*MODS* PLEASE MOVE TO TRIP REPORTS. THX....OCT 2007....KOTS and it's killing me...


Mar 6, 2005
I am so excited to be KOTS :ssst: but............

Sometimes I want to dance:dance3: around the house and tell our kids what I am up to and see their cute little faces light up.............. :rainbow:

.........but I won't because it is soooooo going to be worth it!!! They will go crazy and I am so happy to be able to give them that magic!! pixiedust:

So....talk to me about October!!!!

This is my plan.......I have been KOTS since JANUARY.....

We will be taking our 4 daughters princess: princess: princess: princess: to WDW in October for a week. They have NO idea. In fact, it is the last thing they would expect because we just had a new baby June 26th and I told them all that there was no way we could afford it until at least 2009 and even if we could afford it we wouldn't want to travel with such a little baby! ;)

So, the plan is.....DD 11's birthday is Oct 19th. Our flight is Oct 20th. :) She thinks we are taking her shopping in Buffalo for the weekend! We were going to drive to Buffalo early, shop a couple stores, go to AppleBee's in the outlet mall area and over lunch calmly mention that is was getting too cold here (Canada in October is bound to be chilly) and maybe we should go somewhere warmer than Buffalo!! I KNOW she will say "DISNEY" because she always asks to go! And I'll say "Daddy, I think that's a great idea, can we??" She will think we are teasing her, so then we will all get in the car and drive to the airport and she still won't believe it and I will play it cool like we are in fact teasing her until I show them the tickets AT the airport and watch her freak out with her sisters!!! :cheer2: :cheer2: :cheer2: :cheer2:

I have everything booked. I was able to get CRT for a 8:00am reservation at MK and am packing their princess costumes for that. I got a 8:00 am for Donald's Breakfast at AK too! We are also going to Epcot, MGM and TL (they didn't see the last 2 last time)!!!! I am sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo excited!!!! I feel like I am going ot burst soon so I HAD to come here and talk to my fellow DISer's!!!
That is REALLY exciting... no way could I keep a secret like that but the looks on their faces will be so worth it! You'll have to write a trip report for us and let us know how it goes :teeth:

Oh my you brought a tear to my eye. I could never keep that secret. I can see them going crazy when they realize you are really going. Have a blast make sure you get a pic(or video) of their faces when you tell them in Applebee's and then when you actually get to the airport. That is a moment worth saving. Have a fantastic trip....:banana:
I am so impressed with all your planning. I can just feel your excitement and am anxious to hear about your trip.

Hope you all have a wonderful time!party:
Keeping it in is hard..omg...totally, but soooo worth it. We did it in May when DD and went just us 2 for 4 days, and OMG....sooo worth it! Have a great time, and take TONS of pictures of their faces when they find out!:hug:
So exciting! My brother and his girlfriend did the same sort of thing with her kids in April for our wedding. They told them AT THE AIRPORT. They thought they were dropping my brother off for a trip. Have a great time!!! If it's going on one weekend you're there, I would HIGHLY recommend the Mickey's Not So Scary Halloween Party. It's so much fun, and I bet your girls would love it. And it's really not scary at all.
omg i love that! so cute!
wow, i would never be able to keep that secret.
were going on the 13th! woo! more octoberers!:cool1: :cool1:
Good luck in keeping the secret! We did this last October. The kids thought we were going in May and they helped me plan the "May trip". They thought we were going to their Grandparents house. We drove during the night and woke them at 5:30 AM outside of the arch at Disney and told them we had gone the wrong way. Their faces were priceless and the pictures are great! They had always said that it would be so cool to be surprised for a trip, but I wasn't sure we would be able to pull it off. It was SO worth all the trouble.
Thats so wonderful!!! My wife and I are planning a surprise trip for March 08. The boys haven't been to WDW since 2003 and we are heading on a planned trip this Oct. We figure once they get a real idea what it's all about they will be unable to control their happiness when we surprise them :0

Have a wonderful trip!! :banana: :banana: :banana:
I'm right there with you! I'm planning a surprise trip over at the end of October too for just me and my oldest son. We're leaving Daddy and baby brother at home and flying down to meet up with Grandparents. He has absolutely no idea. He thinks I'm just taking off of work to stay home while he's off of school. When we get to the airport, I'm going to tell him that we are just going down to FL to see his grandparents. It won't be until he sees the sign that he'll know we are going to WDW.
Thanks for all the encouragement...... :thumbsup2

Because it is killing me, I want to tell them so bad.....especially since hubby & I booked our 1st cruise for February so we've been talking travel and our oldest dd (who is the birthday girl) asked if we could PRETTY PLEASE try to plan a trip to WDW when the baby is 2???? The baby is 3 months old so it was so great to know she is thinking that far out.....she is going to be sooooo SHOCKED!!!!:eek:

And, our 3 year old asked if we could have her 12 year old sister's birthday party at "Dinny Word".....heehee.....:woohoo:

I already have their suitcase packed and they have no idea!!! I just took the other suitcase (for us) out of the furnace room and she thinks it's because I am a planner and want to throw our summer clothes in their for our cruise 5 months away!!:rotfl:

Only 29 more days until these smiles are bigger.......

Oh your post is so great! I cried and got the shivers! You are a wonderful Mom and hope they tell you, when you let the secret out!
Can you tell me exactly what "KOTS" stands for. I understand the meaning, but don't know what the exact words are.
Thanks and have a fantastic trip! You totally deserve it!
KOTS = Keeper Of The Secret :ssst:

Only 25 days to go. I almost lost it this weekend. My oldest had a fight with her friends and she was sobbing and I wanted to make her happy and just tell her but my hubby told me to be strong so I took her for a double whip cream cafe mocha instead! ;) It worked. :thumbsup2

I can't believe how hard this is now that it is so close. I can't even believe I made it this far!!! :woohoo:

I even called her teacher :teacher: today and he is secretly working with me too - he thinks it is super cool and I am going to meet him privately to get assignments!!:)

It's all falling into place! I am so glad I can come here because it is SOOOOOO hard to not tell anyone!
How exciting..!!

You have a couple of more days to reveal your secret... Hang on!!!
so how are you planning to give them the surprise?
Thanks for letting me know the meaning of the letters. Hang in there. It won't be much longer and you'll be dancing down Main Street! :cool1:
This will probably be the only time in your life you'll ever be able to keep a secret this long, so you better hold on to it. We're all proud of you! Hold on.......
What a big idea! I can feel with you, it must be very hard to beware this secret!

We go to WDW on Oct. 20 too, but my family knows it, and I can't stop to speak about it. If I had to be silent, I am sure I had to die...

Your girls are so sweet!
This will probably be the only time in your life you'll ever be able to keep a secret this long, so you better hold on to it. We're all proud of you! Hold on.......

You are so right! I could never do this again! But I am glad to be able to do it once! :) I always tell my girls everything, we are a very open family, so this is especially difficult!!
I can tell you are a pomcoach :cheer2: - thanks for the encouragement!! :thanks:

What a big idea! I can feel with you, it must be very hard to beware this secret!

We go to WDW on Oct. 20 too, but my family knows it, and I can't stop to speak about it. If I had to be silent, I am sure I had to die...

Your girls are so sweet!

See you there!! :wave2:It is so hard because it is so exciting - I mean I am excited and I can't act it and I am packing in secret and confirming reservations secretly in the garage on the phone :confused3 but I just know how much it will mean to them and how much it will mean to me when they are big girls and I can say "Remember when....?"


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