May 10, 2008 Ship of Thieves! Stealing the Magic..AGAIN!!! Panama Canal FL to CA!!! Part 8

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Really Bubba, just "being" there, where it all began. I love history, and I think I know enough as a WDW vet to not be disappointed. I just want to drink in the atmosphere.

I can see your smile as you first walk out on to Mainstreet...... or even before that as you see the Halloween decorations above the ticket gates...."drink up"!!!:thumbsup2
I booked the flight the day they opened up which I believe was back in February or March. I get almost daily emails for specials from United and happened to catch those seats for both JB and myself.
Oh...I think I remember now. I wouldn't have booked airfare then because of the STAR testing issue being outstanding. I probably didn't start looking until later. I'll sign up for the specials in case they do something, which I doubt. We probably will save money and do a connecting flight. So if we are grumpy at 7am breakfast the next morning, please see through it! That being said, how could we be grumpy since we will be heading to the Magic!
Lisa, I am so worried about you and your family. I hope you have all your valuables and important papers loaded in your car, just in case!! Please take care and be safe!!

:rotfl: EXACTLY!!!!! It just doesn't sound like a happy marriage to me and she doesn't seem like she's very happy with her life. She never smiles and is always grumbling about something. Not a fun way to live. Life's too short! Laugh, smile, have fun! :yay: :woohoo:
Be glad you aren't in that marriage!

We have ashes on our car today. We have a very strong smoke smell outside now too. Hopefully our winds die down tonight and they can start containing the fires. They are predicting around 50% containment by 10/29 with 100% containment around 11/4!

The sunrise this morning was unreal - the entire sky was red. With all the particulate matter in the air sunsets and sunrises should look weird for awhile.

Here in SD there is no rain in the forecast for at least the next 10 days to help clear the air.
Hope all clears up soon.

Not so great news today. Tyler's pediatrician called, left me a voice mail telling me she has his EEG results. I was already worried by the Dr. calling me herself. Then she said that phrase of doom: "I don't want to alarm you, BUT....." Anyway, her message told me it's not an emergency, but she really wants to talk to me about the results right away. When I called her back, she told me the report says "abnormal rare frontal activity". She says she's going to set up a referral to the pediatric neurologist and will call me to tell me when the appointment will be. :sad1: Tyler's dad's first comment was that she'd better refer us to somebody in-network. Then he was angry that she didn't give more details. I kept telling him, she doesn't know any more details because she's not a neurologist. She was just reading what's on the report. It also said something about "potential for seizure activity, further evaluation may be necessary". I don't remember her exact words on that part.

I'm a bit too overwhelmed to try to figure it out right now. Have to call my dad and update him, and then my mom too.
It is good they are finding something so they can fix it. Medical advances are so if he does need some sort of medicine or treatment, the sooner you know the better. Our thoughts are with you and Tyler and that crazy step-mom and Dad!

Good News brother got called to meet up with a ship off the coast of Japan. He leaves Nov 5th and is now getting all his required paperwork and physical, etc. taken care of so that he's ready to go. I'm so relieved for him. This is exactly what he needs to be doing right now. He'll be away for six months. It'll be hard for me not to be able to talk to him every day, but it's only for six months and since mom is gone, there won't be any emergencies to try to reach him about. So it's all for the best!

:banana: :banana: :banana:
Sounds good, although I am sure you will miss him.

Just take it easy as there is no sense worrying about what might be until you have more information. Sometimes for me when I am overwhelmed I tend to speak off the cuff and try to say something like what he said. I will say something I can potenitally control, like the insurance issue as opposed to speaking to what I am really feeling.
Very insightful (as always!).
I'm mostly packed....just have the odds and ends to do.....we leave tomorrow night after work. Now that I know my brother is taken care of, I can really relax and enjoy this trip. I'm starting to get really excited coz it's getting close to when we leave.

Since we'll be in FL, we'll see my brother before and after cruise....I'm glad to have some time with him away from the homefront on vaca and just relax and enjoy our last couple of days together before he goes away. I think we all need it really badly. It'll be good for all of us.

:hippie: :hippie: :hippie:
Have a GREAT time!!!!

Been a little lonely with DH gone. He flew to Colorado last Thursday to open a new store in Cherry Creek. He came home Sunday night and was on the first flight out Monday morning to San Diego to assist his stores there. Flew in last night to be in his home store because one of the Presidents of the company was speaking today. He was back on a flight midmorning back to San Diego. The hope is he will be home Friday night. The girls really miss him.
:hug: Hope the time flies by quickly.

Think of the FF miles you will have!
Good point! It reminds me of my two uncles (who are brothers). They both were big wigs at Coke. One always used the corporate jet, avoiding all the delays, hassles, etc of commercial. The other used commercial. Now that they are retired, my uncle that used commercial has millions of miles and will travel free the rest of his life no doubt. The other has hardly any. Case in point: traveling by corporate jet might not be the best bet! Then again, anyone traveling by corporate jet probably doesn't need to worry that much about the cost of flying.....:laughing:

Way to go!:thumbsup2
Hi everybody.

Missed the big pirate: again, oh well. Good job Venetia.

You guys are so good, that any response that I would have thought to have given anyone (like Holly) has already been said.

So Holly, Lisa, and anyone else, I am not going to repeat the good words already said, just know our thoughts are with you.

We are getting ready to leave for WDW tomorrow - took Sophia to Halloween in the Halls tonight, and a hayride too at the school. It was really COLD. High 40's now.

Red Sox are beating the Rockies. Hope they win. They sure beat up on the Indians in the end.
Have a great time!
Hi there Holly!
Hi Bubba! And goodnight.....I was ready for sleep 2 hours ago and now my eyes are closing as I type. I think I wanted to get myself so sleepy that I'd just fall right asleep and not lie there thinking all night. Mission accomplished....I think I'm too tired to change into pajamas! ;)
Really Bubba, just "being" there, where it all began. I love history, and I think I know enough as a WDW vet to not be disappointed. I just want to drink in the atmosphere.

John1, stand on Main Street and look up at the Fire Station. The lamp in the window of Walt's apartment always give me a warm feeling. :goodvibes
It is good they are finding something so they can fix it. Medical advances are so if he does need some sort of medicine or treatment, the sooner you know the better. Our thoughts are with you and Tyler and that crazy step-mom and Dad!
Thank you! I'm feeling much better. Can't do anything when I don't really know what's going on, so no point in worrying right now.
Hi Lisa. are you safe yet?

We are. Though the air quality is so poor we can't really go out much. Wearing mask when we do though.

Tomorrow we are going back to work. Probably spend the day on pins and needles hoping nothing changes. We're most worried that we can get back to the apartment to get the cats.

Thanks for asking :)
Well this is not good...just heard on the news there's a 3,000 acre fire on the grounds of Camp Pendleton near the OC border...if the wind pushes it inland towards us and it joins the DeLuz fire, well, :scared1: :sad2: is all I can say. Not good!

been thinking of you guys. the air up here is starting to look ugly, makes me worry for you all. prayers and pixie dust coming your way.

Not so great news today. Tyler's pediatrician called, left me a voice mail telling me she has his EEG results. I was already worried by the Dr. calling me herself. Then she said that phrase of doom: "I don't want to alarm you, BUT....." Anyway, her message told me it's not an emergency, but she really wants to talk to me about the results right away. When I called her back, she told me the report says "abnormal rare frontal activity". She says she's going to set up a referral to the pediatric neurologist and will call me to tell me when the appointment will be. :sad1: Tyler's dad's first comment was that she'd better refer us to somebody in-network. Then he was angry that she didn't give more details. I kept telling him, she doesn't know any more details because she's not a neurologist. She was just reading what's on the report. It also said something about "potential for seizure activity, further evaluation may be necessary". I don't remember her exact words on that part.

I'm a bit too overwhelmed to try to figure it out right now. Have to call my dad and update him, and then my mom too.

Holly, my heart is with you. prayers for you & Tyler too. :hug:

We have been using Skype and a video cam to talk to Vanessa's family. It sure is cool!!

do they speak in English or Norweigan when they chat? Just wondering. I had a mental picture of the family chatting away in Norweigan :lmao:

you guys crack me up!

I see a pattern here....rock on you guys!

Sounds like Sophia had fun!! I have to brag about the weather here today. We had a high of 80, seemed almost like summer.

Neutral on World Series unless the Giants are playing!! Or if the Dodgers are playing, anyone else!!

90s in Morgan Hill at the pumpkin patch today.

Noel, with ya.....Giants (only) or of course to boo the Dodgers :lmao: :lmao: :lmao:

funny aside, Wilson's teachers, English total Giant fan...Spanish total Dodger fan. The kids taunt him...Giants Giants Giants....I'm going to have an easy time with teachers gifts this to the game of course!!!!:lmao:
Hi everyone...what a day! Well, we got a recorded message from the superintendent from our school district that school tomorrow is cancelled due to the poor air quality, proximity of fires and the uncertaintly of the direction of the fires...they want families to be together if something comes up. So, I'm good with that, I'd rather have my kidlets right with us. DH is on "vacation" the next two days. Let's continue to hope all this settles down quickly.

Thanks for everyone's concern and well wishes...send pixie dust...we need some Disney love in CA!
Not so great news today. Tyler's pediatrician called, left me a voice mail telling me she has his EEG results. I was already worried by the Dr. calling me herself. Then she said that phrase of doom: "I don't want to alarm you, BUT....." Anyway, her message told me it's not an emergency, but she really wants to talk to me about the results right away. When I called her back, she told me the report says "abnormal rare frontal activity". She says she's going to set up a referral to the pediatric neurologist and will call me to tell me when the appointment will be. :sad1: Tyler's dad's first comment was that she'd better refer us to somebody in-network. Then he was angry that she didn't give more details. I kept telling him, she doesn't know any more details because she's not a neurologist. She was just reading what's on the report. It also said something about "potential for seizure activity, further evaluation may be necessary". I don't remember her exact words on that part.

I'm a bit too overwhelmed to try to figure it out right now. Have to call my dad and update him, and then my mom too.

Holly looks like they are on top of this and at least you got the ball rolling quickly. Hard not to worry as his mom I know.:hug:

Good News brother got called to meet up with a ship off the coast of Japan. He leaves Nov 5th and is now getting all his required paperwork and physical, etc. taken care of so that he's ready to go. I'm so relieved for him. This is exactly what he needs to be doing right now. He'll be away for six months. It'll be hard for me not to be able to talk to him every day, but it's only for six months and since mom is gone, there won't be any emergencies to try to reach him about. So it's all for the best!

:banana: :banana: :banana:

Great news there Deb.

Been a little lonely with DH gone. He flew to Colorado last Thursday to open a new store in Cherry Creek. He came home Sunday night and was on the first flight out Monday morning to San Diego to assist his stores there. Flew in last night to be in his home store because one of the Presidents of the company was speaking today. He was back on a flight midmorning back to San Diego. The hope is he will be home Friday night. The girls really miss him.

That is hard for you all. Will he be travelling over there often?

OK....I'm going to sit in my Homedics Shiatsu Massage Chair for a while, get nice and relaxed, do homework for a while, and get to bed. :thumbsup2

Hope the chair worked its magic!!

We have been using Skype and a video cam to talk to Vanessa's family. It sure is cool!!

Brilliant isn't it?

Well done!pirate: But where do you guys spring from? You suddenly appear out of the blue and keep snagging the pirate.:lmao:

Thank you! I'm feeling much better. Can't do anything when I don't really know what's going on, so no point in worrying right now.

Glad you are relaxing a bit. Hope you managed to get a good night's sleep.

Hi everyone...what a day! Well, we got a recorded message from the superintendent from our school district that school tomorrow is cancelled due to the poor air quality, proximity of fires and the uncertaintly of the direction of the fires...they want families to be together if something comes up. So, I'm good with that, I'd rather have my kidlets right with us. DH is on "vacation" the next two days. Let's continue to hope all this settles down quickly.

Thanks for everyone's concern and well wishes...send pixie dust...we need some Disney love in CA!

To both Lisas, we've been thinking about you and hoping and praying those fires are contained quickly.

Good to have the family together at the moment too.
Good morning!

Maybe last post before we leave.

Stay safe everyone in Cal!

Boss heard I was going to Cal for this conference, and started laughing. Seems like EVERY time I go to one of these, a natural disaster follows me. One time in Orlando they had tornadoes all around WDW. Another time I was away I was IN a hurricane.

So if you want someone to blame for the fires, I guess it is my fault.

All kidding aside, we hope this ends soon, and I cannot imagine having that kind of fear and concern and being at the whim of which way the wind blows.

You are all in our prayers!
Hi everyone...what a day! Well, we got a recorded message from the superintendent from our school district that school tomorrow is cancelled due to the poor air quality, proximity of fires and the uncertaintly of the direction of the fires...they want families to be together if something comes up. So, I'm good with that, I'd rather have my kidlets right with us. DH is on "vacation" the next two days. Let's continue to hope all this settles down quickly.

Thanks for everyone's concern and well wishes...send pixie dust...we need some Disney love in CA!
Oh my gosh! Scary, but I'm glad you'll all be together. That's a relief just in case the fires start going a different way.
Holly looks like they are on top of this and at least you got the ball rolling quickly. Hard not to worry as his mom I know.:hug:

Hope the chair worked its magic!!

Glad you are relaxing a bit. Hope you managed to get a good night's sleep.
Thanks Marilyn! Yes, I was very loose and relaxed thanks to my massage chair! My back muscles are sore today because of the strength of the massage it gives, but my back and neck don't feel tense and twisted, etc. :goodvibes

Slept like a rock! Thankfully, my thoughts turned off and stayed off all night, and I knew it was almost time to wake up when my thoughts suddenly started back up again and they woke me up. I feel like I slept for 2 days and am completely refreshed and ready to take on the world! :thumbsup2 Ready to tackle TONS of homework today after work! Fortunately, I only work 4 hours so I can jump right into it.
Good morning!

Maybe last post before we leave.

Stay safe everyone in Cal!

Boss heard I was going to Cal for this conference, and started laughing. Seems like EVERY time I go to one of these, a natural disaster follows me. One time in Orlando they had tornadoes all around WDW. Another time I was away I was IN a hurricane.

So if you want someone to blame for the fires, I guess it is my fault.

All kidding aside, we hope this ends soon, and I cannot imagine having that kind of fear and concern and being at the whim of which way the wind blows.

You are all in our prayers!
John, have a great time! :yay:
Thanks Marilyn! Yes, I was very loose and relaxed thanks to my massage chair! My back muscles are sore today because of the strength of the massage it gives, but my back and neck don't feel tense and twisted, etc. :goodvibes

Slept like a rock! Thankfully, my thoughts turned off and stayed off all night, and I knew it was almost time to wake up when my thoughts suddenly started back up again and they woke me up. I feel like I slept for 2 days and am completely refreshed and ready to take on the world! :thumbsup2 Ready to tackle TONS of homework today after work! Fortunately, I only work 4 hours so I can jump right into it.

That massage chair sounds great. I think sometimes when you are stressed all your muscles tense up - back, neck etc, so good to relax on it before bedtime!

2 night's sleep in one can't be bad!:thumbsup2
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