Marathon Weekend 2018

Well, it's my first time doing Dopey, so take what I say with a huge grain of salt, but I have one pair of shoes I got that I like for short distances and a different model for longer races. I've never had a problem in running in the same pair of shoes back-to-back though. The only concern might be rain or something where they get soaked and don't have time to dry out before the next day. Is there some reason it's a bad idea to run in the same shoes on consecutive days I just don't know about?
I’m no expert by any means but I’ve heard from various places that shoes need to recover as well and it can take up to 24 hours for them to do that. I mean it kind of makes sense. I think whatever works for you is what you should do don’t change automatically if nothing is wrong with what you’re doing.
I’m no expert by any means but I’ve heard from various places that shoes need to recover as well and it can take up to 24 hours for them to do that. I mean it kind of makes sense. I think whatever works for you is what you should do don’t change automatically if nothing is wrong with what you’re doing.

@ZellyB this is what I have heard as well. I have always just had one pair of running shoes at a time, but it's my first Dopey too and I have never run any other back to back races.
On the topic of gels has anyone else tried Huma gels? They are chia seed based energy gels with fruit puree and some with caffiene. I was skeptical at first as they didn't sound that good, I was also worried about those darn chia seeds getting stuck in my teeth like they do when I've eaten them in bars but in these gels they are powdered. Some of the flavors are actually pretty good (Lemonade, Strawberry, Raspberry) as they taste a little more like preserves. After trying GU and Cliff gels and chews I was having trouble with the consistancy of them but as mentioned they need to be taken with water which helps. I tried the Huma gels and found them to be a smoother/looser consistancy that was pretty easy to get down. Still need to take them with water but for me it was a nice change. Running fuel is a personal thing we all have our go-to energy source, I just wanted to bring this up to see if anyone else had tried them.

I really like the Huma gels too, not as thick as most. I also like the Honey Stinger gels as well, especially the Acai Pomogranite.
@ZellyB this is what I have heard as well. I have always just had one pair of running shoes at a time, but it's my first Dopey too and I have never run any other back to back races.

We had this discussion earlier in a QOTD in the Running Thread (link). There is scientific research that allowing the shoes to "rest" increases the longevity of the shoe's life. Although, these research studies were funded by shoe companies (who do have a vested interest in the outcome of said funded studies). So it's hard to be conclusive one way or another for me. But I think it comes down to this for me, if I have two pairs of shoes I have two options.

A) Rotate the shoes every other
B) Don't rotate the shoes and do back to back

As long as both shoes are equal at the beginning, then even if there is a hint of truth to the science it would be better to choose A for longevity. I'll personally have three pairs in case my rotation gets screwed up. For instance, the plan is Kinvara B for 5k/HM and Kinvara C for 10k/M. I've run the 5k, but now it's clear it is going to rain for the 10k. I break out my 3rd emergency pair (Kinvara A - that's further in distance than I want them for racing) and run the rain 10k in those. Then, I'm still good to go with my two best pairs for the HM/M. The HM/M are way more important for shoes than the other two races in my mind.

Now your original question seemed more prefaced on performance of the shoe. Since you may or may not be concerned with the shoe's longevity but whether you can race a HM/M on consecutive days. I can't remember reading any research from a performance standpoint. The only concern I would have is if the HM is rainy, will you end up having to run in the 5k/10k shoe you planned to avoid rather than the new shoe? I guess in that case you'd probably run the 5k/10k/HM in the old shoe and save the new shoe for the M. You could always give it a small trial run with one of your back to back days. Like the week of 12/11 on your Tues/Wed run. That would be a safe trial option if you'd like to test out how it feels performance wise.
Thanks everyone for your responses on how worn in your shoes are for the marathon. That was very helpful.

More on the shoe talk - Do you guys wear your shoes two days in a row (for Dopey)? @ZellyB you said you use the same pair for the 5k and 10k? For some reason I was thinking I needed to take 2 pairs and use them every other day? I just got a new pair of Nike Zoom Structure's which I like ok. They will be my marathon shoe. My Brooks Transcends still have enough life in them for a half if needed but it would be much better if I could use them for the 5k &10k and save my Nikes for the half and full. Thoughts on this? I didn't know if using them on the two long back to back races would be ok? I don't have the money to get another pair of Nikes before Dopey so the Brooks are my only other option...
I was planning on seeing how it goes. I run in all the same shoes so my go-to option is wear one pair for the 5k/Half and the other for the 10k/Full. That being said, the reason I planned it that way is because of the potential for rain. If it rains my shoes take forever to dry out and I don't want to be obligated to run in wet shoes. That being said I've never had problems running in the same pair of shoes on the rare occasions I do back to back days so if you don't either I wouldn't worry about that too much.
We had this discussion earlier in a QOTD in the Running Thread (link). There is scientific research that allowing the shoes to "rest" increases the longevity of the shoe's life. Although, these research studies were funded by shoe companies (who do have a vested interest in the outcome of said funded studies). So it's hard to be conclusive one way or another for me. But I think it comes down to this for me, if I have two pairs of shoes I have two options.

A) Rotate the shoes every other
B) Don't rotate the shoes and do back to back

As long as both shoes are equal at the beginning, then even if there is a hint of truth to the science it would be better to choose A for longevity. I'll personally have three pairs in case my rotation gets screwed up. For instance, the plan is Kinvara B for 5k/HM and Kinvara C for 10k/M. I've run the 5k, but now it's clear it is going to rain for the 10k. I break out my 3rd emergency pair (Kinvara A - that's further in distance than I want them for racing) and run the rain 10k in those. Then, I'm still good to go with my two best pairs for the HM/M. The HM/M are way more important for shoes than the other two races in my mind.

Now your original question seemed more prefaced on performance of the shoe. Since you may or may not be concerned with the shoe's longevity but whether you can race a HM/M on consecutive days. I can't remember reading any research from a performance standpoint. The only concern I would have is if the HM is rainy, will you end up having to run in the 5k/10k shoe you planned to avoid rather than the new shoe? I guess in that case you'd probably run the 5k/10k/HM in the old shoe and save the new shoe for the M. You could always give it a small trial run with one of your back to back days. Like the week of 12/11 on your Tues/Wed run. That would be a safe trial option if you'd like to test out how it feels performance wise.

I knew we had that discussion somewhere but I couldn't remember - thanks! And I may try that on those runs. I do have another pair of the Brooks with life left in them but they fit weird. I will probably bring them anyway so I guess I will have another option if it rains. I am planning on bringing a Sunday newspaper in my checked bag, just in case of rain!

Thanks everyone for your responses on how worn in your shoes are for the marathon. That was very helpful.

I was planning on seeing how it goes. I run in all the same shoes so my go-to option is wear one pair for the 5k/Half and the other for the 10k/Full. That being said, the reason I planned it that way is because of the potential for rain. If it rains my shoes take forever to dry out and I don't want to be obligated to run in wet shoes. That being said I've never had problems running in the same pair of shoes on the rare occasions I do back to back days so if you don't either I wouldn't worry about that too much.

I was running in all the same shoes but got refitted and switched from Brooks to Nikes. While I don't love the cushion of the Nikes as much as the Brooks, the toe box fits my foot perfectly and I am not getting the blisters I was getting with the Brooks.

Rain is a concern, so I guess I will bring a 2nd pair of my Brooks with life still left in them and just use them for that race if it rains. Thanks for your input! :)
I am planning on bringing a Sunday newspaper in my checked bag, just in case of rain!
I was just going to post bring some newspapers to shove in shoes if it rains. When I did Dopey '16 I ran in a pair for the 5k/half & another for 10k/full & good thing too cause it did rain in the 10k.

And it's December so now we can say ... just next month....woohoo!
I'm not worried about the race itself, but for some reason I am worried about the time leading up to the start. I apologize ahead of time for my ignorance where all this is concerned!
I think others have answered your questions thoroughly, so I'm just here to add this: I was totally overwhelmed at my first rD race, so I get it! It's a LOT going on, both leading up to and on race day. Asking questions now is good; that'll take away lots of the unknowns. Once the official race guide comes out, that will give you some solid descriptions and visuals about how things will go and how the pre- and post-race areas are arranged. I think Disney does an admirable job of making the organization of tens of thousands of people pretty efficient!

How many miles do those of you doing the marathon plan to have on your shoes when you run it? I have a pair that's just about end of life and two pairs that are fairly new (low 100s/450 for mileage). I'm just wondering if that's a good amount broken in without being too far broken in or if I should start working on another pair to have fresh shoes for the marathon.
Well, I'm once again trying a totally new-to-me shoe with only weeks to go before the races, so I'm guessing it'll have maybe 30-40 miles on it, lol! I typically need to retire my shoes by 200-250, though, and I always prefer a fresh, new ride.

More on the shoe talk - Do you guys wear your shoes two days in a row (for Dopey)?
Nope, never two days in a row. I like a totally fresh shoe each day. I'll actually bring 4 pairs, one for each race. Partly because I want colors that coordinate with each outfit, partly because I like different shoes for different distances, and partly because if it should rain, I don't want to be stuck with a wet pair of shoes the next day. But I also drive and can bring as much stuff as I want - I realize that's a challenge for those who fly!
Wait...what??? :drinking1:ssst::p

There's a truck selling craft beer and other fun carbonated beverages in the parking lot finish area. :)

How many miles do those of you doing the marathon plan to have on your shoes when you run it?

I aim to have about 25-50 miles on my shoes before a full. That's enough runs to let me confirm there are no issues with the shoes.
Thanks everyone on the shoe discussion. I will be bringing 3 pairs, just in case!

On another topic, talked to my sister last night and she and my BIL might not be able to go on our trip due to some unexpected expenses. They were purchasing my and DD27's park tickets for us thru the military discount. So talked to DD27 and we decided that she and I are NOT going to do parks on this trip. This will allow sis and BIL the option to just come down for the weekend (they are only running the marathon) and race as cheaply as possible if they can swing it. (I already have DVC rented on points for the 4 of us).

So... how much fun can DD27 and I have NOT doing parks? Is anyone else doing this or done this in the past and what did you do? We are there from Wednesday thru Tuesday afternoon. :confused:
Photopass related question:

Is it true that the race pictures won't automatically be uploaded to our MM account and we have to find them someplace else? How quickly do they publish the images?
Photopass related question:

Is it true that the race pictures won't automatically be uploaded to our MM account and we have to find them someplace else? How quickly do they publish the images?

You have to go in and link your bib to your photopass account. I don't recall the specifics of how to do it, but the information is somewhere maybe in the event guide.

Once linked my pictures populated automatically. I had many of them almost immediately after the race. Some pictures took longer to show up than others.
Was the 2017 gift a towel too? Is that their thing for race retreat?

They were handing out socks this year, but I didn't take any because I don't like socks in the first place. :rotfl2:

How many miles do those of you doing the marathon plan to have on your shoes when you run it? I have a pair that's just about end of life and two pairs that are fairly new (low 100s/450 for mileage). I'm just wondering if that's a good amount broken in without being too far broken in or if I should start working on another pair to have fresh shoes for the marathon.

My marathon shoes generally have 15-20 miles on them. The last two years I've done a short run in them and then NYE park walking in them to get ready for race weekend.

More on the shoe talk - Do you guys wear your shoes two days in a row (for Dopey)? @ZellyB you said you use the same pair for the 5k and 10k? For some reason I was thinking I needed to take 2 pairs and use them every other day? I just got a new pair of Nike Zoom Structure's which I like ok. They will be my marathon shoe. My Brooks Transcends still have enough life in them for a half if needed but it would be much better if I could use them for the 5k &10k and save my Nikes for the half and full. Thoughts on this? I didn't know if using them on the two long back to back races would be ok? I don't have the money to get another pair of Nikes before Dopey so the Brooks are my only other option...

I take three - one pair for the 5K/Half (they're at around 117 miles right now), one pair for the 10K (they're at 290 miles right now) and one pair for the Marathon (new). The 10K shoes are also my rain shoes - so, basically, if any of the race mornings call for rain, those are the shoes I'll wear for rain race.


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