Race 1/4 done!

I'm not sure I would do a 5k outside a challenge again - it's such a short race that the hassle and ordeal of it all doesn't seem worth it. Also it was a bit frustrating to be in corral C, and to have to wait almost an hour to start!

10k up tomorrow.

I made a video with the new toy I got for Christmas - not RezRuns good but I was happy as my first shot!

I know there is a 16 min/mile pace, is that from the last corral? How are lines for people who are in the back of the corral listings? (Running the 10K and half)

It depends on the character and where they are on course. There might be a 5 minute line, or a 25 minute line. Yes, that pace requirement goes into effect once the last person crosses the start line. The balloon ladies walk at a 16 minute mile pace.
Finally caught up!

A few thoughts on the marathon weekend so far:

-Expo was really efficient and not the s***show that it was in 2017 on the Saturday when I went the last time.
-Not impressed with rD merch but my wife loved all the sparkly skirts, headbands and shoes. That could turn her into a runner.
-5K - Couldn't find @lhermiston for the pre-race meet.
-The cold but tolerable. I had my bathrobe and towel (I turned 42 on Saturday and figured I'd be Arthur Dent from HHGG) and the towel served its purpose as an impromptu hand warmer.
-Started at 6:20 from the middle of Corral C
-Didn't stop for any characters because the lines were huge.
-Saw a gorgeous sunrise (or proto-sunrise) over the World Showcase.

Overall a great experience and my wife was super happy with her first race! We didn't walk too much but stopped for a few photos.

Hopefully the marathon will be ok with the weather forecasts. Until then, it's an easy day at Disney Springs today and then park days for Friday and Saturday.
Race 1/4 done!

I'm not sure I would do a 5k outside a challenge again - it's such a short race that the hassle and ordeal of it all doesn't seem worth it. Also it was a bit frustrating to be in corral C, and to have to wait almost an hour to start!

10k up tomorrow.

I made a video with the new toy I got for Christmas - not RezRuns good but I was happy as my first shot!

Nice job on the video! Thanks for making and posting so quickly......now go enjoy yourself, you ARE at Disneyworld!!
I know it is still early but I am stressing over the Sun AM weather. I don’t care so much about heat/humidity or rain. I am just very worried about thunderstorms/lightning canceling the race. I know this happened in 2017 but what is the criteria for canceling? Is just a threat enough? In 2017 the half was canceled late Friday evening before any storms. Could the race be delayed? Postponed? Just wondering if anyone knows the protocol.
I know there is a 16 min/mile pace, is that from the last corral? How are lines for people who are in the back of the corral listings? (Running the 10K and half)
I started in the first mini-wave of Corral C. I admit congestion wasn’t as bad as expected, with the field spread out enough for runners to generally keep left, and walkers on the right. However, the line for Goofy was so crazy-long that I skipped it to make sure I could get a pic with Donald before his line closed. I skipped the also-long lines for the Epcot ball photo, and then waited 10 minutes for Donald.
I know it is still early but I am stressing over the Sun AM weather. I don’t care so much about heat/humidity or rain. I am just very worried about thunderstorms/lightning canceling the race. I know this happened in 2017 but what is the criteria for canceling? Is just a threat enough? In 2017 the half was canceled late Friday evening before any storms. Could the race be delayed? Postponed? Just wondering if anyone knows the protocol.
For what it's worth, local weather only has it as a 20% chance of rain right now. Obviously things can change (hello 2017), but it doesn't seem to be much of a concern here
I know it is still early but I am stressing over the Sun AM weather. I don’t care so much about heat/humidity or rain. I am just very worried about thunderstorms/lightning canceling the race. I know this happened in 2017 but what is the criteria for canceling? Is just a threat enough? In 2017 the half was canceled late Friday evening before any storms. Could the race be delayed? Postponed? Just wondering if anyone knows the protocol.

In 2017 there was a very well defined front that was sweeping across the southeast and it was very apparent that there was little to no chance of avoiding severe weather, including a lot of lightning. It was a different situation than the current hit or miss chance of a storm or not. They will do everything they can to ensure the race goes on because it’s a financial mess and PR disaster if they cancel. They know very well that an early or unwarranted cancellation will have dire repercussions when they are already facing a dramatic drop in participation.
I know it is still early but I am stressing over the Sun AM weather. I don’t care so much about heat/humidity or rain. I am just very worried about thunderstorms/lightning canceling the race. I know this happened in 2017 but what is the criteria for canceling? Is just a threat enough? In 2017 the half was canceled late Friday evening before any storms. Could the race be delayed? Postponed? Just wondering if anyone knows the protocol.

In 2017 there was a very well defined front that was sweeping across the southeast and it was very apparent that there was little to no chance of avoiding severe weather, including a lot of lightning. It was a different situation than the current hit or miss chance of a storm or not. They will do everything they can to ensure the race goes on because it’s a financial mess and PR disaster if they cancel. They know very well that an early or unwarranted cancellation will have dire repercussions when they are already facing a dramatic drop in participation.

Yep. We'd know for a day or more there was a front coming with it hitting in the middle of the night pre-race. It was still a shock when they cancelled but the storm was very definite at that point. This forecast is nothing like that year. Now...things can always change but I'm not super worried.
Just left the expo. Short lines, not a ton of people. Unfortunately they are already sold out of a lot of things in my size (men’s large), and my wife’s size (women’s medium). I picked up a couple of jackets for each of us, including the last men’s large in black. Now let’s just hope for a surprise cold front Saturday night to cool things off a bit for the marathon! Off to MK for some family time.
Congrats 5k folks and good luck tomorrow 10k folks! I was not paying much attention to medals this year since I am not going; the 5k was an Oswald themed race???? So cool! What do the medals look like?


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