Mods plz close done trading for now

superhero mask
native american boots
native amercan shirt
native american feather hat
black suit shoes
black suit shirt
yellow explorers shirt
yellow explorers shirt with camera
cowboy pants
jafar hat
black cowboy shirts with vest
explorers boots

Can you price these items for me please? thank you
hey i dont really have a price on any thing just offer i really need any thing rare. lol so offer away i will let you know what i like
I am interested in the following, however they are not worth stitch or inferno! Can you give me an idea of what "rare" is to you worth these things? I have many of the things you are offering in trade, so I doubt that you want them...

1 magic mirror
1 everest pin set (missing pin 3 )
ok hey could you pst some things that you have plz so i know that way icould pick some stuff. i dont really know what i want
Hey there, I need 2 of your Tiki Rugs (preferably Red and Beige).
I have other tiki items to exchange: Tiki Idols, chairs, walls. Or if you prefer, I have some regular quest items and a couple of Pirate Wells I could trade for the rugs.
Let me know. Thanks!
still trading almost all of this my wish list is...

new and old pirate stuff.
room codes
movie rewards codes not cars or POTC
Quest sets (like room pin and some thing else)
ummm AND
I'm interested in all three of your princess dresses. Do those include the shoes? I'll just list a few things I have and you can tell me what you like so we can work out a deal.

Herbie Couch
Herbie Poster
Black Mickey Ears
Fourth of July Hat
High School Musical Room
High School Musical Piano
Blue Typhoon lagoon crates
Frontierland Quest Items
Fantasyland Quest Items
Blue Penny Press, turnstile and scoreboard
Shopping Spree or Credits from kiosk
yes they all come with shoes and these are the things i like Credits from kiosk, Ice, High School Musical Room, Black Mickey Ear, Herbie Couch, Herbie Poster,
My offer is 10,000 credits plus choice of one:

HSM room
black mickey ear
Herbie Poster
I'm interested in the following:

2006 Valentine's Pin
Green Wreath
Magic Mirror
2005 Hong Kong Disneyland Poster Red
Red Dreidel Chair
Pink Candy Cane

I offer:

4 Ice
1 Snow Rug
2 Everest Mountain Chairs
2 Pirate Wells
1 Movie Theater Small Square Speaker
hey the green wreath
red dradle chair
and pink candy cane are pending so they are not for trade at the momment
hey i was wondering i like the credits but could you do the room and ears to i will add a crown

Yes, I'll do that with the crown added. Thanks. I tried to pm you but your box is full. I'll need you to clear that so we can set up the details in private. Thanks! :)


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