Moms with boys, bathroom question

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This discussion didn't start out to be about older boys going into the restroom with their mother's.

The original topic of this thread is

"My sons are 6 and 3. Is the 6 year old too old to come into the ladies' room with me? "

The OP asked if 6 was too old for her son to come to the bathroom with her at Disney World.

So somewhere it has been turned into being about older boys going into the restroom with their mothers. It went up to 7, then 8, then 9 and somewhere someone talked about 11 year olds in the bathroom.

So, if we'd get back on topic about 6 year olds that'd be nice.

I realize that many of us have already said this several times, but I will repeat it again. This discussion pertains to older boys who have no special needs and whose mothers have an overbearing need to haul them into a ladies room in order to satisfy their own need to protect them from some unknown disaster that may occur in the men's room despite the fact that there are generally several fathers, brothers, husbands, who would not turn a blind eye to a child being abused, abducted, or molested.

When it comes to those circumstances, yes. It is all about my DGD's comfort. It is about my not having to deal with lack of privacy. we are using a ladies room. There is an expectation of privacy when a woman or a girl enters a gender specific bathroom, and as many here have suggested, if anyone should lose that expectation of privacy, it is the mother of that tween boy.

I agree that mothers of special needs children are presented with challenges in which they make choices that are int eh best interests of their kids. I have not seen one poster on this thread who does not support those choices.
The subject heading of this is about 6 year olds for the love of Mickey!
The OP was about a 6-year old, but threads tend to morph. It has become more than just about 6 year old boys and morphed to a thread about boys in general. FWIW, there are usually one or two posters who will chime in a "boys in the Ladies Room" thread and say that they bring their older (8-10 year old) boys into the Ladies Room for their safety and the heck with everyone else.
This will be my first time taking a 6 year old boy to Disney.

I don't see anything wrong with taking 6 and under to the bathroom, but I am not going to because someone in there might beat me up! I'm kidding! :rotfl2:

We need to lighten up though :) Be nicer to each other, there are worse things in this world. pixiedust:

The OP was about a 6-year old, but threads tend to morph. It has become more than just about 6 year old boys and morphed to a thread about boys in general. FWIW, there are usually one or two posters who will chime in a "boys in the Ladies Room" thread and say that they bring their older (8-10 year old) boys into the Ladies Room for their safety and the heck with everyone else.
You can't possibly know he was 9 unless you asked.

I have friends who have a 9 month old that is as big as my 2 year old!

My son is 6, looks 4-5, and he has long hair. Most people think he's a girl. So appearances can be deceiving. If you saw him in the women's bathroom you'd assume he was a girl. He's pretty enough to be and won't let me cut his hair, so what difference would you know? None. So it's your guess he was 9, he may have been much younger.

I'm being realistic, the little jerk was 9 and, as stated above, his mother threw a hissy over me yelling when I caught him peeking into my stall.

I do not have to justify to you why I don't want strange boys staring at me while I pee. That you are comfortable with that is your business but it is not a realistic expectation of the rest of us.
This will be my first time taking a 6 year old boy to Disney.
I don't think anyone has a problem with a 6-year old boy going into the Ladies Room with you :goodvibes. Some folks think it's a good age to start to transition to using the Men's Room but it's not a big deal if he doesn't.
My DS6 sometimes goes to the ladies' room with me, sometimes he goes into the men's room. It depends on the situation.

We'll be in Disney next month. I will probably bring DS6 into the ladies room with me if DH and/or DS12 aren't around to take him.
I find it interesting that one uses the toilet in a PUBLIC place in such a way that their "hoo-hah" is showing.

Even my 8 year old daughter has learned that ANYONE can see through those stall cracks and has learned to go to the bathroom in a PUBLIC place in such a manner to where even she can't see her own "hoo-hah" while using the toilet, :rotfl: A boy peeking in, isn't going to see a darn thing.

It may be just me and how I've taught my girls AND boys that you can't expect any PRIVACY in a PUBLIC bathroom. Everyone can hear everything and a lot can be seen.

"Paranoid" suggests that it's not a real concern and since at least two people in this thread have experienced it, using that word is inappropriate and frankly, derogatory. Also, nice attempt at belittling me by your crappy "traumatized" comment. I hope you think it's just as funny when it happens to you.

It is more than one incident. I get that you don't give a crap about the privacy of other women in a women's room but really, that's the bizarre viewpoint, not "I don't want boys staring at my hoo-hah." MOST of the world actually understands, "I don't want boys staring at my hoo-hah" as a rational expectation in a WOMEN'S bathroom.

Same here. I've never been peeked at by a boy, it's always been a girl.

It doesn't bother me at all. I'm going to wave next time like you :cool1:

Well I have been "peeped" at a few times by a child in a bathroom and every single time it has been a GIRL. I just wave at her.;)
Wanna know why there's no peeking in the men's room?

Hubby says it's because there isn't a need to!

They let it all hang out. He said he is so tired of walking into a men's room and there's a row of men with their pants down either just below their butt or even down to their ankles while peeing at the urinal.

He guesses they weren't taught how to pee without taking your pants down where everyone walking in see your hairy butt?!?!

So you're boys are getting quite a view in there, so no wonder they are saying you keep your eyes averted :rotfl:

im not taking sides but just f.y.i. you can ask any one who uses the MENS room in wdw, there is no peeping going on at the could try it but im thinking you will get assaulted or at least wet. :thumbsup2

I have to ask again..... how many on this thread have been in the mens room at wdw??? just askin.... :)
Wanna know why there's no peeking in the men's room?

Hubby says it's because there isn't a need to!

They let it all hang out. He said he is so tired of walking into a men's room and there's a row of men with their pants down either just below their butt or even down to their ankles while peeing at the urinal.

He guesses they weren't taught how to pee without taking your pants down where everyone walking in see your hairy butt?!?!

So you're boys are getting quite a view in there, so no wonder they are saying you keep your eyes averted :rotfl:

ok, since you drug me into this.:lmao:

first, maybe they didn't peek because your hiding your ....... :lmao::lmao:
(im just kidding, that post made me laugh. :lmao:)

I don't recall seeing any hairy butts or pants down but I don't look.
its funny, I sell toilet partitions for a living.:lmao: ill have to tell our vendor, Bradley, the concerns women have. :thumbsup2
man, what goes on in these womens room??????
this is the first time a really read one of these threads.

ive had fun ladies and learned a lot. :thumbsup2

been married almost 30 years. work in the hvac , plumbing industry and thought ive seen and hear it all but I was wrong, again!!!! :rotfl:

have a nice day ladies!!!! life is to short to be mad, mickey loves you!!! :thumbsup2
Unfortunately some of the men's rooms are designed in such a way where you can't help but see.

There is this Chinese place in Houston we went to, omg, it was crazy, when my daughter and I walked by the men's room to get to the women's room, the door opened and I could see the row of urinals without even trying and see men using it. Unfortunately I couldn't get it across to the manager what the problem as, his English was not good at all.

There is also a Furr's we visited on a trip once that was very similar.

My husband's work is the same way, so he knows to be looking at his phone or the ceiling when walking in the room, LOL

I'm not worried about it in the women's room. There's nothing I plan to be having hang out so no one is going to see anything.

ok, since you drug me into this.:lmao:

first, maybe they didn't peek because your hiding your ....... :lmao::lmao:
(im just kidding, that post made me laugh. :lmao:)

I don't recall seeing any hairy butts or pants down but I don't look.
its funny, I sell toilet partitions for a living.:lmao: ill have to tell our vendor, Bradley, the concerns women have. :thumbsup2
man, what goes on in these womens room??????
Unfortunately the thread couldn't stay on topic, and people give their opinion on if a 6 year old was too old to go to the bathroom with their Mother :confused3 :offtopic:

I agree, life is too short to get upset over these things :)

this is the first time a really read one of these threads.

ive had fun ladies and learned a lot. :thumbsup2

been married almost 30 years. work in the hvac , plumbing industry and thought ive seen and hear it all but I was wrong, again!!!! :rotfl:

have a nice day ladies!!!! life is to short to be mad, mickey loves you!!! :thumbsup2
Yes, I think it's fine to take a six year old into the bathroom with you. I wouldn't feel comfortable having a six year old go to the men's bathroom all by himself and I'm sure others wouldn't either. :)
Unfortunately the thread couldn't stay on topic, and people give their opinion on if a 6 year old was too old to go to the bathroom with their Mother :confused3 :offtopic:

I agree, life is too short to get upset over these things :)

Why do you have such an issue with a discussion broadening. If you don't like it don't read it. The essence of message boards.
That is sad you'd purposely hit the kid in the face with the door for peeking in the cracks.

Actually it's sad that the mother didnt teach him not to peek through the cracks. It's something my three year olds know not to do and have known since they were old enough to comprehend it.
As for hitting a kid, I hit the door which rattled and touched his nose. It's not like he got a bloody nose from it. At most it felt like someone flicked it. He was just surprised that someone did something.

And to the pp who asked, I have fostered boys. In fact one just left. I've dealt with the boy in the bathroom thing. And if the child was unable to use the restroom appropriately he came into the stall with me or we used the family bathroom or he held it (if able ) until we went home. It's not rocket science. Although most were able to go to the appropriate gender bathroom when they were six or seven and I would send them in and wait for them. I never lost a kid.
An to the poster that said they would have be arrested for assault I have to laugh. At the very most it would be battery and not even felony battery. Most likely the officer would tell you to control your kid an me to have a nice day.
Actually it's sad that the mother didnt teach him not to peek through the cracks. It's something my three year olds know not to do and have known since they were old enough to comprehend it.
As for hitting a kid, I hit the door which rattled and touched his nose. It's not like he got a bloody nose from it. At most it felt like someone flicked it. He was just surprised that someone did something.

And to the pp who asked, I have fostered boys. In fact one just left. I've dealt with the boy in the bathroom thing. And if the child was unable to use the restroom appropriately he came into the stall with me or we used the family bathroom or he held it (if able ) until we went home. It's not rocket science. Although most were able to go to the appropriate gender bathroom when they were six or seven and I would send them in and wait for them. I never lost a kid.

O.K. So then 6 or 7 is "acceptable" to you then, even if not preferred. I think I misunderstood. I was the one who asked btw.
My personal concern for my own 7 year old, was not due to fear of harm to him, just that he would not be able to handle himself, as he has not had tons of experience in public restrooms and might get overwhelmed. Chances are, my husband will be around anyway, I just get caught up in the worst-case scenarios sometimes, but when dealing with the autism spectrum, it is always best to be prepared.
The mother may have very well taught him, told him, whatever, not to do that a hundred times. Who knows. We can't control every little thing our children do. We can tell them something many times and they may still do it.

You pretty much bragged about hitting him in the face with the door. You're backtracking and down playing now. . That's ok, whatever makes you feel better about not being the adult in that situation.

Actually it's sad that the mother didnt teach him not to peek through the cracks. It's something my three year olds know not to do and have known since they were old enough to comprehend it.
As for hitting a kid, I hit the door which rattled and touched his nose. It's not like he got a bloody nose from it. At most it felt like someone flicked it. He was just surprised that someone did something.

And to the pp who asked, I have fostered boys. In fact one just left. I've dealt with the boy in the bathroom thing. And if the child was unable to use the restroom appropriately he came into the stall with me or we used the family bathroom or he held it (if able ) until we went home. It's not rocket science. Although most were able to go to the appropriate gender bathroom when they were six or seven and I would send them in and wait for them. I never lost a kid.
The mother may have very well taught him, told him, whatever, not to do that a hundred times. Who knows. We can't control every little thing our children do. We can tell them something many times and they may still do it.

You pretty much bragged about hitting him in the face with the door. You're backtracking and down playing now. . That's ok, whatever makes you feel better about not being the adult in that situation.

No no backtracking. I wacked the door it hit his nose that he had pressed up against it. If he was too young to know not to peek through the cracks then he should have been in the stall with his mother who could control him. If he's too big to be in there he's too big to be in the women's room.
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