Meeska-Mouska-Mickeeeeeey's House! **8/21 - Preparation Pictures!!**

I am so glad your family is safe and sound. It is so horrible all the damage and loss!! In my prayers I am thinking of those who have lost loved ones, their homes and possessions.
And I wish I could take credit for the photos! My DMIL is a-mazing with her camera. We have never had a need or desire for professional portraits of our boys! :worship:

She could go pro!

[FONT="Comic Sans MS]
[IMG][/IMG] My sister. Rockin' the "jams". :lmao:[/QUOTE]

OMG -jams! I went to WDW for the first time when I was 12. This could have totally been me - jams were big then! What year was this, we could have been there at the same time! I think I have one of my only pics of our trip back on one of the first pages of my ptr.

[quote="seamama71, post: 36531001"]:offtopic: I need to break away from the PTR a bit to spread the word about my beloved hometown, Nashville. I think I'll just copy some links and status updates that are going around Facebook. I'm not living there now, but I have lots of family there, including my parents, and friends who have been seriously affected. All my folks are safe, thank God, but there are MANY who have lost everything. Thanks in advance for thoughts, prayers, positive vibes you could send their way.

Sarah, we lived in Nashville for four years after we got married. I have some good friends there still. Its just devastating.:sad2:
So sorry to hear about Nashville. It's even headline news on BBC, which the British new website we read over here. Scary and horrible stuff!!!

I am so glad your family is safe and sound. It is so horrible all the damage and loss!! In my prayers I am thinking of those who have lost loved ones, their homes and possessions.

Sarah, we lived in Nashville for four years after we got married. I have some good friends there still. Its just devastating.:sad2:

Thanks, all, for your thoughts and prayers - and I know there's tons more out there. There's a great spirit of survival there now. A neat blog post has spawned and lots of donations to help.
Thanks again everyone - Nashville will recover! ...And back to Disney stuff soon! Need to go catch up on reading everyone's trip and pre-trip reports!
Hi! Yes, the Disboards are amazing. I found them last year when I was planning my first trip to Disney as an adult.

Your title piqued my interest, as my son (age 3) is all about Mickey's Clubhouse right now. That is an understatment. He is obsessed. And I think he has a crush on Daisy! :rotfl:

I am super interested in your plans, as my trip last year was just my husband and I. We have tentative plans for February 2011! Reading through some of your info, I'm already starting to get scared about planning it!

Great PTR, so far! And don't worry about lag time between posts...I did (most) of a dining report and it took months...MUCH longer than I had thought it would. :scared1:
We could possibly both be at MK on Thursday for the parade and fireworks and EP for WS and Illuminations Friday evening. It would be great to see if it would work for us to meet up.

From what I read, Cape May is better than Garden Grill but it is all based on personal preference. Your itinerary looks great to me :thumbsup2 The only thing would be later nights followed by early mornings be rough on you?

Great flashback!!

Meeting up could be fun! And thanks for the feedback about the late nights/early days. I'm going to go back and look at my plans to see how we might need to adjust. I think our first night, especially, it would be a good idea to get to bed early, head "home" right after dinner.

Hi! Yes, the Disboards are amazing. I found them last year when I was planning my first trip to Disney as an adult.

Your title piqued my interest, as my son (age 3) is all about Mickey's Clubhouse right now. That is an understatment. He is obsessed. And I think he has a crush on Daisy! :rotfl:

I am super interested in your plans, as my trip last year was just my husband and I. We have tentative plans for February 2011! Reading through some of your info, I'm already starting to get scared about planning it!

Great PTR, so far! And don't worry about lag time between posts...I did (most) of a dining report and it took months...MUCH longer than I had thought it would. :scared1:

Glad you're reading :) And boy, am I living up to quite some lag time so far! :laughing:

Yes, my title came from my youngest son, 2, who loooovees Mickey. I am trying to break the news to him that he might hear people saying that the castle at MK is Cinderella's, not Mickey's. :scared: No crushes yet!

And I hope I'm not scaring you too much! There is just so much thinking and planning when you travel with small kids -- especially when you're planning in advance. Kids change so quickly, it's hard to predict what they'll be "into" or capable of so many months from now. Not to mention their nap/sleep schedule!

That's why I think this board helps so much - I can blab on and on about all these thoughts running through my mind and there are others who actually Get It!

On the Update front:

I ordered my baggalini Messenger Bag tonight! YAY! Just hoping it gets here in time for my vacation next week. We're going to the beach with my parents -- yes, the gulf, where we vacationed all during my childhood, and where I went to college. Yet another disaster to watch....

I've also set up "buys" for 2 Maclaren strollers via craigslist for this week. Public places, safety issues considered, both seem credible, don't think I'll be kidnapped...;)

I think we'll only take one on our beach trip, b/c we are taking car seats too AND b/c DH isn't exactly wild about my plan. He wants to rent 2 strollers from Orlando Strollers when we're down there so we aren't bothering with them through the airport. I've traveled so many times with a stroller via airplane though, I don't think it will phase me. And with 5 adults, we'll have plenty of people to push. We're getting 2 singles rather than a double b/c I'm thinking that there are going to be things that DS4 will be able to do that DS2 won't, so this way we can split up without someone being stuck carrying a kid.

We've already passed on our two strollers b/c the weight limits were 35 and 40 lbs. DS4 is already 40 lbs, and DS2 is almost 30 lbs. And if we have "mandatory" stroller assignments, DS4 will certainly want to ride in the "other one"! :rotfl:
Good strategic stroller planning there!! I wouldn't have thought about getting 2 in case you wanted to split up! :thumbsup2
Good strategic stroller planning there!! I wouldn't have thought about getting 2 in case you wanted to split up! :thumbsup2

Thanks! I think I read about someone doing that - maybe on this board?

Both the buys were thankfully uneventful. The first stroller, the newer/more expensive one, I got for less than they originally asked b/c she felt bad she kept me waiting 20 minutes. No big deal waiting for me, but I didn't argue when she said "oh, just give me $80"!! ($250 stroller :thumbsup2)

DH still thinks I'm a little crazy. He just doesn't have the VISION :confused3

Now I have to decide whether to take one or both strollers on our beach trip next week. We have to take 2 car seats on this trip, so that's a LOT to haul from/to the cars at the airports.
Maybe I should buy a double stroller too... :rotfl2:

BTW, I'm completely immersed in Disney right now. A few months ago, I DVR'd a couple Travel Channel Disney shows. My youngest is OBSESSED and asks to watch them every day. Watching one right now!
Hey, you're doing a great job with your first PTR!!! Looks like we'll be in the MK on the same day. Sunday the 19th. That's and EMH night, i'm excited about that!!! Can't wait to be watching wishes!

Your boys are absolutely adorable!!! I was excited when I first figured out how to do pics too :thumbsup2
I had to adjust our itinerary to nix the late night/early morning combo because it would be too hard on all of us, but especially DD.

I am debating on renting a stroller...but we are driving so there is no excuse other than I don't want to mess with it. We would rent from Orlando Stroller Rentals though not Disney (not sure which you are thinking). I think the idea of having two single strollers makes sense! :goodvibes:
That's a phenomenal deal on the stroller! Pays to have patience, eh?? :woohoo:
Loved my Maclaren stroller. I got it on Ebay for $60. I'm kinda sad that our stroller days have passed. Why do they have to grow up so fast?!
I'm in!! Your little boy is adorable!!

It took me a while to figure out how to post pictures too :lmao:
I have been thinking of you all, but haven't found the time to post. I've also needed time to process some new life changes! :eek:

Over Memorial Day weekend, we got to go on a fabulous vacation with my parents down to the Gulf. No oil at all! It was such a fun time, and also good "practice" for some of our Disney plans (although DH would roll his eyes big-time at the thought of that!) :laughing:

BUT NOW, I'm going to start researching some slight alterations in our Disney plans. Not b/c of the trip, but b/c right after we returned home, I found out that our little family of 4 will become a family of 5!!! :scared1: Still very early - no doctor's appt yet - but the test took about 1 second to show the + and I"m having all the good ol' symptoms :sick: and ready to move on to 2nd trimester.

This was totally unplanned at this time, but we're really :cloud9: about it. Despite the fact that we'll end up in the poorhouse... :laughing: especially if it's a girl. We were :rotfl2: when we found out - I had just a month before driven all our baby stuff down to my sister. She wants to give it all back, but with a 3rd kid, I feel like our needs are much different. I know what I want to use, and I don't need all those types of baby carriers, for instance. So I'm happy that she can still keep most of the stuff ( we do need the crib!) and I'll play at some yard sales this summer! And she's due early Sept; I'm not due until late Jan/early Feb.

THankfully, I'll be in my 2nd trimester during our Disney trip. I've had 2 blessedly normal and comfortable pregnancies before this one, so I'm hoping this will be similar. I'll have a big ol' belly, but won't be feeling terrible. I'll be taking naps with the boys more than I planned, though! And I won't be losing weight before the trip...but I won't mind being big :)
And I have to go through my books and sites again to see what rides I can't go on :( That's the only bummer. THat, and not doing some late-night out drinks with DH.

I'd love to hear from any of you who have done Disney preggo!!

OH! and thanks to those who have joined in, despite my absence. I'll hopefully get some energy to stay awake and post at night again soon :laughing:

And I do have a funny stroller story from our beach trip - I'll post later :thumbsup2
Oh my goodness.... CONGRATULATIONS! I hope you have a fabulous pregnancy, like it sounds like your last two were. :goodvibes
Coming in a bit late to the party, but


I think we'll miss your trip by a few days. (we'll be at the WL from the 7-15th) :p Loving your PTR, thinking about jumping in feet first with one of my one soon.

Oh my goodness.... CONGRATULATIONS! I hope you have a fabulous pregnancy, like it sounds like your last two were. :goodvibes

Congratulations! How exciting!

Congratulations, Sarah! What awesome news!:banana:

Congratulations! :yay::yay:

Thanks for all the Congrats :goodvibes
First doctor's appt tomorrow!! So now I'll be splitting my time between here and my mommy-to-be message boards. I don't think I'll be getting ANY work done at work! :sad2: :laughing:

Coming in a bit late to the party, but


I think we'll miss your trip by a few days. (we'll be at the WL from the 7-15th) :p Loving your PTR, thinking about jumping in feet first with one of my one soon.


Welcome and Thank You!! How great that you have a trip coming up too - and now we can say that it's "soon" for us both! You're jumping into my PTR just in time for me to agonize over plan changes that account for my tired, big-belly, pathetic self! More time at the pool may be called for... :)
Congrats! I went to Disney while pregnant with Madison, but I was only 2 months along. I couldn't ride (obviously) ToT, RNRC, Space Mtn, BTMRR...but I did manage to ride Splash Mtn. I asked my doctor about the rides and she said since there was only 1 big drop (and I wasn't very far along) it would be ok. Hmm....maybe that's why Madison absolutely hated that ride! :rotfl:


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