My Stupid Question...Pregnant & Food with Beer??

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Earning My Ears
Jan 23, 2007
Hey everyone:

I am sure this is a stupid question, but I just want to make sure.

Is it safe for a pregnant woman to eat food with beer in it?

For example: The Beer Cheese soup from LeCellier???

Thanks for your help. :confused3
Hey everyone:

I am sure this is a stupid question, but I just want to make sure.

Is it safe for a pregnant woman to eat food with beer in it?

For example: The Beer Cheese soup from LeCellier???

Thanks for your help. :confused3

I think the majority of the alcohol cooks out, so I don't think there would be a problem. As the last poster said, though, give the doctor a call and run it by him/her ;)
Even if the alcohol component did not cook out (which it does) that little alcohol would have no effect on the pregnancy or the baby.
Even if the alcohol component did not cook out (which it does) that little alcohol would have no effect on the pregnancy or the baby.

I agree. Or else no one under the age of 21 could order the beer cheese soup in Canada or the Drunken Chicken in China.

But as always, check with your doctor before you go. You could probably just call the office and ask without having to go see him/her.
Even if the alcohol component did not cook out (which it does) that little alcohol would have no effect on the pregnancy or the baby.

and you know this because?

I have 2 adopted kids who can thank their disabilities on someone who thought alcohol wouldn't affect a fetus. No one knows how much or when consumed causes the trouble, so why court trouble at all?

I don't know about the food questions, but for anyone thinking "It is just one glass of wine" I will let them parent my guys for a few days and see what "just one glass" can do, being mentally retarded is the least of their problems
OP, over here, many dishes are made with wine/ beer/ liquor. It's no problem. First of all, usually small quantities are used and the alcohol evaporates, leaveing only the taste, but not the alcohol.

I wouldn't suggest to drink a glass of wine, but I don't think eating one portion of the beer soup canhurt.

Of course, it's better to ask your doctor than us!
Most of the time when you cook with beer/wine/liquour, the majority of the alcohol cooks out. At Disney, dishes that contain alcohol when fully prepared are marked with an * and a note, but there are only a few such dishes (the Baileys and Jack Daniels mousse at Coral Reef, for example).
and you know this because?

I have 2 adopted kids who can thank their disabilities on someone who thought alcohol wouldn't affect a fetus. No one knows how much or when consumed causes the trouble, so why court trouble at all?

I don't know about the food questions, but for anyone thinking "It is just one glass of wine" I will let them parent my guys for a few days and see what "just one glass" can do, being mentally retarded is the least of their problems

Because study after study has shown that small amounts of alcohol have no discernible impact on the fetus. If it did, most of us would have some sort of FAE - as would most of Europe - since if you are older than 30 the chances your mother socially drank while pregnant are pretty high.
and you know this because?

I have 2 adopted kids who can thank their disabilities on someone who thought alcohol wouldn't affect a fetus. No one knows how much or when consumed causes the trouble, so why court trouble at all?

I don't know about the food questions, but for anyone thinking "It is just one glass of wine" I will let them parent my guys for a few days and see what "just one glass" can do, being mentally retarded is the least of their problems

We don't know, and will probably never know, *exactly* how much alcohol is safe during pregnancy, because that is not a study that could be undertaken without violating some essential ethical principles. However, we do know that there are observed and documented patterns among the mothers of children diagnosed with FAE/FAS, and those patterns indicate regular consumption of significant quanities of alcohol.

I would never suggest that drinking while pregnant is a good idea. I'm simply pointing out that the 1/4 cup of wine used in chicken marsala or the can of beer that is in a potfull of cheese soup is not the sort of alcohol consumption that causes lifelong issues in a child. My general rule of thumb when I was pregnant was "Would I let my child eat/drink this?". Cheese soup at Le Cellier passes that test easily.

To the OP - think about it this way: would Disney allow a menu item with any measurable alcohol content to be a kids' appetizer selection?
Just say no to foods prepped with alcohol. No foods prepared with alcohol, whether it was supposed to be cooked off or not, would be worth taking a risk at harming a child. From what I understand there is no definitive evidence suggesting that anyone knows exactly how much alcohol during which stage of pregnancy harms a fetus. Please talk to your doctor.
Whether its safe for the baby or not is not my expertise or place to say. I would definitely check with my physician...that's what she or he is there for! But as a cook who has prepared food for people who have concerns over alcohol, I can say that alcohol does *not* always cook completely off and, in fact, a substantial amount can remain. It varies by cooking method, but it usually takes a good 3 hours of cooking to eliminate most alcohol. Here is a chart that shows an approximation of how much alcohol is still retained in a dish by cooking method (percentage is the amount of alcohol remains):

alcohol added to boiling liquid & removed from heat 85%

alcohol flamed 75%

no heat, stored overnight 70%

baked, 25 minutes, alcohol not stirred into mixture 45%

baked/simmered, alcohol stirred into mixture: 15 minutes 40%

30 minutes

1 hour

1.5 hours

2 hours
2.5 hours

As you can see, many preparations leave over 50% of alcohol content. Flambed dishes leave 75% of alcohol! Many dishes don't use much booze to start with, but I have seen some that use a substantial amount Once again, I'm not sure about the pregnancy issue. But I know when I cook or bake for those in alcohol recovery, children, or those who abstain for ethical/religious reasons I *never* use booze when I do so.
Hey everyone:

I am sure this is a stupid question, but I just want to make sure.

Is it safe for a pregnant woman to eat food with beer in it?

For example: The Beer Cheese soup from LeCellier???

Thanks for your help. :confused3
Pick up the phone and call your doctor for medical guidance in regard to your food choices.
and you know this because?

I have 2 adopted kids who can thank their disabilities on someone who thought alcohol wouldn't affect a fetus. No one knows how much or when consumed causes the trouble, so why court trouble at all?

I don't know about the food questions, but for anyone thinking "It is just one glass of wine" I will let them parent my guys for a few days and see what "just one glass" can do, being mentally retarded is the least of their problems
I would "know" this because I am currently pregnant and my doctor said that any food made with alcohol that is cooked (like the soup) would be fine.

It takes a LOT more alcohol than even one drink at an occasional dinner to do damage to the fetus. I realize you are watching out for children, but my doc said alcohol is safe in teeny amounts during pregnancy. They just go over the top and say none at all now so that THEY won't get sued. Common sense leads to healthy babies when it comes to alcohol.

I have seen many babies born with just one glass of wine and they were all fine. The only ones I have met that had fetal alcohol syndrome took a LOT more than one teeny drink.

Sorry I think you are being WAY over reacting on this. If the parents of the children you adopted claimed to have only one drink, I'll call them liars.
and you know this because?

I have 2 adopted kids who can thank their disabilities on someone who thought alcohol wouldn't affect a fetus. No one knows how much or when consumed causes the trouble, so why court trouble at all?

I don't know about the food questions, but for anyone thinking "It is just one glass of wine" I will let them parent my guys for a few days and see what "just one glass" can do, being mentally retarded is the least of their problems

actually thats just untrue...especially in Europe drinking in moderation is perfectly acceptable during pregnancy. I drank a glass on wine on several occasions during both of my pregnancies and both are my children are perfectly healthy...I'm truly sorry your children have adverse effects from FAS...but a small amount of alcohol in moderation does NOT cause FAS.
Just because something is acceptable doesn't mean its healthy and especially for a preganant or nursing mother. I am surprised that Drs are telling patients that any amount of alcohol is OK. That can't be a smart move for their mal practice insurance rates. All they need is for one of those babies to have issues and the mother can say, we'll Doc decide the payout.

At the end of the day you're about to be a mother. Make a decision and trust YOUR judgement. You will be doing this for another life for a long time to come, so start now. Sometimes your decisions may not be the best, but they are your decisions and your outcomes. I wish you well in deciding and don't think you owe me or anyone else an answer. Its a private matter and you needn't be judged by us. :thumbsup2

Have a great trip to WDW and be sure to hit a buffet or two. You're a momma to be, gotta satisfy those cravings and keep you full!
In a way all of the posters on this board are correct. Here is some info from

How Much Alcohol Is Too Much?
It's clear that abusing alcohol during pregnancy is dangerous, but what about the occasional drink? How much alcohol constitutes too much during pregnancy?

No evidence exists that can determine exactly how much alcohol ingestion will produce birth defects. Individual women process alcohol differently. Other factors vary the results, too, such as the age of the mother, the timing and regularity of the alcohol ingestion, and whether the mother has eaten any food while drinking.

Although full-blown FAS is the result of chronic alcohol use during pregnancy, FAE and ARND may occur with only occasional or binge drinking.

Because alcohol easily passes the placental barrier and the fetus is less equipped to eliminate alcohol than its mother, the fetus tends to receive a high concentration of alcohol, which lingers longer than it would in the mother's system.

Mothers who drink during the first trimester of pregnancy have kids with the most severe problems because that is when the brain is developing. The connections in the baby's brain don't get made properly when alcohol is present. Of course, in the early months, many women don't even know they're pregnant.

It's important for women who are thinking about becoming pregnant to adopt healthy behaviors before they get pregnant.

Women who abstain from alcohol in early pregnancy may feel comfortable drinking in the final months. But some of the most complex developmental stages in the brain occur in the second and third trimesters, a time when the nervous system can be greatly affected by alcohol. Even moderate alcohol intake, and especially periodic binge drinking, can seriously damage a developing nervous system.

Prevention Is the Key
FAS can be completely prevented by not drinking any alcohol during pregnancy.

Here is the link

That being said, I personally would not worry about the small amount of alcohol left after cooking in things like the cheese soup
I have a Disney cookbook with recipes from the Disney chefs.

The recipe from LeCellier for the cheese soup does not list beer as an ingredient.

I would double check when you get there before ordering.
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