My Not So Very Merry Christmas Trip

Which is worse

  • Getting your foot broken by an electric scooter at AK

    Votes: 35 43.8%
  • Your kid barfing on all her clothing at AK

    Votes: 5 6.3%
  • Having a temp of 102 at AK

    Votes: 8 10.0%
  • Having a torn retina at AK

    Votes: 39 48.8%
  • Missing your fast pass for FOP

    Votes: 12 15.0%

  • Total voters


Oh Boy!
Sep 30, 2008
Here now and having our worst park day ever. I blame the rose gold Mickey ears because it's been all downhill since I got them.

Hubby is here for a conference but he left early because we had an afternoon fast pass for FOP. After waiting for 70 minutes for a bus from Dolphin to AK we walked around, took a photo, used mobile ordering (fantastic!) to get a Flame tree lunch. Then we Tried to buy a gift at a shop but the registers were down. Next, we headed over to watch Finding Nemo. We had great seats next to a friendly, talkative couple that made waiting for the show a lot of fun.

Five minutes before showtime my left eye field of vision suddenly started to rapidly develop what seemed to be thick black floaters. (Although I now think it was blood.) my vision looked as if someone took the fattest black marker you can imagine and started to just randomly make huge marks on a piece of paper until it was 30 percent covered.

We ducked out a side entrance and walked toward first aid while I called my eye surgeon's office (with one eye -little monsters inc joke for ya) and told the receptionist what I was experiencing. I had a torn retina last August as well as recent vitreous detachments. So, my best guess is that I have another tear and what I saw was moving blood. Within 10 minutes, the black streaks dissipated and it now looks like millions of tiny dots. My vision in that eye is like looking through a thin black veil.

Anyway, first aid has no eye equipment but they were kind enough to let us sit there until my eye surgeon could call me back with advice.

We waited about an hour and then, suddenly, numerous families with vomiting and feverish kids (and one kid whose foot was probably broken when he was run over by a motorized scooter) started to stream in. No pun intended. So, yeah we cleared out and basically bathed ourselves in wet ones wipes. Still waiting on the call, we walked back to FOP, as we were in the fast pass window. I was hopeful the Dr would say, "yeah, just have fun. Enjoy the attraction. Come see me Monday."

Nope. He gave me the number of an eye surgery center and told me to get there ASAP.

After being on hold with them for about an hour, during which we grabbed a cab, hoping they'd take me right away, I was told they can't take me until tomorrow morning and to chill at the hotel and take it easy until then.

We have 4 day park hoppers and party tix for Thursday. So far, we burned through one park day at HS last night when we arrived.
And we used up one park day to wait on a bus, split a lunch, not buy a gift and watch frazzled parents cope with barfing and miserable children. Seriosly, not one attraction or show.

Tomorrow I see the doc at 10. Hopefully, we can make the party. But the last time I had a procedure I had to take it easy for 48 hours. That pretty much gets us to the airport.

I just had to share with people who would know how much it sucks to lose that fast pass, the park days, the party. And, oh yeah, maybe part of my vision. At least we aren't barfing. Yet.

Now to keep us on topic...what strategies would you use to occupy yourself the rest of this unlucky trip?

Also, does anyone know how long my remaining two park days from my Stars and Stripes military ticket will be valid? ☹️
Wow! No advice. I hope you get clearance from the dr tomorrow so you can enjoy what's left of your vacation. So sorry to hear about the eye issue. Good luck (get rid of the rose gold ears)!
Like you I've had a few vitreous detachments. Three, I think.

So far, I haven't had a detachment. Fingers crossed, prayers sent.

I'm so sorry that this has happened at Disney. I hope it is something that they can fix quickly. Get that laser out and zap it back in place and send you on your way.
I'm so sorry. What terrible timing! I hope your eye surgery goes well. I can't imagine what a huge disappointment this must feel like.
Wow- my advice is to ditch those Mickey ears asap!!
In having eye issues myself, I really feel for you. I hope you get good news from the eye specialist.
So sorry this had to happen at Disney!
I am wishing for you much deserved pixie dust pixiedust:
Omg, you poor thing! i had optic neuritis last year so i have an idea about you're going through. it truly is no fun. praying your surgery goes well!
Have your husband go to concierge (or guest services) and explain what happened. When I had to go to the ER last trip and we missed a day's worth of FP, they gave us 3 extra for the next day. They may be able to do something magical for you as well, I hope?
Oh no! I'm so sorry.

For your tickets, they should be good for 14 days from yesterday. BUT, I wouldn't hesitate to contact Disney Guest Relations. Maybe try at the concierge, though I don't know if Dolphin counts as having a Disney guest relations on site. I would guess they will try to help you out as much as they can!
Definitely make someone at Disney aware of what happened (Concierge is fine, but Guest Services would be good too). They aren't obligated to do anything, but they have a good track record of trying to help in situations like this. Do give them the opportunity.

Best of luck with the eye issue. Take care of yourself. So sorry this interfered with your Disney trip!
I'm sorry. We had a trip from hell once due to illness (flu) and it's such a crummy feeling. I hope your eye is better soon
I'm so sorry! I know it is frustrating and disappointing!!
I hope all is better soon.
I'm not sure what kinds of things you can do to occupy yourself but maybe since you are staying at the Dolphin you could walk around the Boardwalk if you are feeling up to it??
oh my god! :crazy2::rotfl:

I'm not laughing at you, but at me...I was sitting here feeling sorry for myself that our recent, big "every 3 year" visit to WDW didn't really go well, but compared to your experience, it was the best trip ever!!!

I'm so sorry about this, hopefully you can get your eye fixed without permanent damage.

Can you drink? If so, DRINK!

Just kidding, but...
I’m so very sorry for what you are going through. How awful! I hope all goes well at the eye doctor tomorrow.
Nope. He gave me the number of an eye surgery center and told me to get there ASAP.

After being on hold with them for about an hour, during which we grabbed a cab, hoping they'd take me right away, I was told they can't take me until tomorrow morning and to chill at the hotel and take it easy until then.


Having had one detached retina that needed a scleral buckle, and another retina that simply tore and was able to be treated with a laser: Please oh PLEASE heed this advice and take it easy! Stay in your hotel room lying flat on your back until you leave for the eye surgeon — anything to keep that retina from beginning to detach. You do not, I repeat, DO NOT want to need a scleral buckle. First, it is a major surgery with a long recovery time, and second, it will probably end your vacation immediately by forcing you to go home to have the surgery. After mine, I was not permitted to fly, or even drive through mountains for six weeks due to the gas that was injected into my eye to hold the retina in place until it sealed. Taking it easy for two days after a laser procedure is a walk in the park compared to getting a scleral buckle. It is a real bummer of a thing to happen on vacation, but it could be so much worse.

Edit to add: Also, please don’t drink or eat anything after midnight in case you need any kind of anesthesia.

Sorry to sound so dire, but having been through both types off retina repair, that is the truly very best advice I can give.

Wishing you the best, and hoping that by this time tomorrow you will be enjoying a nice meal or watching the kids swim after you have had a successful laser procedure. ((Hugs!!!))
We just got back from a similar trip. It started with a 3-hour flight delay causing us to arrive at the hotel at 2 a.m. Later that day, we were sitting in the middle of dinner at Jiko, and I had an "attack." I had been having what I thought was gall bladder attacks before the trip and have been through numerous tests but they can't find what's wrong with me. I had to leave halfway through the meal, went to the room, and threw up until 1 a.m. I finally felt better and went to sleep. Two hours later, I woke to my DH sitting on the side of the bed. I asked him if everything was ok. His response was no. He proceeded to tell me he was having a pain deep in the right side of his back. He has lots of kidney stones, but he said it wasn't the same kind of pain. After all of the family having emergency appendectomies and all of us having different symptoms, I became worried about his appendix. I called my insurance company and found the closest in-network hospital and then went to the front desk to find out about transportation since we fly (which we NEVER do--literally first time without a car). Disney was wonderful and paid for a taxi to take us to and from the hospital. He had a CAT scan and they couldn't find anything. The doctor thought he might be getting shingles since he had just had knee surgery. She prescribed pain meds and meds for shingles if he ever broke out (he never did). We got back to the room at 7 a.m. and went back to sleep. Interestingly enough, we made it to Epcot by 10 a.m. for Food & Wine. It's a good thing we don't drink though because he was on some pretty powerful pain meds and wouldn't have been able to consume alcohol. He was groggy and dizzy and remained in some pain the rest of the trip, but he made the best of it. We had planned to take it slow due to the knee surgery; we just had to slow down even more. I was just very thankful that we didn't lose any park days because tickets are so expensive. OP, I hope you get some good news and can salvage some of your trip. Best of luck to you!
Definitely make someone at Disney aware of what happened (Concierge is fine, but Guest Services would be good too). They aren't obligated to do anything, but they have a good track record of trying to help in situations like this. Do give them the opportunity.

Best of luck with the eye issue. Take care of yourself. So sorry this interfered with your Disney trip!

This. Absolutely contact someone at Disney. We got struck with the stomach bug at Disney and I talked to the resort manager (and later Disney customer service) to explain the situation and to praise the kind hotel staff who cleaned our room (carpet and all) at 7am. Let’s just say we got some pixie dust that I was not expecting and was very welcome. I hope your eye issue gets cleared up super fast.
Meanestmomever, I’m so sorry this happened to you, especially at WDW. :hug:
OP, I'm so sorry you had this happen while at Disney. I hope your vision is going to be ok!

I agree with the advice to let someone at Disney know. We were there in Sept and my dd, who has a chronic illness, was pretty bad off for about half the trip and she & I lost a park day while at urgent care (my dh took our other kids). Then we had to cut our trip short cause of Irma. Anyways, I wish we had let someone know what had happened. Even them giving her a Mickey balloon or dole whip would have made up for what she lost. Not that it was Disney's fault, cause it wasn't, but just the most rotten timing ever.

We did also have to visit the first aid clinic at AK and I cannot say enough nice things about the male nurse there. I wish I knew his name. He went above and beyond for my dd.
You win the "topper" award. I am so very sorry to hear about your potential vision loss. I pray that the issue is repairable and that you make a complete recovery...


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