Mickey's Very Merry Holiday WEIGHT LOSS Party! December 2016

Tonight I'm going to see Book of Mormon with my mom and brother. It's a late birthday present for him and I bought myself a ticket as an early Christmas present for me. I'm so excited to see it! I love musicals and I can't wait to cross another off the list. I'm also going to woohoo that I've worked out twice so far this week and had decent runs both times.
Ah Wednesday where have you been? Adding to the this week is slow chatter, yesterday was stressful here at work, so when I got home all I could think of was "can't wait till Survivor starts and I can get totally lost in some guilty pleasure TV", then at about 7:45pm I realized it was still Tuesday. Dang it. So instead I watched Chopped Junior and kept think "that 11 year old cooks better than I do".

So back to woohoos... the weather forecast is still for a "bit of afternoon snow" tomorrow. Sounds perfect, and it is definitely cold enough out there that this time whatever comes down will stick. I get to go shopping today... we have extra employee discounts this week and I've been waiting to pick up another thing for my Nephew and I've also been waiting to get myself a pair of Blundstone boots and the time is finally here!

Oh here's a huge woohoo: this year I wanted to plan crafting vacations, where I travel to different retreats and workshops. On the top of my list is one called Squam, put on by the same gal who is doing the online workshop I'm starting in January. She released the 2017 schedule and I am pre-registered for the June session! I am so excited!

Yesterday thoughts on peace were to disconnect electronically and particularly from the news. This is a big deal for me and something I was already thinking about. I've already reduced to one cycle of the local evening news, and I'm trying to stop checking MSNBC and CNN online every 30 minutes during the day. I was also able to leave my phone on the counter last night for a couple hours without checking Facebook or Instagram. I had turned company email off a month or so ago but have had to turn it back on, but I am planning to not actually checking it when I'm at home and I did manage to do that last evening. Baby steps.

Happy Wednesday everyone!
Ah Wednesday where have you been? Adding to the this week is slow chatter, yesterday was stressful here at work, so when I got home all I could think of was "can't wait till Survivor starts and I can get totally lost in some guilty pleasure TV", then at about 7:45pm I realized it was still Tuesday. Dang it. So instead I watched Chopped Junior and kept think "that 11 year old cooks better than I do".

Happy Wednesday everyone!

That sounds suspiciously like my evening.... except I KNEW it wasn't Survivor night :( because I work on Tuesday nights... and I fell asleep watching Chopped (or whatever came after it). And yes.... there are 6th graders in the world that cook far better than I EVER will!!:rotfl:

Today I am celebrating my Birthday! Not really too much different than a regular day but we are getting Mellow Mushroom pizza for dinner. It is also a rest day for running so that worked out nicely. I am also woohooing that my daughter's riding instructor told me that I look like I have lost a ton of weight!!

Happy, happy birthday to you!! party: And :thumbsup2 on the compliment you received!!


Okay... I am trying to catch up a bit here before logging onto work at 5:50! ...............P
Oh I am so glad it's woohoo Wednesday!

I made myself oats with berries and milk this morning. Someone commented about how healthy it is. I thought to myself - I much prefer January sales shopping while feeling good about myself, than January diets! WhooHoo!

I also thought that this time last year I made a commitment ot myself that I won't do any more crazy diets and will figure out way to live consistently and happily. That I won't myself go crazy either too good or too bad. It's so great to think how well I did. I feel fantastic! We had Indian meal with sparkling wine and cheesecake on 1st of January last year, all part of no more crazy diets and well balanced. The content I feel with the way I live including exercise and food is something I have not had before. I have been slimmer before, but on a diet. What I do fits me well

There are 11 boxes of biscuits bought for present for family, teachers and guests at my work desk. Well few for us too. And I have 0 temptation to have them right now! Like non at all! Apart from did I miss anyone, I have no other thoughts for them

One of the more upmarket food stores I go to have their Christmas cherries out today. I bought a small box. OMG - they were heavenly. The taste was insane!!!! I am in food heaven. It makes such a difference to put your mind on food that I love but also supports my health goals, and not give much attention to food that isn't as loving to me! It's not that I won't have Christmas cake, but I will make sure I have a lot of yummy goodies that are super good for me too so the cake doesn't get as much place in my mind, or in my plate

To sum it up, I feel fantastic and this is my WhooHoo for this week. And my tummy is supper happy too. Staying on course December is awesome

Once again, you have shown some great insight and a terrific way with words!! You have found the balance in a healthy lifestyle.... something that eludes so many people!

I am still feeling crummy today but I do have a woohoo. Last night my sons Hapkido (form of karate) class got to perform on the ice at the Monsters game (Hockey team here. I think it is like a minor league or something.) He was so nervous. He has never had to perform before because he just plays sports. He did great and loved it. They are already talking about next year.

Sorry you aren't better, but glad you had a woohoo to share!

It's only Wednesday? I'm with y'all @dsnyfn1022 & @courtneybeth-- this week is slow... and I have no idea why. I'm not looking forward to anything in particular. DH and I are talking about going the Disney this weekend or next. Nothing solid. Also not sure if that's in the budget, but supposed to look at it and figure it today. So maybe that's part of why I want this week to hurry up!

Anyway, silly little woohoo: I got an early Christmas present last night-- the Disney Christmas train to put around our tree! I've wanted a train for the tree for 4 years, and just couldn't justify the cost for something I look at for only a month a year. But the lingering longing for 4 years must mean something. And so DH surprised me with one yesterday! :santa:

I'm with you on the super slow week! The Christmas train sounds delightful!

Tonight I'm going to see Book of Mormon with my mom and brother. It's a late birthday present for him and I bought myself a ticket as an early Christmas present for me. I'm so excited to see it! I love musicals and I can't wait to cross another off the list. I'm also going to woohoo that I've worked out twice so far this week and had decent runs both times.

Hope you have fun!.... great EXERCISE woohoo too!


Speaking of MUSICALS, anyone planning to watch Hairspray Live tonight? I've got it set to record on the DVR, but I am going to save it for another day.... don't want to miss Survivor! I do love Derek Hough.... I can't imagine just how great it is going to be with him! I wasn't over the top when they did The Sound of Music Live but I am such a massive fan of the original movie, it is hard for me to imagine it any other way. Not that it was "bad".... just different... and I don't care for different in that venue.

Anyhow....... I made "Cheater Korean Beef Bowl" for dinner and added lots of veggies, but I've had very little appetite this week (I think from some personal life stress rather than a stomach bug).... so hoping I'll feel up to eating some. I did wake up at 5 am today literally in pain from hunger, so I had a banana and it helped. Obviously even when your BRAIN doesn't want food, your belly still needs it. I brought some homemade chicken soup for lunch and did eat it all.

I am working in about 40 minutes so I need to go move the laundry along and iron a shirt for tomorrow so that I be ready to work and then get straight onto watching Survivor when my shift ends at 8pm! I'll be back in the morning with the QOTD!............P
WOOHOOOO! You've made it to Wednesday! Share something that has made you say "woohoo" in the past week!!:cool1:

I'm a little late - but my woohoos are:

I had lunch out on a great street that has undergone regeneration in Maroochydore with all the OTs in my cluster after our meeting yesterday - the weather was beautiful and it was a nice social outing with yummy food.
I have been making some progress this week with reducing chocolate - not perfect yet but making progress.
Yesterday while cooking dinner when the munchies hit I ate 5 raw snow peas!!! you all know what I usually would have had so that is worth a woohoo - lol.

but I've had very little appetite this week (I think from some personal life stress rather than a stomach bug).... so hoping I'll feel up to eating some. I did wake up at 5 am today literally in pain from hunger, so I had a banana and it helped. Obviously even when your BRAIN doesn't want food, your belly still needs it. I brought some homemade chicken soup for lunch and did eat it all.

:hug: I hope things work out for you and you feel better soon.

@MommaoffherRocker a great big Happy Birthday to you :dance3:
Good morning all! Here is your QOTD for Thursday, December 8, 2016:


What is making this time DIFFERENT? Sure, we've all done this before.... at every New Year's Day.... every time the jeans got just a bit too tight.... before every class reunion.... the diet would start and then we would get lost somewhere along the way. But NOW...it is DIFFERENT! You can FEEL it! This time you are going ALL THE WAY.... all the way to your GOAL WEIGHT! Sure, you know that this JOURNEY will have some ups, some downs, and there will definitely be a few detours and roadblocks to work around.... but the journey will continue. SO again, I ask you... what is making this time different?
Good morning all! Here is your QOTD for Thursday, December 8, 2016:

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What is making this time DIFFERENT? Sure, we've all done this before.... at every New Year's Day.... every time the jeans got just a bit too tight.... before every class reunion.... the diet would start and then we would get lost somewhere along the way. But NOW...it is DIFFERENT! You can FEEL it! This time you are going ALL THE WAY.... all the way to your GOAL WEIGHT! Sure, you know that this JOURNEY will have some ups, some downs, and there will definitely be a few detours and roadblocks to work around.... but the journey will continue. SO again, I ask you... what is making this time different?

I think this group has made the most difference for me. It helps makes me accountable. I have a goal every month and I try to hit it each month. Some months I don't but I at least try. In the past if I knew I ate bad or gained weight I just didn't weigh myself and then the downward spiral would start. With this group even if I know it may not be good I still weigh myself and know where I am at. This helps me to stay more on track. If I see the number go up I know I need to work a little bit harder. It also helps to have other people understand what I am going through as well. I can talk openly and not get criticized. You guys encourage me when I am not doing so good. This is the longest i have kept weight off. It is only 10 pounds in a year but that is much better then 0 or gaining more. Slow and steady wins the race!


This morning has been a really rough morning. I didn't take the Zyrtec last night because I think it was keeping me from sleeping good and I just really needed sleep. I have been coughing really bad this morning. I feel like I am not getting any better. I feel like it is getting a little worse. I don't want to go back to the doctors but it is looking like I might end up their again some time soon. I really do not want to still have this while I am off of work. I only have 1 more week of work before I am off. Maybe that is what I need. Some time to rest and not have to worry about anything. Stay in my PJ's all day for a day or two and just watch tv and rest. I haven't had much time to do that lately. I am at the point that I just want to feel like myself again and get back to normal activities. My house is a disaster. My husband had kept up with laundry and the kitchen but the living room is bad. The kids have thrown their stuff all over the floor and I haven't gotten on them about putting it away. I am just too tired by the end of the day. It will all get done this weekend weather I want to or not. It is just starting to get on my nerves.
Good morning all! Here is your QOTD for Thursday, December 8, 2016:

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What is making this time DIFFERENT? Sure, we've all done this before.... at every New Year's Day.... every time the jeans got just a bit too tight.... before every class reunion.... the diet would start and then we would get lost somewhere along the way. But NOW...it is DIFFERENT! You can FEEL it! This time you are going ALL THE WAY.... all the way to your GOAL WEIGHT! Sure, you know that this JOURNEY will have some ups, some downs, and there will definitely be a few detours and roadblocks to work around.... but the journey will continue. SO again, I ask you... what is making this time different?

This time I've recognized that it is a journey and not just an end goal that I can hit and then not ever think about again. Unfortunately, I know that food will be a focus for the rest of my life. I don't naturally tend to make healthy choices and don't love exercise like some people. I also do naturally lean toward emotional eating or being on overdrive. So for me, it's recognizing that this is never ending. There is no "end goal" for me. It's just a change and knowing that there will be speed bumps (like gaining 15 pounds over the course of 6 months due to divorce) and I'll struggle to get refocused like I'm currently working through right now. It's great to have this awesome support group if for no other reason that it keeps me thinking every day and that it lets me know that there are other people out there that struggle with the same things!


Book of Mormon was SO FUNNY. It went by so quickly. I could watch it live again and again. It was wonderful! Unfortunately, I drank last night and had a bit too much to drink and made some terrible eating choices. But I'm back at it today and going to the gym. I've kinda decided that if I maintain through the month of December then I am totally happy with that.
Speaking of MUSICALS, anyone planning to watch Hairspray Live tonight? I've got it set to record on the DVR, but I am going to save it for another day.... don't want to miss Survivor! I do love Derek Hough.... I can't imagine just how great it is going to be with him! I wasn't over the top when they did The Sound of Music Live but I am such a massive fan of the original movie, it is hard for me to imagine it any other way. Not that it was "bad".... just different... and I don't care for different in that venue.

I am working in about 40 minutes so I need to go move the laundry along and iron a shirt for tomorrow so that I be ready to work and then get straight onto watching Survivor when my shift ends at 8pm! I'll be back in the morning with the QOTD!............P

I did not watch Hairspray. I forgot about it. I liked Sound of Music and Grease but really did not like Peter Pan. I didn't miss survivor though. I have to watch it the night it is on. Since I have to pick the kids up at 8 from PSR I watch it on a delay. This way I can also skip the commercials. It is all my husbands fault that I got attached to Survivor. We started dating in September during I think the 3rd year of the show. He wanted to watch one season to see what it was all about and then I was hooked. I wanted no part of watching this show until then. I haven't missed an episode since.
Good morning all! Here is your QOTD for Thursday, December 8, 2016:

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What is making this time DIFFERENT? Sure, we've all done this before.... at every New Year's Day.... every time the jeans got just a bit too tight.... before every class reunion.... the diet would start and then we would get lost somewhere along the way. But NOW...it is DIFFERENT! You can FEEL it! This time you are going ALL THE WAY.... all the way to your GOAL WEIGHT! Sure, you know that this JOURNEY will have some ups, some downs, and there will definitely be a few detours and roadblocks to work around.... but the journey will continue. SO again, I ask you... what is making this time different?
A couple things are going to be different: 1) I'm using the "minimum" definition of success and 2) applying Kaizen principals of small changes that lead to big improvements. But also 3) I'm working on some things not specifically about what I'm eating, but rather general physical and spiritual well being/growth that I expect will lead to changes in how/what foods I consume.

So today is the big SNOW day: this morning the news said it should start falling in the city around 5pm, so I'm planning on catching an earlier bus home, because even a couple inches can bring the city to its knees what with all the hills. I will say though that the streets are already salted this morning and it is nice to see such advance preparedness. Which of course will mean no snow ;).

Yesterday was a better work day, nothing huge is going on it's just that we have three new people who have joined the team in leadership positions, one of which is new to the company and he's been disruptive because he's jumping in and mucking around without taking the time to see what is really going on. I'm trying to just shift my focus and roll with it.

Good morning all! Here is your QOTD for Thursday, December 8, 2016:

View attachment 209391

What is making this time DIFFERENT? Sure, we've all done this before.... at every New Year's Day.... every time the jeans got just a bit too tight.... before every class reunion.... the diet would start and then we would get lost somewhere along the way. But NOW...it is DIFFERENT! You can FEEL it! This time you are going ALL THE WAY.... all the way to your GOAL WEIGHT! Sure, you know that this JOURNEY will have some ups, some downs, and there will definitely be a few detours and roadblocks to work around.... but the journey will continue. SO again, I ask you... what is making this time different?

While my goal this month isn't about weight (it's exercise and maintenance!), I feel like I'm more motivated than ever to keep myself on track. Maintenance mode is probably more difficult than weight loss because you now have a bit more flexibility in eating. And now it's learning how to properly eat and being okay with eating a little bit more.

I leave for Disney World tomorrow (!!) and we've already planned out our meals. We've looked at nutritional menus and have planned accordingly what we will order at our ADRs. There are actually some very healthy options on the menus if you really take the time to look a little deeper and do some research. It's not about eating until you clear your plate, it's eating until you feel full and eating smart. You can't eat every dessert but pick 2-3 over the course of a week long trip to enjoy. :)
What is making this time DIFFERENT? Sure, we've all done this before.... at every New Year's Day.... every time the jeans got just a bit too tight.... before every class reunion.... the diet would start and then we would get lost somewhere along the way. But NOW...it is DIFFERENT! You can FEEL it! This time you are going ALL THE WAY.... all the way to your GOAL WEIGHT! Sure, you know that this JOURNEY will have some ups, some downs, and there will definitely be a few detours and roadblocks to work around.... but the journey will continue. SO again, I ask you... what is making this time different?

I started coming to these boards with a very specific goal in mind. Loose 30 lbs - some how, some way, whatever it takes with no regard for sustainability and overall health and well being. 15 lbs in and I've plateaued and lost motivation. I guess I'm not as horrified as I was with my original weight, but still not ecstatic about where I am. Anyway, what's different NOW is that I am totally shifting focus to healthier choices and finding a lifestyle that works for me. I've cut way back on sweets and alcohol and am slowly loosing the taste for them. Seriously, this morning, I didn't want the apple I brought because it seemed too sweet to me. This is great news! haha! This month is kinda funky in that I know my motivation to bump my exercise back up to where it was before my heart scare is going to be slim with the busy holidays. But for January, I already have my yoga classes picked out and am dusting off that elliptical!

Like @Oneanne I am working on some personal growth as well. Fostering some friendships and picking up some projects I used to love... I need my mind happy as well to help me succeed at the weight part too :)
While my goal this month isn't about weight (it's exercise and maintenance!), I feel like I'm more motivated than ever to keep myself on track. Maintenance mode is probably more difficult than weight loss because you now have a bit more flexibility in eating. And now it's learning how to properly eat and being okay with eating a little bit more.

I leave for Disney World tomorrow (!!) and we've already planned out our meals. We've looked at nutritional menus and have planned accordingly what we will order at our ADRs. There are actually some very healthy options on the menus if you really take the time to look a little deeper and do some research. It's not about eating until you clear your plate, it's eating until you feel full and eating smart. You can't eat every dessert but pick 2-3 over the course of a week long trip to enjoy. :)
Hope you have a jolly trip!
A couple things are going to be different: 1) I'm using the "minimum" definition of success and 2) applying Kaizen principals of small changes that lead to big improvements. But also 3) I'm working on some things not specifically about what I'm eating, but rather general physical and spiritual well being/growth that I expect will lead to changes in how/what foods I consume.

So today is the big SNOW day: this morning the news said it should start falling in the city around 5pm, so I'm planning on catching an earlier bus home, because even a couple inches can bring the city to its knees what with all the hills. I will say though that the streets are already salted this morning and it is nice to see such advance preparedness. Which of course will mean no snow ;).

Yesterday was a better work day, nothing huge is going on it's just that we have three new people who have joined the team in leadership positions, one of which is new to the company and he's been disruptive because he's jumping in and mucking around without taking the time to see what is really going on. I'm trying to just shift my focus and roll with it.

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Our snow started this morning and is supposed to go until Saturday. we should get like 4-6 inches but the snow belt just the east of me can get up to 12+ inches. I hate winter and the snow. is it spring yet?
Good morning all! Here is your QOTD for Thursday, December 8, 2016:

View attachment 209391

What is making this time DIFFERENT? Sure, we've all done this before.... at every New Year's Day.... every time the jeans got just a bit too tight.... before every class reunion.... the diet would start and then we would get lost somewhere along the way. But NOW...it is DIFFERENT! You can FEEL it! This time you are going ALL THE WAY.... all the way to your GOAL WEIGHT! Sure, you know that this JOURNEY will have some ups, some downs, and there will definitely be a few detours and roadblocks to work around.... but the journey will continue. SO again, I ask you... what is making this time different?

Checking in from Orlando while I soak my poor beleaguered feet. I think this trip maybe what makes a difference for me!! I'm not more then 10-15 pounds heavier than I was for our March but I'm really struggling this time around. The unfortunate first day blisters are the main problem but I'm also realizing that my size is interfering with my life. I don't like the fact that the way I look in pictures makes me reluctant to meet characters. I hated the fact that I fretted the whole time we were in line for the Gringott's coaster I was fretting about whether I would fit. It is embarrassing that individual lap bars are so my higher on me than they are on my skinny husband. And shared lap bars are worse when you realize they are nowhere near the lap of your seat mate. I just know that I need to make some pretty drastic changes.

All the self doubt aside, this trip has been a lot of fun! MVMCP turned out to be extraordinarily crowded and we didn't enjoy it as much as we had hoped but I still think it was worth it. We ended up mainly riding things - rides were close to walk on other than Peter Pan and the Mine Train - because lines for the characters were incredibly long and you couldn't get close enough to really see the shows. People started gathering in the hub and along Main Street at 6:00! We watched Holiday Wishes from the bridge outside Be Our Guest which isn't the greatest for choreography but is absolutely amazing for having fireworks going off in every direction around you. I watched the second parade from Frontierland while the husband took another ride on Space Mountain. I liked the parade a lot but the song .... oh so repetitive! Funny parade story - a man standing just behind me kept inching up and bumping me with his shoes. I was firm about standing my ground and staying in my curbside spot but he didn't get the message. At one point he was so close that I ended up leaning back against his legs hoping he would back off. He didn't. When the parade was over and I stood up, he looked at me in shock and said "you're not my wife! You must think I'm a real *****!"

I'll post some better pictures when I'm home and can get them off the good camera but I loved watching Nick and Judy!



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