MUPPETS Birthday Party Ideas


DIS Veteran
Oct 2, 2006
I'm doing a Muppets themed party for DS2's 3rd birthday. I found some really cute lollipop molds on the internet and was inspired. We are known in our circle of friends of throwing over the top parties. I can usually visualize what I want to do as far as decorations, games, cake (I'm a cake designer), favors, etc. This time I'm nearly clueless. I know I will have a hard time finding Muppets stuff seeing as the new movie is not scheduled to come out until Christmas. Any ideas? Has anyone on here thrown a Muppets party?
Some activity ideas:

Do a bean bag (small red ball) toss at a picture of Fonzy (tomoatoes throwing)

For drinks get the indivuidual packets you can add to water (koolaid makes some) and they can pretend to be Bunsen mixing up a formula

I will have to think more for others it has been years since I watched any muppet stuff.

A Muppets party! That is such a cool idea! The cake could be in the shape of the 'Muppet Show' logo? They could always decorate biscuits with their favourite character?
What about since the kids are so young they might not think about it...
Hide and Seek type game where they have to find the "key" which is of course under a rug....
OP, have you had the birthday party yet? I would LOVE to see pictures! I also would love to do my DS's 3rd birthday party in the Muppets theme. Of course, his birthday is in December, but I'd love to collect ideas. I'm hoping since the movie comes out in November, Muppet themed items will be more available.

Anyone else have any ideas?
OP, have you had the birthday party yet? I would LOVE to see pictures! I also would love to do my DS's 3rd birthday party in the Muppets theme. Of course, his birthday is in December, but I'd love to collect ideas. I'm hoping since the movie comes out in November, Muppet themed items will be more available.

Anyone else have any ideas?

I actually put off some of my planning because I've been so busy lately. I am a cake designer and have been swamped with end of the school year orders. DS's bday is July 1 and we're hoping to have it the second weekend in July. With the weather being about 10 degrees hotter right now that average, I may have to rethink some ideas and focus on an indoor party. I will definitely post some updates over the next few weeks once I work out some details.
I'm really curious about ideas too! My son is turning 3 on November 18th and we actually made his bedroom a 'muppet' inspired room when he was an infant. I do hope more party stuff comes out before November, since the movie is scheduled for Thanksgiving weekend.
The party was a success! It was so hot here that I had to come up with a way to incorporate water into the Muppet theme. Otherwise there's no way the kids would stay outside. We turned it into a Muppet Treasure Island Party. We spent several trips at Disney trading pins to get as many Muppet pins as we could. Each one was mounted on Muppet Treasure Island Card I made, put inside a pirate box with some other goodies for the kids. We got a few plush from the Muppet store at the studios to use as decorations. I printed cards for items like Animal's Crackers (animal crackers), Swedish Chef's Meatballs, Miss Piggy's Pigs-in-a-blanket. There were some others but I can't recall what they were at the moment. I made a treasure chest cake, the white chocolate Muppet lollipops, dipped marshmallows, etc. We had fish net and treasure all over the tables. I'll try to attach some pictures. We also did a buried treasure in a sandbox and X marks the spot (pin the tail on the donkey type game).






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