My Goal --- To BQ some day. Next attempt Fall 2013

David, best of luck to you. Sounds like you have found a plan that works for you and is putting you on the road to success :). That's by far the most important thing...finding something that works for you! I know there are as many philosophies out there in terms of training as there are miles in a marathon, if not more. It's confusing to wade through all the information. As a fitness professional cross-training is my job of course it's unavoidable for me. And LOL...I am by no means in your league or even hope to be accomplished in running (meaning, I won't qualify for Boston ever). I am simply amazed at those who can run 80 or 100 miles per week, it's so far beyond my comprehension :worship: .

I'm currently following a Runners World Smart-Coach plan which will hopefully help me run a respectable, albeit slow, Half Marathon in October. I'm pretty much always Half-Marathon ready with my current mileage and fitness level, however I'm hoping that speed work and two pseudo long runs per week will help me run a solid race on the hilly course. :)

Take care and have some great runs this week!!! :thumbsup2

I'm currently following a Runners World Smart-Coach plan which will hopefully help me run a respectable, albeit slow, Half Marathon in October. I'm pretty much always Half-Marathon ready with my current mileage and fitness level, however I'm hoping that speed work and two pseudo long runs per week will help me run a solid race on the hilly course. :)

Take care and have some great runs this week!!! :thumbsup2

Wow, that is cool that you are a fitness professional. Good luck with your race in October. I am not familiar with the Smart-Coach plans. Have you looked at Hal Higdon's site? He has plans for all races and all fitness levels. I used one of his plans for my first marathon and I was very pleased. Got me to the starting line healthy and I ran an evenly paced race.
Hi David
Those nombers are impressive.I was wondering what do you eat after your long runs-any bars or drinks?Or do you have breakfast,I know you run early in the a.m.

It is nice to see you have hooked up here with Amy she is our fitness guru.Having done the Goofy last year she is quite an inspiration around here with her fitness abilities.

Have a great one,


Most morning I just have a bagel, english muffin, or toast with peanut butter. I have a different routine for my Sunday long run. When I get back I drink a chocolate diet shake with a 4/1 carb/protein ratio. Not the low carb shakes. I buy Walmarts knockoff version of Slim-fast's shakes.

I really don't feel like eating much right after a long run. Then about lunch time I cook a big breakfast for my wife and I. Bacon, eggs, biscuits, and grits. I try to take in about 1200 calories.
Thanks David tons of great info.My Myoplex shakes look like they may be OK for now but when I start to really add on miles for the full I will need to look at the others.

The site also had great info on hill training which is needed for the 1/2 in Oct. that a few of us here are doing.

Thanks again,
Do you use a Garmin? If not how do you know your pace out there- you know like in the OLD days before all this tecty stuff?

I use the Polar RS800SD. It uses a footpod for distance. Polar also makes it with GPS but I think the footpod is more accurate. Plus it can track my cadence and stride length. The Polar HR monitor and software are great. I also wear it as my everyday watch.

I have HR and Pace data for over 4 years now. It is very helpful to look at while I am getting back in shape.
This was week 1 of 18 on my marathon plan. The goal mileage was 64 miles. So it was a cutback week from base building the last few weeks. I was hoping to push the pace with the lower mileage but still keep my Average Heart Rate below 140. My max HR is 184.

Sun 15.0 miles, 8:41 average pace, 139 average HR
Mon 6.6 m, 9:02 p, 138 HR
Tue 10.4 m, 8:44 p, 141 HR including 8x100 strides
Wed 9.8 m, 8:56 p, 141 HR
Thu 8.7 m, 8:52 p, 140 HR including 8x100 strides
Fri 7.3 m, 8:56 p, 139 HR
Sat 6.5 m, 8:56 p, 140 HR

Total 64.3 miles, 8:50 average pace, 139 average HR

I might be a little worn out. My HR was higher and my pace a little slower then I had wanted. I don't feel like I made any progress this week.

The mileage next week will be the same 64 miles. The week after will be 56 miles. The lower mileage should freshen up my legs. I have my first Tempo run scheduled for tomorrow. Since I don't know what kind of race shape I am in I will have to run it by Heart Rate and feel instead of shooting for a certain pace. I will keep my Heart Rate in the 160-168 range. I am a little nervous. I haven't run fast since November. Not sure how fast I will go.

Weight was the same this week.

I had my first Tempo run today. Week 2 Phase 2 of Daniels' plan. I haven't run a mile faster then 8:15 since last November. I had been nervous about this run for a couple of weeks. Since I didn't know what kind of shape I was in I planned on running it by feel and HR. The forecast for this morning was 65 degrees. When I walked out the door it was 73 degrees with light rain. :confused:

I ran the tempo miles on a rolling bike path that has the mileage marked. Ran 3 miles easy to warm up then ran 3 miles at Tempo effort. Mile 1- 6:49,165 HR /Mile 2- 6:53, 168 HR /Mile 3- 6:59, 170 HR / Then a 4 mile cool down. My max HR is 184.

I am very happy. I wouldn't have been surprised if I had been 30-45 seconds slower. I was pushing the upper limits of my tempo HR but it was hot and very humid. The pace felt fast but relaxed. It didn't feel like a VO2max effort.

Just finished Week 2 of Phase 2 of my Marathon plan. This week was supposed to be 64 miles. I was also adding a Quality ( Q1 ) workout this week. Q1 for this week was a 3 mile Tempo run. In Phase 3 I will have 2 Quality workouts a week ( Q1 and Q2 ).

Sun Q1 10.0 miles, 8:15 avg pace, 149 avg Heart Rate. This included 3 Tempo miles. Mile 1 6:49, 165 HR // Mile 2 6:53, 168 HR // Mile 3 6:59, 170 HR

Mon 7.5 miles, 9:07 pace, 134 HR Recovery Run
Tue 9.2 miles, 9:07 pace, 135 HR Recovery Run
Wed 8.2 miles, 9:08 pace, 134 HR Recovery Run
Thu 9.5 miles, 8:46 pace 137
Fri AM 10.9 miles, 8:52 pace, 136 HR
Fri PM 3.3 miles, 9:05 pace, 131 HR Recovery Run
Sat 6.5 miles, 8:38 pace, 139 HR

Total 65.1 miles, 8:50 average pace, 137 average HR

It was a good week. The Tempo run was faster then I expected. My leg was very sore so I just ran very slow until it felt better. By Saturday I was feeling back to normal.

Weight stayed the same again this week. 148 pounds, still have 10 to go.

Next week is another cutback week. The plan calls for 56 miles.

Sounds like you are right on track David.Sorry to hear about your leg.It is the pits when something hurts and you know you need to be out there.

I know you probably said before but are you doing a marathon soon?Your miles look high to just be starting a plan.I am not a pro but just asking.

Have a great one,
The Kiawah Marathon isn't until December 6th. I don't like to increase mileage while I am increasing intensity. That is why I like to be running close to the max mileage for the marathon plan before I start the plan. I averaged 71 mpw for the 6 weeks before I started the plan. Base building with just easy running, no speed work.

So the first few weeks of the marathon plan I am actually dropping my mileage as I add some speed work. So many people get hurt by adding mileage and speed work at the same time.

At least that is my plan. Hopefully my body will go along with it. :)

Hey David,
How is it going? Still warm down there I hear.I think we have seen a touch of fall here.

How is the tempo training going?

Hi Linda,

Thanks for asking. Last week it took me 4 days to recover from my Tempo run. My leg was really sore. So this week I decided to slow the Tempo pace down to Marathon Pace effort to see if my leg would handle it better.

On Sunday I ran 20 mins Easy, then ran 5 x 5 mins MP effort with 1 min Easy between, then I ran 60 mins Easy. Averaged about 7:40 pace on the intervals and finished with a total of 13.1 miles, 8:28 pace, and 145 HR.

I could feel my hamstring while I was running but I recovered much better then last week. I was able to run normally the next day. I will probably run the next couple of Tempo workouts at MP then speed them back up to Tempo effort and see if I can handle it better.

Over all it has been a great week. My Easy pace has really improved. I ran 7.9 miles this morning at a 8:35 average pace with an average HR of 137. That is about 30 seconds per mile faster then I was running at the same Heart Rate just a few weeks ago.

This was a good week for me. The plan called for 56 miles. 15 weeks to go. My Max HR is 184.

Sun 4.9 miles, 9:10 average pace, 128 average Heart Rate

Mon Q1 20 mins Easy, then 5 x 5 mins Marathon Pace with 1 min recovery, then 60 mins Easy. 13.1 miles, 8:28 average pace, 145 average HR

Tue 8.1 miles, 8:53 avg pace, 132 HR
Wed 10.1 miles, 8:41 avg pace, 138 HR
Thu 7.9 miles, 8:35 avg pace, 137 HR
Fri 8.0 miles, 8:45 avg pace, 134 HR
Sat 4.1 miles, 8:55 avg pace, 132 HR

Total 56.2 miles, 8:43 avg pace, 135 avg HR

The mileage is paying off. My easy pace is really starting to improve. Next the two weeks I will be running 72 miles each week.

Sounds like a busy week.Wish I could say the same.I think I did wait too long to change my sneakers.I can't get rid of the shin splints I have- they get better but then return.Any advice besides rest?Had an xray-doesn't look like a fracture.

Keep going, David! I came here to get encouragement for my long run tomorrow. 12 miles! Yikes! It will be my longest to date. You are a MACHINE!

I notice you don't take a rest day. Reasoning?
Linda - Slow the pace down and take Ibuprofen after running and before going to bed. They don't call it "runners candy" for nothing. :)

3DisneyKids - I will take a day off if I feel an injury coming on. I have now run 10 weeks straight. I have been running for years so my body can take the pounding. It took years of running to be able to do it. A rest day for me is just a run much slower and shorter then my regular days. I call them recovery runs.

Another key is that I run my easy pace very easy. I see lots of people running at their 1/2 marathon pace all the way to their 5K pace all the time. For example I averaged 8:43 pace last week. I am pretty sure that I am in shape right now to run a 5K at 6:15-6:20 pace, a 10K 6:40-6:45 pace, and a 1/2 in 7:00-7:10 pace.

Thanks for the encouragement, and please let me know if you have any more questions or comments.



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