Make a Wish (and other organizations) - Wish Trippers UNITE! Volume THREE! :)

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Hmmm, that brings up a good question. Does anyone know off-hand what the car seat laws are for FL? And what about the car rental - has anyone had a vehicle with the built in child seats? Or able to rent one with the vehicle? My first choice would be to bring both of our own but that will definitely be difficult. Phoebe's is a large special needs model (she's 8 and it holds up to 100 lbs with a 5-point harness). She can sit okay in a car without one, but she falls asleep whenever we're driving and flops over

From what I can find, it appears that Florida is pretty lax in the car seat department. They require a car seat until age 3 and a booster until age 5. That's a little too lax if you ask me. That's less than the AAP guidelines. I try to keep up with car seat safety and will totally be ignoring Florida's laws. My 2 and 3 year old will be in their 5 point and my 6 year old will be in a booster. (At home, 6 year old DD is still in a 5 point, but it is massive and there is no way I can take it with us, but I wish I could.)

As far as the built in car seats go, I don't think they make vehicles like that anymore. They didn't work out as great as they thought they would and did not get good safety reviews. Renting one from the rental car company? Nope, not a good idea. If they has one (which you would not really know until you got there if they would have on available for you that day or not) it would probably not be worth using. Car seats expire after 5 to 6 years (depending on manufacturer) and the rental companies do not replace them that often. You would also not know if it had been in wreck or if it had been compromised in some other way.

I'm not sure of the stats on you other child or what kind of seat you have, but if you can give me some details I could try to offer some suggestions. As far as Phoebe goes, if you're just going to be in the Orlando area (not going to the beach or anywhere else far off) could you put her in a booster perhaps and just lock the seatbelt like when you install a car seat. That would keep her body from flopping forward. You could also get one of those reverse neck pillows they make to keep kids heads from flopping forward. (FYI locking the seat belt is totally ok. I was told this by a car seat tech.)

Hope that helps some and feel free to PM me if you want to. I've got a couple of car seat tech contacts I can get info from if you need it.
Ashley, thanks for the info. I figured even if either or both kids were allowed to go without one, I wouldn't be comfortable doing it. Tessa is 4 and tall, so we usually use a 5 pt for her but have a regular booster as a backup (she gets carsick often and the main one gets removed for cleaning:sad2:). Both are the same size and we can bring hers easily enough. Phoebe's is a special-ordered seat, so I don't know the brand, but it's pretty large. Sitting on the captains seat of our van it goes up higher than the headrest on that seat. It also has deep sides (kind of like an infant booster seat - but XL). I can't picture us lugging that one, along with T's and our carry-ons, and pushing Phoebe's wheelchair and keeping T from running off through the airport. I think my sister might have a couple of those "half" boosters, like just the seat part, that she is done with. That would raise the height but still not offer side support. I do have a couple of those neck pillows but she always seems to get into weird positions even with them on. Hmmm. I just need to keep thinking.
Our on again, off again trip is back on for next Friday (10 more days!!!!). Sadly it will be just Ciara and me since DH will stay home to care for "B" our new foster child (don't worry, B won't realize he got left behind). I am terrified of driving in urban traffic. Does GKTW have a shuttle???? Karen
Ashley, thanks for the info. I figured even if either or both kids were allowed to go without one, I wouldn't be comfortable doing it. Tessa is 4 and tall, so we usually use a 5 pt for her but have a regular booster as a backup (she gets carsick often and the main one gets removed for cleaning:sad2:). Both are the same size and we can bring hers easily enough. Phoebe's is a special-ordered seat, so I don't know the brand, but it's pretty large. Sitting on the captains seat of our van it goes up higher than the headrest on that seat. It also has deep sides (kind of like an infant booster seat - but XL). I can't picture us lugging that one, along with T's and our carry-ons, and pushing Phoebe's wheelchair and keeping T from running off through the airport. I think my sister might have a couple of those "half" boosters, like just the seat part, that she is done with. That would raise the height but still not offer side support. I do have a couple of those neck pillows but she always seems to get into weird positions even with them on. Hmmm. I just need to keep thinking.

I totally understand where you are coming from. We have Britax seats. Sloan and Cambell are in a Marathon and while it's not the biggest Britax seat, it isn't easy to pack around by any means. The thought of a getting 2 2 adults, 3 kids, a double stroller, 2 car seats, a booster seat, countless suitcases and a couple of carry ons through airport security and to our destination (without ending up on the news) makes me question my sanity. Better yet, will the little bit I have left survive this trip? :rotfl2: Stay tuned to the news popcorn:: around the time of our trip. You might see us there! ;)
Just wanted to let everyone know the store is having a pretty good sale up to 70% off. I'm thinking I may have to take atvantage of it and pick up some goodies for the kids for while were at the parks instead of buying expensive stuff there. Of course I'll let them get at least one souvenier while were there.
For those following Dax's story

He was an angel on earth and he joined the angels in heaven tonight:littleangel: His CaringBridge page has had over 1 million visitors since he was diagnosed with the terrible cancer.

Pray for his parents to support them in the months ahead:grouphug::littleangel:
I am terrified of driving in urban traffic. Does GKTW have a shuttle???? Karen

I am glad your trip is still on, but sorry to hear about dh not being able to go.

As for a shuttle, I do not believe they do. However what I would do is call them and explain it is just you and your child and you nervous about driving and if they do have any transportation to and from the parks. They are so wonderful when you call them, and very helpful.

The things is GKTW is a good 15-20 min from the Disney parks ( with parking and and all). I know when we go to volunteer we have to take a cab from our resort to and from GKTW as we will not have a rental car. But we just have to pay for 4 ways which should not be to bad.

Another thought, do you have a good friend or family that could go with you? MAW should be able to pay for another adult to go. I would also call your granters and see what they can do.

Good Luck..:flower3:
Just wanted to let everyone know the store is having a pretty good sale up to 70% off. I'm thinking I may have to take atvantage of it and pick up some goodies for the kids for while were at the parks instead of buying expensive stuff there. Of course I'll let them get at least one souvenier while were there.

There is also Walmart right down the street that sells TONS of Disney stuff...this is what we did with the kids and the loved it. The speciality Disney items, such as "Tower of Terror" or "Haunted Mansion" stuff can only be purchased at the park, but for the Mickey, Minnie, Goofy and so on, including the princess stuff, you can get at the Walmart....:thumbsup2

Maroo, thanks for organizing all the threads and keeping it in line. I have learned so much here and I know Phoebe's trip will be the better for it! Also, thanks for hijacking Pamela's TR to send some van tips my way. ;) Sometimes hijacking is a good thing.

You are very welcome! :) I don't know about keeping anything in line...:rotfl: but glad to be here!! :)

And I am SOOO glad that your trip will be more magical thanks to the DIS!

Our on again, off again trip is back on for next Friday (10 more days!!!!). Sadly it will be just Ciara and me since DH will stay home to care for "B" our new foster child (don't worry, B won't realize he got left behind). I am terrified of driving in urban traffic. Does GKTW have a shuttle???? Karen

Woo Hoo! I am about to PM you...since we will be there at the same time! :goodvibes

Just wanted to let everyone know the store is having a pretty good sale up to 70% off. I'm thinking I may have to take atvantage of it and pick up some goodies for the kids for while were at the parks instead of buying expensive stuff there. Of course I'll let them get at least one souvenier while were there.

ooooooo, aaaaaaaahhhh....I need to go over and check that out!

For those following Dax's story

He was an angel on earth and he joined the angels in heaven tonight:littleangel: His CaringBridge page has had over 1 million visitors since he was diagnosed with the terrible cancer.

Pray for his parents to support them in the months ahead:grouphug::littleangel:

:( How totally sad.

1 MILLION visitors?!?!? That is amazing.

Amazing that he made it to Christmas... I really thought that they thought he would not make it that long.

You are right...the prayers should be for them for the months ahead...years, really...but you are so right. Prayers for them!

I am glad your trip is still on, but sorry to hear about dh not being able to go.

As for a shuttle, I do not believe they do. However what I would do is call them and explain it is just you and your child and you nervous about driving and if they do have any transportation to and from the parks. They are so wonderful when you call them, and very helpful.

The things is GKTW is a good 15-20 min from the Disney parks ( with parking and and all). I know when we go to volunteer we have to take a cab from our resort to and from GKTW as we will not have a rental car. But we just have to pay for 4 ways which should not be to bad.

Another thought, do you have a good friend or family that could go with you? MAW should be able to pay for another adult to go. I would also call your granters and see what they can do.

Good Luck..:flower3:

Yes! Call them!

They do have a shuttle - Lauren had to take it because they did not get a car - I believe it is Mears. But...the hours they run are odd??
As for IA/US...with siblings that age, I say do it. You get an amazing "pass" so to speak that you will never be able to get unless you are with GKTW, and you can BOTH parks in one day and can easily skip the second day for sure.

Plus given your daughter is 3, she will LOVE GKTW...from the pool, to the candyland playground...she will be in heaven. Plus the older kids will be able to hang out "by themselves" at the video game room. So I think if you do IA/US for the older two in one day, the rest of the time you can have alot of downtime.

By the way when I saw you get a amazing pass, you literally walk up to the attended at the front of the line and they take you up the back to the ride ( and make sure they say they want the fron seats...:thumbsup2) and you are in and out of ride in 6 mins flat. And if you can only do two and two, than as soon as the first two come out, you take that second person and do the same thing. So for a ride that is 75 mins long, will take 10 mins total of a party of two and two...I still feel that US/IA are far more "magical" as far as waiting for rides and shows than Disney is ( don't get me wrong, Disney is great, but the other two parks were AWESOME)

As for Seaworld...we went just to to feed the dolphins...if it were up to me, I would have passed Seaworld altoghter...cause Hannah and Jake could not go on the big roller coasters they had there.

Thanks to those who have weighed in on the Universal/Sea World issue. The more I ponder, the more I think we should at least go for a half day to Universal... Now I have to reconfigure my carefully laid plans re what days to do what Disney parks. Can Islands of Adventure be experienced in less than a full day and still be satisfying?

What about Sea World? Can we go feed the dolphins and maybe do one or two other things in one afternoon, or is that unrealistic? I do hate to totally not use passes that will be given to us for free by GKTW. Not sure when we will be able to go back....

Another question for those who have gone (or know): we have to check out of GKTW on Friday, 4/23. Can we use the Sea World Pass that afternoon, after we check out? Or do we have to give back everything when we check out?

Questions, questions, questions....

Isn't it nice to be able to focus on fun things like planning sometimes instead of just medical stuff non-stop??? Thanks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I think IoA can be experienced in a half day, particularly if you are not waiting in line. It's not that big. I can't remember how old your children are. If they are older and like thrill rides they'll want to hit Dueling Dragons, Hulk, and Spiderman. They have a sort of toon area with some water rides, and then there is the Seuss area which is great for younger kids.
Thanks to those who have weighed in on the Universal/Sea World issue. The more I ponder, the more I think we should at least go for a half day to Universal... Now I have to reconfigure my carefully laid plans re what days to do what Disney parks. Can Islands of Adventure be experienced in less than a full day and still be satisfying?

Sure! This is totally up to you! You could pick just a few things and just experience it for a couple of hours or two days...totally up to you! :)

What about Sea World? Can we go feed the dolphins and maybe do one or two other things in one afternoon, or is that unrealistic? I do hate to totally not use passes that will be given to us for free by GKTW. Not sure when we will be able to go back....

Yes! They say the dolphins are more responsive in the morning - I guess they are hungry - but you could totally just go for the afternoon. If you plan to just go a couple of hours, you may want to call to find out when they are planning to feed the dolphins, though...because they only do that a few times a day.

Another question for those who have gone (or know): we have to check out of GKTW on Friday, 4/23. Can we use the Sea World Pass that afternoon, after we check out? Or do we have to give back everything when we check out?

And can use it the afternoon you leave. :) You get to keep all of your tickets, whether you use them or not. They have an unlimited supply, so once they are given away to you, they are yours. :)

Questions, questions, questions....

Isn't it nice to be able to focus on fun things like planning sometimes instead of just medical stuff non-stop??? Thanks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Yes! Always nice to have something to occupy your time rather than medical junk! That is one of the many benefits of a wish trip. :) And meeting awesome people like you guys!

And you can always hang around after you are back! :)
I put a bunch of my character pictures on my trip report!
and i got my photopass cd yesterday, so there's a couple of them too.
the link is in my signature =)
For those following Dax's story

He was an angel on earth and he joined the angels in heaven tonight:littleangel: His CaringBridge page has had over 1 million visitors since he was diagnosed with the terrible cancer.

Pray for his parents to support them in the months ahead:grouphug::littleangel:

Thanks so much for updating MAW about Dax, I completely forgot this morning. Did you know he actually did MAW this year? It was a special program for younger kids.. I will never forget Dax and how his fight changed my life!

I have many favorite Dax video's but this is my favorite-
2. A Wish Trip is just that........a 'Wish Trip' and not just another 'family vacation'. It deserves to be a trip like no other. A trip that is unlike one's typical family Disney World vacation. It can be beneficial to think outside of the box. Be creative. The ability to take advantage of activities and adventures that might not be possible on one's typical vacation budget is what makes a Wish Trip a once in a lifetime experience. And don't forget GKTW. The Village and it's activities. Make time if possible. There are lifetime memories to be made there as well. And just being there is likely to give you goosebumps. It's what it represents. It, too, is magical.

This may be a bit wierd but I am having a hard time figuring out things to do that do not involve alot of money (character meals, makeovers etc) in the parks. I think it is just me and not being aware of what is out there. Do we have any type of thread for that? We just do not have extra money to do alot even though this is Ty's wish trip. Any suggestions I would GREATLY appreciate:)

We are so greatful to get to go on this Wish Trip and it will be so magical even if there is nothing extra for us. But I just wanted to make sure we werent missing anything that Ty would love;)
It is one of the hotter parks....well you can always make Feb your 1st choice...:thumbsup2

We found the stroller to be HUGE for Jakers and yes while he has IV fluids that keep him going, you could do the same with Ali and just run pedilyte on a slow rate thru out the day and see how things go. I can not tell you how many times Jake passed out for 20 mins here and there and boom he back to himself ready to go...:rotfl:

Again, the Feb time is just a suggestion....:confused3

We will be running fluids with Ty as well. Can he stay hooked up to his pump for most of the rides? Or will we need to unhook and hook him?
2. A Wish Trip is just that........a 'Wish Trip' and not just another 'family vacation'. It deserves to be a trip like no other. A trip that is unlike one's typical family Disney World vacation. It can be beneficial to think outside of the box. Be creative. The ability to take advantage of activities and adventures that might not be possible on one's typical vacation budget is what makes a Wish Trip a once in a lifetime experience. And don't forget GKTW. The Village and it's activities. Make time if possible. There are lifetime memories to be made there as well. And just being there is likely to give you goosebumps. It's what it represents. It, too, is magical.

This may be a bit wierd but I am having a hard time figuring out things to do that do not involve alot of money (character meals, makeovers etc) in the parks. I think it is just me and not being aware of what is out there. Do we have any type of thread for that? We just do not have extra money to do alot even though this is Ty's wish trip. Any suggestions I would GREATLY appreciate:)

We are so greatful to get to go on this Wish Trip and it will be so magical even if there is nothing extra for us. But I just wanted to make sure we werent missing anything that Ty would love;)

Hey hon..this is an issue for us as well..some of the things I plan on doing with/for Piper are:

1. Pressed pennies..they cost .50 + a penny each and are something she can save as a souvenir as well. I plan on getting 2 $10 quarter rolls and a roll of (hopefully) new pennies from my bank right before we leave to use. I think there are also dime presses (?) but I haven't looked into those yet.

2. Hidden Mickey photo hunt..self explanatory.

3. Hair-do at the Barber shop..for around $8 (If I remember right) they'll put the sparkly gel and glitter in just like they do at Bippity Boppity!

4. Pin trading.. there are a couple of recommended e-bayers on the first page of this thread..again, for about $20 it's something she can enjoy the whole time we're there. My personal plan is only to let her trade with CMs though, my understanding is there are adults so into it they will try to fleece a kid of a pin if they know it's valuable. :sad2:

The nice thing about the pennies and the pins are that they're things I can start buying now as I have the cash, in small increments, lol.
We will be running fluids with Ty as well. Can he stay hooked up to his pump for most of the rides? Or will we need to unhook and hook him?

Jake was hooked up to his TPN and did fine on the rides. A couple of times we had to take the backpack off and hold it on my lap when he went on the upside down rides, but other wise worked fine. So keeping the G-tube going is not going to be an issue at all.

We are doing the trading pins, my husband just bought about 200 of them off Ebay...:rotfl: so we should be set with that...I hope..:thumbsup2
2. A Wish Trip is just that........a 'Wish Trip' and not just another 'family vacation'. It deserves to be a trip like no other. A trip that is unlike one's typical family Disney World vacation. It can be beneficial to think outside of the box. Be creative. The ability to take advantage of activities and adventures that might not be possible on one's typical vacation budget is what makes a Wish Trip a once in a lifetime experience. And don't forget GKTW. The Village and it's activities. Make time if possible. There are lifetime memories to be made there as well. And just being there is likely to give you goosebumps. It's what it represents. It, too, is magical.

This may be a bit wierd but I am having a hard time figuring out things to do that do not involve alot of money (character meals, makeovers etc) in the parks. I think it is just me and not being aware of what is out there. Do we have any type of thread for that? We just do not have extra money to do alot even though this is Ty's wish trip. Any suggestions I would GREATLY appreciate:)

We are so greatful to get to go on this Wish Trip and it will be so magical even if there is nothing extra for us. But I just wanted to make sure we werent missing anything that Ty would love;)

Hi! I actually am the one who wrote that and perhaps it didn't come across properly because I wasn't really thinking of things that cost money. Rather I was thinking about the experiences that can be yours as a result of it being a Wish Trip as opposed to simply a vacation (not to minimize the special opportunity to be together as a family that you experience on a vacation). The GKTW Village is one of them........just planning time to play there and taking in the activities. I think as adults it can be easy to dismiss that/those in favor of fancy hotels/more time in the parks etc. (I made that mistake myself) but for the children that place is magic. And, once you give in to it yourself, you start to feel it too. I also was thinking about the 'theme' that we created for Matty (IDK if you've caught any of our story).............the whole Christmas/gingerbread man theme. It took on a life of it's own. Other families have had similar experiences revolving around a favorite character or place or whatever. If you can identify something like that for your child, since this is a Wish Trip, the potential for magic becomes endless. And the memories become extra special "Wish Trip" create something that sets this trip apart from other fabulous family vacations.

RE: money and budgeting for extras: Are you going through MAW???? If you are, an expense check is typically part of the package. Although they don't generally reveal the amount until right before the trip, if you call and tell them you really need to know in order to plan properly, they will tell you (they told me). If you are going through another organization, you might want to call and ask if they provide something similar. That expense check allowed us to many many things we would NEVER have done on a typical vacation.

Just so you know, GKTW also provides tickets to other places during the week, in addition to, not instead of, the typical package. PM me if you want the list. Again there might be experiences available that you would never have an opportunity to do otherwise (my Matty took a ride on a Cessna airplane) and really might add something extra special to the trip.

I hope that helped:)


Matty's Wish Trip PTR

Matty's Wish Trip TR "Mom, Dad, 3 Kids, and a Gingerbread Boy"
:cool1::cool1::cool1::cool1: I know Jake can't to be to see all the other wish family's and know excatley how they are feeling ( cause we felt the same way) is going to be so magical...:wizard::wizard::wizard:

ok....I finally found one of your posts where you talk about going back and volunteering at GKTW.

We need to talk there girl!! We just got back and have already decided we are returning around the same time next year. There's no question we will visit and spend some time at GKTW but dh and I would love to volunteer some time too. Can you share how you made the arrangements? I noticed that your son will be involved too. May I ask how old he is? Do you know how old kids have to be to volunteer? Matty is 7 (today!!!!!) so he'll be just a month shy of 8 next December. My other kids will be 9 and 10 (and 5, but that's obviously too young). Any info you can share would be great!!



Matty's Wish Trip PTR

Matty's Wish Trip TR "Mom, Dad, 3 Kids, and a Gingerbread Boy"
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