MICKEY & US - The Prequel


<font color=6666CC>Ya-ya sister!<br><font color=gr
Dec 12, 2001
The players –

Carol (40, British) – dangerously Disney obsessed.
Roland (35, German) – puts up with me somehow.

Mickey – our beanie, on his first trip `home´.


First problem – where to start my trip report? I started planning to go to DisneyWorld about five minutes after Walt did. When I was little I was a faithful fan of all the Disney specials at Easter and Christmas (why did they stop them?) and the films, (Jungle Book’s my favourite), and I KNEW Disney needed me as much as I needed it! Life conspired against me and my dream for a long time (read that as having no money) but I got there in the end.

My first taste of magic was in 1990 when I met Roland, the most wonderful man in the world (there’s no use arguing with me on that one chaps) and then things got even more magical when we married in 1996. (That’s when I discovered that you can’t really burst with happiness). Without Roland, Disney would all still be a dream.

In July 1997, when we lived in London, I wandered into a travel agents and just `happened´ to see some brochures for Disneyland Paris. I took them home, oohed and aahed at all the pages, saw the prices, felt faint and binned the lot. A month later, I opened a Winnie the Pooh birthday card bearing (couldn’t resist the pun) the message, `I can’t make all your wishes come true but at least I can this one´ and a folded up piece of paper. Unfolded, this turned out to be a picture of Disneyland Paris. Roland had rescued the brochures – my present was a weekend at Disneyland Paris! (Told you he was wonderful). There followed more bursting with happiness. We didn’t get there (because Roland wasn’t well) until the end of February ’98 but it was well worth the wait. The magic of that trip was unbelievable and talking about it always puts a smile on our faces.

In June ‘98, Roland was sent to a conference in Paris – guess who went along too? Well, we were only three stations away from you-know-where! Roland really did have to attend the conference so I went to that wonderful place on my own in the morning (only other person available was a woman who sneered continually about Disney) and Roland joined me in the afternoon. It was every bit as special as we remembered. It was, however, when I realised that even if you can be a kid-at-heart forever, your body doesn’t always play the game: halfway round Indiana Jones (and this was before it went backwards) I realised I didn’t like roller coasters any more. Great timing.

In September ’98, Roland casually mentioned he’d been asked to speak at a conference in Santa Barbara the following June. Where? (Geography’s not my strong point). Santa Barbara. It’s in California. But isn’t that where …? I'm sure you can picture the excitement! We went to the conference for a week and then hung two weeks driving round on the end of it. It was a fantastic holiday, we loved it, but it was VERY tiring. By the time we got to the last three days of our holiday – you can guess where – we were in desperate need of another holiday, something relaxing. What we got was Disneyland at its busiest, during a freak cold and rainy period. Overall we had a good time with some great memories but we were too tired for it. One of us was particularly grizzly (I said he was wonderful, nobody’s perfect! And he had done all the driving) and we didn’t get as much out of the Californian park as we did the Paris one. Not Disney’s fault though.

After we returned, talk turned to my 40th birthday and how and where to celebrate it. Where else??!!

Next - the planning marathon.
Very much enjoyed your 'prequel' Carol.

Once that old Disney magic has got you, it just doesn't let go, does it?
No better place to celebrate your 40th birthday than WDW.

Roland sounds like a top man. Any chance he might take me if I wore a dress? :D

Great start, and I can't wait to find out what happens next :) .............
Goodness you've built up the tension really well. I'm looking forward to what follows. Carolyn
. . . . on my way to the next installment - don't get in my way;), anyone!


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