Mummy, Daddy, Nanny, Anna and Poppy go to WDW!

Girls are up all night again DD4 who usually shares twin room with Mum is in with us and has a fever. The girls catch up on their sleep all morning. I do some laundry. My Mum tells us to take DD19mo out for a drive to give DD4 a chance to sleep it off in peace. We go to Florida Mall, we don't have anything to get but DH is still contemplating buying a laptop so we go for a browse. DD loves the M&M shop which we think is hilarious. After a few bargain purchases in the Disney store (two lovely swimming cossies for $12 much nicer than in the parks). I'm worried about DD4 so I'm itching to get back. I'm a great believer in healthy food being important for healing and as everybody's diet hasn't been as good as it should I make a stop at the Publix to get some food for a healthy meal in tonight :idea:
DD4's temperature is becoming hard to manage but she goes to bed happily and not too hot. :sick:
2130 Thunderstorm - DH and I go to bed early too.
So sorry to hear about your daughter being poorly, I hope she is able to shake it off quickly.

Laur's princess:
DD4 still has a fever that is difficult to control despite me giving her both paracetamol and iburofen medicines.
After consulting the in room handbook we decide to take her to the Florida Centra Clinic near the entreance to DTD, it's close by so we all go and arrive there at 9am. DD4 is examined and Doc diagnoses Tonsilitis. She is given an anti-biotic and a cough medicine. They are concerned as we fly on Saturday, so she is given a powerful antibiotic that only required one 5ml dose for three days, the Dr said by tomorrow we will see a massive improvement.
After getting the presciption filled next door we administer the anti-biotics in the back of the car straight away.
Back to the Vistana we're all hungry as we skipped breakie so we go to the pool restaurant for lunch.

Back to the apartment for a rest, after DD4 wakes up she seems 100% better.
Tonight is the last night we have a chance to see Spectromagic and the concensus of opinion is she'll survive if we take both buggies.
Off to the Magic Kingdom we go..................

We arrive at about 4.30 and circuit the park on the train and after going around the circuit we get off at Frontierland. Splash Mountain has a 20 minute wait so Me, DH and DD4 get in line, DH and I agree to this as she seems so much better. Mum takes DD19mo to Tom Sawyer island.
In the end it was less than 20 mins :thumbsup2 we all squish in one seat and DD4 loves it. :cloud9: I'm happy we decided to come out tonight.
It's still pretty hot and we stroll around to Adventureland and get ice lollies (think this will help her throat too) and queue to see the Genie, we get to the front and both girls chicken out and cry! How embarassing! Despite Genie's best effort they weren't having it!
We walk onto Aladdin's Carpets.
DD4 says she is hungry again! Yippee this is great, I hate it when my children go off their food. We eat at the noodle station which was okay, my dish was hot and welcome, I was quite hungry too. The girls ate their mac and cheese with gusto (we've managed to avoid kids meals most of the holiday but they both said they wanted it this time).

We go on Liberty Square riverboat to kill some time before getting in place for Spectromagic.

We watched from in front of the castle near the bridge to Tomorrowland, I recorded Spectro on video so don't have any stills.
I wasn't as keen on it as I thought I would be. Didn't like the lit up face clown types although I thought most of the "characters" were good.
As Wishes was starting straight after and we wanted to watch it one night from under the Castle we decided to stay DD4 was loving it and was really returning to her old self (she spent most of the evening inthe buggy or on her Dad's shoulders). I went to the Plaza ice cream parlour for refreshments - what a mistake, although my sundae was lovely by the time I got back my Mum and DH were having a joke saying perhaps I was Tinkerbell tonight and it was going to be a surprise for them! :lmao:
We all love Wishes and it blew our socks off from under the castle, so much better than down Main Street. :cheer2:
I was surprised how many people left the park after Spectro and didn't stay fo Wishes.:confused3

After such a bad start to the day we had a great evening! :cloud9:
Next day - Seaworld.
so pleased that DD picked up so quickly and you ended up having a great evening:)
isn't it wonderful how quicky kids get better again
where under the castle did you watch wishes from

great reports
never been to US yet still got the tickets that I bought for last year
might make it this time
So pleased that your daughter was feeling better so quickly. I love Spectro - but I am scared of the clown people! I love ice cream from that shop but it is always soooooo busy!

Laur's princess:
isn't it wonderful how quicky kids get better again
where under the castle did you watch wishes from

great reports
never been to US yet still got the tickets that I bought for last year
might make it this time

Near Walt.
We watched it earlier in the holiday from down Main St. outside the sweet shop, we needed to beat a hasty retreat that night as we'd been in the MK 12hours!
The nearer the castle the better in my opinion.
I love Spectro - it was the first thing we saw when we went to MK straight off the plane last year - but those clown people are freaky.

Glad your DD got better.

Sara. :)
Great Trip report! Your pictures are fantastic too!
I am such a sap as I keep getting all teary reading about your little ones enjoying it so much.
I wanted to ready you trip report as my two will be 2 and 1 when we go so I was interested to see how you dealt with them in the parks etc.

Can't wait to read more!
Great Trip report! Your pictures are fantastic too!
I am such a sap as I keep getting all teary reading about your little ones enjoying it so much.
I wanted to ready you trip report as my two will be 2 and 1 when we go so I was interested to see how you dealt with them in the parks etc.

Can't wait to read more!

I am going to post more soon - we have been crazy mad decorators lately and I haven't had much free time:sad1: but it's all over now so I should be back soon :thumbsup2

You'll be okay going with your 1 & 2 year old, if you have any questions about what we did (right or wrong) just PM me....
All the best!


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