Memories Earned & Lessons Learned - COMPLETED

Great trip report so far. :)

I'm loving hearing about you experiencing everything for the first time. :)

Thank you, i'm really enjoying re-living it :)

sounds like your having an amazing time the first few day look fab:):)

We had such a good time, can't wait to return!!!

Enjoying your trippie, thanks for doing it. Is that the new Paddock pool? Kade's a real cutie.

Thanks for reading!! Yes, it is the Paddock pool. That pic is the kiddy bit where it is much shallower. :)

loving your trip report from the eyes of first timers. The photo of Kade eating the snow crab legs made me laugh, they were so HUGE..pretty sure some 4 yr olds would have been scared of them!:)

Yes you made some rooky mistakes but that so adds to your holiday...and its something you look back on and laugh. I think all of us have done the 'buying shoes for the holiday' mistake. Its one that you never ever ever make again.:rotfl: I think on my first time I did that, so ended up buying another pair while there and then another pair because they became uncomfortable etc etc..cost me a fortune. Loving all your photo's and Kade is just adorable.:thumbsup2

:rotfl: yes the crabs legs were HUGE! He absolutely loved them though. The girls came and cracked them for him in the end. I thought they looked like long spooky fingers :laughing:

Your right that it all adds to the experience. It would have been nice to have saved a bit of the dosh we wasted but apart from that I wouldn't change a thing ;)

Loving your trippie! You'll always remember your first time :lmao:

Saratoga Springs looks lovely, I'm very impressed with your apartment. Was it a studio or a one bedroom (or even a two bedroom)? Next time we take DH's sons we'll need two sleeping areas for a bit of privacy as they'll be getting older...

Looking forward to hearing lots more!

Thank you! Yes, it was a one bedroom apartment. We had the bedroom while Kade had the sofa bed.
In hindsight we probably would have been just as well all in the one room but it was nice to have the extra room. Shame we didn't have the wardrobe space though grrr!

loving your TR so far and your lil boy is so cute! :good vibes looking forward to reading more :thumbsup2

Thank you so much! It's so nice that people are taking the time to read it! :good vibes

Love reading your report! Can't wait for more :goodvibes

Thank you!!! :good vibes I'm getting on with more as we speak so will try and get the next day up.
Thanks again for reading xx
Rely enjoying this!!! Im going to Saratoga Springs for the 1st time in Oct!!!

Hope there is more coming soon :D
Day 4 – Animal Kingdom – Wednesday 18th April

Awoke about 5am this morning but got up at 6am. Marcus ducked out early and brought back some pastries, juice and coffee.
We decided Animal Kingdom would be the park of choice today so we left fairly early, as we wanted to get in for the EMH.



It was really good to get in early as it made all the difference even though it was still busy.
Now just to help you build up a picture here, I have never been a fan of fast rides of any description (bit of a wuss when it comes to that) however for some unexplainable reason I had been saying for ages, ever since we booked this trip, that I was determined to ride Expedition Everest.
So as soon as we got through the gates, we were on a mission to get straight on it!!


On our way to EE

The queue was barely there so we did actually get straight on.
Kade was very hesitant to get on, as he wasn’t sure about the Yeti bit but I reassured him it would be fine and we got in a carriage together behind Marcus.
BIG MISTAKE! It set off and at first I was smiling and laughing with everyone else but as soon as we started the descent backwards and it started whizzing in the dark, I totally had a panic attack!!! :scared1:
I had my eyes shut tightly the whole way and was holding on to Kade so hard whilst shouting to Marc that I needed to get off lol. Where exactly I don’t know :rotfl:
It seemed to take forever to come to a stop and when I got off I was dizzy and shaking like a leaf…probably the colour of one too! :laughing:

Needless to say the rest of the holiday was spent only on the tame baby rides.

Next up was the Kilimanjaro Safari, which was fab before catching the Wildlife Express train to walk round Rafikis Planet watch.




Once we caught the train back it was on to watch the Lion King Festival which I thought was excellent!!


We were sat in the Giraffe's group.


We came out from the show and spotted a photo op with Chip’n’Dale before wandering round a couple of shops and buying an AK photo frame.


After this we headed back to Africa as we had a reservation at Tuskers for a character meal.


It was busy and we got in the queue but was told we were too early so went to sit in the bar next door and got a cold beer :thumbsup2

After killing another 10mins we finally went in to the courtyard bit at the back and Kade & Marc got a picture with Donald.


It was extremely busy and we were given a buzzer and told to sit and wait. It was pretty hot by this point but we managed to snaffle a couple of chairs under a parasol so wasn’t too bad. 20mins later we were finally called much to our relief to be getting out of the heat.
There were four characters milling around inside, Goofy, Daisy, Minnie & Mickey, which Kade got to meet all of and get their autographs. The food was a buffet and I have to say it was all gorgeous.


A lady came round selling the picture pack that they had taken outside earlier and we decided to buy it although I thought it was a little on the steep side at $31.00!

Once finished at Tuskers we went for a wander round before stopping for an ice cream snack and popping into a shop and coming back out with the Cheshire Cat!! I couldn’t resist him :love:


Finding Nemo the musical was up next then we came out just in time to catch Mickeys Parade. Our 1st parade of the holiday!







We caught the bus back to resort after the parade finished and chilled out for a bit before going on to the Turf & Grill for our evening meal.
It was still very warm and quite busy so we sat outside.
I had Clams in garlic butter & white wine sauce and green beans followed by a maple syrup dessert.
Marcus had Prime rib - With yukon gold mashed potatoes, swiss chard,and red wine demi-glaze followed by Cheesecake.
Kade had a hotdog followed by fruit salad.

Our waiter was called Max and when he brought our bill he was chatting and told us we had 100 meals left on the DDP, which we all thought, was quite a lot!!

After we left the restaurant we headed home to chill out with a glass of wine and ended up falling asleep around 9pm. We were such lightweights on this holiday :lmao:
anouther fab day you have some amazing photos kade is so cute:goodvibes cant wait for day 5:)
How did Kade cope on the E Everest? I only took one look at that and KNEW I couldn't cope. I can't cope on Splash Mountain:confused3

Loving your TR as they are really giving me that Disney Buzz.:) waiting for Day 5..don't be long:rotfl:
Thanks so very much! It's really nice people are taking the time to read and enjoy it :good vibes

anouther fab day you have some amazing photos kade is so cute:goodvibes cant wait for day 5:)

How did Kade cope on the E Everest? I only took one look at that and KNEW I couldn't cope. I can't cope on Splash Mountain:confused3

Loving your TR as they are really giving me that Disney Buzz.:) waiting for Day 5..don't be long:rotfl:

Surprisingly he was fine! I think he was a bit worried as I was like I were but once we were off I asked him what he thought and he said he liked it but he wouldn't do it again :laughing:
He does love all the fast rides though like his dad :roll eyes:

Thank you, day 5 coming now :thumbsup2
Day 5 – Epcot – Thursday 19th April 2012

Up at 7am this morning and Marc brought back pastries, juice and coffee again for breakfast.
We then left the apartment and went to catch the bus for Epcot. Again the bus was fairly quiet which was the case most days on our trip and it was always wonderful to step into what felt as cold as a fridge after being out in the heat.
Once we arrived at Epcot we queued for a couple of mins before getting in and spotted Daisy not far from the entrance so of course had to stop to get a pic and cuddle!



Stitch was also there but seeing as he had a bit of a queue, we decided to try him later.
Instead we wandered into the Character spot place and think it was a really good time to go as they were all there with only a couple of people in front. So with no wait at all, Kade got pic’s with Mickey, Minnie, Donald, Pluto & Goofy.



Back out in the sunshine we wandered down till we came across the Nemo and friends ride.





We did this, which we enjoyed then looked around the aquarium. That was really good too. I loved watching the dolphins swimming in there.

After this we ended up in the building where Soarin is and went for a peek but the queue was huge so we thought we’d go on the ‘Land of Pavilion’ boat ride then come and collect some fast passes for Soarin.
LOP ride had a very small queue and was ok. I enjoyed it but Kade got a little bored, probably because it was educational. :roll eyes:

After getting the Fast passes for Soarin we went for a look around heading toward Mexico and stopping for pic’s in front of the topiary along the way. These look so cool. I really loved them!




Lunch was up next at a Mexican quick service restaurant called ‘Cantina’.
We got taco’s and although they were ok, we all agreed that it wasn’t the best meal we’d had so far. The black tortilla chips didn’t do much to tempt us :laughing:





After we’d eaten we got on the Mexican Pavilion ride that is on a boat and again had next to no queue!



Maelstrom was next which was great fun until we thought the ride had got stuck :eek:. Luckily it was just delayed half way round, phew!




By the time we were off Maelstrom we exited through the shop then figured we should make our way back in the direction of Soarin as it was almost fast pass time :thumbsup2

Sounds like a lovely day. :)

I was OK on Everest, though the first time I went on The Mummy Returns at Universal, I had a similar experience to you. My husband told me it wasn't a rollercoaster just an indoor movie ride, I went along with it, even though I was suspicious when I saw the 'this is a fast ride' signs. OMG, I have never been so scared in my life, hated it. Though when we went back a couple of years later I thought I'd go on again, since I knew what to expect.... well no they'd changed the ride a bit and I was equally as frightened. :L



On the way Kade spotted Duffy so we jumped in the queue to wait for him.
He was really good fun actually and had a little more fun than some of the other characters as he pinched Kade’s hat, put it on his nose and pretended to do a big sneeze into it before holding it high above his head so Kade had to try and jump for it! :laughing:


Putting Kades hat on his nose until............



Kade thought it was fun but when we were walking away he was checking his hat for anything sticky in there! :rotfl:


Checking for Duffy's sneeze!


Stopped to watch these guys along the way.

Once we got to Soarin we jumped in the FP queue and only had to wait about 5mins before we were in. It did feel a little on the cheeky side when all those people have been queuing for ages and we just saunter on past lol
I have to admit once we were in I was feeling a little anxious with all the strapping in about what was going to happen with the ride but once we started I absolutely loved it!!! Well, we all did. It was just a shame it seemed to be over too quick.

Next was time for a lolly break and a bit of people watching before popping into a shop and buying a small soft toy Stitch.
So after another little walk around we came across ‘Spaceship Earth’ so thought we’d have a go after making sure I wasn’t going to be going into another Expedition Everest scenario lol.


Seeing it was a slow moving ride I was happily reassured and off we went. Kade and I sat in one carriage with Marcus sat behind. When you set off you get your pic taken which I thought they would try and sell at the end but instead whilst you are on the ride it asks you to input some answers to questions in the computer displayed on screens bedded in the seats in front such as where you are from and what areas you are interested in to tailor make your ideal future.
Anyway, once it’s done, the pic’s it had taken earlier are implanted onto some cartoon bodies while they do stuff tailored to the answers you gave. Well Kade and I found this hilarious and laughed our heads off the entire way back down.


Everyones pics gets displayed at the end!

After this we mooched round some of the park again before making our way out.
Luckily we spotted Stitch again near the exit with only half a dozen people queuing so we joined them and got a pic & autograph. Stitch really liked Kades Stitch lol.


We caught the bus back and by this time it had started to cloud over then just as we were nearing our stop, the heavens opened and it lashed it down!
We ran all the way to our apartment but still got back resembling 3 drowned rats!

Our evening meal was to be and the Turf bar & Grill again as it was nice and easy being only a 5min walk away.
We all shared Buffalo Chicken with handmade crisps & Onion Rings with dips for starter.
I had minted lamb chops with honey mustard gravy and buttered quino & broccoli. This was gorgeous and highly recommended.
Marcus had steak with mash & broccoli and Kade had a Cheeseburger with carrot stix and celery.
Marcus had Cheesecake for dessert and Kade a DIY ice cream sundae.
Great updates and photos
It looks like you are all having loads of fun :goodvibes
Well done you for giving Everest a go even though it doesn't sound like you enjoyed it much :rolleyes1
Sounds like a lovely day. :)

I was OK on Everest, though the first time I went on The Mummy Returns at Universal, I had a similar experience to you. My husband told me it wasn't a rollercoaster just an indoor movie ride, I went along with it, even though I was suspicious when I saw the 'this is a fast ride' signs. OMG, I have never been so scared in my life, hated it. Though when we went back a couple of years later I thought I'd go on again, since I knew what to expect.... well no they'd changed the ride a bit and I was equally as frightened. :L

Wow, you were brave to go back on it!! I think i've been scared off fast rides for life :eek:

Great updates and photos
It looks like you are all having loads of fun :goodvibes
Well done you for giving Everest a go even though it doesn't sound like you enjoyed it much :rolleyes1

Yeah we really did have the best time :good vibes

I'm glad I tried it (i think??) because at least now I know never to be so silly again :laughing:

Your trip report is brill!!!! Cant wait to read move!

Ah, thanks very much! It's really good fun re-living it :)
Day 6 – Hollywood Studio’s & Phantasmic – Friday 20th April 2012

Awoke at 7am but didn’t bother getting up till 8.30am.

Marcus took Kade to the Paddock pool while I sat on the patio area to soak up some sun but the pair appeared 10mins later as it didn’t open till 10am.
We all decided to venture down at 10am and Marc & Kade played in the pool whilst I lazed on the many available sun loungers.


On our way to the pool.

We had lunch at the pool bar. I had a chicken salad with chocolate fudge cake for dessert.
Marcus had a spicy fish burger with fries followed by Cheesecake (OMG, just noticing how often Marc has had cheesecake! :scared1:) and Kady had a Cheeseburger with carrots & grapes.

After lunch, I headed back to the apartment leaving Kade & daddy playing in the pool.
Once they landed home around 1.30pm, we set off to catch the bus for Hollywood Studio’s.



We were very excited to be here as this was the where we were going to see Phineas & Ferb (Kade’s favourite) but just as we were approaching them, we saw they were just leaving!!
We told Kade they would be back soon so ventured on to the Indiana Stunt show.


Now unfortunately by this point I wasn’t feeling on best form and was really feeling the heat. So we had sat down and the show started but it was so loud, Kade got very restless covering his ears and I was feeling less than well with the heat so we decided to leave.



Cooling down in one of the shops

We wandered around before escaping into the Little Mermaid Show, which was a welcome break from the heat.
Apparently a man at the pool back at resort had told Marcus it was unseasonably hot for this time of year!

Nicely cooled down and feeling much better we came out and noticed ‘Playhouse Disney Live’ was right opposite and the show was just about to start so we went straight across there to watch the show. Now any mums of younger kids will probably know all the shows that were on here along with the songs and I was no exception. I was singing along (for the sake of Kade you understand) but secretly I was really enjoying it :laughing:



Once the show was done the doors opened but no one moved as it was absolutely teaming it down. I remember Wayneg on here saying ‘when it rains it rains’ and boy was he right!!
We ended up waiting in the lobby of the Brown Derby, where we were to eat a bit later, for 20mins with crowds of other people!
When it finally eased off a little, Marcus said he would take Kade to see if they could see Phineas & Ferb as he guessed the queues might be low because of the rain so we ventured outside and I waited under a stroller shelter instead.


After the rain!

15mins later a wet, grumpy looking pair appeared. It turns out they got in the queue but when it got to their turn they realised I had the Photopass card so had to come away!!
I promised Kade he would get to see P&F eventually and we set off for a wander round the wet park as there wasn’t much time to fit anything else in before our meal reservation at the Hollywood Brown Derby. This again was a signature restaurant and we had coupled it with the phantasmic show as a meal package.

When it was time we went into the restaurant and I couldn’t help feeling a little bedraggled in our shorts & t-shirts looking rather damp as we were escorted into the big posh dining room. It just had a feeling of ‘sit up straight and use your manners’ feeling about it lol.
Anyway, the service and food were fabulous!


I had Blue Lump Crab Spring Rolls, Snow Crab Claw, and an Asian Slaw with spicy Miso Aioli for starter with Grilled Loch Duart Salmon, Blue Cheese Polenta Cake, and Spring Vegetables sauteed with Tapenade and Kalamata BeurreBlanc for main.


This starter was gorgeous!!


Marcus had Feuilles de Brick Napoleon of Bleu Affinee, Wild Mushroom Duxelles, Grilled Portobello, Golden Chanterelles, and a Fig Reduction for starter followed by an 8oz Charred Filet of Beef glazed with a Red Wine Reduction topped with a Cabernet and Roasted Shallot Butter over White Truffle Forest Mushroom Whipped Potatoes.



Kade had Tempura Fish Strips with Steamed Broccoli and Dipping Sauce withGummy Snakes, and a Toll House Cookie



Dessert was Grapefruit Cake—Brown Derby Original! Light Layers of Yellow Cake with fresh Grapefruit-Cream Cheese Icing


So after leaving the Brown Derby full and satisfied we thought we would try Phineas & Ferb again but stopped along the way to buy some ponchos as we figured we couldn’t trust the rain to hold off seeing as the show this evening was outside.

Luckily P&F were there but only till 7pm and the queue was quite long but we got in it anyway as Kade wouldn’t have been a happy bunny otherwise.

Luck must have been on our side as by the time it got to our turn it was 6.55pm so he was just in the nick time :cheer2:


After the pic’s we took a slow stroll towards Phantasmic as Marcus said it had been advised to get there a bit early to make sure of a good seat.


By the time we were queuing to get in it had started to rain again so the ponchos had definitely been a good call :thumbsup2


We were sat down by 7.30pm but the show wasn’t starting until 8.30pm so we had a bit of a wet wait but kept our spirits up.



At about 8.15pm the man announced that the show may be cancelled due to the weather :sad2: but luckily as if by magic 10mins later the rain stopped and the show went ahead as planned, phew.




We all really enjoyed Phantasmic and headed home after it to get into bed around 10.30pm.
Day 7 – Chill out/Shopping Mall – Saturday 21st April

Arose around 8.15am and Marcus went out to grab breakfast again although Kade & I just fancied cereal. The fridge was actually getting fuller and fuller rather than emptier with the amount of juice, uneaten stuff we’d bought from Walmart and leftover food like desserts that we would sometimes ‘take out’ rather than eat in. We found we just couldn’t eat it all quickly enough before it was time for the next meal!

Anyway Marcus & Kade got their trunks on (or Dunks as they like to call them) and went off to the pool while I stayed behind and caught up with a few emails and what not.
At about 11.15am Marc & Kade returned and we had a stroll up to the Artists Pallate for some lunch.

I had a turkey & Cranberry sandwich with crisps & a carrot cake.


Marcus had a Pepperoni flatbread with Cheesecake for afters


Kade had Mac’n’Cheese with carrot sticks followed by a cookie.


After lunch we hopped in the car and headed out to find the Premium Outlet Shopping Mall.
This was only a short 10min drive away. When we got there we couldn’t believe how many cars were in the car park!! It seemed a huge car park that went on for ages but there was barely a space available! Probably as it was a Saturday I guess.
Once finally parked we had a walk round and I loved the fact there were so many big brand shops there. Every shop you could think of really!



I ended up buying a pair of True Religion shorts ($129 reduced from $209!) & a Florida T-shirt and 3 t-shirts from American Apparel.
Marcus bought some shorts and a t-shirt from AA and Kade got a Jack Sparrow Figure from the Disney shop.
We spent a bit more time milling in & out of the shops before making our way home.

Our meal this evening was to be at Capin’ Jacks at DTD.


Waiting for our boat


Here she comes!

The weather wasn’t looking too smart on our way there and by the time we were just getting in to the restaurant, it was starting to rain. We sat by the window overlooking the water watching the rain.
The meal was really nice.
I had Clams for starter and the restaurant special for main, which was a bucket of seafood that included prawns, chicken, clams, mussels and red skin potatoes in a spicy broth.


Marcus had Veg soup followed by Chicken Breast on a bed of Penne Pasta.


Kade shared my starter then had salmon with green beans and potato wedges.


For desserts we had key lime pie (to go), cheesecake (again!!) and a cookie for Kade.

By the time we’d finished the rain was showing no sign of stopping so we decided to make our way home. We had planned to take one of the little boats out but figured it wouldn’t have been much fun in the rain :sad1:

We stopped at the shop in the Artists Palate on the way back to the apartment and bought some snacks that would keep to take home as we realised we still had 70 snack credits left!
Marcus bought himself a Goofy t-shirt then we retreated back home for the evening.
kade looks like he is having the time of his life - lovely photos, enjoying your blog very much, how are you coping with the bad rain you have there? is it still warmish ? (even tho most of the day is rain)
I'm with your hubby here...LOVE LOVE LOVE the Cheesecake in WDW.:)

What did you buy with all those snack credits? We ended up going into Goofy's candy store in DTD and buying loads of stuff. We took home a massive box of handpicked fresh cookies etc once. :)

Bet you are planning on going back as you certainly seemed to have loved every moment of it.


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