My New Adventure from Pooh-sized to Pint-sized

Sep 14, 2007
Hello:wave: I'm FortWildernessLoopy and I am going to get in shape (other than round).

While I am in fact a bit larger than Pooh-sized, amazingly enough, with the exception of my asthma and apnea, I am extremely healthy now (what brought me here). That's right, I'm morbidly obese and I have low cholesterol, low blood pressure, a perfectly sound heart and tumor free:thumbsup2. My biggest issue is the inability to do what I want. I can't even touch my toes. I can't actually SEE my toes, but I'm pretty sure they're there and much too far away. I know how I gained the weight and I know why I want to lose it. I also know how I'm going to DO IT!

My dad is a big guy. I am not just referring to weight though. He was 6'7" and close to 400 lbs when he had gastric bypass. After his surgery, he told me (and I observed) how very little we are actually supposed to be eating. Portion control will be huge with me (pardon my pun, lol).

Here is how I am going to lose 150lb.

1. I'm going to stop using anything with artificial sweeteners


3. Exercise in the evening and when I watch a movie or surf the internet, watch/surf it while walking in place on my Wii fit

4. Make fitness fun and not another chore! I will dance, walk around Disney, swim, and sex my way into my skinny jeans.

5. Keep a journal of what I eat and be honest about it. If I fall, I won't give up. I'll continue and do better the next time.

6. My body is naturally curvy. I will not set a goal to look like Twiggy when my body was built like Sophia Loren. I will embrace my womanly curves as being what they are, scorchin' hot :rotfl:

7.Convenience food is only convenient in a storm shelter, otherwise I will make the effort to cook naturally delicious food at home.

8. The majority of my plate will be colorful with a very small spot of carbs if any at all. I am not successful with carb free, but my carbs will be whole grains or the occasional skin-on tater.

9. I will lean on my support system when I need them the most and realize I cannot do this without help. My DH is dieting and exercising with me which will be half the battle.

10. Comfort food is like an abusive boyfriend to me. I know it's horrible for me, but for some reason I just keep going back. Time to break off that unhealthy relationship once and for all! Instead of reaching for food, I need to recognize what got me stressed/upset in the first place and deal with it.

Your welcome to lurk and see how I'm doing. I expect there will be days when this is not going to be the happiest journal on Earth, but it's a journey and I'm going to make it to the end!
I love your journal's title "Pooh sized to pint size" is brilliant. Do you mind if I follow along?

Thank you! and feel free. I think I'll be updating once a week. I'm keeping my food journal and until now, never realized what I ate. Seriously. If you asked me, i would mention what I could remember which may have been a sandwich and a few helping at dinner. I seriously want snacks after own personal witching hour :lmao:
Well, I was going to wait until tonight to journal after I weighed in, but I have to go to the doc's later this morning and I figured now is as good a time as any. I knew this was going to be hard, I just didn't realize how much I lie to myself. It's so hard to be honest. While I hate the way I look, I think I actually use my weigh as a combination shield and excuse. "I can't do that, I'm too heavy", "No, I won't fit", "Please don't take my picture, maybe after I lose the weight...".

Let me start by telling you, My DH has been out of work since December when he was laid off. I make ok money but when the unemployment ran out, the belts were tightened further. It sounds like a silly thing to spend money on annual passes, but it's all we will have for entertainment (no movie channels, no dining out, no new clothes or travel) and since Disney has the new payment plan, we can do it (along with no entertainment, our house is paid for, no credit cards or debt, or children). When I get stressed about finances, the state of the country, the future of our social security and our savings, the future in general...I turn to my constant :lovestruc

All this self realization came with an anxiety attack this morning. I was halfway to the kitchen before I even realized what I was doing and why. I was fixin to eat the pain away. Exactly what am I waiting for? I've become a shut in without realizing it. I telecommute so I work from home. I never leave it. My DH goes to the store and almost everything else I can do right here on my trusty computer. I don't want to be seen this heavy, so I'm not. I've turned my fat into my own, squishy, prison.

Anorexic and bulemics, I'm told, often become that way because in this crazy world, their weight/eating is the one thing they can take control over. Why doesn't it work that way for me? Why can't I take control over my body? I am certainly not stating that I want to be anorexic/bulemic, but I want to know why control over my body seems to be something I just can't seem to empower myself to do. I give up so easily.

OK, enough of the self pity and rambling, I just wanted to write it down so in the future I can look back and see what is triggering these "need to eat something" moments. BTW, I did not give in and eat anything.:yay:

After my appointment this morning, I am going to take the rest of the day as a sick day, and grab my wii and have some fun! I was going to say go to the beach, but there was a shark sighting yesterday and I don't swim that fast:rolleyes:. It's time to shake this booty into shape!!! I want to be able to get from Space mountain to Splash mountain without having to stop and rest, lol.
First I want to say that your title is AWESOME! I think this is going to be a great journal! good luck on your journey.

That's right, I'm morbidly obese and I have low cholesterol, low blood pressure, a perfectly sound heart and tumor free:thumbsup2. My biggest issue is the inability to do what I want. I can't even touch my toes. I can't actually SEE my toes, but I'm pretty sure they're there and much too far away. I know how I gained the weight and I know why I want to lose it. I also know how I'm going to DO IT!

Well, I am not healthy, as I nearly died last year from blood clots (not exagerating, ended up in the ICU on the ventilator). So in addition to that I totally get about not being able to do what I want. and I HATE IT!
That is so true! Isn't it amazing how much you think is a portion until you measure it out!

3. Exercise in the evening and when I watch a movie or surf the internet, watch/surf it while walking in place on my Wii fit
How in the world do you surf the net while walking?
4. Make fitness fun and not another chore! I will dance, walk around Disney, swim, and sex my way into my skinny jeans.
I wish I was close to Disney to be able to walk around there... you are a lucky lady! That is so smart to make it fun.

5. Keep a journal of what I eat and be honest about it. If I fall, I won't give up. I'll continue and do better the next time.

I hope to be inspired to do this, I set this as a goal, but I think I haven't been able to be honest to myself yet.
6. My body is naturally curvy. I will not set a goal to look like Twiggy when my body was built like Sophia Loren. I will embrace my womanly curves as being what they are, scorchin' hot :rotfl:

Way to go! Bet your DH loves your curves...:banana:

9. I will lean on my support system when I need them the most and realize I cannot do this without help. My DH is dieting and exercising with me which will be half the battle.

We are your support too! I love how WISH wants everyone to succeed in their weight loss efforts. Lean on us as you need. :hug:

10. Comfort food is like an abusive boyfriend to me. I know it's horrible for me, but for some reason I just keep going back. Time to break off that unhealthy relationship once and for all! Instead of reaching for food, I need to recognize what got me stressed/upset in the first place and deal with it.

Oh my gosh, you worded that so perfectly. It is horrible... why do we keep going back?

Your welcome to lurk and see how I'm doing. I expect there will be days when this is not going to be the happiest journal on Earth, but it's a journey and I'm going to make it to the end!

I hope you don't mind me quoting you and adding my comments. I see alot of myself in your comments, and I responded to them, but this is your journal and I want to support you how you want.

It really is hard, but you are doing a great job by writing your thoughts here, working through everything. Being aware is 1/2 the battle. Finances can be so stressful. sound like you are doing pretty good, house paid off, no credit, no debt... that is outstanding and be proud of that. Don't give up on yourself, you are too important! I hope you got your time in with the Wii. It is always so much fun to dance, and enjoy yourself! speaking of the Wii and dancing... do you have the game "just Dance" for the wii? If you like to dance, it is alot of fun!


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