MNSSHP 10/8 Sell out. How were crowds?

Originally posted by BaileyEvanH
I had read that the park wasn't giving out enough candy. We thought they were very generous. Our kids were dressed up, but mom and dad were not--we got as much as they got and we were not trying! They would say come on up, you guys get candy too. The lines moved very quickly.

we got an obnoxious amount of candy---it filled a 2.5 gallon jumbo ziploc bag. I couldn't believe it! We didn't even hit all of the spots, either....candy wasn't our priority, LOL
Funny how people can attend the same event and get such different impressions! We were there on the 8th and found it pretty crowded. Some rides were not much wait time, others were longer, 20 minutes for PPF and about 30 for HM (by a large group of obnoxious teens!) The Haunted River Boat ride was not running which was a great disappointment to us. The candy lines were awful at the beginning of the evening but thinned out as it got later. Still, we did not get a huge amount of candy. We saw some short character lines, and some awful ones (we did not stand in any.) We missed the fireworks due to being in the line at HM. The parade was okay, started off "scary" and turned into a farm theme which was kind of odd. I will not do this party again anytime soon, and never on a Friday again. We had fun doing the rides, and did most that we wanted to. It was pretty hot and muggy, DS9 started complaining about long sleeves and pants. Some folks had those furry suits on the kids.....awful! I guess you could say I have mixed feelings about MNSSHP. The highlight of our trip was Cirque!!!!
Fridays are always more busier, so will avoid them. We are hoping to go on the 24th or 26th or 28th. Waiting until we get there on the 20th to get our tickets. We are only going because it's our family's first time, but not ours. Not something we do by ourselves (the 2 of us).
but we did manage to get a seat in from of the stautue of Walt and Mickey in time to see the Cinderella show right before the fireworks. That was a treat. The fireweorks were great, as was the special flying guest. The kids were impressed. We moved around the corner of the statue and found seats for the parade, kind lady told my girls to move into her place at the curb so they were front row. Highlight of the night for DD7 was when Snow White curtsied to her and blew her a kiss (she was also SnowWhite) nad when a CM curtsied to both of my DD's (ither was Esmerelda) and told them that DD7 got one for being a princess and DD9 got one for being a heroine. Next day DD7, minus her costume, got another blown kiss from another snow white at the MGM parade. She was floating. We missed the scene with the person running in front of the Headless Horseman mentioned on another post, but were unable to ride Buzz because just as we got to the head of the line it went down. We had ridden in on THursday though so it wasn't a biggie. Our candy bags were kinda low until we hit the exit, then they loaded us up on Shock Tarts and Nerds. These were full sized packages too. The other candy was the little packs you get in the bags at the grocery store. It was a blast though, probably will try to do it next year.


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