Mom and son trip: restroom question...

There have been so many well thought out and informative posts on this topic. I hope it has made moms of little ones feel secure in their decission to take those boys with you. As a mom of an almost 11 year old I have been there! At 9 1/2 my DS made his first trip alone into the men's restroom at WDW. DH does travel with us and is often there when the situation arrises. I used many of these tips such as making sure it is a one way in-out restroom and standing right outside and cautioned him to hurry and not talk to strangers. As our boys get older and we give them that freedom we have to education them too. I have told DS that anytime he is in a bathroom and feels uncomfortable in anyway with anyone in the room to leave at once. He also knows that I am outside and a yell will work too. While I do feel comfortable with him now going into the WDW, and in fact most, restrooms alone, there are still situations that may not be safe. WE took a long sight-seeing road trip this summer and there were many places that i would have never let DS go alone. There were situations where I did not want to go alone! DH was always there but I know many mom's do not have that option. Seeing the big cities(Ok we are from a very small town) and so many different cultures was wonderful but that caution had to be there!Sometime it seems society has less issues with boy's safety and it's good to know us mom are looking out for our sons.

Jordan's mom
I don't care how many dirty looks or comments I get from other bathroom patrons. That's my child and I will do everything in my power to keep him safe from the sick people in this world.

I can't say it any better than this. your Doom Bugy tag!!! Is that your state tag?I haven't seem a MO one like that yet.It's coooool!:smooth:
I only had the time to read up to page 3 of this thread. I'm sooo glad the the vast majority of moms posting put their child's saftey first!!! I, too, thought of the boy on a camping trip who was murdered while his aunt stood just outside the restroom waiting for him. You just can't predict these things and I firmly believe that there would be many more attacks on children in general if it weren't for moms (like all who posted here) who are so aware and conscious of saftey hazards. I'm a mom to 3 sons and often faced this issue. Sure, if I had another option like sending my son to the men's room with my DH or an adult/teen male friend or relative I would definately take it over having him come to the ladie's room w/ me. But there are going to be times when it's just you and your son. The suggestion of using Family Restrooms is a nice option that I did not know about. I do know, though, that 7 yo kids do not always give you enough time to hunt around for the restroom of your choice. So if I had a 7 yo son and he had to GO BAD, I'd take him into the ladies room w/ me if we were nowhere near a Family RR. I now have a 13 yo son so I would have him accompany my younger sons.

To WDWDaisy, if you are still reading this-- I was beginnig to think you had issues with little boys, complaining that they peak at you. But then you mentioned that girls peak at you too. What shall we do about this? Maybe seperate restrooms only for these perverted little creatures we call children!

Does anyone else have this picture in their mind?: A mom in WDW leading her son into the ladies room. Around his little head she has wrapped yards and yards of toilet paper, as a blindfold!:earseek:
Okay folks,I've been watching this thread for days.We got back on subject WITHOUT berating anyone else.If it starts up again it will be locked.

It's okay to disagree but play nice...we don't want to scare newbies away!

I don't have children of my own but I was glad to see this addressed (although there do seem to be a lot of upset feelings!) I am taking my 8 y.o. nephew and have been facing a similar dilemma. I just don't feel that he's quite ready to go by himself to the men's room at WDW - and it's not only because of who might be in there. If I have to use the ladies and tell him to wait for me just outside the door, I feel he's too apt to run off "just for a minute" if something interesting catches his eye. That's just normal kid behavior, even if they know they're not supposed to do it there is a chance it might happen, and I'd rather not risk it.

I think most of us who take care of children (our own or otherwise) know enough to gauge what level of responsibility to allow them - and which situations need an adjustment to the freedom we give them. WDW is one of those situations: there are too many people around, the area is large and confusing and kids are overstimulated by the environment and not paying as much attention as they might in other places. I never mind seeing boys in the ladies room because I'm happy to see that their parent(s) are watching out for them - and I don't know what their personal situation is (such as a disabled child) to make judgements. I can understand the concern of other posters who think that 7 is too old or feel embarrassed by boys in the ladies room. In most cases I'd agree with them but having been to WDW many times I'd have to say it's a special case. Most of us share bathrooms with the opposite sex each day and it hasn't been too traumatic!:p


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