My tips!

Love to liquid soap idea.

I pack two 30 gal. totes with our snack supplies and drinks. Place snacks in a drawer and stack drinks off to side after filling frig. I use the totes for laundry hampers. One for whites and one for coloreds (less time doing laundry when already separated). Easy to carry to laundry facility. Then use totes for souvenir carrier for trip home.

Pre measure laundry detergant into zipp-lock quart size (place quart size into gallon size no spilling this way) and use dryer sheets instead of liquid softener.

Small tote for medication, makeup, personal hygene items ect... Makes it easy to keep sink top clean and items dry.
(Also no spills on clean clothes in suit case when put in tote.)
newprince said:
I am from canada and was wondering where you buy the mole skin.

I am also from Canada and have looked high and low for this stuff and it is not to be found in my city! We are a border city and I also looked for it at Target and Meyer in Michigan with no luck. I ended up buying Bandaid Blister pads.

I found the moleskin right at WDW in the area with the bandaids. It wasnt that much. I was very happy to pay the price. I even used the Scissors at the desk when I paid to cut down a few to the sizes I thought I would need. I did bring a small ziploc to put them in. I didn t want to lug the box around.

I also go to the local pharmacy for those Alchohol swabs they use in DR offices and by Diabetics. Yes they sting on cuts but they can also be used to sterilize the pins on your new trading pins, the handles on the spray fans when U purchase a new one. Think how many people have picked up those wonderful keepsakes and put them back Like the pens and the outsides of the autograph books. If it can be wiped without causing a problem I wipe it. I always have a few in my pocketbook, and glove box in the car.

J.C.&ALI'SMOM said:
I like to pack the girls outfits in ziplocs. I pack shorts, shirts, undies, socks, hairbow, everything that goes with that outfit, so if I am in the shower their dad or Mam can grab a bag and be done with it.

We do this too. Not only my daughter's but my clothes also. We just put each day's outfit in a bag and when we get to the resort we just put them in the drawer. Also, we know for sure that we have an outfit for each day. Makes packing neater, too.
Anyone know where you can get a small can of lysol or other disinfecting spray? I thought that would be nice for stinky bathrooms & diaper smell! Also which type of diaper do you recommend for an almost 3 year old boy who loves to drink milk (ie super ultra absorbent)? I like the hand soap dispenser. I found a small bottle of body wash and cut down a pump from an old one & it fits pretty well & takes up less space too. I always like night lights. I thought about getting a shower cd player to enjoy some disney tunes in the am...or is there a radio channel or tv channel that plays disney songs? I am also bringing a small travel size of paper towels...they can double as plates & really come in handy w/ kids. I saw someone else post to put together diaper changing kits...that would be very handy.
Here are some of my favorite tips...

I bought an accordion style plastic pocket organizer. It measures about 6 inches by 10.5 and has a velcro closure and lots of divided pockets. This has been very handy. I use it to store park tickets, Disney Dollars, park maps, Meal Vouchers, Reservation Letters, PS Confirmation numbers, coupons to off site restaurants, preprinted address labels for postcards, postcard stamps, etc. That way everything is labeled and in one place. Dollar Tree sometimes has these and they are a nice quality.

I love using a 3 section pop up clothes hamper/tote that I found at Target. That way I can keep the clothes sorted throughout the trip.

I pack a Mickey themed "Go FIsh" game in my belt pack for the kids to play while we are waiting for a parade.

I buy a lot of souvenir type items before our trip at the Dollar Tree or at the The Disney Store on clearance. These make great souvenirs for cousins when we return or for my kids as we are traveling along.

I bring Lysol Wipes to use on counters and in the bathroom. These are easy to pack and work great.

I have a hanging toiletry bag and it is GREAT! I can pack everything and then hang it up in the resorts where it is handy but doesn't get in the way. It has lots of mesh pockets and zippered compartments for toiletries.

Thanks for all your ideas and keep them coming.
I brought some gallon-sized Ziploc bags and some of those dishcloths with the built-in detergent for washing DGD's sippy cups and snack containers. It worked great. I just filled the bag with hot H2O and tossed in a cloth, swished it around to suds up, and then washed the stuff in the bag. I hated the idea of washing up her stuff in the sink (ick!) or under running H2O.
I *love* that pump hand soap! That is the best thing to keep in your room or with you while in the parks.

Thanks for the great tips!
There are many great ideas in this thread. After our trip last year I have one that I am adding for our trip this year and that is a small screwdriver with interchangeable phillips and flat tip bits. Also a leatherman type multi tool. We found last year that some of the toy packaging that our 5 yr old got had some small screws holding the toy to the packaging. Our son didn't want to wait until we got home to play with his Space Ship from Mission Space and having a screwdriver would have been easier than scrouning one from the front desk at the resort.
Also heard of someone using one of those over-the-door shoe holders (with 16 or more little compartments) for their toiletries, etc. Just hang it over the bathroom door. Cuts down on bathroom counter clutter. :wave:
I really like the over the door organizer idea. Thanks

I am wondering about hangers - how many do they give you - we are staying at popcentury? I like to hang most things and I don't think there is a lot in the way of space to put stuff. I am thinking of bringing one of those hanging closet organizers - the ones that look like a bunch of shelves. This would give us more "drawer" space.

I am also bringing a battery recharger - the kids are bringing their videonow players and the Leappad.

How much space is under the beds - just wondering about where to put the suitcases once we have unpacked.

Thanks for all the great tips!
An extra suitcase is a great idea. I do that now after many times not able to fit things we bought into the suitcase and had to carry the stuff on the plane.
littlesuitcase said:
I am wondering about hangers - how many do they give you - we are staying at popcentury? I like to hang most things and I don't think there is a lot in the way of space to put stuff. I am thinking of bringing one of those hanging closet organizers - the ones that look like a bunch of shelves. This would give us more "drawer" space.

How much space is under the beds - just wondering about where to put the suitcases once we have unpacked.

There isn't any space under the beds at Pop, the beds are on pedestals. There were only a few hangers, but I've read that you can request more. We put our suitcases in the open closet area, and by the tv stand.
noseybuddy said:
An extra suitcase is a great idea. I do that now after many times not able to fit things we bought into the suitcase and had to carry the stuff on the plane.
I have not done this, but read about it somewhere and plan on doing it my next trip. You put a suitcase inside your extra suitcase, that way you don't have to cary the extra one around untill you fill it up.:Pinkbounc
Hand sanitizer. Have been using the shoe hanger last cpl trips, love it. Only a buck at Dollar Tree. Whoever mentioned "spit in the sink" OMG I am so grossed out!! :magnify: I bring cold med, prescription meds, tyl/advil, first aid kit (I'm a nurse!!), bulb to flush ears (inevitable one of the kids gets an earache from jumping/diving in the pools), ace wrap, nail clippers, floss, chapstick. And for me, my sound machine, I am a really lite sleeper. :goodvibes
my latest tip:

How to prevent chafing!
If you find yourself chafing, get some antiperspirant and rub it on the area that is chafing. It will keep the area dry and dry means less friction = no chafing.

I did this with DH this last trip and he didn't chafe one bit. I used a cream antiperspirant from Arrid that I got at Walmart.

Hope this helps someone.
Along with the suggestion of packing your child's clothing for the day in a big Ziplock baggie ... here's a great tip I read here several years ago, on a thread about child security:

Before you go, take some full-body pictures of your child wearing the different outfits you will be packing for the trip. After they are developed, as you are packing, slip the matching photo into the baggie with the outfit. Every day, take along the photo of them in that day's outfit with you to the park. That way, if they should become lost or separated from you, you can easily hand the photo to a CM to help them know who/what they are looking for.

The person who posted the tip pointed out how hard it might be to recall what color shirt, shorts, etc. your child is wearing when you are under so much stress. Of course you could probably give a physical description, but as they say ... a picture is worth a thousand words!

I have to say I have done this on trips and thank goodness have never had anything happen but it did bring me some peace of mind.

Hope this helps anyone who might find it useful :)

I get those glow necklaces and light sticks at the dollar stores and hand them out to kids when you know they're not going to get anything off the cart before the fireworks displays.
Remember, if you're bringing a leatherman or nail clippers, they must go with checked luggage at the airport or you'll lose them. I "lock" the luggage with cable ties and put the clipper in an outside pocket so I can access them to cut off the ties once I'm where I'm going.
Cheap rain ponchos from the dollar stores are very compact and work great. However, if I see that someone has a ripped Disney Mickey poncho, I'll remind them that they can go to anyplace selling them at WDW and swap it out for free.
I'll bring several permanent markers (Sharpies) along and buy a t-shirt for the characters to autograph ... then give the shirt as a gift. Characters won't sign clothing that you're wearing though.
Instead of worrying about bringing laundry detergent, use your shampoo, it works as a mild detergent, great for bathing suits too.

by the way, I love that picture idea with the outfit of the day!
We are planning our second trip to WDW in July, so I am no expert but haved learned alot !!

One of the things we did last time which worked out great was, we packed like a case of water bottles. (Obviously you have to be driving)

We drank them on the way down, in the room, and packed like one each when we went to the parks in a little cooler and put it on the bottom of the stroller. Not only was it convienant but it saved us a ton of money. The last time we went, it was hotter than usual, and rained only once.


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