March Challenge


DIS Veteran
Mar 2, 2000
OK--here is the list for the March Challenge:

6 Disney Papers 8 1/2 x 11
1 8 1/2 x 11 sheet perfect for fireworks
1 8 1/2 x 11 American Flag sheet
4 Mickey Balloon die cuts (medium size)
2 Large character hands
2 Medium character hands
3 Layered and embellished Squares with Mickey heads
1 Red polka-dotted bow
1 Set of die cuts for a pirate page (ship, skull and crossbones,barrel, and parrot--really cute!)
1 Page sparkle Minnie and Daisy Disney stickers
1 Page topper "The Mouse" for 12 inch layout
1 Set sparkle Pooh stickers
1 Set of Mrs. Grossman's sparkle animals

Have fun scrapping! I had a blast this month! I probably won't be able to do as many pages. I have noticed that as I learn more, my layouts get lots more time consuming!! I am learning how to do more of the actual work myself and loving it!

I can't wait to go to WDW in May so I'll have some more pictures!
That is quite an incentive for March! I managed 54 pages in Feb. and heaven knows I have plenty of material to work with - now if I can just find the time....

I agree, what a great package!! :) I haven't done one page yet this month...hopefully this week, now that my oldest is gone back to school, I will find some time to work on it! :)
I scrapbooked with a friend today and did 3 pages.
I would be happy to beat my grand total from last month of 16 pages. I wish I could stop trying to be so artistic and stop agonizing over every page layout. It would be nice to just get some pages done!
Wow, this must be a busy month for everyone! Seems like everyone is too busy to scrap! I know I haven't done anything this month--I'm getting ready for Parents Literacy Night at school. I'm doing a presentation and that's taking up all my time!
I am not starting out too good, I have no pages done yet this month! LOL...My dd has been sick for a week now and I have been helping DH finish his Karaoke books for about a week now!! I have to agree with the rest of you though, I would get alot more done if I didn't agonize over every detail :rolleyes: :p

I am starting out slow this month also. Just can't seem to find time to work on my pages. If I work hard and get my exercise in today, maybe I can reward myself this evening and work on my album while watching the ballgame.

It seems there are a lot of us starting out slow this month. Maybe it is the weather?
It took me awhile to get started...but I did. I Started 8 pages today. Thankfully, my LSS has free Wednesday crops! LOVE THEM!!! I also have a crop of Friday maybe I will get a little more done then.. Now to finish those pages.

Happy Cropping Everyone!

Lexington, Kentucky
Did 4 more pages yesterday.
Total up to 7 for the month.
Snowed in again yesterday, so I didn't have to run anywhere with kids!
Tired of this weather, but at least I can scrapbook.

OK--the presentation I was working on is over! The stuff for the swap is almost finished and spring break starts in 1 week--still no pages done, but it looks like spring break may be my time to scrap!
I've finished 13 pages so far this weekend. Just sat down at the computer to put together a couple of journalling pieces and thought I'd check in. DH & I are meeting friends for dinner tonight but I should be able to finish the 2 I'm working on before then.

It feels good to be closing in on the end of this past fall's football season for my son's book. Just 2 games to go. My goal is to finish that project before the weekend is over. It helps that I do a lot of 2 page spreads!

:D I got 18 pages done there!
4 Done Friday Night
6 Done Tuesday and Wednesday Night -
So I am at 28 so far this month -
Hope I keep up this pace - but I have a lot of swap stuff to do;)
You did great this weekend! Keep it up!

I am still at zero (lol). I probably have about 30 pages in different states of being done. They all need titles and journaling...but they are started.

Right now...I am working on organizing my stickers and die cuts and such. will help me to work faster.

I used to keep them in paper keepers with the same type of papers. Now...I am working on putting them in a binder. They seem so much easier to see...and find what I am looking for. will also keep me from spending as much money!

Everyone...keep up the great work!

Lexington, KY
I made it to 32 pages total for the weekend/month to date. And I caught up my DS's football album! The I took some time to start puting stickers and die cuts into an album. It was taking to much time to find what I needed and some were getting crumpled.

I have to break from scrapping to get some sewing done but I hope that won't take much more than this week and weekend.

Great job everyone!! I managed to do some this weekend and got 12 pages done!!! I was happy!! I also finished a dress for my DD that I had been sewing, so I am happy about that as well!! I should be able to do more this week, as my scrapbook/Sewing room is almost done, so I have plenty of room to work!! I am so happy, now I need to get a trip to Michaels in to stock up on supplies!! ;):p
This is my first time in a challenge! I am really motoring this month. I completed a Disney scrapbook last year. But since I've been introduce to more artistic styles of scrapbooking I am really enthusiastic about my newest book. It's of our April 2002 WDW trip. I made a plan on the types of pages I'm doing and really enjoying re-living WDW.

So how does this challenge work? Do I just count my pages and post them at the end of the month? Thanks! Sandra
Sandra -- Just count your pages and post the number.....then you will provide the prize for next month!

I am glad to see everybody has gotten started--I still haven't--hoping to finally start next week during spring break. I have been busily preparing report cards!
I have completed: 16 pages so far! I can't wait to get this baby book done!
4 More Today!

thats 35 :)
I love doing my Jimmy Buffet pages - I am almost done last Augusts pictures - now I 'm ready for this Augusts!


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