"Maybe We Should Go To Disney World Next Week" An Impromptu May DR *COMPLETE*

Quick but interesting breakfast options are hard to come by in MK these days, but I decided to make my first ever stop at Gaston's Tavern to try something I had been curious about.

Love the decor in here. Even the registers are cool.

And of course, I had to try said Brew for myself.

Rob said he would split it with me since I knew it was probably going to be too sweet for me to finish it all on my own. I got it in the souvenir stein (of course), which the girl behind the counter was kind enough to put inside of a regular cup before placing in the stein. That way I didn't have to carry around a sticky cup with me all day. :thumbsup2

Eeeeeek! I love it! The stein that is. The drink was alright, but the stein is really where it's at. :thumbsup2 The drink was definitely very sweet, but it was yummy. It had an interesting flavor. Overall, I liked it. Butterbeer is better. Shhhh, don't tell Mickey I said that. :laughing:

And what goes better with sugar than... more sugar. I'll take a cinnamon roll as well.

This thing was HUGE! I took a picture of it next to my cup of ice water for a little size comparison.

It's nearly as tall as the cup! Okay, so it's a big connamon roll, but how does it taste. Well, it was okay. Why is Disney suddenly having a hard time getting this right? My first MSB cinnamon roll a few years ago was amazing. The second time, it was just okay. Way too dry and hardly any frosting. They had the frosting right this time, but once you got past the moist frosting covered top, the inside was a dry tasteless mess. The maple frosting wasn't too mapley (is that a word) which I was worried about. It was actually quite good, but the pastry part was disappointing. How can Cinnabon, in every mall in America, make a cinnamon roll 100 times more amazing than Disney? I'll take a Cinnabon over this any day. Get it together Disney!

Unless I hear about a vast improvement at this location I won't be returning any time soon. They definitely need a few more unique and,
more importantly, tasty items here. Cute location. Lame options. Except for the stein. That I love. I use it at home every day.
Okay, not exactly WDW related, but I had to share. Rob has always wanted to try an eating challenge and we found out that a new place near us had a challenge. His brother told him about it and he decided he had to give it a try. Here are the details of the challenge. It's the Carnivore Challenge!

And here it is in all its glory.

He was all smiles before he started eating.

That smile didn't last long. :lmao:

You had 20 minutes and 2 seconds to eat it. Did they do it?

Here is my SIL's result.

She was so sick. Epic fail for her.

And here is Rob's result.

Soooooo close! We were all trying to get him to just shove the last of it in his mouth but he couldn't do it. He said he was so full that he couldn't even think clearly. His body couldn't do what his brain was telling him too. This took away all desire to ever try an eating challenge again. He's was pretty bummed he didn't quite make it. Especially since he was one bite away from finishing. 20 more seconds on the countdown and he would've had it.

One more food update and this one is Disney related. Today is my *cough* 31st *cough* birthday and in pure grownup fashion I got what any mature adult would get for their birthday. A Frozen themed cake!

I have better pictures I'll post later, but it turned out awesome! Rob always gets me my favorite cake from a nearby bakery and this year he did very well with the theme. Plus he got me cups and plates to eat from.

And of course, and Olaf balloon.

It has been a very Disney birthday! party:

Okay, more birthday plans for today, but I will get back to real updates shortly.

WOW ... What a challeng4

Our last full day in WDW started very early. We once again made it to MK for the rope drop show! I can't get over how cute it is! It's so simple but sweet. After a few rides Rob was hungry for breakfast. He decided to stop for a favorite treat from a previous vacation. Sleepy Hollow Refreshments, here we come!

He was initially going to go with the Sweet and Spicy Chicken Waffle, but they didn't start serving those until 11am. It was still a ways off until 11am, so he went with the special listed at the counter.

Ham and Cheese Omelet Waffle!

Not nearly as spectacular looking as the description implied. He thought it was just okay. He wouldn't get it again, but he didn't dislike it.

Bummer. Oh well. Now I'm off in search of a breakfast treat for myself...

looks so good
Happy belated birthday! One is never too old for a Frozen (or any Disney themed) birthday! Love it! :)

Thanks for the explanation on Robs food challenge. I saw the pictures on Instagram and wondered. Too bad that he was sooo close but YAY! for being over food challenges. ;)

I continue to enjoy your food reviews!
I am trying SO HARD to get Rob to commit to a day trip to Universal! One of my girlfriends is also trying to make a long weekend trip happen for the two of us in April, so we'll see. I have my fingers crossed that at least one, if not both, will pan out!
I hope your Uni plans end up materializing! If you do both, you could possibly buy an annual pass and get some nice discounts in the park. :thumbsup2

Also, I agree that frozen butterbeer is better than LeFou's Brew. ;)
Too bad about the cinnamon roll, I miss the MS bakery so much!!

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yes it's a shame disney can't make a cinnamon roll as good as Cinnabon - know what you mean about the frosting being good but the cakey part being dry - kind of a letdown!

me personally, i get the Cinnabon for the frosting - along with an extra cup of frosting!

same thing with a crumb cake - once the crumbs are gone, the cake goes in the trash usually!
Catching up with your reviews. You have totally convinced me in regard to Trail's End and I've now made ADR's for both breakfast and dinner in October. Really looking forward to both! :banana:

Wow, that carnivore challenge looks completely overwhelming! The food looked good but I was almost feeling sick just thinking about trying to eat it all. :sick:

I agree with you about the Disney cinnamon rolls. Sometimes (rarely) they're incredible, but more often, they're just 'meh'. Oddly enough, the ones I've enjoyed the most have been from POFQ, as they're flakier, more like a croissant. However it's hard to choose a cinnamon bun when the beignets are calling out to me. :lmao:

Great updates Jeri and Happy Belated Birthday! :cake:
We are just back from our Disney trip and wanted to let you know that our 2 meals at Trail's End were such a hit! Even convinced my Mom and Dad! They loved the dinner there! Thanks for the tip, we are in your debt for that. :rotfl2:
Happy belated bday!!! Love your cake. It's very 31 if I so say so myself.

Too bad sleepy hollow didn't have the chicken sandwich yet. It's one of our favs in the world. I thought I'd like the prosciutto one better as if is one of my fav foods. But the chicken is just so good. Hopefully rob gets one next trip.

Love the gaston cup you got. I hadn't seen that before. Agree he brew is good but definitely on the sweet side. I've enjoyed the cinnamon rolls we've had here but I've generally been starving when we head there so I'm an easy win,
I have to agree about the cinnamon rolls. I made the same breakfast mistake at Gastons. I love Cinnabon, but they are everywhere. Even Burger King has a Cinnabon type mini roll in the morning. You'd think Disney could beat out a fast food baked good. Sadly not.
Love your Frozen birthday cake. You're never too old for Disney princesses!

Tell Rob how super impressive it was that he almost ate all that sandwich.

It's sad your cinnamon roll didn't taste as well as it photographed. And can't say I've ever seen an omelette on top of a waffle.
WOW ... What a challeng4

It was pretty insane! I still can't get over how much he ate. :laughing:

looks so good

He was disappointed with that waffle, as yummy as it looked. Not enough flavor for him I think.

I hope your Uni plans end up materializing! If you do both, you could possibly buy an annual pass and get some nice discounts in the park. :thumbsup2

Also, I agree that frozen butterbeer is better than LeFou's Brew. ;)

I wouldn't mind having an AP. It's not a terribly expensive purchase either. I don't think a WDW AP is happening again any time soon, but Universal is a possibility.

I was obsessed with the frozen butterbeer and the pear cider on our last Universal trip. They were both delicious!

Too bad about the cinnamon roll, I miss the MS bakery so much!!

Sent from my iPhone using DISBoards

I do too! I'm all for Starbucks, but couldn't it have gone somewhere else!

yes it's a shame disney can't make a cinnamon roll as good as Cinnabon - know what you mean about the frosting being good but the cakey part being dry - kind of a letdown!

me personally, i get the Cinnabon for the frosting - along with an extra cup of frosting!

same thing with a crumb cake - once the crumbs are gone, the cake goes in the trash usually!

Oh, the extra cup of frosting is a MUST! :thumbsup2

Catching up with your reviews. You have totally convinced me in regard to Trail's End and I've now made ADR's for both breakfast and dinner in October. Really looking forward to both! :banana:

Wow, that carnivore challenge looks completely overwhelming! The food looked good but I was almost feeling sick just thinking about trying to eat it all. :sick:

I agree with you about the Disney cinnamon rolls. Sometimes (rarely) they're incredible, but more often, they're just 'meh'. Oddly enough, the ones I've enjoyed the most have been from POFQ, as they're flakier, more like a croissant. However it's hard to choose a cinnamon bun when the beignets are calling out to me. :lmao:

Great updates Jeri and Happy Belated Birthday! :cake:

Awesome! I hope you enjoy them both. I am so hyped to eat there again. 45 days and counting! It's getting so close.

It makes me sick too. My poor SIL got so sick from trying to eat all of that. Rob handled it much better. He was green for about 5 minutes and then he totally shook it off.

Thanks for the bday wishes! :goodvibes

We are just back from our Disney trip and wanted to let you know that our 2 meals at Trail's End were such a hit! Even convinced my Mom and Dad! They loved the dinner there! Thanks for the tip, we are in your debt for that. :rotfl2:

Yay! :yay: So glad you all enjoyed it! I'm super psyched it worked out well. That dinner is seriously amazing. My mouth is watering just thinking about it.

Happy belated bday!!! Love your cake. It's very 31 if I so say so myself.

Too bad sleepy hollow didn't have the chicken sandwich yet. It's one of our favs in the world. I thought I'd like the prosciutto one better as if is one of my fav foods. But the chicken is just so good. Hopefully rob gets one next trip.

Love the gaston cup you got. I hadn't seen that before. Agree he brew is good but definitely on the sweet side. I've enjoyed the cinnamon rolls we've had here but I've generally been starving when we head there so I'm an easy win,

Thank you! It's fun to be a kid every now and again.

I had the chicken one a few trips ago and loved it too. The flavor of that chicken was delicious. I'm disappointed Rob hasn't been able to try it yet.

The cup is the best! Totally worth $9.99! I'm glad you enjoyed the cinnamon roll more than I did. It was almost really good. They just need to tweak it a little bit.

I have to agree about the cinnamon rolls. I made the same breakfast mistake at Gastons. I love Cinnabon, but they are everywhere. Even Burger King has a Cinnabon type mini roll in the morning. You'd think Disney could beat out a fast food baked good. Sadly not.

You're right, it's bad when they can't even top a fast food option. :sad2: Okay, now I really want a Cinnabon. :laughing:

Now I have to stop at gas tons for a cinnamon roll when we go back this Wednesday!

If you go, let me know your verdict on the cinnamon roll. :thumbsup2

Love your Frozen birthday cake. You're never too old for Disney princesses!

Tell Rob how super impressive it was that he almost ate all that sandwich.

It's sad your cinnamon roll didn't taste as well as it photographed. And can't say I've ever seen an omelette on top of a waffle.

I think I'll never grow out of loving Disney princesses. Disney brings out the kid in me.

:laughing: I will certainly tell him. I was weirdly proud of him.

The cinnamon roll certainly did look amazing. It wasn't horrible by any means, but it could sure be a lot better. Those waffle sandwiches are definitely interesting. I think I might need to try a sweet one next.
After a very fun and full morning in MK we stopped for a java jolt on our way out of the park. Main Street Bakery here we come!

It was pretty dead inside, which was nice.

I got my usual order. A Caramel Ribbon Crunch Frappuccino with an extra shot of espresso.

Yum! My favorite!

Rob got his Starbucks fav. A Java Chip Frappuccino.

These hit the spot and were just what we needed. Now we say goodbye to Magic Kingdom for this trip.

We headed out to the monorail and hitched a ride to TTC and caught another monorail over to Epcot. No mid-day break for us today! Let's keep this day going!
We arrived at Epcot and did a few rides and wandered around taking pictures of all the flowers. Here is my favorite picture from the day.

Mike Wazowski as a topiary is the best!

As lunch time rolled around we started to get hungry for lunch and decided on one of our favorite WS locations for lunch. Rose & Crown!

The outside is so charming.

As we were waiting for our table to be ready I noticed a Peter Pan topiary on top of the building across the way.

After only a minute or two we were seated inside. Our server, who was lovely, came and took our drink orders. I knew I wanted something alcoholic, I just wasn't sure what. In the end I decided on the Magners Pear Cider.

Rob and I both went with an appetizer. I had the Potato Leek soup.

I LOVE this soup! It didn't disappoint. Very creamy and delicious.

Rob went with the United Kingdom Cheese Trio.

I honestly forget what was what here, but I know he loved them all. I believe the left one was a spicy cheese with pickles, the middle was a cheddar with onion jam and the right one was a blue cheese with nuts.

For our entree we both went with the English Breakfast Burger. Angus beef patty with applewood smoked bacon, cheddar, fried egg and house-made HP sauce.

OMG this burger was too good! Loved the egg on it. The bun wasn't my favorite but no big deal. The chips were out of this world delicious as always. Fried to crispy perfection.

The burger also came with the best side ever. I fried pickle.

:love: I love a pickle spear with a sandwich or burger and this is the best pickle ever! It's in the same batter as the fish. I love it!

No dessert for us, since we were almost too full to walk.

Rose & Crown is definitely a favorite for us. It never disappoints! Our service was on point and the food was fabulous. I had been dying to have that fried pickle spear too. Rob had that burger a few years ago and I was insanely jealous of his fried pickle. So glad I finally had one all to myself.

Two parks down by 2pm and a huge meal equal, you guessed it, pool time! Now we must decide on our final dinner treat of the trip. What will it be?
Happy belated Birthday !!! Love your cake, love your plate & cups and love your balloon ... Your husband did a great job : )
I was see those food challenges on TV and amazed when they eat it all. Your husband actually did a pretty good job wow!
Still catching up after our Disneyland trip ...
Your burger looks glorious, Jeri!!! :cloud9: Now I have to figure out where I can fit in lunch at the R & C during my October trip. :laughing:
We arrived at Epcot and did a few rides and wandered around taking pictures of all the flowers. Here is my favorite picture from the day.

Mike Wazowski as a topiary is the best!

As lunch time rolled around we started to get hungry for lunch and decided on one of our favorite WS locations for lunch. Rose & Crown!

The outside is so charming.

As we were waiting for our table to be ready I noticed a Peter Pan topiary on top of the building across the way.

After only a minute or two we were seated inside. Our server, who was lovely, came and took our drink orders. I knew I wanted something alcoholic, I just wasn't sure what. In the end I decided on the Magners Pear Cider.

Rob and I both went with an appetizer. I had the Potato Leek soup.

I LOVE this soup! It didn't disappoint. Very creamy and delicious.

Rob went with the United Kingdom Cheese Trio.

I honestly forget what was what here, but I know he loved them all. I believe the left one was a spicy cheese with pickles, the middle was a cheddar with onion jam and the right one was a blue cheese with nuts.

For our entree we both went with the English Breakfast Burger. Angus beef patty with applewood smoked bacon, cheddar, fried egg and house-made HP sauce.

OMG this burger was too good! Loved the egg on it. The bun wasn't my favorite but no big deal. The chips were out of this world delicious as always. Fried to crispy perfection.

The burger also came with the best side ever. I fried pickle.

:love: I love a pickle spear with a sandwich or burger and this is the best pickle ever! It's in the same batter as the fish. I love it!

No dessert for us, since we were almost too full to walk.

Rose & Crown is definitely a favorite for us. It never disappoints! Our service was on point and the food was fabulous. I had been dying to have that fried pickle spear too. Rob had that burger a few years ago and I was insanely jealous of his fried pickle. So glad I finally had one all to myself.

Two parks down by 2pm and a huge meal equal, you guessed it, pool time! Now we must decide on our final dinner treat of the trip. What will it be?

OMG! The food at rose and crown looks amazing. must ty that burger
Jeri, just joining in! You do the best reviews I must say. Kinda of sad its almost over! When is your next trip planned? We go back in three months! I'm going to guess your last meal.....WPE? And a movie....then icecream! Lol. Can't wait to see! popcorn::


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