Magic Double-dip "SCOOP AWAY THE POUNDS"

Well, I've managed to eat fairly well since I've been back, except for a small ice cream episode. I did gain one pound in Vegas, not too bad at all. I've really got to start getting to bed on time if I want to walk in the morning....having trouble getting the 'system' up and running to be able to see my way out the door! ;)

Keep trying everybody, every little bit helps!

I think that 10 is quite doable for you. Your tract record speaks for itself.
I always feel like I miss so much not making it to chat. 10 is just really hard for me to be able to do.I can't ask Vito Sr to deal with Anie at that hour he needs to get to sleep. He has to get up for work at 4:15 so 10 is really his limit. I hope everyone is as excited as I am. :banana: :cool1: When the countdown gets under a month I become so excited it is hard to think of anything other then the cruise.
I must do something about the computer issue - because I cannot STAND to know everyone is exchanging ideas, jokes and laughs without me!

As for the eating, so far so good - I just wish I could get some of this belly a little smaller - it helps to move - but so far haven't done much of that except during the day, back to stairs to 1st floor again, the knee is holding up. So that's good news.

I bought some stuff from Eddie Bauer but mostly work stuff. I did most shopping for my little man. I love buying men's clothes. He needed some new long sleeve shirts - so I got about 4 of them. Different colors that suit him.

Not sure what I'm packing for walking and beaching... but I'll figure something out! Wish me luck!
Good luck on the shopping..Peggy

I am planning on packing this weekend. I was planning on taking the swimsuit I wore this past weekend. Jackie can let me know if she does not think it was appropriate or flattering. She stayed awake long enough to see it. Not like someone else I know. :rotfl2:
faireygod mother said:
I am planning on packing this weekend. I was planning on taking the swimsuit I wore this past weekend. Jackie can let me know if she does not think it was appropriate or flattering. She stayed awake long enough to see it. Not like someone else I know. :rotfl2:

:rotfl2: :rotfl2:VERY FUNNY!

Dee, you swimsuit is highly appropriate and you looked just lovely in it. I, however, am not happy about not fitting into my slightly smaller (and much cuter) suit than the one I wore in Vegas. :guilty:
faireygod mother said:
Good luck on the shopping..Peggy

I am planning on packing this weekend. I was planning on taking the swimsuit I wore this past weekend. Jackie can let me know if she does not think it was appropriate or flattering. She stayed awake long enough to see it. Not like someone else I know. :rotfl2:

Now I see how it's going to be the BOTH of you picking on me. Does that mean Dee will be locking me in cars soon?

:rotfl2: :rotfl: If so, I'll just have to include her in my "new sister" category!
Well, four weeks till cruise time. Surely I can behave myself for four weeks, eh? No dessert (except for my actual birthday) till Fri 11/10 at Victora and Alberts. Last night was my final pizza for the month and I believe I can swear off potatoes also, thought I might have to include them in my birthday dinner. You know, why is it so hard to just rely on lean meat and fresh fruit and veggies???? That's good wholesome food.....why is it so difficult :confused3

Well, I slept in this AM, so I'm off to drink my "greens first" and hit the shower.

I'm signing up for the 10 pounds in four week challenge! Count me in!

I've got a secret weapon. I've used it before - it's tough - but it has worked in the past - so I'm willing to give it a go. It's a diet that doctor's use on high blood pressure patients (which I am not) and also for people with heart disease (I'm not - but don't want to be). If I can't get some weight off between now and then I'm going to be very sad - so here I go. So far today - I'm still on the plan!

Nights will be tough. But HERE GOES!!!!
Ok are you ready? DOWN 2.3 pounds!!!!! Yep this works. Just pray I can stay with it for at least 10 pounds!

YIPEE - feeling clean and lighter - started sit-ups last night after my re-bounding. I will be more fit, I will be more fit.
I am on the rice diet. It's very strick but it gets results. Back in the late 80's I lost 16 pounds in 3 weeks. I started at 135 (so I wasn't very much over weight) but got back into a size 5 at 119 pounds. (I'm only 5'0"). But I was thinking, yeah well, I'm over 40 now, wonder if it will work. So far I'm a little hungry - but I just spread out my fruit and last night I had extra rice - so I got more than the regular 3/4 cup - but I still managed to lose. Today was easier and I feel so much lighter (water weight). It's for people who have heart disease or have salt issues. You can find it online but it's really easy cuz you don't get to EAT!

2 fruits 2 starches that's it. water, tea, coffee, diet rite (low sodium) (I'm not drinking pop) so it's easy. You can drink juice instead of fruit - but I don't beause I want the "filler".

You can have brown rice, white rice, shredded wheat, (not the sugary stuff) cream of rice (my favorite for lunch).

Now granted this isn't a long term solution, but no matter what I did before I wasn't getting past my weight. The fact that I saw results the very next day is what will keep me going for at least a week. I know people who fast for two days - so I should be able to do this for a week for pete's sake.

I feel so much better already. Anyway, you can find the book and complete diet online.

I'm eating fresh raspberries now. I couldn't finish my 2 fruits at lunch...stomach is shrinking!

Ok, good luck~!

michelle9343 said:
Way to go Peg. Can you let me in on what your doing?
Ok, Dis server is making me angry... you post and it goes bye bye.

I'm down another .3 today - and feeling great. I've decided to do this as long as I can as long as I feel so awesome!

I'm really looking forward to wearing cute clothes again - that's one think i'm focusing on instead of the food I can't have.

I've realize how much of my daily activity in thought is around food. Shame shame - I need to start thinking of it as fuel. Yes, once in a while it's nice to have a treat - but not every meal every day. That's the problem... food is NOT life. It's a part of it. Right? Ok, ONWARD & DOWNWARD - hey

let's get some activity on this thread too -ok?
Congratulations on your great loss, Peggy! :cheer2: Just three weeks, you can do it. One day, one hour, one minute at a time.

I'm hanging in there, not losing, not gaining. But, I am feeling much better with the lowered med dosage.

Got to start packing for our FL trip. I will call you Michele, for sure. :)
Well two weeks into my gym membership I haven't been once. We laid off two more people and I have been going in to work 2 hours early and still staying until 6:00am and my DW still is staying late three days a week. So dinner is fend for your self, and that means fast food for me and that would explain my 3 lbs gain.
Congrats, Jackie. The walking must be helping. :cool1:

Please put me down for 49. I was so hoping for 50, but maybe next week.

Devon..I finally figure out what to get from the fast food that helped me lose and not gain. I am particulary fond of Wendy's and I really love their fries. I can get chili, reg. fry and side salad. I *** the chili to the salad and put on the fries. I get a taco salad and chili fries out of it and I am full.

McDonalds has a great asian salad as well. If you need any meal pointer let me know and I will be happy to help. Stay strong.
Spotdude said:
Well two weeks into my gym membership I haven't been once. We laid off two more people and I have been going in to work 2 hours early and still staying until 6:00am and my DW still is staying late three days a week. So dinner is fend for your self, and that means fast food for me and that would explain my 3 lbs gain.

I know all too well how the work gets in the way - of energy, of working out etc. Hang in there buddy!!!! This too shall pass.
Peggy, Jackie and Dee :cool1: :banana: :cheer2: Keep up the great work !!!!
I am gald you are feeling better an a lower dose of meds. At least your maintaining your weight thats a huge deal in my book.
It is really hard on you working long hours and the stress of having to let people go. Hang in there.
I have not even attempted to step on a scale . Just tring to focus on feeling better. Started the colonex cleanse that I never finished and started my vitamins again. Also making sure I always have my water.My back is still barthering me so exercise has been held off.


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