Make a wish family files complaint

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One statement by the mom included "she (the CM) doesn't know what I'm going through". I do and the mom was wrong to make such a stink. The kids stood outside crying because she allowed it. Let's face it, there are people with me attitudes whether NT, disabled and even on MAW trips.
I can't get the comments to the story to come up any more, but I did read them when I originally read the story.
The majority I saw were basically saying what you wrote.
This is what the mom posted on facebook today
Even if all the words she posted were exactly what was said by everyone, there is a lot more then just words in communication - tone of voice, volume, body language, facial expression all can change the meaning.
There are also gaps in the story she posted, so it's not complete either.
One statement by the mom included "she (the CM) doesn't know what I'm going through". I do and the mom was wrong to make such a stink. The kids stood outside crying because she allowed it. Let's face it, there are people with me attitudes whether NT, disabled and even on MAW trips.

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This woman could have walked to Cont and bought "toys for the kids" in less time than the hour she stood outside with her kids crying.
I can't get the comments to the story to come up any more, but I did read them when I originally read the story.
The majority I saw were basically saying what you wrote.

Even if all the words she posted were exactly what was said by everyone, there is a lot more then just words in communication - tone of voice, volume, body language, facial expression all can change the meaning.
There are also gaps in the story she posted, so it's not complete either.

The comments are still viewable and now it looks like the Mom is posting about how she was "wronged".
Love all the comments under the article. This feeling of entitlement beyond the Wish entitlement is crazy. I feel sorry for what Disney has to deal with on a daily basis.
The comments are still viewable and now it looks like the Mom is posting about how she was "wronged".
Thanks. It wasn't loading - probably because the comments have really exploded in the last hour.

I noticed the mom keeps just posting the same thing that a previous poster copied and posted here.
The mom did also add that her family refused to leave the store.
Unfortunately, it seems like she was used to being treated special everywhere and just couldn't understand why that didn't happen in this case.

Sigh :sad2:
You'd think she'd just be thrilled about having a paid trip to Disney
I really don't think the CM just flat out told her that. At least not in the rude way she was making it sound
I have never wanted a LIKE button more!!!

This woman could have walked to Cont and bought "toys for the kids" in less time than the hour she stood outside with her kids crying.

That's exactly what I was thinking. Tell your kids this store was closed to those who didn't have a Halloween Party ticket and that you'll find another store to get their toys. Shouldn't have been a big deal at all.
This is a quote of what the mom keeps posting in the story comments.
The store was not closed! It was only closed to people who did not have A Halloween band on! It was our last night there and the kids wanted to buy toys to remember the trip so we try and go into the store and the lady tells us "NO you need to go buy Halloween bands cause its past 7pm" ( by the way the bands cost $364 just to go trick or treating) so I say get the manger the manger heather comes out and says " how can I help you?" I said to her " we are here with make a wish and my son is a wish kid we understand its past 7pm (it was 7:12) but can we just go in the store to buy the kids toys?
The manger turns to us and says and I quote " YOU ARE TAKING ADVANTAGE of your sons wish" now I was pissed !!! I said I'm what ? All I want to do is go in a store and buy my kids toys with my own money we were not asking her to buy the toys!! How dare her say " I'm taking advantage of my sons wish" she has no clue what I go through for PJ he has a port in his chest and he gets needles every other day to stay alive. Until she is in my shoes she should keep her mouth shut.
Then we refused to leave I'm not going to have 3 crying kids cause we don't have a band on to buy toys. She called security on us they did nothing cause they knew how are you going to tell a make a wish kid he can't buy a toy they made us wait out side over an hour then they finally let is buy them toys, I made so many complaints and no one wants to appioligize for what she said to us do we went to the paper to get Disney's attention. Also if Disney partners up with make a wish the employes should be much nicer and know not to say things like that. That was disgusting what she said to us
I agree with everyone else. My first thought is that the Mom was doing exactly what she was accused of doing, using her sons disability to her advantage. I think that is why she is so bent on pointing the finger at Disney to make sure everyone knows she was wronged. She is being called out on exactly what she is doing and she doesn't like it.

My next thought was that I didn't read anything about her being grateful for what was given. Grateful for the opportunity that was given to her son and to her family. Grateful that she was given some spending money to buy the toys. Grateful to Make A Wish and to Disney for everything that was given. Instead, her reaction and the reaction of others "ruined" their trip. It is my opinion that she needs to focus on everything else and be grateful.

My final thought was that some flexibility was needed here. Moving onto Plan B as far as shopping is concerned. There are plenty of other places to shop in WDW and they all basically have the same merchandise. Shopping at a store that is closed makes every employee wait before they can go home. Who knows if while the store was closed a change of shift doesn't occur. I find the fact that she made such a stink that Security had to be called appalling. Why would you stand there for an hour with kids crying? She was being rude and inconsiderate of others, in my opinion.

When you force an apology, it really isn't an apology and really won't make you feel better about the situation. However, I think she isn't going to feel better no matter what Disney or others do because, to me, her focus is on how hard her life is and how much she has to go through.

To share a personal story: My DD was an infant in the NICU. I had been at the hospital nonstop for several days and wasn't emotionally in a good place. I was meeting with doctors and discovering that my precious child had brain damage and would experience significant challenges her entire life. I was feeling very overwhelmed, sad, scared, tired, alone, and a big dose of feeling sorry for myself. My mother came to the hospital to relieve me so I could go to the cafeteria to get something to eat. I got on the elevator and just sobbed for the 4 floors down to the main level. As the elevator opened, there was a Dad with a little girl in a wheel chair. The girl was holding a vomit pan, had an IV, bald, moon faced, etc. with all the indications of being treated for Cancer. Dad was pushing the wheelchair and the IV pole. I looked at them and thought, "Hey Mom, at least your child will live. You have challenges and your child will have challenges, but, you aren't dealing with having to bury a child." From that point on, I resolved to never compare my challenges with anyone else and to be grateful for my challenges, because I can handle them. I would never let my child feel like she was a burden. I would love her and make sure she felt that she is loved. That is just how I decided to handle things in my own life.
Poor kid. That mom is a piece of work. I understand it is very hard to have a special needs child. But to put him on parade by calling the newspapers so she can get big bucks from deep-pocketed Disney is disgusting.
Well I say if they were not there for the Halloween Party then they shouldn't be let in the store. The rules should apply for all. People pay to go to the party. For her to stay there for over an hour. She is the one that ruined the last night. I'm sure her kids were crying because she caused a big stink.
I can fully see the mom screaming 'it's my son's wish trip we can go where we want' and the CM responding with something along the lines of 'ma'am, we can't adjust this rule even for wish trips' or 'Even wish trips can't do whatever they want' or something to that extent and getting blown way out of proportion by mom. I mean, if she's standing there with crying kids for an hour I wouldn't doubt it.

I imagine the CM hasn't run into that situation before and was just following the rules. I can't honestly picture a CM being that crass. Either way, Disney will apologize and it sounds like MAW isn't really commenting other than saying Disney does a great job with these trips. And they do.

ETA: She just keeps repeating herself in the comments... 'the store was not closed. It was only closed to people who didn't have wristbands for the party.' So... it's closed for you. Something is not clicking with this woman. She's really not understanding how people aren't up in arms and on her side about this.
People who go to WDW often know that the park closes at a certain time for hard ticket events. Those who do not frequent the parks, or who go on non-holiday trips, are completely unaware of the early closings.

Last year - right after Thanksgiving - we were in MK the first night of MVMCP. We witnessed a father of a family of 4 argue with a CM about the early closing - and the fact that it was not posted anywhere.

In the Dad's defense - it wasn't posted anywhere upon entering MK. There was NO ADVANCE WARNING that a person without a hard ticket could not watch the evening parade.

Because we read, we use the times guides, we had purchased tickets - we knew about the early closing. This Dad really did not understand. They were not staying at a Disney hotel, and absolutely was clueless - not because he was ignorant, but because he was uneducated in Disney's policies of hard ticket events.

He argued with the CM - stating that his family deserved to see the parade also, etc. We spoke up, showed the man our tickets, and explained about hard ticket events. He then understood & left the park.

The CM was extremely appreciative that we stopped to help her - thanking us over & over again. My point - this had nothing to do with a Make a Wish Trip. The true problem was with Disney assuming that everyone knows everything about everything. We don't. If I did not read the DIS, I wouldn't know half of the rules, etc that Disney has. I wouldn't have known ahead of time to get tickets for the parade.
It had been many years since we'd done MNSSHP. I didn't know until I saw this thread this year that they were actually now asking people to leave at 7pm, even escorting them out of the park in some cases. As it should be, really. It seems that many had taken advantage of staying in the parks for ticketed events in years past. We were there this year and before we could walk down through Liberty Square they checked to see our wristbands.

See, if Mom had just read the Dis, maybe she would have known! I do think the tone of her posts is crass. As if MNSSHP is just about trick or treating! :laughing: (FTR we didn't get a single piece of candy, but we sure had fun going on Splash Mountain with no lines!)

I think she should just let it go now.
From Cheshire Figment:

If you do not have a Party ticket at 7:00 the Magic Kingdom is officially closed to you and you must leave the Park.

1. Without a wristband you cannot enter the line for any show or ride and you cannot enter any food service location or any store. You will not be allowed to make any purchases from any kiosk or wagon. You might be allowed to use the restrooms.

2. If you are already in a merchandise shop at 7:00 you will be permitted to make a purchase, but you will not be able to purchase any party-themed merchandise. If you are in a quick service location you will be allowed to make a purchase.

3. If you are at a Table Service location without an ADR you will not be seated, or if your ADR is for 7:00 or later you will not be seated. Note that even if you had a CC guarantee you will not be seated and you will forfeit the guarantee as you do not, at that time, have valid park admission.

4. There will be CM "blockades" at various points within the park looking for wristbands. For the first half hour or so you will not be permitted deeper into the Park and you will be asked to leave. If it is past 7:30 and you are caught in a blockade or sweep you will, at that time, be escorted to the front of the Park and out the Gate.

5. If you are line up for a parade and do not have a wristband you will be escorted out of the park.

6. And if you do not cooperate with the CMs Security will be called.
I would agree that guests could possibly miss Disney's information about the parties, but disagree that Disney doesn't post/publicize the hours enough.

We are at WDW now, have been here for 2 weeks, attended MNSSHP and were at MK several days when the park was closing early for MNSSHP we were not attending.

The hours were on the times guides and several places in the park had signs with "Park Hours for Today", which indicated the park was closing at 7pm.
At the park entrance gate and in front of Guest Relations, there were large posters advertising the party and how to buy tickets.

There were also announcements starting in the early afternoon and continuing thru the start of the party indicating the park was closing at 7pm for a party (and mentioning where tickets could be bought).
So, it may have been not so evident in the past, but is pretty well publicized.
I would agree that guests could possibly miss Disney's information about the parties, but disagree that Disney doesn't post/publicize the hours enough.

We are at WDW now, have been here for 2 weeks, attended MNSSHP and were at MK several days when the park was closing early for MNSSHP we were not attending.

The hours were on the times guides and several places in the park had signs with "Park Hours for Today", which indicated the park was closing at 7pm.
At the park entrance gate and in front of Guest Relations, there were large posters advertising the party and how to buy tickets.

There were also announcements starting in the early afternoon and continuing thru the start of the party indicating the park was closing at 7pm for a party (and mentioning where tickets could be bought).
So, it may have been not so evident in the past, but is pretty well publicized.

And they had to have driven in. At the toll booth they post the park hours.
And they had to have driven in. At the toll booth they post the park hours.
From GKTW Village, they would have driven in.

We stay on site and take the bus to MK. I know they announce "today's hours" on the bus and when I have taken the monorail to MK or to Epcot, they have announced the hours there too. So, even if someone misses the closing time several places, there are quite a few other places to find it.
Even if she had no idea that was a hollween show their was plenty of warning the park would close early when you enter and about to go under the station their park hours listed. Out front before bag check their a big sign advertising the shows. And she admitted the cm told the store was closed due to the show so it wasn't the cm saying sorry you can't come in store closed and not explain why. They have cms with managers walking the park checking wristbands and if you don't have it they walk you out. The Main Street shops close at 7 and they don't put event merchandise out untill 730 so any guest who was in the store before 7 will not get a chance to buy the merchandise. They won't let anyone in when I try to enter with wrist band they say sorry it closed for a little while longer to make sure day guest finish and so they can bring out the merchandise.
The more this mom tired to explain herself the more miserable and entitled she sounds. It would be a cold day in you-know-where before is let my children stand some place crying from disappointment for an hour while I died on a hill if "but I want to shop here right now!"

No. Just no.

If I felt mistreated, I'd have asked for the CM's name and name of his/her manager and reported him/her, but my kids wouldn't need to suffer for that. MAking your kids suffer for that means YOU'RE as big if a trash hole as the people you're complaining about.
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