Mail Delivery Person Comments on Packages


DIS Veteran
Oct 25, 2013
This is my first thread ever! I want to know if I am being petty or overreacting. I live in a gated community in a smallish town. We've had the same USPS mail woman for years. She's super nice and efficient. Anyway, I LOVE Amazon Prime. I really do not enjoy going to stores, plus there is nothing in our area. It's at least a 30 minute drive in heavy traffic to get to the nearest Target and the mall is even farther. I probably order things from Amazon 3-4 times a week. Things range from my kids' Halloween costumes to a lid for my pan or whatever exercise supplement my husband is into now. I also order most of our clothing online. The mail lady when I do see her (I avoid her like the plague now) will comment about my getting boxes everyday. When she sees my husband, she will make comments about my getting packages every day! Yesterday he went to get the mail and she said to him 'your wife has no boxes today--wow that's a surprise!" It is seriously starting to bug me! It's not like I am ordering ceramic dolls off of QVC, there are things we need for the home or whatever--and I'm bothered I even have to explain that--I've tried to explain this to her too, which I find ridiculous. I just feel super embarrassed. I was thinking of leaving her a note explaining I am bothered by her comments but I don't want to offend her. How would you handle this? Again, this is a small area and we will probably have this woman for years to come.
I understand where you are coming from. Her job is to deliver and not comment about your personal life. The other day I purchased several greeting cards at Walgreens, the cashier opened the first and read it, when she started to open the second to read I told her that it was non of her concern to just ring up the order. For some reason I just didn't like her reading them.
It would probably irk me, too. My mom ships a lot of packages to my house, especially near Christmas (stuff that's not even for my family). And my sister ships a lot of her stuff to me so her kids don't accidentally get a peek at it. I don't think my UPS driver has said anything much more than "Boy, you sure got a lot today." but I agree that I feel compelled to explain that most of them weren't purchased by me and are not for me!

But I agree that it's probably just small talk and is not meant to be judgy! And probably the best course of action would be to say something like "I know! Thank heaven for free shipping?" or "I just love the convenience of online shopping." or "Thanks for your help in deliving them. I hope none are too heavy!" or "I'm doing my part to make this a record year for the USPS!" something equally innocuous. Then move on with your day.
This is my first thread ever! I want to know if I am being petty or overreacting. I live in a gated community in a smallish town. We've had the same USPS mail woman for years. She's super nice and efficient. Anyway, I LOVE Amazon Prime. I really do not enjoy going to stores, plus there is nothing in our area. It's at least a 30 minute drive in heavy traffic to get to the nearest Target and the mall is even farther. I probably order things from Amazon 3-4 times a week. Things range from my kids' Halloween costumes to a lid for my pan or whatever exercise supplement my husband is into now. I also order most of our clothing online. The mail lady when I do see her (I avoid her like the plague now) will comment about my getting boxes everyday. When she sees my husband, she will make comments about my getting packages every day! Yesterday he went to get the mail and she said to him 'your wife has no boxes today--wow that's a surprise!" It is seriously starting to bug me! It's not like I am ordering ceramic dolls off of QVC, there are things we need for the home or whatever--and I'm bothered I even have to explain that--I've tried to explain this to her too, which I find ridiculous. I just feel super embarrassed. I was thinking of leaving her a note explaining I am bothered by her comments but I don't want to offend her. How would you handle this? Again, this is a small area and we will probably have this woman for years to come.
I think you're overreacting. She's basically just making small talk IMO. You want to shut her down? Next time she makes a comment, just say "yup" and walk away. Do that enough and she'll get the hint and not say anything to you.

It doesn't sound like she's judging what you're ordering, she's just saying you get a lot of boxes. I see no reason for it to bug you or for you to feel "super embarrassed".
I understand where you are coming from. Her job is to deliver and not comment about your personal life. The other day I purchased several greeting cards at Walgreens, the cashier opened the first and read it, when she started to open the second to read I told her that it was non of her concern to just ring up the order. For some reason I just didn't like her reading them.

well I dont care, she has no right to make the OP guilty about the amount of mail being delivered and maybe some home truths would make HER embarrassed, see how she likes being made fun of, and actually it is the rise of online shopping which is keeping mail delivery people in jobs now!

well I dont care, she has no right to make the OP guilty about the amount of mail being delivered and maybe some home truths would make HER embarrassed, see how she likes being made fun of, and actually it is the rise of online shopping which is keeping mail delivery people in jobs now!
Sorry, screaming and cursing at her is still a HUGE overreaction..
You're being petty and overreacting.
:confused3 I'm always little amazed when people are so concerned about what random people, totally insignificant to their lives, think of them. And in this case, it's not even really that - I'm 100% in agreement that the delivery lady is just the outgoing type and probably intends her comments to be friendly.
I understand where you are coming from. Her job is to deliver and not comment about your personal life. The other day I purchased several greeting cards at Walgreens, the cashier opened the first and read it, when she started to open the second to read I told her that it was non of her concern to just ring up the order. For some reason I just didn't like her reading them.
What a weirdly impolite way for you to react. :sad2: Did you feel better after "putting her in her place"? It's little moments of unpleasantness like this that makes working with the public so exhausting.
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