March 2014 Birthday get away PTR


Believing is just the beginning...
Jan 27, 2013
Hi All! :wave2:

I've spent so long on here reading everyones PTRs and TRs and I am so happy to now be writing my own :cool1:

This will be my 5th visit to Disneyland Paris. I went as a very young girl on a coach trip which was organised by one of the dinner ladies at school, I didn't return until 2006 when I stayed in the DLH and fell in love with the place all over again. I combined 2 of my favourite things in 2010 and 2012 by driving my classic mini, Luna, to Disney with a few others for a organised event. My parents returned this year for their 30th wedding anniversary, having been for the 25th too and as happy as I was for them to be taking a break in the magic, it made me want to return!
The decision was made that I would start saving and would go next year :rotfl:
Going for my Birthday seemed like the perfect thing to do, I really couldn't think of a more magical way to spend my Birthday and the fact that it isn't the middle of summer is a bonus! :lmao:

I suppose I should introduce you to myself and my co pilot for the trip...


This is myself on the right and my best friend and mum (Donna) on the left.

Here's a slightly more sensible one of us at the London International Horse Show Olympia at Christmas

Some of you may ask why at 27 I'm taking my mum to Disneyland, the reason being that I haven't found a Prince to whisk me off my feet yet and my mum is as big a kid as me, so is the perfect person to take along (so was my co driver in 2012 too!)

We've decided to drive and take the Eurotunnel next year, I can't be fiddled with airports and transfers and am quite happy behind the wheel of a car, so it seemed the ideal thing to do. I'm hoping it might save us a little bit of money too (hoping to use Tesco vouchers for the crossing)
We've saved extra hard to be able to stay in the DLH (I stayed in the Cheyenne and the Santa Fe the last 2 visits) I really wanted the magic of the DLH!
The plan is to find a hotel local (ish) to the tunnel on Saturday evening (22nd) and catch a nice early crossing, the earlier we get there the longer we have in Disney!

I'm being super organised and have a bit of an itinerary written up ... :rotfl2:

It currently looks something like this....

Saturday 22nd March

  • Take Arthur (my horse) to the holiday stables
  • Stay over night close to tunnel

Sunday 23rd March
  • Early Tunnel Crossing
  • Arrive Disneyland 12-1pm traffic dependant
  • Check in
  • Afternoon Tea/Lunch in Cafe Fantasia
  • Head to the parks!
  • EOS or some sort of light bite for tea
  • Disney Dreams! (depending on how tired we are!)

Monday 24th March
  • Brakfast in the hotel
  • Head to the parks for rides and shopping
  • Coffee and cake for lunch
  • 1pm or 3pm - Tour of the park
  • More rides and spend Birthday Money!
  • Tea at Inventions
  • Depending on if we've finished Tea or not, Disney Dreams!

Tuesday and Wednesday are both similar with going to the parks and getting some shopping done but feature different places to eat including Toad Hall and Walts, although I'm keen to try and get to Planet Hollywood too and maybe Buffalo Bills. There never seems to be enough time to cram everything in though! I need to visit more often! pixiedust:

We have to pay the balance of the holiday by December so we're stashing away as much as we can and then will be stashing even harder for spending money. I really want this to be a trip where we can eat where we want, do what we want and buy what we want! :thumbsup2

If you've made it this far, I'm impressed! I could spend hours writing about it, I think my TR when I get back will be mamouth!

I look forward to keeping you all updated with my crazy ideas and planning!
Hi :wave:
Great PTR :goodvibes
DLH sounds heavenly! We're staying there in May for my birthday too and its expense but looks so worth it!
Your horses are gorgeous. What breed are they?
Looking forward to the next installment.
Hi :wave:
Great PTR :goodvibes
DLH sounds heavenly! We're staying there in May for my birthday too and its expense but looks so worth it!
Your horses are gorgeous. What breed are they?
Looking forward to the next installment.

Thank you! I really didn't want to bore the pants off of everyone, but I have been super excited and super organised about the trip ever since I decided I wanted to go! :yay:

I think if it's a special occasion that the DLH is the way to go. I have no problems with any of the other hotels, but there is just something magical about the DLH! I know it's expensive, as you say, but really is worth it! Makes it more affordable with the 2 days, 2 nights free at the moment :goodvibes

I really hope you have a fantastic stay for your Birthday! Who are you going with?

They're Haflingers, we've had Wally (on the left) for 5 years and he's 11 now and I bought Arthur in October last year and he's just a baby at just turned 5. My dad is willing to look after Wally and the 2 miniature shetlands while we're in Disney, but isn't keen on looking after Arthur as he's still very head strong and has a tendancy to push, shove, bite and sometimes kick! :rolleyes: I still love him to bits though :love:
Thank you! I really didn't want to bore the pants off of everyone, but I have been super excited and super organised about the trip ever since I decided I wanted to go! :yay:

I think if it's a special occasion that the DLH is the way to go. I have no problems with any of the other hotels, but there is just something magical about the DLH! I know it's expensive, as you say, but really is worth it! Makes it more affordable with the 2 days, 2 nights free at the moment :goodvibes

I really hope you have a fantastic stay for your Birthday! Who are you going with?

They're Haflingers, we've had Wally (on the left) for 5 years and he's 11 now and I bought Arthur in October last year and he's just a baby at just turned 5. My dad is willing to look after Wally and the 2 miniature shetlands while we're in Disney, but isn't keen on looking after Arthur as he's still very head strong and has a tendancy to push, shove, bite and sometimes kick! :rolleyes: I still love him to bits though :love:

I'm in total agreement - the 2+2 free offer is brilliant and I definitely rather a longer stay to a cheaper one :goodvibes My Mam and my two kids are coming in May and it will be my Mams 1st ever stay and she means the world to me so I'm going to do the same as you and save hard and treat her while we are there! Myself and the kiddies are off in October to the SF but its May thats really exciting me! Cannot wait to show my Mam it all :yay:

Arthur and Wally are very handsome. I love horses but must admit I wasn't fantastic at riding. I think the height scared me but then I was only 8 and prone to falling off! Thats so handy that you can leave him to the holiday stable.
That's a lovely trip you've got planned :goodvibes

I'd love to stay at DLH again - been twice before but the price is so high.....I'm trying to justify it for my big birthday next year, so will need to be saving very, very hard...It is absolutely stunning though :love:

Look forward to hearing more about your trip :)
7 months today is my Birthday eve and I'll be at Disneyland!

I'm very excited even though it's still 7 months away. :rotfl:

Nothing else has been planned yet, but I find myself trawling ebay most evenings for items I might need.... :rotfl2:
7 months today is my Birthday eve and I'll be at Disneyland!

I'm very excited even though it's still 7 months away. :rotfl:

Nothing else has been planned yet, but I find myself trawling ebay most evenings for items I might need.... :rotfl2:

Lol eBay just sucks hours out of your life!! Find any nice bits? Less then 7 months now and it will fly in ::yes::
Ok... I know I'd planned to drive, but we've been looking at maybe taking the Eurostar instead. Our only problem is getting to St Pancras, neither of us are familiar with public transport which makes it slightly harder! There is the option of a Megabus, but it misses the return journey by about 15 minutes :(
I'm really torn as to what to do! Do we drive and take the tunnel, allowing us to pack whatever we want in the car, but face the long drive (driving doesn't worry me at all) or do we find a way to get to St Pancras and hop on the train and not have to worry about the drive? I know we'd be slightly more limited for luggage, but we can have breakfast and chill out on the way there!
Does anyone have any advice? x
Ok... I know I'd planned to drive, but we've been looking at maybe taking the Eurostar instead. Our only problem is getting to St Pancras, neither of us are familiar with public transport which makes it slightly harder! There is the option of a Megabus, but it misses the return journey by about 15 minutes :(
I'm really torn as to what to do! Do we drive and take the tunnel, allowing us to pack whatever we want in the car, but face the long drive (driving doesn't worry me at all) or do we find a way to get to St Pancras and hop on the train and not have to worry about the drive? I know we'd be slightly more limited for luggage, but we can have breakfast and chill out on the way there!
Does anyone have any advice? x

If you got a train to london what station would you arrive at ?
We are on the east coast line so our service go's to kings cross.
We have a over night stay at either end of the journey in a travel lodge/ p inn etc.
The direct march eurostar for march been out for a while now
I really like Eurostar much easier cheaper than flying for us xx
If you got a train to london what station would you arrive at ?
We are on the east coast line so our service go's to kings cross.
We have a over night stay at either end of the journey in a travel lodge/ p inn etc.
The direct march eurostar for march been out for a while now
I really like Eurostar much easier cheaper than flying for us xx

Just had a gander at the national rail site and it looks like there would be 2 changes on a train between me and St Pancras. It goes Gloucester to Swindon, Swindon to Paddington and then the tube to St Pancras :worried:

It looks like we'd have to travel the day before to be able to do the train option.
I'd much rather avoid flying if I can!
Just had a gander at the national rail site and it looks like there would be 2 changes on a train between me and St Pancras. It goes Gloucester to Swindon, Swindon to Paddington and then the tube to St Pancras :worried:

It looks like we'd have to travel the day before to be able to do the train option.
I'd much rather avoid flying if I can!

I think with all those changes I would do what we do and have 2 overnights in london to take the stress out of it , I would do this option even with my youngest 2, but they do like to travel on the train.
You could look at Eurostar price for you trip now , see what they are like, you will be able to book national rail 12 weeks before but book every step of your journey separately as it will be a lot cheaper like that.
I hate CDG airport it's a awful place eurostar easy.
Guess we lucky just get on the train at durham off at kings cross :)
oohhh just found this and loving it so far!

A birthday at the DLH hotel sounds amazing!!

Also I JUST invited my mum last night to maybe come with me next year to WDW.... she declined for now, but she is totally one of my best friends and my best travel-partner!!

I too have not found my prince.... so I go solo on most of my trips,...and I travel a lot.
I think with all those changes I would do what we do and have 2 overnights in london to take the stress out of it , I would do this option even with my youngest 2, but they do like to travel on the train.
You could look at Eurostar price for you trip now , see what they are like, you will be able to book national rail 12 weeks before but book every step of your journey separately as it will be a lot cheaper like that.
I hate CDG airport it's a awful place eurostar easy.
Guess we lucky just get on the train at durham off at kings cross :)

We always stay the night before the Eurostar at a Travelodge in Kings Cross even though we're only a 45 minute tube ride from St Pancras. It's just so much easier to roll out of bed at 8am and be at the station in a few minutes rather than having to time it right with public transport.

If you book early enough you can sometimes get a travelodge for as little as £30 so it's not too much of an extravagence and will save you a lot of hassle!
We always stay the night before the Eurostar at a Travelodge in Kings Cross even though we're only a 45 minute tube ride from St Pancras. It's just so much easier to roll out of bed at 8am and be at the station in a few minutes rather than having to time it right with public transport.

If you book early enough you can sometimes get a travelodge for as little as £30 so it's not too much of an extravagence and will save you a lot of hassle!

Totally agree !
We could get a super early train tbh and do all the traveling in one day, but like you said so easy just to roll out of bed, and go to station.
We were originally planning an overnighter before the Eurotunnel, with a straight drive home from Disney, but mum won't drive on the continent, so that leaves most of the driving to me (which I don't mind) but I can't help but think it would be so nice just to sit back and be delivered to the magic, it is my Birthday after all!
I've just phoned the travel agent to get a cost on adding the Eurostar to our booking, I happened to notice last night that there is an offer in the Autumn/Winter Brochure of an upgrade to Premier Standard from £20 return (the offer ends today though)! If I can get this I'm on to a winner! I've priced up how much the Eurostar will be if I book it myself, so hopefully when they ring back I will know whether it's a good deal or not.
With both mum and I not being very public transport savvy, trying to get trains to get to St Pancras is pretty much out of the question, but my dad has said if push comes to shove he'll drive us there! Whhooooooo!
I'll let you know what the outcome is later :)
Ok... So travel agents phoned back, if I heard correctly she said £380 for mum and I! This was standard premier as I mentioned about the offer in the brochure, but that's crazy expensive and doesn't include that offer :( when I asked for a cost for standard she said Disney had no availability for standard travel, all seems very odd!
Mum has sent an email to Disney guest relations just to see what's happening, we haven't been very lucky with our travel agent (we had a letter offering us an ereader when we booked a holiday with them, but when we did we were told it was nothing to do with them!)
Wow that is expensive !!
I paid about £240 for me DH and the twins we go 17th march come back 23rd.
I really do think travel agents rip you off big style :mad:.
Keep us posted x
Yay! Finally have some transport sorted! :woohoo:

Mum got a lovely reply from Anne-Sophie at DLP saying that there were none of the upgrade for £20 seats available as they'd all been booked up. This left us wondering what to do, but we decided we needed to get something sorted, so we did!
I phoned Co-op again today just to confirm that I had heard them correctly yesterday with £380 for a return Eurostar, yep, I had :eek:
I proceeded to tell them I could book direct with Eurostar for less and they didn't even offer to try and match, so I went online and booked Standard Premier direct :cheer2:
I feel a little naughty booking Standard Premier rather than standard, but it wasn't that much more and we get a table facing each other with more leg room and food! Yummmmmm!
I hadn't seen this! I'm still very jealous of your stay in the DLH! I don't think my DH would let me even if we had the money- he loves the SL! :) it will be nice to read more of your plans- I wonder if we will bump into you. :goodvibes
I hadn't seen this! I'm still very jealous of your stay in the DLH! I don't think my DH would let me even if we had the money- he loves the SL! :) it will be nice to read more of your plans- I wonder if we will bump into you. :goodvibes

The last 2 trips I've been on I've stayed at the Cheyenne and the Santa Fe, so the DLH is a big step up! I was lucky enough to stay here in 2006 and fell in love with it and can't wait to go back!
The only reason we can manage to stay in the DLH is because every month since we decided to go we've both put £50 a month away to pay for it. I think this is the best way and I'll end up doing something similar when I get back to fund my next trip :goodvibes
I really want to try some of the other hotels, but refuse to do the scrum for breakfast that we got in the Santa Fe!

I'll have to wear something that stands out in case you spot me! :yay:


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