My 18th Bday DLP trip - day 1

Princess Aurora45

May 26, 2003
The day didn't start as well as I wanted. Firstly my alarm didn't go off, and I woke up around 6:40, just before my mum came in. We had to be out of the house at 8, but at 7:40, mum still hadn't finished packing (I finished the night before) nor had she been in the shower. We finally left the house at 8:10 and my brother drove us to Waterloo so we could catch the 9:37 eurostar all the way to Disney. We got ther with plenty of time to spare, or so we thought. After collecting the tickets and lining up to check in, we noticed that the only train going to disney left in 10 MINS!!! It was leaving at 9:18 not 9:37. How were we going to get throught everything and on our train in time? Luckly my dad told some one what had happened (we had been told by the travel agent that the train left at 9:37). I dont know what here name was so i will call her Sarah (which means princess). She got us through in 4 mins, we got on the train just before the doors shut.

The train took 3 hrs. It was so slow. We finally arrived at around 1:30. Once we left the building to catch the bus to our hotel the heat just hit you.

We were staying at the Disneyland Hotel New York. We want to stay in the Disneyland Hotel, but it was full. This hotel is lovely, the design is NY in the 30s. We spent 90 mins unpacking and watching the disney channel which kept switching from English to French. At 3:30 we left the hotel and walked into the Disney Village (everything is conected - It is around a 5 min walk to the parks throught the Disney Village) to have luch. We decided that we would go to Planet Hollywood and save the Rainforest until my Bday. The food was lovely, I had a classic Cheeseburger and Fries. Our waiter was really nice dad kept asking him qu about all the props and did they have 7 of 9s costume (for those of you who dont know, she is from Star Trek Voyager, and wears tight costumes). After lunch we decided to head back to the hotel, as it was just to hot to do anything. We went back through the shops. At check in my parents said I could have a charge card as well - bad idea. I think I did pretty well. I only spen 29 euros on 4 pins and postcards. Once back me and dad went for a swim in the htels pool. It was cool when you got in, but soon warmed up. We were in there fore around and hr, until I said that I couldn't see (I didn't have my glasses with me).

Finally at 7pm we head into the Disneyland park. After a quick stop at Euporium to get sun glasses for dad we went to Frontierland to ride the HM. I kept having to tell them to slow down and smell the roses. I think they really aprecated it afterwards, as they spoted so many things, like the pictures that change after you have left the lift. I was explaining how ever thing worked and how they created all the illusions. The next place was thunder Mt. I was never a big fan of this ride, but this time it seemed much faster and longer. My opinion certainly changed after that. Mum is a big fan of POTC, so that was where we were headed next. Unfortunatly I lead them into a dead end (well I didn't have a map and it was dark) so we decided to ride the train and walk from Fantasy land to Adventure Land. I never noticed the train pass through the ride before - my stop and smell the roses idea was working. POTC was alway a fave, but again it seemed different. I could of sworn that the 1st drop wasn't as big or that you you got alot wetter.

We wanted to go back into Fantasyland but every path was bloked by a CM, so we ended up by Thunder Mt. The line was only 5 mins long, so back on we went. By the time we had finished up on that it was 10, so left before the parade started (they have a new night time one). None of us fanced trying to fight are way through the crowd on Main St. so we followed some ppl, through a short cut that brought us out by City Hall. I took this opitunity to ask if they did Birthday badges - They dont, oh well, at least I have the one I made.

Onces back at the hotel, it was into the bar to have a drink, I had a Vanilla Coke, which was so refreshing. Then it was up to bed for a good nights sleep (not so good for me).

Tomorrow - MY 18th :D


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