MICKEY & US. The End - Controversies and other matters.


<font color=6666CC>Ya-ya sister!<br><font color=gr
Dec 12, 2001
Carol (40, British) – dangerously Disney obsessed.
Roland (35, German) – puts up with me somehow.

Mickey – our beanie, on his first trip `home´.

I've read so much about whether strollers should be used and if so, what the age limit should be so here’s our two cents. The oldest child we saw in a stroller was a mum! She and the little girl were in it, dad and the little boy were pushing. And do you know what? If there’d been room I'd have gladly joined them!
Seriously though, OUR complaint is that parents don't put their children in strollers enough - tired kiddies don't make for a good time for anyone, especially those with the shortest legs. So please parents, let the poor mites rest up a bit when they need to – no age limit!

I blissfully saw not a single person smoking – Roland saw loads. (He says I was usually in the loo at the time – what a surprise). And he was never in a designated area. He saw a CM politely point a lady in the direction of the smoking area but the woman just turned her back and walked off in the other direction. So the CM continued telling the husband who retorted, “Don’t tell me, I'm not the one doing it.” Then he followed his wife. Roland and I are agreed on this one – warn them once then throw them out of the park. Bet that would work!

Roland knows nothing about Disney’s reputed slip in cleanliness so we have an objective opinion here. He actually compared the other places we went to as “Nowhere near as good as Disney, especially the toilets – they’re spotless at Disney.” So there you have it – and I agree!

They’ve got some very good people at WDW! The vast majority of CMs we came across were superb. The occasional one that wasn’t stood out only because the contrast was so great.

We did EE at Disneyland and didn't really enjoy it – we were too tired and cranky and most of what was open didn't interest us. I don’t think we’d have done it at WDW even if we could have. I planned carefully (understatement!) and we did everything we wanted to, no problem, especially with FP. I don’t think we needed an E-night either. And the opening hours were fine for us too. But I hope Disney isn't reading this and patting itself on the back – I think they’re doing themselves a big disfavour by scrapping these two on-site perks, as people do want them and will vote with their feet if Disney isn't careful.

Now that we’ve been stayed at WDW we’ll never do it any other way. Going back for a break and the feeling of still being `there´ are what sold us – we’re hooked!

What security? Oh you mean those people at the gate wasting everybody's time by pretending to search bags? I had three sections in my bag but I only ever opened up two and though some guards looked harder than others, none searched properly. The third section was in the flap that went over the other two – three security guards realised there was something there when they played with Mickey but not one of them said a word. And I could clearly see that Roland had something round his waist, under his T-shirt but they all had bad eyesight apparently. We didn’t mind being searched – we’re used to it from living in London – but it was still a bit of a farce.

I have brightly coloured bows on all our suitcases – so why do so many people check to see if they’re theirs? And why doesn't everybody mark their suitcases so they can recognise them? We watched a family heave a huge black suitcase onto a trolley – a whole fifteen minutes later we watched them heave it back onto the belt again. Theirs had come along and they’d realised their mistake.

Perfect for putting a smile on people’s faces! And babies were entranced – even crying ones would stop and stare at our Mickey. Think I'll only do it at Disney though – not everyone needs to know I'm mad!

If you've ever written a trip report, the chances are I've read it – I love them! But it’s unlikely that yours was one of the very few I've ever replied to. I save all the reports I find and then use them as motivation (`another half hour and then you can read a trip report for being good´). As new ones come along all the time it can take me months to finally read some so I seldom post about them. So please accept this as a huge THANKYOU! And I'm going to change my ways – I'm going to reply to them even if it’s months later. So if your trip report gets a reply six months after you posted – guess who!!
And lastly (yes I've finally finished!) a huge thankyou to everyone who replied to my reports – you made all the hard work so worthwhile. I hope we `see´ each other again soon – can't be soon enough for me!
Thanks for all the reports Carol, I know it's a lot of hard work to type them all up but they are much appreciated
I loved Mickey and US. I could hardly wait for the next installement. I am glad you had a good time and shared your experiences with us. You'll have to bring Mickey and Moose "home" soon. Adopted kids should be fully familiar with their roots!!
Thank you so much for posting these reports Carol, I have really enjoyed reading all of them and I agree with you about so many things.

Sorry I have waited until the end to post but I couldn't keep up with you !!!

I almost gave up typing mine half way through because it is a lot of hard work, but I now have a copy with the photographs in our albumn and it is great to get it out every now and again to read through and bring back all those little details you might otherwise forget.

I have enjoyed your reports enormously. Thank you so much for writing them. How are the boys doing now? I'll be going to WDW in October, shall I send you a brownie?

My first ever post and I just wanted to say what great trip reports.

Please go back soon so we can have another instalment!

Thanks for posting your reports :)

I've enjoyed reading them all (even though I really should have been busy doing other things :o ).

(and welcome to the boards, Tammy! )
Thankyou Vernon – much appreciated!
Kidzmom3 – I've given this some thought. We really all should be living in Epcot. Mickey was made in China, bought in England, lives in Germany but is still American. Moose is Canadian but bought in America. Roland’s German but there’s definitely Nordic ancestry in there somewhere and Epcot’s his favourite park. I'm English but with all the moving around I've done I think I'd be right at home in Epcot. Do you think Disney will agree?
Thanks bengunn (love the name). I wish I had only 58 days on my countdown!
Thanks Silver – I'm so happy to be getting replies at all, I don’t mind when they come! We were going to put our reports in the album as well – till I realised how much I'd written… We’ve decided to write reports for every holiday, wherever we go – it's great for keeping them alive!
Oh Joyce – a fudge topped one from Mara. Please please please!!!!!
Thankyou Kaylee – I know you’ve read them all because you always posted- thankyou!
Tammy – I'm so pleased about every reply and somebody posting for the first time because of my report is just SO nice. But for it to be the star of my own favourite trip reports really bowled me over. I feel like Cherie Blair’s said she thinks I'd be good at running the country!
Thanks for all your replies too Hilary. Should have been busy doing other things? Nooo – Dising’s a priority. Should be made compulsory!

Carol, you have my never ending admiration for your trip reports which were so interesting and comprehensive. I couldn't believe the amount of hard work which goes into them until I tried to post some for the first ever time just after Christmas. Sadly they were lost in the board crash, and I hadn't saved them, so I gave up, but I would have found it very hard to finish them anyway. The fact that you never left us in mid-air so to speak and maintained all your energy and enthusiasm until the end deserves a huge pat on the back..... or a glass of chilled wine!!!!! Carolyn:) :) :)
Thanks JohnW!
Oh Carolyn that is so sad – it must have been awful losing all that work. Thanks for the compliments though – I'm going to make sure all my reports are properly saved now!
Oh little twinnie, we're at the end:( For this trip, anyway.

Hope you and Roland are both well and recovered from your last day(s) flights.

I have SO loved your reports, you have made me feel I was there with you - and as you know we are SO similar it's spooky:p

Keep in touch
Take care - both
Big Twinnie xxx


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