize just how big Disney is until you get there. Last year was his first year walking the park and we still had to take breaks bc he was tired. I think when you are in Disney you just need to go with the flow of things and see how it pans out. If they want to walk, thats great they can walk but make it a rule that they will not be carried. If they get tired they need to go in the stroller to rest, not a parents arms. As long as you set that rule I think everything will be fine.

Thanks Stirling. This next week will be a big "no carry" test. Having surgery tomorrow and have a weight restriction of 10 lbs for a week, so that'll be his first foray into "mommy can't carry you." Should be fun! I'm going to try to push DH into renting a stroller. We're staying at AKL and I plan on getting DS a balloon for his birthday, which you can't take back to the room with you. I'll just tie it to the stroller and leave it with the front every day. Make keeping track of both easier.
Practice, practice, practice.

Don't wait until you're at Disney to enforce the stroller. Have that fight now, at home, in a low stakes environment. Like, if she enjoys going to Build a Bear at the mall, or the zoo, make her sit in the stroller. If she's not complying, or behaving in a way that you think appropriate, bring her right on home. Then try again with another fun thing, until she realizes she's going to have to sit in that stroller for something good to happen.
Have you thought about a child leash? they make cute ones that look like monkeys.
Having that kid who hates the stroller and the car seat :faint: It is hard.

The best advice I can give is let her walk. Let her ride when ready. Carry when need to.

DS had a harness and had a monkey on his back from a young age:upsidedow but it prevented him from running off. The leash was short so we did not trip anyone. He also had some freedom. He got his wiggles out and exercised his need to be big like his Sis(who is 8yrs older). We did not fight him with the stroller. When he was tired he would get in and then sleep for short periods. But because we did not fight him with it. He also was able to break out. I had a sling and could carry him if he refused to go into the stroller or if we did not bring it. I would carry him on my back or hip. Sometimes he would fall asleep there.

We also had to slow down our pace with DS at this age. But it made us enjoy things more and from a different perspective.
My son hated his stroller, but WDW was a whole different animal. He gladly sat in his stroller there.

That said, I did make sure to make time, in less crowded areas, to let him walk and have his independence. Also you don't say what age specifically but you could certainly give an older child options, You sit in the stroller OR you don't get to go on any rides, for example (options that work out in your favor). And if NOT in a stroller, holding hands is a MUST (when hit with that, my son often took the stroller route).

Good luck!


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