Most Embarressing Moments at Disney

My moment happened at Blizzard Beach. It was a relatively warm day when it started to rain. The rain really made me chilled, so while DH and the kiddies continued to play I went off to find a dry chair and wrap up in a towel to get warm.

After a while a group of Brazillians came up to get ready to leave. I believe this group consisted of three families total. I was sitting on the edge of the area and they had the rest, about four lounge chairs.

I tried not to watch them but it was either look over that way or stare at a bush. Some of the time I just closed my eyes and rested and other times I glanced over.

They were changing the little ones' clothes. Having little ones run naked while getting dressed doesn't bother me. The moms sort of put their clothes on over their bikinis. However, the gentlemen were a different story. :eek:

The men got naked and then dressed. One guy was literally a foot from me and was completely naked taking his sweet time putting on his shirt, briefs, and pants. Of course I got an eye full when I opened my eyes and there was Mr. Brazil in all his glory just inches from me. I tried to act like it was no big deal and went back to closing my eyes. :rolleyes1

I mention where they are from simply because this may be how they do things over there. I didn't say anything because it was just me and they probably did what they would have done anway.

Even though he was the one naked next to me I was the one embarrassed. Needless to say, though I'll say it, men from Brazil are blessed. :lmao:

:lmao: I think I would die. :lmao:
When my youngest was 5 mths, I decided she and I would ride the train at MK all the way around so I could nurse her and she could rest. We sat in the back on a seat by ourselves. Well, she fell asleep, which was the goal, so when we arrived at the station where we left our stroller (Toon Town as I remember it) and were to meet DH and older kids, I was trying not to wake her. I noticed the conductor giving some women a helping hand as they stepped down and was looking forward to the help myself. But he stopped before he got to me, looked at me and turned around and went back to the front of the train. So I stepped down alone thinking, geez, if anyone looked like they needed a hand, it was me. Well, DH and the other kids weren't there yet so I went to sit on a nearby bench to wait. It was then that I realized my shirt was still hiked up and my nursing bra still undone and I was as exposed as I could be.:eek: When DH got there a couple of minutes later, I had fixed the situation but was so embarassed. He thought the whole story was hilarious!!
DW and I went to WDW last year with some friends and their DD6. To give our friends a romantic evening out, we took DD6 to the parks. We went to the Little Mermaid show at MGM and we started playing with the CM in the waiting area. He was juggling and tossed the balls to me and I started juggling. "Your daddy juggles pretty good, doesn't he?" said the CM to DD6. Whereupon she says "HE'S NOT MY DADDY! AND SHE'S NOT MY MOMMY!" for the benefit of the CM and 20-30 other guests and thier kids. I really don't think anyone really believed us when we tried to explain the situation. I was trying desprately to think of how to get in touch with the real parents if security did show up.
I've never gone on a behind the scenes tour, but I've always been curious as to what we don't see, just the same.

A few trips back, we had walked through the castle and off to the right was Bert and some penguins. While our son was in line for autographs and photographs, I noticed a door just opposite that would lead, I presumed, behind Snow White and Pooh. I opened the door and walking down a hallway was Mary Poppins, coming to join Bert. I don't know who was more surprised--she or I. I mumbled something like "I was just curious as to what was back here." and quickly closed the door. When she came out a second later, she looked at me with a smile on her face but not in her voice, and said, "Please do not EVER do that again."

To this day, we speak of the day that I was fussed at by Mary Poppins.

Just curious, but why did you go backstage (or open the door to backstage)?
We went to blizzard beach last year and me and DH went on the summit plummit the TALL water slide. Well I had the camera with me hooked to my bathing suit strap, DH wanted to take pictues from the top so I give him the camera, before he goes down he just put it his pocket of his suit. I watch him go down, Oh crap then it is my turn I go down and at the bottom there is DH getting his suit picked out of his butt! He turns around and I look down and there is the camera sticking straight out in his pocket, I busted out laughing and asked if he was happy to see me. It was soooooo funny I could see the other people and CM laughing. He turned beet red!:rotfl:
Most embarrassing, well, a few days before our 2 week trip to the world a note came home from school that there was a confirmed case of lice in the class and to check your kid thoroughly.

I went through DD's hair, everything was fine, I picked up some lice treatment to pack just in case. Well you can guess what happened, a week or so later we are in the pool at BC and her wet hair is plastered to her head from swimming and in the sunlight I see a 'movement' :scared1:

Oh. Mah. Gawd. :scared:

I look closer and I see 'things' and I am totally freaked out, most because I am sharing a room with her!!!! I've never dealt with lice before and was freaked to see it on my child.

I drag her up to the room, and get out the treatment, it said to use a half bottle - I used the whole thing! had her sitting with it under the shower cap on the balcony for 45 minutes. Meanwhile the embarassing part, calling Housekeeping and telling them I need all new bedding, pillows, blankets etc... for both beds, just in case and explaining what happened - I felt like such a loser Mom and the housekeeper didn't look too impressed with me either!!

New hair brushes, I threw out all her scrunchies, bagged her worn clothes and threw it all out. Bought new tee shirts etc...

My sincere apologies to whomever slept in DD's bed next :eek:
Just when I thought I was ready to adopt a child . . . well, let's just say that after I have read some of these doozies, I think I will just adopt another dog instead. :laughing:
DH and I were on our first trip without DS and even though it was Spring Break we were having a great time and enjoying ourselves. Since I am usually the family photographer I asked DH to carry the camera bag this trip and take pictures of me during the days, especially at Epcot which is DH's favorite park.

Near Ellen's Univ of Energy I sat down to rest; DH took my picture and started to walk away, talking the whole time. BUT when I got up I realized I had a tail.........a long gooooooeeeey tail of gum. It stretched at least 6 inches and DH had my camera bag with the wipes etc.!!!! And the whole time I'm admiring this mess, DH is still walking and out of range with the only cell phone.

So there I went walking down past Test Track, past heaven knows how many people who no doubt wondered why I was wearing an ugly, goooey tail of gum on my shorts!

I did eventually catch up with DH who had no idea that I had any problem! And I ended up buying a new pair of shorts at Mouse Gears. And no, there is no record of this lovely event!
In December, my family was in line at Great Movie ride. We were outside the big entrance room, where they films are shown. There was a couple with a toddler. The mom was holding the toddler who had his head on his moms shoulder (so he was facing us and they weren't).

I pulled out my mega-pack of tic tacs, and offered them to the kids. This toddler whacked the tic tacs outta my hand! Dozens of tic tacs went flying everywhere! :lmao: The mother turned around, looked at me and the mess she thought I made! We were so shocked this kid did this we didn't know what to say! I had a feeling she wouldn't have believed me if I told her that her son whacked them out of my hands - And the kid had no reaction to what he did either, kind of like it was just something to do..:confused3
After a long, long day in AK, we headed to Epcot for the fireworks before heading back to POP. Needless to say, everybody on the bus was tired - so it was VERY quiet......

I asked our dd4 what her favorite part of the day was, and she loudly proclaimed "Mommy, I really liked the animal that was pooooooooooooping!"

OMG - I was so embarrassed!
My children reminded me of this the other day while we were talking to family members about our last vacation at WDW in June of 2005. We went with my best friend's family and had one of the best vacations we've ever had. On our last day (8th day) we went to Epcot. It was very hot that day and the park was crowded. Around 3:00 we had done everything we wanted to do and the lines were very long and no more fast passes were being given out. Because we had dinner reservations at 5:00 we did not want to go back to our resort. We decided to ride the monorail. At least it would be air conditioned and we could get off our feet for awhile. After about an hour and taking a little nap we got off and headed back to the Epcot entance gate. I was walking in a very exausted trance directly behind my husband not paying much attention to where he was going. To my surprise and to the surprise of 3 other men, I had followed my husband right into the men's room and right up to the urinal. I was so shocked, I just started screaming. It took a few seconds to even realize where I was. My husband had to push me back out the door. My children had watched me walk into the bathroom and were on the ground laughing by the time I came back out. They will never let me live it down.

That's so funny! Reminds me of when my DH went into ladies room at Knotts Berry Farm; I decided to go to restroom a bit later as well and found him washing his hands inside. I asked him why he was in the ladies room and he said "This is the MEN'S room" and I told him to look at the sign on the door. We had a good laugh for the next half hour. :rotfl2:

Anyways...while in one of the shops in Disney, I was looking at some Tinkerbell salt/pepper shakers and didn't realize that the stool she sat on was NOT attached to Tink. As I picked up the stool, Tinkerbell wobbled and as she started to fall I tried to catch her. The bag I had on my arm hit the table and two others fell as well! As the three Tinkerbells fell to the floor, my then 5 year old exclaimed "My mommy did that!" Guess he wanted to make sure everyone knew that HE was not the one to blame. Boy was I red faced! :goodvibes
Ok ok I admit i have an embarrasing moment as well.

I must have been 12 or 13 and we were at ASMu browsing through the little gift shop. Back then those little backpacks were "IT" so I had one on. As I looked around and picked stuff I wanted to buy something else caught my attention and I turned around ... no problem execpt my backpack knocked down a souvenier plate which landed on the floor in million of tiny little pieces. I cried! I still have nightmares about that.

Many years later, at age 23, I was at Animal Kingdom getting our photopass CD. I was admiring the frames and joking around with a CM --- yep, you guessed I was putting the frame down it fell. The CM actually went and got the manager and pointed to me and said "She did it!".....UGH! I was sooo embarrased I ended up buying a frame.
My most embarassing moment happened at Typhoon Lagoon in 2005. Here's a copy from my blog about it:

I recently returned from a well deserved vacation. On my last day, we decided to go to a water park. I had never been to one before and I looked forward to the adreniline rush and refreshment of large pools of water.

Like most everything else in my life, I decided that I would just jump right in. I headed right to the big slide. They called it "Humunga Cowabunga" and I was certain I would soon know why.

As we headed toward the top, we passed the large crowd of people who waited at the bottom for their children or spouses. I assumed it was a sort of huddle of shame. The only reason to wait at the bottom was because you were too pansyassed to go down the slide. I'm fairly certain that it gave me a marginal ego boost to pass them as I headed for the stairs.

At the top of the slide, I took note of everything I should do. First, you sit in the slide, second you wait for the light to turn green and you cross your ankles while pulling yourself from the flat top down the slide which then promptly dropped about three stories, resulting in a 60mph plummet to the bottom.

The sliders before me screamed like they were taking a beating while they slid to the bottom.

As I started my slide, ankles crossed, I refused to scream. Instead I closed my eyes and thought "Dear God, what about this is supposed to be fun? It hurts like hell and at some point I'll have to come to a stop.. I forsee that being an excruciating experience."

Right about then my legs accidently uncrossed resulting in a record breaking wedgie. As I got to the bottom, I vowed to never do it again. I stood up and was so busy pulling my swimsuit out of my bum, I failed to notice that my top fell down.

The large crowd at the bottom didn't.

This is hilarious! :rotfl2: :rotfl:

But I'd be MORTIFIED!!
The men got naked and then dressed. One guy was literally a foot from me and was completely naked taking his sweet time putting on his shirt, briefs, and pants. Of course I got an eye full when I opened my eyes and there was Mr. Brazil in all his glory just inches from me. I tried to act like it was no big deal and went back to closing my eyes. :rolleyes1

OMG! :lmao: :rotfl2: :lmao: :rotfl2: :lmao:

Needless to say, though I'll say it, men from Brazil are blessed. :lmao:

Bwahahahaha!!! That last line pushed me right over the edge. Too funny!! :lmao: :rotfl:
subsricibing. My mom is threatening to take me to the emergency room because I can not breathe from laughing so hard!


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