Mission Health: MJMouse's journey to health (and smaller jeans)--comments welcome!


Apr 24, 2007
Hello to all --

Well after lurking for several months over on the DIS Disney Cruise boards and dreaming of a relaxing cruise with the mouse himself, I somehow found my way over to the WISH board about two months ago.

Talk about serendipity!

On the auspicious day of April 9, 2007, I embarked on a crusade to get healthy. That means I need to exercise, eat better, and LOSE serious amounts of poundage. Ive tried the whole weight loss thing before, but never really stuck to it for any amount of time. So I decided that I would raise my accountability level and tell some of the people in my life about my decision. However, after two weeks of trying (and mostly succeeding) to integrate healthier habits into my life and telling people what and how I was doing, I think that I bent my friends and families ears as far as they will go. So I've been hanging out over on the peep thread getting inspiration and encouragement!

Anywho, a bit about me: I
My initial post keeps getting cut off, so I'll continue here...

Anywho, a bit about me: I’m 27, have a desk job, and up until two and a half months ago I was a certified couch potato (actually I think that I’d progressed from couch potato to one of those potatoes that you find rotting at the bottom of the drawer with the eyes growing out of it). But that’s all changing… (Big Breath)… I hope. Scratch that, I know it will change.

I’ve been the “heavy friend” my whole life, but my weight absolutely ballooned about 6 or 7 years ago and has been creeping up and out of control ever since. So the real question is: why now? Well it’s been coming for a long, long time and there have been lots of little catalysts along the way (innocent and not so innocent comments, worry about fitting in plane seats, disgust at the fact that I plan my life and what I do around how much walking will be involved). However the real thing that started all of this was -- over Easter weekend I agreed to chaperon my younger sister and her friend for a girl’s weekend in NYC sometime in June. That was all well and good; I was excited about the shows and sightseeing. Then I realized – these girls are 17 yo and dance for an hour and a half each day. I would never keep up with them. Thus, I decided to dust off the treadmill and start walking and to make an effort to refine my diet.

Now for the plan -- Iam making sure to eat breakfast, proteins, whole grains, salads, and fruits/veggies. Take out is a rare treat and delivery is an absolute no-no. I’m still eating the stuff that I love (pizza, pizza, pizza), but limiting it to reasonable portions once or twice a week. My biggest change and challenge is that I gave up my sugary sodas. I’m a bit ashamed to admit this, but I realized yesterday (after weighing myself and being shocked at the big weight loss) that I had been consuming 700-1000 calories a day in soda and juice. AAACCCKKK! I don’t know how I never realized. I’ve substituted diet soda during the day (gotta love diet Pepsi) and water after 7 pm. I hope to be down to one or two diet sodas a day in a few months, but for now just drinking diet is a huge leap!

So 25 lbs "officially" down and 101 lbs to go. I weigh in on Fridays and I know I'm already down a few more this week...

More later (comments welcome)!

:welcome: Welcome to WISH. It sounds like you are doing awesome!:thumbsup2 I know what you mean about being the "heavy friend" that seems to have been my role for as long as I can remember. Hopefully not for much longer. Well good luck, we are cheering you on:cheer2: :cheer2:


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