"May" the Sun Shine on Hakuna Matata!!!!

:stitch: 'Ohana Monday Mixer :stitch:

Responses to this week's prompt can be posted on the 'Ohana team thread, and starts here.

Free advice, it's worth what you paid for it. Then again, sometimes the best things in life are free. You decide in this week's mixer prompt.

Share with us some memorable advice you've received.

Your advice can be related to training or races. It can focus on healthy habits or be "life" advice. It can be the best advice you've ever received, the worst, or the most profound. It can be helpful tips that helped you as a WISHer and athlete. Or it can be simply the funniest, most useless, or totally inappropriate for a situation. Just so long as it's memorable.

And just like M & Ms, don't feel restricted to just one piece....
Hi Team! Happy Monday! Another week begins... I managed to run my 10 miles on Sunday. Gorgeous day for running! But the last 2 miles were a killer - my hips were so tight that I slowed down to a wog. I still got them in so I'm happy! Only a couple more weeks until my 1/2 - where did the time go!?

Mary - Congrats on your half and enjoy your well earned massage! Do you have an pics of your medal? You're like me - my right side always get sore. Congrats to Mark as well on his PR!

Jennifer - You're a speed demon! What an amazing time! Were you running by yourself or with friends? I've found that I usually have trouble with stairs after a race but the next day everything's back to normal. Enjoy your massage :) Can't wait to hear the full report!

Scott/Lynn - I'm still thinking about changing my tickets so I can stay over an extra day and do the RFTT. The Tiki bar and the slushie contraption sound super cool!!

Connie - :wizard: for your DH! I hope he feels better soon. I will get my hours and miles to you tonight!

Denise - That's so sweet of you to get Miranda new clothes! I know some people at work who just make do with what they have - they get pretty creative with elastic bands and what not :laughing: I don't get it. Does she know if the baby is a boy or girl?

Dave - I'm always planning dinners and brunches ... uh-oh :rotfl::cutie:

Anyway, I'm off to the gym tonight for training. Have a great day everyone!
Good Morning Team!

Jennifer - congrats on the race!

MaryJ - I forgot to mention yesterday - sounds like you and your DH race the same way Scott and I do - since he runs and I walk, he also could go get a shower and change clothes then meet me at the finish:rotfl:

My temporary job with the Census Bureau will be finished this week - all I still have to do is collect my crew's hand held computers and do the release paperwork for each of them - then haul everything down to Colorado and hand in my own hand held computer - then, maybe, I will have time to check these boards with my morning coffee again! And get in my regular exercise! But the extra money has been nice - I almost have my American Express bill paid off:lmao:

Have a great day everyone!
Good Afternoon Team!

Hope everyone had a great weekend. We had beautiful weather on Sunday. Got out for 5 then pilates class. Did weights today at lunch. Can't decide if I will go to pilates tonight.

Jen & Mary, Congrats on your great races.

Lynn, Extra money is always nice. Are you going to look for another part-time job?

Connie, Hope your husband is doing well & has a speedy recovery.

Have a nice evening. Almost done at work......Sue
Hi everyone!

Thanks for all the congrats!

Eva- I ran the race on my own. I am however social to those around and carried on quite a long conversation in miles 3-5 with a guy wearing a Disney marathon shirt.

Went for my massage this morning. I feel good; however, my massage therapist said my hamstrings are incredibly tight. She also said I should be coming in much more often with my mileage. What do you guys think about massage and mileage? Is it real a "necessity" or is it just a sales pitch/nice pick me up?

There's a report over on the appropriate thread.

I went to dance class tonight and did warm up and cool down but just marked the actual dances. I'm planning to go for an easy run tomorrow and/or probably to Zumba.

Hi everyone!

Went for my massage this morning. I feel good; however, my massage therapist said my hamstrings are incredibly tight. She also said I should be coming in much more often with my mileage. What do you guys think about massage and mileage? Is it real a "necessity" or is it just a sales pitch/nice pick me up?

There's a report over on the appropriate thread.

I went to dance class tonight and did warm up and cool down but just marked the actual dances. I'm planning to go for an easy run tomorrow and/or probably to Zumba.


Jenn, does it help? Can't hurt?
Jennifer - I read somewhere that it's best to go in once a month for a massage because it helps to keep the muscles relaxed (not sure if that's the right word) and so you're less likely to injury yourself. That said... I went for a massage last week and I didn't notice a difference in my hamstrings (mine are really tight too). She specifically worked on that area too so I'm not sure. I did some work with my PT tonight and that seemed to help. Maybe I just need to stretch more ... a lot more. I don't know :)
Good Morning Team!

Jennifer - congrats on the race!

MaryJ - I forgot to mention yesterday - sounds like you and your DH race the same way Scott and I do - since he runs and I walk, he also could go get a shower and change clothes then meet me at the finish:rotfl:

My temporary job with the Census Bureau will be finished this week - all I still have to do is collect my crew's hand held computers and do the release paperwork for each of them - then haul everything down to Colorado and hand in my own hand held computer - then, maybe, I will have time to check these boards with my morning coffee again! And get in my regular exercise! But the extra money has been nice - I almost have my American Express bill paid off:lmao:

Have a great day everyone!

Lynn...I thought about you when a census worker knocked on my door last week!
Hi everyone!

Thanks for all the congrats!

Eva- I ran the race on my own. I am however social to those around and carried on quite a long conversation in miles 3-5 with a guy wearing a Disney marathon shirt.

Went for my massage this morning. I feel good; however, my massage therapist said my hamstrings are incredibly tight. She also said I should be coming in much more often with my mileage. What do you guys think about massage and mileage? Is it real a "necessity" or is it just a sales pitch/nice pick me up?

There's a report over on the appropriate thread.

I went to dance class tonight and did warm up and cool down but just marked the actual dances. I'm planning to go for an easy run tomorrow and/or probably to Zumba.


As far as massage goes, I went in for a half hour massage for three weeks in a row prior to the WDW half, and didn't have as much pain as I did at Indy last weekend. I didn't get any massages at all prior to Indy. I completely forgot that I had done that before until it was too late. So, I think I will try to keep up the massages from here on out. Once a month seems like a good start.
Good Morning Team!

Sue - I will keep my eyes open for a part time job - I do have a few apps in at places like the grocery stores, WalMart, etc. but I will have to do a bit more when I get really serious. The problem is finding a job that will let me take all the time off that I want to. We will see what comes up.

No exercise yesterday, nor will I get any today, but the sooner I collect all the computers and end my job, the sooner I will be able to get out on a regular basis!

Time to go to work! Have a great day everyone!
Good Morning Team!

Sue - I will keep my eyes open for a part time job - I do have a few apps in at places like the grocery stores, WalMart, etc. but I will have to do a bit more when I get really serious. The problem is finding a job that will let me take all the time off that I want to. We will see what comes up.

No exercise yesterday, nor will I get any today, but the sooner I collect all the computers and end my job, the sooner I will be able to get out on a regular basis!

Time to go to work! Have a great day everyone!

Lynn- the census is over? or was it just the first round? Was it interesting?
Hi everyone!

I did 3.4 miles tis morning in 27 minutes (just below an 8 minute pace). I went easy and everything feels good.

Did a 1 hour Zumba class this afternoon with my friends and now am curled up enjoying the cloudy weather.

Hi everyone!

I did 3.4 miles tis morning in 27 minutes (just below an 8 minute pace). I went easy and everything feels good.

Did a 1 hour Zumba class this afternoon with my friends and now am curled up enjoying the cloudy weather.


:thumbsup2 Whats next on the race circuit?
Hi y'all.

Erica and I did an hour walk at the Opry Mills Mall in Nashville. We had to get the VW serviced so we were there anyway. Erica fell in love with the new VW Luxury car the CC. It's a new full size sedan.

I'll have her ready for our trip to Toronto at the end of the month. We are doing an hour a day two days a week together and she walks a lot at work.

It finally stopped raining for a day but tomorrow it's forcasted to start again. Well the water table will be full anyway.

Soggy Panda:hippie:
Hi y'all.

Erica and I did an hour walk at the Opry Mills Mall in Nashville. We had to get the VW serviced so we were there anyway. Erica fell in love with the new VW Luxury car the CC. It's a new full size sedan.

I'll have her ready for our trip to Toronto at the end of the month. We are doing an hour a day two days a week together and she walks a lot at work.

It finally stopped raining for a day but tomorrow it's forcasted to start again. Well the water table will be full anyway.

Soggy Panda:hippie:

At least our wells are high this year! Toronto eh? Land of Tim Horton's~ really need more Dunkin Donuts. Took my son through there last year heading to look at schools in Michigan~ went through London and Paris~ Safe Trip! :lmao:
Good morning team.

When I'm not busy at work I watch the people go by. I've noticed that the majority of people go like they have tunnel vision and just walk straight ahead and never look around. They look like they are moving as part of a herd, following some unseen leader. Then there are others that are alert and see everything around them. They are like predators, aware of everything. I could stand there in my door way in a BOZO costume and most would never notice. Children are much more observent than their parents. The parents will pass and never look around and the child will look at me and smile as they pass.

From these years of observing the mall crowds I think that as most of us grow older we tend not to see the world around us anymore. We lose that childhood since of wonder that made the world around us so special. Some adults don't and I believe that adult athletes are among that group that retains a love of life and the beauty of our world.

Ok time to get my pudgy self to the gym and chase the fat cells.

Everyone have an awesome day.

Walking Panda:hippie:
Jack, Not a lot planned on the race circuit. I normally would do a lot of local 5ks on the summer, but will be travelling, training, and moving in (the benefits of graduating from college). My next race is the 14.2 miler at the Tupelo Marathon over labor day weekend. Then either the Memphis or Huntsville marathons. I found out I won't make it to Disney for the full because of the school calendar but am now aiming for either the Princess or a fall 2010 race (I'll have leave time by next fall to take the Friday before or the Monday after).

I'm still taking it easy. I did 5 miles at an 8 m/m pace and am going to yoga for a good stretch tonight.

Just a quick drive by for Jennifer. I go for a massage once a month for my neck. When I was having trouble with my knees, she concentrated on my legs 1/2 the time in one session and really helped. She also gave me some exercises to stretch my problem areas. If you can afford it, I would go to help relax your body. At times we're so stressed we don't even know it until the muscle is relaxed.

When I first started I went once a week for a month, then every two weeks then 3. I would be better off every 3 weeks but I can only afford the once a month.

Jack, Not a lot planned on the race circuit. I normally would do a lot of local 5ks on the summer, but will be travelling, training, and moving in (the benefits of graduating from college). My next race is the 14.2 miler at the Tupelo Marathon over labor day weekend. Then either the Memphis or Huntsville marathons. I found out I won't make it to Disney for the full because of the school calendar but am now aiming for either the Princess or a fall 2010 race (I'll have leave time by next fall to take the Friday before or the Monday after).

I'm still taking it easy. I did 5 miles at an 8 m/m pace and am going to yoga for a good stretch tonight.


Jenn- You kill me "an easy 5 miles at 8 m/m" that's taking it easy? You gotta make the full in 2010!
Come on we'll write you a note for school ~ Please excuse Jennifer she is not feeling well and is in dire need for some vitamin D at WDW



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