MAY W.I.S.H. - Let's make it an aMAYzing Month

Thinking of you @Summer2018

social Saturday

The weather is getting nice and hopefully everyone can get outside. But there will be rainy days, and sick days, and lazy days. So please share some of your indoor favorites:

Easy snack recipe
Youtube creator
book or book series
tv series
Easy snack recipe-baby carrots and hummus

Youtube creator-hmmmmm I have to be honest here I don’t watch YouTube except to learn how to do things like curl my hair or see how to operate something LOL

book or book series-I read whatever my sister in law recommends-she is such a amazing book chooser and she always steers me in the right direction!

tv series-sopranos was my favorite tv series of all time! Mindless tv watching we watch reruns of cops on Pluto tv

movie-I cannot pick just one! Bridesmaids, step brothers, good fellas, big daddy…all favorites of mine!
Easy snack - celery and cookie butter… it’s packed with sugar but the only thing peanut butter like that I’ve found.

You Tube - I rarely watch You Tube but as mentioned have just started listening to Ambient Worlds and so far my favorite is the Peter Pan one.

Book or book series - I love Mary Oliver and just bought her book ‘Devotions’. I’m going to try to read a devotion from it every day, either in the morning to set up the day or in the evening to set up the night.

TV series - I just finished all of the ‘Grace and Frankie’ episodes. I don’t normally go for crime dramas but do really get in to some of the British ones, like ‘Unfirgotten’.

Movies - I favor historical that are immersive and take me in to a different time.

So the electrolysis was a bust. It was so painful I couldn’t tolerate it and she only got a small section done. I was kind of frustrated that she hadn’t said anything about pre-numbing and didn’t offer anything as part of her service. So I guess I’ll keep plucking.
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Recipe: melt and combine 1.5 cups peanut butter (or your favorite nut butter) 1/2 cup honey 1/2 cup coconut oil, and a pinch of salt
Remove from heat and add a drip of vanilla, stir
Mix in 2 1/2 cups rolled oats (plus a scoop or 2 of protein powder if you have it handy

YouTube creators: defunctland or wait in the wings

Books: Harry Potter series, Dark Tower series, or LAMB the Gospel according to Biff

TV: Ted Lasso, Mrs Maisel, Home Economics, Scrubs, Brooklyn 99

Spent a lot of time outside today including for dinner. DH cleaned the grill so we made burgers and hotdogs on that tonight.
Press the whole thing into a 9x9 pan and press it down (with some chocolate chips if you want it sweeter), refrigerate until firm. Slice into 12ish squares.
Yesterday it was a thick grey outside, it rained off and on all day and the rain was wet, not the usually misty kind we get. I sat on the sofa all day knitting and binge watching Emily in Paris. I hadn't watched it before because I didn't think a show about a 20-something year old would be engaging but it is surprisingly good... and there's a lot of Paris. It was like a mini-vacation.

Today is a big work day, as the next phase of my project is happening and this is the stage people consider as being "live". Most of the day is coordinating with the people in one of the buildings being affected, which is always a challenge. I probably should have flown down there, but didn't think of it soon enough.

The adjustments I made last week to how I'm managing my ADHD are starting to show results, so this week I'm going to keep building on that.
Last week was just a normal week for me but the scale said I gained 2.5 pounds. That just didn't seem right. The next day I weighed again and I was the same as I had been the week before. Scales are so weird!
Tuesday Topic:


In the past few days I think several of us have mentioned how crummy our local weather has been, so it got me to thinking about the power of sun light. In addition to being a mood booster, sun light:

- increases production of vitamin d, which among other things promotes healthier hair.
- helps promote better sleep thru increased melatonin production
- promotes bone health
- can lower blood pressure
- kills bacteria

Guess how much sun light you need to reap these benefits... without Goggling.
I'll spoiler the answer for those who haven't responded yet.

I had previously heard about 15 minutes a day without sunscreen, but the article I took most of the info from said 10 to 30 minutes of midday sun several times a week... much less than I thought.

Yesterday went so well, only one minor glitch where they were doing something unexpected in the building, but it wasn't a big deal it just meant doing our part differently. The success of the project has forced me to think about how I might actually be good at my job, a radical departure from feeling like I've been coming up short all these years. Now I need to apply those skills to healthy living.
I remember many, many years ago my vitamin D level was super low and I had to get some major doses of it. Now the doctors don't even test for it--they just say everyone in the Pacific Northwest should just take it because we just don't get enough sun at the right angle. Whatever. I do take it every single day at the dose my doctor recommended way back when. I also really love to be out in the sun--even if I'm just sitting on my porch swing. Blue skies are a much better mood boost than gray skies!

I'm wahooing for tomorrow because DH and I are headed to NYC for DS2's college graduation!! woot woot Can't wait!!!!


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