More women on the Dis Unplugged?

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I mean... is it any more our business as to the inner workings of the people hired to be on the show?
I think that viewers saying that they missed the way a show used to be and that they see a change they find unfavorable is different than telling people to quickly reproduce, yes.

ETA: I'm not going to continue to post on the team's personal life choices, as this is not the debate I intended to start with this thread. Thanks for understanding.
I agree in general, but Craig has already made reference to his future as a dad at Disney World, so I didn't feel like it's crossing any lines to make a joke about that. He has mentioned "if/when I have kids" a few times...

I thought you were fine @DLgal, and yep Craig has definitely said it himself, just didn't want to see the thread derail too far beyond what they have chosen to share. Anyways that wasn't your point, or I didn't think it was your point, your original posts and suggestions about families were very good. I completely agreed with everything you said.
I wanted to comment on those asking about Julie. I think it's kind of been her call how much she wants to be involved. I know she runs her own home business and is busy raising her kids. I remember someone asking if she and the kids were coming on one of the podcast cruises and she said the timing was just really bad to take the kids out of school for a week. I assumed her and Cory trade off kid duties on Tuesdays.

I know she has a handle here on the board, but I don't think a lot of people can remember it without looking it up since she isn't very active here.
I think people forget these people were not hired to be on the show. They were hired for skills in their actual jobs, not to fill a demographic on a podcast. These are the employees in Orlando who can be on the show. I would think the best people are hired for positions, not someone who fits a specific label.
I have been thinking the same thing as OP for some time now. I love all the guys. For some reason, it just seems like the ladies are missing a lot these days. I understand the logistics of the show and only having so many seats, but it also seems like the restaurant reviews are guys only. Can the ladies not fit some of those in their schedules? I ran across an older video with Kathy in the parks with the guys trying desserts in Epcot (I think). It was great! I loved having her perspective. I also love seeing Kylie in the videos. She's adorable. Maybe we'll see more of Mikayla in the future, too.
I have been thinking the same thing as OP for some time now. I love all the guys. For some reason, it just seems like the ladies are missing a lot these days. I understand the logistics of the show and only having so many seats, but it also seems like the restaurant reviews are guys only. Can the ladies not fit some of those in their schedules? I ran across an older video with Kathy in the parks with the guys trying desserts in Epcot (I think). It was great! I loved having her perspective. I also love seeing Kylie in the videos. She's adorable. Maybe we'll see more of Mikayla in the future, too.

I do th that no the fact the a lot of /all the news shows generally just have the guys might be adding to the feelings. When there was The Trip that gave some balance I think

Just an FYI - Mikayla is in this week's dining show where they cover the River Belle Terrace
Did we really need another forum?
I agree with more women. But that is not as big a problem with no disabled people in a wheelchair, no people of colour. I think we get my point

Are white men the ONLY people that VISIT Disney ?
I just read the boards, but dug up my old account to throw a post of support to the OP.

I have been feeling the same way for awhile; I miss Julie, Teresa and Kathy when they aren’t on Andy wish there was a regular female contributor on the show.
what I find worse about the way of the podcast is going for me is that it seems thyey are becoming more and more negative especially one or two members of the team.

I’ve already dropped the Dis as a video Channel I susbsribe too and now just do audio only. But saying that I find other people are just doing better and more compelling stuff than what the Dis is putting out
Disunplugged is a show dedicated to providing the news for people who plan Disney vacations based on what Pete thinks is important. Period. End of Story!

The people who sit at the table can only do what they are assigned to do. Sure, it's nice to hear other people talking. I flat out dislike listening to some of the shows because of the passive way sentences are said when providing an opinion and I know that if other people who sometimes sit at the table were part of that show there would be emphatic statements instead of almost questions asking the listener if it's ok to have an opinion upon which someone might disagree. And it's nice to hear from the women because they are like old friends. But they can only talk about what the show director lets them talk about.

But I feel that the underlying issue here isn't who is sitting at the table or who isn't. It's the information being disseminated. It's time for Pete and John and Corey to decide if the Dis wants to create new content for a different audience, an audience where the needs of people traveling with children are paramount, with the same production value, timeliness, and sense of authority based on experience as they have now with the myriad of shows they put out.
I listen to a lot of Podcasts. Some of these I've given up listening to, because these shows just weren't right for me. It seems to me that Pete and co. like the direction of the show, which is great. It's their show. If people with kids aren't happy, then it's time to try out other podcasts. It's just too hard to be everything to everyone.
Disunplugged is a show dedicated to providing the news for people who plan Disney vacations based on what Pete thinks is important. Period. End of Story!

The people who sit at the table can only do what they are assigned to do. Sure, it's nice to hear other people talking. I flat out dislike listening to some of the shows because of the passive way sentences are said when providing an opinion and I know that if other people who sometimes sit at the table were part of that show there would be emphatic statements instead of almost questions asking the listener if it's ok to have an opinion upon which someone might disagree. And it's nice to hear from the women because they are like old friends. But they can only talk about what the show director lets them talk about.

But I feel that the underlying issue here isn't who is sitting at the table or who isn't. It's the information being disseminated. It's time for Pete and John and Corey to decide if the Dis wants to create new content for a different audience, an audience where the needs of people traveling with children are paramount, with the same production value, timeliness, and sense of authority based on experience as they have now with the myriad of shows they put out.

Let me get this straight: You're demanding the people who do this free content with no outside advertising create a brand-new series because you don't think they cover your interests well?

You know, I assume we all know we can go somewhere else and listen to some other podcast-I have a lot I follow already. But I don’t think it’s inappropriate To say “hey, here’s this thing I love! You know what might make me love it more? What might be more interesting or relevant for me?” We all do that about things we love-I wish my favorite restaurants were open Sunday. I wish the Hobbit was just one movie and they hadn’t tried to stretch it to three. I wish disney wasn’t determined to squeeze every last dollar out of me. I’m not quite sure why we aren’t allowed to suggest improvements for things that we don’t pay for. Ever wanted changes in your favorite TV show or complained about a super bowl half time show?
I have no interest in the family perspective, or kid's menus. We have no kids. Rock on DIS.

Similarly, I am OVER (and have cut back on) many other podcasts who seem to be hung on Run-Disney events being the primary focus. No interest in that either.

Luckily, if there is a podcast whose topics don't appeal to you or are missing some "perspective" you need to see, or whose voices aren't what you want them to be, there are LOTS of others out there to listen to.
Let me get this straight: You're demanding the people who do this free content with no outside advertising create a brand-new series because you don't think they cover your interests well?

Ummm, I think I wrote that it was up to management to decide if they want to do it. I don't demand anything except a Mickey bar that isn't broken when I open it.
I agree with the original poster. I was just saying to my sister the other day, "they really need to get some women on this show!". I love the show and listen all the time, and I guess if I wanted a show with more women I could start one myself... :)
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