My daughter called crying


<font color=FF00CC>Pixie Dust can even make a mood
Oct 16, 2001
told me that she was not re-elected as president of a club at high school for next year. What should I say to her to make her feel better?
Maybe that now she'll have time to do another activity that she was avoiding since the club was taking up a lot of her time?

She shouldn't take it personally - although it will be hard for her not to.

Just try and bring out some positive things.

{{{hugs}}} to her and you.

Whenever my DD gets passed up on something, I always tell her that means something better is waiting in the wings. It may not happen tomorrow or next week, but to be patient, because it's coming. And you know what? It always does.:D
I would think of several successes that she has had and remind her that no body wins in everything they try to do. It's hard to watch your child face these disappointments though, isn't it?
Boy- I could use suggestions, too. My DD is a freshman in High school and loves music and art. Unfortunately, she has the choir teacher from H-E-double toothpicks who plays favorites. Erin is stuck in the "lower" choir because of her honors course schedule- but her best friend is in the "good" choir. Her best friend has become the freshman teacher's pet for the choir teacher. Erin is in the chorus for the Sound of Music production, her best friend has a great part. No fault of the friend, just a better "brown noser" and lucky! We are trying to get DD to take art classes (as much as I hate to say it, since "art majors never leave home", she is really, really talented at art). Won't take our advice and is miserable! Help! Any suggestions for getting teens through these difficult "rejection" years?

(and I thought it would be EASIER when they were out of diapers!)
It is so very tough at times when the kids get 'hurt', especially their feeling, pride and egos. Good advice above, we have used it also, but it still hurts at the time.
Jodi, I just went through this with DD who lost an Honor Society election. (Long story, not just a loss.) I felt nearly as bad as she did. I don't know what you can say to her except to be a shoulder to cry on. And, the sadness does pass with time.
Val- "art majors never leave home" Whoa, wait a minute! My son was due to graduate from colllege this May with a degree in Computer Science. In the middle of his Junior year he took a semester off because he wasn't sure if he really wanted to continue in the Computer Science program. He went back to school last September and decided he wanted to take a lot of art courses. He has always been good at drawing, and now he feels this is the area of study for him.

He commutes to the local University, so he really hasn't left home at all. Now you're telling me he may NEVER leave! Ahhhhhhhhhh!

He is a good kid, but we're hoping he'll eventually complete his FOUR years of college and move on with his life. I saw a magnet the other day that made me think of him- It had a picture of a young man on it and he was saying- "Yeah, college was the best seven years of my life." Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! :rolleyes:
I was an art major - don't worry, they don't stay home forever!
We are trying to get DD to take art classes (as much as I hate to say it, since "art majors never leave home", she is really, really talented at art).

I left home at age 17 to be an art major, and never went back home after I graduated. I've always made my living in the arts.

Jodi1980, its so hard when our kids suffer disappointments. I would just continue to encourage her and remind her of her past encouragements. You can't make the hurt go away completely, but you can help ease the pain of not being re-elected.


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