Miles Team Game Rosters PLEASE CHECK

Bill: Speedo, not thong. Jeez, I would never suggest you guys try running in a lime green thong. What do you take me for?! But, since you are also declining to try out the speedo, would you consider a gladiator outfit?

First, let me just say that, for the sake of young children and others, you probably don't want to see me in a speedo or gladiator outfit. I might reconsider after seeing what I look like after finishing Sgt. Vic's 11 month Kickin' Butt Boot Camp. Further as to the gladiator outfit though, I doubt there is enough BodyGlide out there to let me get away with trying a marthon or half marathon in one of those, especially if the outfit is worn in the traditional Scottish kilt manner.

I'm Diane and not sure if I'm on the team because Dave & Erica think it would be best to keep a close eye on me or what? LOL

I'm really not that troublesome and only try to take out faster runners (sorry to those that make the mistake of wearing flip flops to the Expo, oh that's right I only took my Cathy's feet out which is why she stayed behind me in the race ;) )

I see some familiar names and some not so familiar in the team which is great! I'm horrible about keeping up with the weekly thread so this will be great for me.

I see Margie is in MI, we're just going to have to plan a race on the west side of the state since it seems everyone is over there and I'm over here on the east by my lonesome :)

Love the Team name and looking forward to getting to know everyone better.

DEEKAYPEE!!!! I love your pic! Leap frogging with you, Mel, and Jen between Epcot and the MK was priceless fun.

I loved the last 2 race weekends and getting to know everyone better and can't wait for the future races to further those friendships and meet newer faces.

Woohoo!!! Let the training begin!!!! :cheer2:
Welcome shell78....good to see you signing in!!!! I would say if it's exercise it should count, but we need our rule-reading panda to make a final decision. We can always say it's XT!
Wow--this thread has grown by leaps and bounds over the last 24 hours! Thanks Dave for doing all the organizational work--you're conscientious & I know it takes a lot of effort! :thumbsup2

And a big whoo-hoo to Carrie for new captain. You'll do great. Just know it won't stop me from trash-talking your team.

And another trash-talker offering sincere apologies to anyone I might have offended or hurt with my snarky self. I mean things all in good fun. :hug: Just know that y'all can trash talk me any time! Besides, I already know know "your momma" can run faster than me--and I can handle the truth. Yeah, I'm a tortoise, that's me. :cool2:

DEEKAYPEE!!!! I love your pic! Leap frogging with you, Mel, and Jen between Epcot and the MK was priceless fun.

I loved the last 2 race weekends and getting to know everyone better and can't wait for the future races to further those friendships and meet newer faces.

Woohoo!!! Let the training begin!!!! :cheer2:

Right back at you! I've said it before, and hope I've told everyone I met during the marathon this, but I couldn't have done it without you! (That pic is me at my most photogenic. And somewhere in the lost photos there should be pics of me doing "hear no evil" & "speak no evil" too.) I'm really looking forward to getting to know you all better.

This week's motivator:
The tortoise and hare
Each reaching the finish line:
One path, two journeys.
MsMIGHTYDUCK (captain) Team 5


:cheer2: :cool1: :cool1: :dance3::dance3: :cheer2:

THANKS Oh Mighty Panda!!
I interrupt this thread to express a personal concern.

In reading some posts, I have noticed some people expressing their feelings of now being part of a team. I have been posting and annoying people on this WISH forum for about a year, but am a newbie when it comes to events, having only participated in the ToT 6.5K so far in my illustrious endurance event career. I hope everyone remembers, however, that we all have been and are still part of the WISH Racing Team. Think of this event as an intra-squad scrimmage designed to further inspire us to stay healthy.

I hope this competition does not create sub-groups that share training advice and planned events amongst themselves rather than continuing to do so with everyone as has occurred with other Groups/Threads That Shall Not Be Named.

I now return you to the regularly scheduled trash talking already in progress.
Yo Panda Dude--If it makes it any easier, I'll drop out as a participant and just harass everyone. Let me know.
Ooooh no you don't you can't get away now!
OK. But, no white speedo. I will go and see if I can find my red bicycle shorts though. Do you still have that picture of Big Vic (and no ladies, the name isn't because of his height), Robert, you and me from when we were riding for Team Poland a few years back (before I got too big to fit on my bike and we all separately made our walking/running transitions and somehow ended up back together here.)
No! he does not! :eek:

Sheesh! I close my eyes for a moment and I'm a displaced team member. Well ok Team 7 it is!
:cheer2: :dance3: :cheer2:
First, let me just say that, for the sake of young children and others, you probably don't want to see me in a speedo or gladiator outfit. I might reconsider after seeing what I look like after finishing Sgt. Vic's 11 month Kickin' Butt Boot Camp. Further as to the gladiator outfit though, I doubt there is enough BodyGlide out there to let me get away with trying a marthon or half marathon in one of those, especially if the outfit is worn in the traditional Scottish kilt manner.

:rotfl2: More good Team 1 name possibilities!
We could be the Gladiators, Sgt. Vic's Kickin' Butt Boot Campers,
or how about the BodyGliders:rotfl2:
Tiger Lily 03 Where did you go?
Sniffle Sniffle - We'll miss you!
:cheer2: :cheer2: TEAM 2!

I'll be out of town for the weekend without computer access, so I won't be able to join in any team name discussions. I've tried to think of more name suggestions, but haven't been able to come up with any, so figured I'd post my one suggestion one more time :

Experiment 626

Have a Great Weekend everyone!
Tink Darlin, I had to start a new team so I moved you to team 7, with hubby of course.

I'm sorry to everyone I had to move but that is why I started this thread early. I'm trying to keep team strengths about the same and keep everyone together with their spouses and training partners.

Love y'all Panda:love:

Devoted & hard workin' Panda - no sweat! I just need to type and read a bit faster! Team 4/Team 7, I have a team and am happy!!! Thanks so much for setting this all up! :grouphug:
:cheer2: :cheer2: TEAM 2!

I'll be out of town for the weekend without computer access, so I won't be able to join in any team name discussions. I've tried to think of more name suggestions, but haven't been able to come up with any, so figured I'd post my one suggestion one more time :

Experiment 626

Have a Great Weekend everyone!

I am SOOOOOO Sorry Cindy!!!!

I thought I had copy pasted that and added it to the list of suggested names!!! I will do so now!! Have a good weekend!!!

Kathy - when will we vote? Do we need to keep thinking of new names? How about Expedition WISH? WISH Expeditionists? Still thinkin'. :rolleyes1

Dave - I think I was the last to sign up and will likely have low mileage so if you need to you can pull me off a team. I don't want to hold up someone from playing that would be able to contribute more :goodvibes

I'll be a cheerleader no matter what :cheer2: :goodvibes
Dave - I think I was the last to sign up and will likely have low mileage so if you need to you can pull me off a team. I don't want to hold up someone from playing that would be able to contribute more :goodvibes

I'll be a cheerleader no matter what :cheer2: :goodvibes

Heck, no, you can't go! :cheer2: We want you here! It's like the HM--there's always room for one more!
Sorry to be so wishy washy. If it makes your job easier, go ahead and put me down. Well, put my name down. :p

ETA: Look's like I'm already there.

OK Team 7, we need a name!

WISH Spirit?
Carrie, looks like i've flown over to your lovely new team! Thanks for offering to lead us and kick us into action, :rotfl: I love WISH spirit, i'll also re post the thoughts i had earlier but i'm not too good at names!
Figment’s fighters
Spritely spirits
Courageous contenders
Walt’s warriers
Tinkerbell’s titans

I am SOOOOOO Sorry Cindy!!!!

I thought I had copy pasted that and added it to the list of suggested names!!! I will do so now!! Have a good weekend!!!


Wait, there's a list of suggested names? Now I feel a little dumb. :confused: I guess its a few pages back? I'll go check.
I finally signed up for a screen name (Tink06's DH) My vote is for Walt's Warriors!!!

Go Team 7!!!!!!!
Okay, so, again, Team 4, we need to final input on a name. I would LOVE to hear from Westcliffemom (Stacey) and Cruella de Mom (Cecilia) just to be sure they are aware that we are starting and that WE NEED HELP!!! LOL...

So far, Super Goofs is the choice and if I do not hear any absolute negatives (hey that would have been a great name for me) by Sunday, we will go with this one.


Super Goofs it is!!! :cheer2:

I'm ready!!!!!! Let's ROLL!!!!! :cheer2: :woohoo: :cool1: :banana: :dance3:


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