Marathon Weekend 2022

Thank you for your reply. We have MK reservations for later in the day so AK is out. He is planning a 11:00 minute mile and submitted 5-5.30. I was thinking MK but if it is too crowded, my kids won't be able to see him over everyone. I like the balloon suggestion as we usually find some signage and stand under that and text him to be on the lookout. It seems the last option is the best option for us.
I have leggings from Athleta that have a nice pocket that would hold a phone and CC easily. You could look for leggings with a pocket. Otherwise, I personally think a waist pack works better. For the marathon I’ll be wearing my running vest because I am paranoid about the heat and needing extra water. It has pockets. You might also consider carrying some nutrition with you, depending on how far you think you’ll get. You’re not supposed to really try anything new on race day, but since you’re taking it easy I bet you’ll find lots of options at the expo in regard to belts, etc.
Just in case something happens, make certain that you have your driver's license on you. For me, I'll be carrying water, gels, phone and my driver's license.
Thank you for your reply. We have MK reservations for later in the day so AK is out. He is planning a 11:00 minute mile and submitted 5-5.30. I was thinking MK but if it is too crowded, my kids won't be able to see him over everyone. I like the balloon suggestion as we usually find some signage and stand under that and text him to be on the lookout. It seems the last option is the best option for us.

So I'd estimate a 5:16am start (s3 front of corral). That puts him at spectator start line mile 4 at 6am, TTC at 6:52, Main Street at 7:09, poly at 7:35, and finish at 10:04.

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I agree that spectator start is likely out as 69 min between mile 4 and Main Street is right on the cusp of my projection.

I agree that your best bet is TTC+Poly+long wait+Finish. It looks like the estimate to arrive at the TTC is around 6:52am. The last hotel bus is at 4:30am. Keep in mind that the 2020 M traffic was an absolute disaster (we're all hoping they've rectified some of the issues). The primary issue is that the marathon course goes where the traffic goes too. So there can be a bottleneck. So it may make for a pretty early morning, or you get on the bus at 4:30am and get comfortable if you do indeed run into traffic issues. The earlier you get on a hotel bus, the simpler the trip to EPCOT will be. Conversely, the earlier you get on the bus, the longer you'll have to wait until you actually see him at the TTC. But I would say the absolute latest you want to be getting on the EPCOT monorail is around 6:20 in order to see your husband (assuming all of my assumptions about pace, starting group, and timing are correct). So even if you board a resort bus at 4:30, and see a nearly 90 min ride to EPCOT (doubtful), then you'd still have enough time to get on the monorail to see him. Worst comes to worst, you miss him at TTC and just see him at Poly at 7:35am.
I've been kind of freaked out about possible flight cancellations, and the headlines aren't really helping any. So, I decided to look at the data. There's a site called Flight Aware which tracks metrics on all commercial flights within the US. So, for example, since I'm flying from Boston, I looked at all the flights from Logan Airport to MCO, to see how many have been cancelled, delayed, etc, with . You can filter by Yesterday, Today, Tomorrow, or look only at a given carrier. Here's my sample search.

For me at least, despite the screaming headlines, it seems very likely that I'll be able to get to Orlando in plenty of time (I'm flying Thursday 1/6, running the marathon Sunday 1/9). I'm gonna keep looking at the data as we get closer though, to see whether there's any reason to think the flight I'm currently booked on is particularly risky.

And I figured I'd post the link to the site here, in case it's helpful to any other anxious people who like to look at the raw data. :goodvibes
Quick question abut the race photos for MM...

I have 3 people running the races and want to make sure I collect all the photos for the race. I believe I have read somewhere that each person should not put the photo code in their MDE account, but only the person who is the one who purchased the memory maker.

Is that correct?

Of course all people who's photo's are being collected need to be part of my family and friends list and have their accounts allowing access to their photos.
Some comments, in no certain order...

" I"m undertrained":
1. Your training will be enough. Whatever amount it is, I'll be enough. Stay hydrated and keep putting one foot in front of the other.
2. You've spent however-many months training. Even with a layoff due to illness or injury you still have muscle tone and muscle memory and it will be there for you.
3. Feed from the energy of the location, the crowds, and other runners. It will enhance whatever level of training you have and help carry you.
4. Unless you are bound and determined to set a PR at Disney, enjoy the locale and take photos and simply complete the race and save the PR for another day. Especially if you are coming off illness or injury.

Based on talking to friends and family up north, it may not be easy to realize just how normal (or close to it) things have been in Florida, Georgia, and other southern states.
We've been going to ball games, church, concerts and other gatherings for over a year without them becoming super-spreader events. Come to WDW and enjoy the race weekend and being outdoors and warm.
This isn't to disparage anyone's concerns or to be dismissive of the virus, just relaying info. (And I realize that if you are high-risk or otherwise susceptible, that's a very different matter).
I've had the virus and have since been vaccinated; at this point, I am more likely to be sidelined by bronchitis or a sinus infection. YMMV, but I hope as many of you as possible come and enjoy the race(s).

Driving to the race:
I've gotten to where I hit a rest-stop every 2 to 2.5 hours to walk around and stretch my legs. I'll walk/jog around the rest stop, stretch against a tree, etc.
I will also set the cruise control and stretch my legs, roll my ankles, or shuffle my feet around the floorboard while driving. This is a tip I learned from someone who flies long distances in a small single-seat airplane.

Phone holder:
I switched from an armband to a Nathan's belt. Most of the time, the belt is turned around backward with the phone resting in the small of my back. I barely feel it.
I always have my phone with me for podcasts while running, and for communications and photos at the park. I also carry ID and some cash. For the marathon, I'll also have a couple of Tylenol and a couple of packs of goo.

Just my 2-cents worth on some recent topics.
I've been kind of freaked out about possible flight cancellations, and the headlines aren't really helping any. So, I decided to look at the data. There's a site called Flight Aware which tracks metrics on all commercial flights within the US. So, for example, since I'm flying from Boston, I looked at all the flights from Logan Airport to MCO, to see how many have been cancelled, delayed, etc, with . You can filter by Yesterday, Today, Tomorrow, or look only at a given carrier. Here's my sample search.

For me at least, despite the screaming headlines, it seems very likely that I'll be able to get to Orlando in plenty of time (I'm flying Thursday 1/6, running the marathon Sunday 1/9). I'm gonna keep looking at the data as we get closer though, to see whether there's any reason to think the flight I'm currently booked on is particularly risky.

And I figured I'd post the link to the site here, in case it's helpful to any other anxious people who like to look at the raw data. :goodvibes

thanks for sharing this! I just checked my intended flight out and it was cancelled tonight 😩 I think I need to come up with a backup plan.

I’m really hoping the week(end) goes off without a hitch. Vaxxed + boosted but have an unvaccinated 3yo at home. On top of the guilt of leaving my kids at home for this I’m feeling the weight of the new variant and everything that entails. I’ll be traveling with KN95’s, rapids, and have cancelled my indoor dining plans. I’m worried about my Mears Connect trip from airport to hotel (and back) but I will be getting in very late + a female traveler alone. I don’t feel comfortable doing a ride share alone. Hoping I can get myself out of this funk before the race. I’m thinking of all of you making hard decisions.
thanks for sharing this! I just checked my intended flight out and it was cancelled tonight 😩 I think I need to come up with a backup plan.

I’m really hoping the week(end) goes off without a hitch. Vaxxed + boosted but have an unvaccinated 3yo at home. On top of the guilt of leaving my kids at home for this I’m feeling the weight of the new variant and everything that entails. I’ll be traveling with KN95’s, rapids, and have cancelled my indoor dining plans. I’m worried about my Mears Connect trip from airport to hotel (and back) but I will be getting in very late + a female traveler alone. I don’t feel comfortable doing a ride share alone. Hoping I can get myself out of this funk before the race. I’m thinking of all of you making hard decisions.
You aren’t alone. Thankfully I had always planned this as a solo trip since my family could not deal with the 2am wake-up calls, but it really really sucks that those of us who are vaccinated and have done everything we can do are now susceptible to this variant. I know literally dozens of people who have gotten covid in the last 2 weeks, all of whom are triple vaxxed (or double vaxxed kids under 16) so there really doesn’t seem to be a way to avoid this if you come into contact with someone who has omicron. It sort of irritates me that people keep claiming Disney is so safe with such great precautions as if that answers the question. Disney has had great safety measures up til now - I have been multiple times the last 2 years and it was always great. But omicron is a game changer because 1) it is so much more transmissible and 2) the vaccine doesn’t prevent you from getting it. Now, the illness may be milder and effects shorter, but it still stinks that we have to almost accept the fact that we will be at risk of getting covid by going to the race. Heck, we are at risk going almost anywhere in public these days.
thanks for sharing this! I just checked my intended flight out and it was cancelled tonight 😩 I think I need to come up with a backup plan.

I’m worried about my Mears Connect trip from airport to hotel (and back) but I will be getting in very late + a female traveler alone. I don’t feel comfortable doing a ride share alone

We just had a spring break flight cancelled and I was able to get my whole family on a different flight through the chat function (with American) in under 30min, a couple of days before Christmas. Easy peasy.

If there’s a little wiggle room in your budget, rental cars have come WAY down....sub-$200 for wed-sun if that would make you more comfortable than mears and the on-property busses.
Do runners usually take their phones? Does an armband or a waist pack work better? I usually just run around my neighborhood and don't carry anything, but I think I'll want my phone and a credit card at least. Is there anything else I should consider carrying with me? Do you bring sunglasses? A hat?

I'm just so unsure about so many things. I feel woefully unprepared.

I rarely carry a phone, maybe 4 or 5 times a year at most. The only exceptions are remote trails and if I'm running to meet up with a friend somewhere so I need my phone for after. I don't listen to music and don't really want to carry anything I don't need.

I usually use a Spibelt with the phone in my back but for commute running, especially if I need to carry more stuff like for work, I use a Janji Sling Bag.
Quick question abut the race photos for MM...

I have 3 people running the races and want to make sure I collect all the photos for the race. I believe I have read somewhere that each person should not put the photo code in their MDE account, but only the person who is the one who purchased the memory maker.

Is that correct?

Of course all people who's photo's are being collected need to be part of my family and friends list and have their accounts allowing access to their photos.

It has been a while since I've done this but if memory (maker) serves you can add any 5 people to MM for race photos just by adding their bib numbers. You don't need to have them be friends and family for race photos. If you want the reset of your trip photos to be together then they need to be in your MM with the correct sharing level set.
I’ll probably be joining everyone at runners relations uggg

for whatever reason my MW registration uses my middle initial and so it’s not being listed as my registration…..

December 7th I managed to send the registration to myself and got a message saying my waver is signed however in my account it still says waver is pending and won’t send the information to my email since it’s the email of my Disney/RunDisney account

For all those who tried to de-link registration, for purposes of signing their waiver, and it ended up disappearing or some other problem:

If it is anything like Wine and Dine, they will have paper waivers to sign as you enter. You will most likely still get your bib number from the expo pass. I don't think their is a need to go to runner relations; just go to the proper desk to pick up your bib. This happened to my wife at Wine and Dine - I called or emailed every day the week before the race and no one got back to me. Although her registration was nowhere to be found, she still got her expo pass and we had emails that she was registered. I was a bit worried, but it was all for naught, as they had waivers as soon as we entered and she picked her bib without issue. Their IT isn't great, but it isn't so bad that it is deleting registrations without a trace.
I've been kind of freaked out about possible flight cancellations, and the headlines aren't really helping any. So, I decided to look at the data. There's a site called Flight Aware which tracks metrics on all commercial flights within the US. So, for example, since I'm flying from Boston, I looked at all the flights from Logan Airport to MCO, to see how many have been cancelled, delayed, etc, with . You can filter by Yesterday, Today, Tomorrow, or look only at a given carrier. Here's my sample search.

For me at least, despite the screaming headlines, it seems very likely that I'll be able to get to Orlando in plenty of time (I'm flying Thursday 1/6, running the marathon Sunday 1/9). I'm gonna keep looking at the data as we get closer though, to see whether there's any reason to think the flight I'm currently booked on is particularly risky.

And I figured I'd post the link to the site here, in case it's helpful to any other anxious people who like to look at the raw data. :goodvibes

Thank you for this. Looks like non of the flights to Orlando from Houston were canceled over the past few days! Makes me feel better that there will be no issues flying out.
Need help from you guys about something critical: Do you know if the All Star resorts have coffee makers in the room? If so, is it a standard drip or a Keurig?

Thank you for any help
Need help from you guys about something critical: Do you know if the All Star resorts have coffee makers in the room? If so, is it a standard drip or a Keurig?

Thank you for any help
I've only seen actual (drip) coffee pots at delux resorts. Everything else (value/mod) we have stayed in uses a weird "pod" sachet thing for coffee. NOT a keurig, even though people will use the word POD to describe it. I can say that if you have standard drip filters and your own coffee grounds you can make your own sachet.

there are pics in this link.
Need help from you guys about something critical: Do you know if the All Star resorts have coffee makers in the room? If so, is it a standard drip or a Keurig?

Adding... you can call housekeeping and they'll bring extra coffee pods to your room. The standard amount they leave in the room isn't enough for us... We've requested as many as 10 extras with no issues. Coffee is very critical.
It sort of irritates me that people keep claiming Disney is so safe with such great precautions as if that answers the question. Disney has had great safety measures up til now - I have been multiple times the last 2 years and it was always great. But omicron is a game changer because 1) it is so much more transmissible and 2) the vaccine doesn’t prevent you from getting it. Now, the illness may be milder and effects shorter, but it still stinks that we have to almost accept the fact that we will be at risk of getting covid by going to the race. Heck, we are at risk going almost anywhere in public these days.

I feel this way, too. We’ve visited a few times over the last two years, too. Each time in different points of this mess, but always when crowds were low and masks everywhere. This is the first time I’ll be back since the big crowds have returned. I wish circumstances were different, but here we are.

We just had a spring break flight cancelled and I was able to get my whole family on a different flight through the chat function (with American) in under 30min, a couple of days before Christmas. Easy peasy.

If there’s a little wiggle room in your budget, rental cars have come WAY down....sub-$200 for wed-sun if that would make you more comfortable than mears and the on-property busses.

Ah, I could do a rental but I haaaate driving in big cities and in areas I don’t know. Heck I still use maps in my own town 😂😂😂 but I’m exploring every option at this point. My husband thinks I should just Uber from the airport instead. I’ll be riding the busses to/from parks mostly during non peak times so hopefully they are empty.
Just a friendly reminder to fill out the emergency contact info on the back of your bib. It’s the fastest way for emergency personnel to contact someone if something happens to you!!!!

Need help from you guys about something critical: Do you know if the All Star resorts have coffee makers in the room? If so, is it a standard drip or a Keurig?

Thank you for any help
All star resorts are using a pillow pod type after the renovation. Not sure why they went that route when Keurig rules the market on single cup coffee.


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