MAY 2020 WISH Challenge - Anything is Possible

Woohoo... yesterday was kind of an off food day because I was trying to eat leftover odds and ends, and I ended up being over 100 calories plus I was little light on steps, so I wasn't feeling great about myself last night. This morning I was down two pounds... what? That means I've made my -5 pounds goal for the month, provided nothing sneaks back on in the coming days.

After a couple cloudy/rainy days we have clear blue skies right out of the gate this morning, so I got out for a morning walk. What a wonderful way to start a day, far superior to sitting on a bus for the commute to work. I miss the social aspect of being in the office, but do not want to go back to doing it on a regular basis.

For the most part I just back-filled the porch planters with the basics, super-tunias, million bells and lobelia, but I did get two different hardy fuchsias to see how they would do, and they are gorgeous.... I wander out to look at them all the time and the hummingbirds love them.

I know! I've tried to explain "the old days" to my DS - encyclopedias, library card catalogs... He even saw someone using a microfiche reader in an old TV show the other day!

But in spite of my love for nostalgia, I am really spoiled by instant access to information, and I would miss it so much if I didn't have it!
Encyclopedias! We had a set from my paternal Grandfather that we used for research for school projects... that were 20 year old/out of date, but man I loved them.
I know! I've tried to explain "the old days" to my DS - encyclopedias, library card catalogs... He even saw someone using a microfiche reader in an old TV show the other day!

But in spite of my love for nostalgia, I am really spoiled by instant access to information, and I would miss it so much if I didn't have it!
Absolutely! I was thrilled to convert our card catalog online! We could add so many more subject headings. And the kids loved seeing pictures of the books.
Our local strawberries are in and they are delicious! I was able to support one of our favorite small businesses-I bought two big boxes and we’ll probably eat one of them today. I also bought a potted plant for the spot between our garage doors. Then I stopped by our family owned grocery store for an angel food cake for my husband. They also had hand sanitizer made by a distillery north of us, so I grabbed a bottle for myself and our daughter.
It’s hot and humid today, so I will put off my walk until later this afternoon when there’s more shade on the trail.

Sounds like the nice weather has everyone on track today-Woohoo to all of us!
Lots of chatter lately. I wasn't able to read the 4 pages that i was behind. I hope everyone had a great weekend. I did go to my moms house to hang out with her and my step dad for a bit. Well it was more like 4 hours. It was really nice to see her and catch up.

Work has been super busy this weekend. It is really making the day go by faster. Yesterday I wasn't even sure I was going to be able to get out for my lunch time walk. Weather here is just crazy. Less then 2 weeks ago we had measurable snow and yesterday we hit 90. My allergies have been horrible. I feel like all I am doing lately is sneeze.

I am ready to start going into work. I am very nervous about it but the kids are driving me nuts while I work and Jeff isn't much better. He is being very critical of my work. I mentioned that several of us in the office will need to sign a form and he about flipped out over me touching a paper that someones else has touched. He just needs to relax a bit.
Today I had to go to school to clean out my room; do report cards pass/fail; print and write up Pre-K certificates; empty student portfolios and cubbies; bag up each child's belongings; and close up the room for the summer.

Sounds simple, right?

Well, when you are afraid of going out into public because people aren't good at social distancing and wearing masks, it is a lot harder than you would think. It took every bit of my strength to go to school today. When I arrived, parents were there picking up their daily meals. I sat in my SUV waiting for the numbers to dissipate, and I realized that I had no choice but to walk into the group of people. Only two people were wearing a mask. :( One other person had her mask around her neck. Oh, they were all smiles to see me, calling out my name. I couldn't get out of there fast enough. I got to my classroom and I started to calm down. I got to work.

My assistant left her paperwork in a disorganized mess, so going through portfolios was frustrating. Nothing was alphabetical order, and their work was not in order by date. It just made my work take so much longer. I discovered mouse droppings.:mad: When I'm there, I control the rodents by spraying a natural peppermint which they hate. They have been having a field day while we have been home.🐭🐭🐭 So, before I left, I sprayed. Hopefully that slows them down from damaging my things over the summer.

When I left, I turned in my keys and the kids belongings. Then I had to walk through the throngs of people, once again not wearing masks.

When I got home, I stripped naked and took the best shower I've taken since my school had bed bugs!
Today I had to go to school to clean out my room; do report cards pass/fail; print and write up Pre-K certificates; empty student portfolios and cubbies; bag up each child's belongings; and close up the room for the summer.

Sounds simple, right?

Well, when you are afraid of going out into public because people aren't good at social distancing and wearing masks, it is a lot harder than you would think. It took every bit of my strength to go to school today. When I arrived, parents were there picking up their daily meals. I sat in my SUV waiting for the numbers to dissipate, and I realized that I had no choice but to walk into the group of people. Only two people were wearing a mask. :( One other person had her mask around her neck. Oh, they were all smiles to see me, calling out my name. I couldn't get out of there fast enough. I got to my classroom and I started to calm down. I got to work.

My assistant left her paperwork in a disorganized mess, so going through portfolios was frustrating. Nothing was alphabetical order, and their work was not in order by date. It just made my work take so much longer. I discovered mouse droppings.:mad: When I'm there, I control the rodents by spraying a natural peppermint which they hate. They have been having a field day while we have been home.🐭🐭🐭 So, before I left, I sprayed. Hopefully that slows them down from damaging my things over the summer.

When I left, I turned in my keys and the kids belongings. Then I had to walk through the throngs of people, once again not wearing masks.

When I got home, I stripped naked and took the best shower I've taken since my school had bed bugs!
My daughter’s school only allowed 5 staff members in at a time. And they could not be on the same team. Parents have scheduled times they are allowed on school property and they are not scheduled when staff are working. Such little things make a huge difference to everyone’s peace of mind.
When I got home, I stripped naked and took the best shower I've taken since my school had bed bugs!
As a nurse I will tell you I'm way more worried about bed bugs than Corona! LOL If want to make a nurse itch, tell them a patient has bed bugs, lice, or scabies. You did the right thing- wear your mask, distance as much as you can, and perform hand hygiene. You should be fine with those actions. At work we consider "close contact" as being within six feet of a person, unmasked, for at least ten minutes.
My Wednesday Woo Hoo: I've done a good job in sticking to my dietary budget. We're (loose) Dave Ramsey followers, so dieting is like a budget to me. I still have calories left in my envelope. :) I had to travel today for work and stopped by a fast food restaurant and toyed around with the idea of getting a sweet item...I opted not to, and then I went to order my diet soda they were out (so I ended up not getting anything). I did stop at a convenience store and got one sweet item, but it was about half of the calories of the thing I would have gotten in the drive through so I'm still good.
We also got some wonderful boxes today of some fresh produce. Our school system had them to give out thanks to a grant, and they gave us two. We have loads of strawberries (I already had some since they were $1 at Wal-mart last weekend), potatoes, carrots, apples, and oranges!
Today I had to go to school to clean out my room; do report cards pass/fail; print and write up Pre-K certificates; empty student portfolios and cubbies; bag up each child's belongings; and close up the room for the summer.

Sounds simple, right?

Well, when you are afraid of going out into public because people aren't good at social distancing and wearing masks, it is a lot harder than you would think. It took every bit of my strength to go to school today. When I arrived, parents were there picking up their daily meals. I sat in my SUV waiting for the numbers to dissipate, and I realized that I had no choice but to walk into the group of people. Only two people were wearing a mask. :( One other person had her mask around her neck. Oh, they were all smiles to see me, calling out my name. I couldn't get out of there fast enough. I got to my classroom and I started to calm down. I got to work.

My assistant left her paperwork in a disorganized mess, so going through portfolios was frustrating. Nothing was alphabetical order, and their work was not in order by date. It just made my work take so much longer. I discovered mouse droppings.:mad: When I'm there, I control the rodents by spraying a natural peppermint which they hate. They have been having a field day while we have been home.🐭🐭🐭 So, before I left, I sprayed. Hopefully that slows them down from damaging my things over the summer.

When I left, I turned in my keys and the kids belongings. Then I had to walk through the throngs of people, once again not wearing masks.

When I got home, I stripped naked and took the best shower I've taken since my school had bed bugs!
I have 5 hours in my classroom next Tuesday. During that time, I need to bag up students things (work left in the classroom, report cards, kindergarten certificates, etc), pack up stuff I want to take home for ending the school year and possibly starting online in the fall, and then begin to pack up my classroom to move back to our building that is being renovated. I know I won’t get that all done. But we’ll hopefully get another day over the summer to pack up. There is a strict schedule we have to follow because only 10 people are allowed in the building at a time. No one may be in the same classroom together. We must all enter through the main entrance and get our temperature taken. The. We must exit the building through a different set of doors. We have a checklist we must fill out as we complete each step of packing up student bags and packing up our classroom. On the back is a list where we are to list everything we are taking home. And we have to drop off the checklist and exit the building by the end of our time as the next shift may not enter until we have exited the building. The one thing I have going for me is that I am close to the main entrance and office (so quick walk to my room and to drop off my checklist) and I have an exterior door in my room that I can park by for a quick loading of anything I need to take home. I’m trying to go in as prepared as possible, but I still know there will not be enough time. And I did leave some snacks in the room (there was definitely a bag of Mickey goldfish crackers in the closet), so I’m afraid I’m also going to fine some mice dropping.😬
I have 5 hours in my classroom next Tuesday. During that time, I need to bag up students things (work left in the classroom, report cards, kindergarten certificates, etc), pack up stuff I want to take home for ending the school year and possibly starting online in the fall, and then begin to pack up my classroom to move back to our building that is being renovated. I know I won’t get that all done. But we’ll hopefully get another day over the summer to pack up. There is a strict schedule we have to follow because only 10 people are allowed in the building at a time. No one may be in the same classroom together. We must all enter through the main entrance and get our temperature taken. The. We must exit the building through a different set of doors. We have a checklist we must fill out as we complete each step of packing up student bags and packing up our classroom. On the back is a list where we are to list everything we are taking home. And we have to drop off the checklist and exit the building by the end of our time as the next shift may not enter until we have exited the building. The one thing I have going for me is that I am close to the main entrance and office (so quick walk to my room and to drop off my checklist) and I have an exterior door in my room that I can park by for a quick loading of anything I need to take home. I’m trying to go in as prepared as possible, but I still know there will not be enough time. And I did leave some snacks in the room (there was definitely a bag of Mickey goldfish crackers in the closet), so I’m afraid I’m also going to fine some mice dropping.😬
We also had a schedule to follow. Only 5 teachers at a time. But when I entered there were parents picking up meals, no masks even though the school has been distributing them. The cafeteria lady and one administrator had on masks, but custodians, secretaries, and other administrators didn’t have masks. One wore hers around her neck while speaking up close to one of my masked colleagues. I wish my school district was taking all of the precautions that yours is.

I believe that I have to go back one more time to do cum folders, take inventory of my classroom iPads, and turn in my Mac Air.

This summer we will have summer school. I wonder if it’s to see how social distancing and masks will work with kids.


How about a little visualization... imagine today is May 27, 2121.We have effective treatments and a vaccine.
Look back on the past year and recall three things that you experienced that you are grateful for.
I will come back tonight to do my thankfulness - I am struggling right now.

@Oneanne I know you will be able to relate ... I had Drs appointment this morning - and yep the last 6 months and years really as well caught up to me I am officially Type 2 Diabetes :( She wants me to start Metformin so my numbers really must not have been good :( I was seeing some improvement last year - but I really do put the high amount of inactivity this year and eating way to much chocolate at the same time :( I know I was expecting it but I am really feeling down :( The only good thing was my cholesterol medication is helping and my numbers are down but still not at target range yet - but close - much closer than I have been for some time.
I will come back tonight to do my thankfulness - I am struggling right now.

@Oneanne I know you will be able to relate ... I had Drs appointment this morning - and yep the last 6 months and years really as well caught up to me I am officially Type 2 Diabetes :( She wants me to start Metformin so my numbers really must not have been good :( I was seeing some improvement last year - but I really do put the high amount of inactivity this year and eating way to much chocolate at the same time :( I know I was expecting it but I am really feeling down :( The only good thing was my cholesterol medication is helping and my numbers are down but still not at target range yet - but close - much closer than I have been for some time.

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How about a little visualization... imagine today is May 27, 2121.We have effective treatments and a vaccine.
Look back on the past year and recall three things that you experienced that you are grateful for.
I’m thankful for the extra time at home as a family. We got house projects done by working together. We hade family game and movie nights. Normally my husband would have still be working. But he was home due to a work injury. So it was nice to be at home as a family!

I’m thankful for the current technology. I was able to continue teaching and see most of my students thanks to technology including Google Meet, FlipGrid, Seesaw, email, & the iPads the district allowed them to take home. I was also able to keep in touch with friends and family with technology like FaceTime, texting, Instagram, & Snapchat.

I am thankful for slowing down. I am a planner...always looking ahead. During this time, I’ve seen many new birds, a raccoon, & a fox in our backyard for the first time. We always have deer and squirrels, but I took time to really watch them. Squirrels can be very entertaining! We’ve taken time to laugh around the dinner table. I’ve sat with my husband on the porch & deck many more times than I have in the past.
Squirrels can be very entertaining!

I so agree! They come to my bird feeder a lot, but (unlike many others) I don't mind at all. They're just so cute and fun to watch!

How about a little visualization... imagine today is May 27, 2121.We have effective treatments and a vaccine.
Look back on the past year and recall three things that you experienced that you are grateful for.

:surfweb: It forced me to become more tech savvy.

:yay: I was able to develop a better exercise routine / lost a few pounds.

:artist: The creativity and caring I witnessed in people.
I will come back tonight to do my thankfulness - I am struggling right now.

@Oneanne I know you will be able to relate ... I had Drs appointment this morning - and yep the last 6 months and years really as well caught up to me I am officially Type 2 Diabetes :( She wants me to start Metformin so my numbers really must not have been good :( I was seeing some improvement last year - but I really do put the high amount of inactivity this year and eating way to much chocolate at the same time :( I know I was expecting it but I am really feeling down :( The only good thing was my cholesterol medication is helping and my numbers are down but still not at target range yet - but close - much closer than I have been for some time.
So sorry to hear this. I think I'm still teetering on the edge of pre-diabetes and the real deal, when I see her again in August I'm sure she'll want to re-do my labs to check again.
1. Thankful that family and friends all stayed healthy during the crisis.
2. Thankful for the changes I made in my lifestyle, including cooking for myself, reducing mindless shopping and getting out of the house on a regular basis to explore.
3. Thankful that I stuck with it and improved my health by getting the extra weight off... I am now maintaining at my goal weight of 160.
I will come back tonight to do my thankfulness - I am struggling right now.

@Oneanne I know you will be able to relate ... I had Drs appointment this morning - and yep the last 6 months and years really as well caught up to me I am officially Type 2 Diabetes :( She wants me to start Metformin so my numbers really must not have been good :( I was seeing some improvement last year - but I really do put the high amount of inactivity this year and eating way to much chocolate at the same time :( I know I was expecting it but I am really feeling down :( The only good thing was my cholesterol medication is helping and my numbers are down but still not at target range yet - but close - much closer than I have been for some time.


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