Multiple Myeloma, updated 1/26/11

Marsha I haven't been on this board for a while, and now I have I'm stunned, just stunned.
I read all your updates about your Tom, and to be facing this yourself is just beyond what seems tolerable for you and your brave family. There is nothing I can say other than I'm thinking of all of you, and good luck in your journey ahead.
My beloved Daddy got the news of Multiple Myeloma in August of 2003. His was centered in his back. He LIVED with Multiple Myeloma for another 3 and a half years until which he caught a bad case of pneumonia. If you have any questions please ask. You will be in my thoughts.
I know I have been quiet here, but sometimes it is almost more than I can handle..

I do check in and I am reading, just that my heart is heavy with the loss of Tom... 4 months February 1, and then a month later getting diagnosed with multiple myeloma..

Someone asked how did I get diagnosed. I actually had no clue that I was ill, just thought I was worn down with aches and pain, and this is the way this disease operates......until the real pain comes. I always had what I called low back pain, and lived with it, just thought that is where I carry my stress. Then one day, I had pain in my right arm that was so excruciating that I knew it was not normal. I went to the ER of the hospital where Tom always went and the ER doctor was not listening and did not want to bother and just said I was probably having muscle spasms (I had just lost my husband and was under serious stress, he said) radiating into my arm, did not bother to do any blood work or anything and sent me on my way with pain pills and muscle relaxers.. When I got back to my house, an 1 1/2 hour ride, I was in screaming pain. I went to the local hospital, a friend took me I could not drive) where I was adamant that they do an MRI... saying that I have good insurance and if they did not pay I would......they did the MRI and found the MM... the little local Cape hospital while the big Boston hospital could not take the time or care enough to do the appropriate tests..

I did go back to Boston for treatment as they are cutting edge on this cancer and that is where I am now.. in treatment.. I am going for a second opinion to Dana Farber as what is important to me right now is care.. the care needed to get through this. My doctor is wonderful, but sometimes getting to her is difficult..

Anyway.. I have chemo twice a week... in the beginning I did radiation for a blood tumor on my neck that was causing the pain in my arm.. I did 10 radiations and had to stop as the side effects, they were radiating my neck, were horrific... esophagitis.. fatigue, you name it.. lately I say to myself.. what a baby, Tom never complained.. and yet each cancer is different and he said he very rarely had pain... I wish I could say that.

So yesterday was chemo....and because of the neuropathy in my legs.....they are cutting back to once a week, it was twice. What is difficult with this cancer is it causes nerve pain which is very difficult to manage and resistant to pain medication.. and sometimes almost more than I can bare. I am actually drinking tonic water as they say the quinine helps with this kind of pain and to sleep, well I have to take something for the pain or there is no sleep. Also steroids are involved in the treatment so I look like a plumped up chicken.....and I hate that, but if remission is to be mine I will persevere..

They caught mine very early and I was blessed with that and thankful that I did not just give up when the first doctor said muscle spasms.. there was no way this was just muscle spasms...

Also... they do not know what caused this cancer, but I do know this I was very involved in my husband's care, I adored that man and he was my soulmate, and during his care, maybe like two years ago I got shingles. Now, I was shocked that this happened, as I thought I had never had chicken pox, you have to have had chicken pox to get shingles... and my Mom said I did not have them.. Oh well... Anway, this is my soapbox, if you are of that age to get shingles, and have had chicken pox, really think about getting the vaccine. They think that when my immune system was practically nil with shingles, it may have activated a rogue bloodcell and it could have been the start of this whole thing... they will not say for sure, but it might have happened like that.. so... why not protect yourself with the vaccine and not have shingles because shingles are horribly painful and why have them if you do not have to... Shingles are the epitome of nerve pain and sometimes leave you with that pain. Off my soapbox now..

Where I am now.. I am doing chemo.. cut back to once a week and finally got some sleep last night, thank you pain pill that works, and trying to just stay focused on remission... please let me have some remission with this... Geraldine Ferraro has this and has had it for 20 years... Once in remission, they will do another bone marrow biopsy to make sure the blood numbers are correct, I am almost there.. Do not make me talk about how painful bone marrow biopsies are as bone does not freeze and so although they can attempt to do some freezing of the area where they are going in with the needle once they get through the bone and into the bone marrow, well it is not nice.. Also, there is talk about harvesting my stem cells, a procedure somewhat like dialysis....not sure when that will happen...but I will update when I know..

I thank you for asking about me, I thank you for keeping my in your prayers, I am doing the best I can, it is doubly hard for me as I am grieving for the loss of my husband and dealing with this illness.. I am doing the best I can..

Hugs to everyone here.. life is not alway easy, we just get through however we can... hoping for the best. I could use a little Disney magic, but not sure when I can go or how I will handle it.. Tom loved WDW so... it will be very hard for me to be there without him.

MIckeysmommy.. I am assuming that is a picture of your Dad in your signature.. hugs to you. It is so hard to lose a parent, my daughters are dealing with that now and so I am determined to be here as long as I can.. I figure, hey I caught it early.....Geraldine Ferraro is still here, and I am determined to do what I can to fight this... I know your Dad must have done the best he could too.. that is all we can do.
Marsha, you are in my thoughts and prayers. I hope you get your remission soon. You are a fantastic person. I'm so glad you are in there fighting, though I can't imagine how tough that is to do on top of missing your husband so much. I wish you peace and health. :hug::hug::hug::hug:
We are all here, all watching, all hoping. Perhaps your story will motivate some more to be blood / platelet donors as I am sure you will be needing those if not already.

Every bit to help
Marsha, sending you a :hug: and lots of prayers. My heart goes out to you with all you are dealing with both physically and emotionally. Keep fighting tough! Someone sent me a song that had the words in it you have to go through the valley before you reach the mountain top.., I know sometimes I felt like I couldnt see the light at the end of the tunnel but it is there!!:)Sometimes it just takes a little longer to get to. I am so sorry for all your pain too and I hope the med will give you some relief. (I remember you posted how mad you were when I told you I had to ration my pain meds!!). I know what you mean about them not getting to the dx initially either. I had the almost same thing happen as you. The little hospital kept looking for everything else and ignored the lump on my neck. At the big hospital it was 1 doc and 1 test and they knew it was cancer. I am glad you are going for a second opinion and hope you get the care that you need and deserve. Blessings to you always. Keep fighting tough!!
Marsha just checking in on you, and want to you to know that while I may be miles away from you physically I am with you emotionally. I don't know how on earth I would have coped such a short time after losing my DH then finding myself in my own battle. It is cruel. My heart goes out to you.
Marsha, So sorry to hear that things have been even more difficult for you.

I am sure there are no words that I can say to make you feel better but I shall be thinking of you and hope that soon you can be pain free.

Marsha, I followed Tom's story & can't believe you're now dealing with this too.
I pray for your remission & hope you can plan a trip back to WDW very soon. The second opinion at Dana Farber is a wise move. Dana Farber is an awesome hospital & they do fantastic work. They treated my DH & I've never experienced a more caring & professional group. Stay strong, it's difficult but it sounds like you'll be in remission very soon. God Bless.:grouphug:
Marhsa, thank you for those kind words. Yes, that is my beloved Daddy. He never let this awful disease get him down and always, every single day, had a smile on his face. I know it's hard but keep your chin up. I am praying for you!
Marsha keeping you in my prayers. Stay strong and hang in there.

My mom was recently in the hospital for some kind of breast infection (she is going through chemo for breast cancer) and I was in the room when the patient next to her had the bone marrow test/procedure. Ob boy did it sound painful.
Lent is a special time in my religion, I know we are not suppose to talk religion, but it's a time for extra prayers, and you will be my extra in my prayers.
Marsha, I'm keeping you and your children in my thoughts and prayers. Fight as hard for yourself as you did for Tom. I'm hoping you reach remission, too. :hug::hug::hug:
Marsha you are constantly in my thoughts and prayers. I am glad you updated us and I will continue to pray for remission for you and for a long life with your family!
Marsha, prayers continue.:hug:

As to...."Tom loved WDW so... it will be very hard for me to be there without him." I'm sure Tom will always be with you. Soul mates don't leave they just watch you from a different view. :littleangel:

God Bless.

You were on my mind this morning, Marsha. I hope today brings you some comfort and at least a smile or two. :hug:


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