March Scrapping Challenge


WDWMom - 30

ilovedale3 - 11

FantasticDisFamily - 8

ann-e-mator - 33

pattyT - 31

5wdwnutz - 10

TN Traveler - 10

sweet maxine - 1

Knovak - 11

cobbler - 12

wtpclc - 1

TonyS20 - 14

diznygirl - 23

dsnymomadopt2china - 35

Did I miss anyone?? It looks like disnymom and ann-e-mator are heading the pack with wdwmom and diznygirl closing in!! Personally, I have finished 36 this month (yeah me!!). I'm bound and determined I will finish our 2004 WDW trip BEFORE we go to DL this summer.... otherwise I will end up feeling WAAAAY behind in my scrapping! Keep going everyone! THere are 8 days left in the month. I challenge you ALL to finish at least 4 more pages before the end of the month (gave you a break because of Easter weekend :p !). Let me know if I made any mathmatical errors!...............P
Okay, I'm looking pretty pitiful there. :blush:

I've been working on my swap stuff, and just haven't gotten back to working on pages. I've got so many of them set up. I just need to sit down and get busy! I'm sure since I'm a newbie, I'm really no threat, but just wait till I get on a roll! Once I get the eyelet thing figured out, I may just start moving on up the charts! LOL!!
sweet maxine said:
Okay, I'm looking pretty pitiful there. :blush:

Hey! I resemble that remark! On the birght side, I have several pages that just need journaling.
I have a SB receipe book I need to finish by Friday. It is a Christmas gift I still need to finish for my best friend, who is coming to visit this weekend. I am also going to a crop tomorrow so hopefully I will get alot done. I have about 20 pages in her book to do alone.

Do these count? I have written out receipe cards and then I put them on the pages with themed papers, stickers, embelishments etc. and use stickers to say "Recipe For" at the top.

Can someone let me know if I can count these in my total as well since there are no pictures involved.

I finished 5 pages to complete Christmas 05 this weekend. I still have 3? more pages that just need journaling, but I did not have that book with me.

I did 4 pages for a book that will eventually stay at the ILs.

That brings my total to 9 for the month. At least it's a "step in the right direction." (let's all sing!)

I also assisted my MIL and 2 SILs in completing 10 pages. I think I get triple extra bonus points for that! :teeth:

Can I vent, though? My SIL came up with this brilliant idea to have a gathering where we each scrap pages in an album for our annual winter trip and that album will stay with MIL. Good idea. However, that translated to me supplying the album , pages, pens, tools, paper, stickers, pps... you get the idea. Tools, no problem at all. Pens, bot a big deal unit SIL colors large areas with my fine tips. But paper, pages, book.... Now, I don't know that I would not have donated these anyway. That's where the good and bad angels on my shoulder started fighting.

I am a CMC. I do get a discount. These things are not free, however. I'm not a CMC for teh money and teh expenses will not break me. It just really bothers me that I was expected to donate all (only my MIL hinted that these things cost me money). Not to mention, shapes were simply cut from teh middle of papers. Come on, now, can't we be a little conservative with my things? I pull out a few sticker packs and my SIL grabs my box and starts handing out more. Did I mention taht SIL brought 4 previous years worth of pictures? Yes, it was a marathon. "If you have previous years Carrie, we can add those next year when we do it." Oh, I guess I will be supplying for an annual event now. No, I will not need a new book every year, but I have a problem with people spending my money for me.

Flip side. The pages turned out great. Everyone's style was so different adn highlighted different things. I got a lot of new ideas. The book will be awesome with it's mixture of styles. It was a pretty good thing to do together as Quality Family Time usually does not equate to fun. At least 3/4 of us had a good time.

If anyone has ventured to read my whole ranting, am I being petty? I'm really struggling with this one. I probably only spent $30 in supplies, not counting the album. Why am I so upset about it? Why do I feel like I was just walked all over.

Sorry for the long post! TIA for any comments! Yes, I know. I should probably just schedule a psychiatrist for the days after my visits with the ILs.
Blessings on your MIL for even thinking of it, and shame on SIL for assuming. I would think it would have been appropriate if she had said, hey we're thinking about doing X can you help us in any way? Maybe get it at cost?

One lesson: I'd limit the amount of stickers, etc taken next time!

Yes, good point Deb. Unfortunately, I was running out of time on Friday and it was easier just to grab everything. I think part of me, as much as I complain, really wanted to do a good thing too. It's just hard with them. Come to think of it, I didn't get 1 thank you. Maybe from MIL when she gets the album (didn't have a wintery looking one on hand), but she'll probably thank all of us for contributing to her book. As Scott and I tend to say, "No good deed goes unpunished." (Terrible way to look at things, but it seems to be especially true when dealing with the ILs.)

You know, if they had even offered to help with the cost, I think I'd be just fine. That's the worst part. I would have said no problem, not a big deal. It's just that no one offered or pretended to appreciate my help (except MIL when she wasn't cursing the cutting system). :rolleyes:
I have managed to do 22 pages this month so far! I am happy because I haven't worked on Scrapbooking for a month or so and it was great to get back into it again!

I will definitely be joining the challenge for the month of April!! Great job everyone, you all are inspiring!! :)
Well I did it! I finished my very first alblum. I did it all this month and it is 30 pages. I even hand sewed a nice cover for it and just have to attatch the picture frame to the fromt that my mother wants on it. I also made a matching photot alblum and have to finish the memory box to match in the next couple of days. We leave bright and early Friday for my Mothers and it ha to be done before that. I am sooo excited!!! least I finally started my very first album. Unfortunately, I sat there and stared at the album for a few hours (not all in one sitting). :rotfl2: I did manage to get ONE page done though!! Then I came up with an idea for my second page, but didn't have the tool I don't think I'll get to any more this month....I'm on for April though!!
Okay folks.... let's put a push on for the last 24 hours of March! I'm at about 40 for the month myself.... probably won't do any tonight or tomorrow. How are you all doing? I'll be looking for final updates tomorrow and Thursday morning! .....................P
well I have only managed to get another 2 done lately-
maybe tomorrow ;)

Must be that no shopping thing... slowing me down
I am so excited... I am up to 24 pages for the month! I scrapped on Saturday and yesterday so I got 13 more pages done. It's not enough to win for the month, but it's still pretty good since I normally don't get this much done in a month! :goodvibes

Edited to add: Make that 31 for the month! It is now 3:30 AM and I finally finished my NASCAR 2001 season album (yes, that's how far behind I am with my racing pictures!). It seems like my creative juices are flowing better tonight... maybe I should turn into a late night scrapper more often!
I only completed 15 pages this month - hopefully next month will be better.
I did get 4 done last friday, so I am at 39. I only have 8 more pages to do to finish this album. I really want to do it tomorrow, but i am doing a big Tinkerbell Tea birthday for my 4 yr old on Saturday and i don't know if I will find anytime. Has anyone else done a Tinkerbell birthday? i am always looking for ideas! so far they are decorating their own tinkerbell wings/peter pan hats(for the boys), seaching for jewels and clues for the treasure hunt in white corn meal, a find Tinkerbell treasure hunt, and a pinata. We are making Fairy punch with gingerale/sherbet/lemonade and poprockets. So, I probably won't be getting anymore pages done.
My total this month is 33 pages. Not bad since I didn't do any at all in February!

Great job, everyone! :)
Okay ladies.... last day!! I'll be looking for lots of posts tonight! Wish I could say that I got a few more done, but I am subbing today, so no scrapping time! I'll post totals and winner sometime tomorrow... hopefully in the morning, but I am subbing again tomorrow and sometimes the mornings get crazy! .....................P


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