Luv4mylittleone's Wedding/Honeymoon trip report! Updated! 7/10~Dessert Party!

First off, sorry to hear about your dad.

I must say that you look amazing and I love your dress (I remember your dress drama from earlier and this one is just perfect). I contacted Ana yesterday about getting my hair and make up done by her this November. We will be down in WDW in July and I am going to do a trial. I might take your photo along as inspiration.

I also love your tiara, necklace and earings. Your necklace is just perfect - just the right amount of sparkle but not too much. I have been checking out ebay all morning looking for something to wear. My dress will be white with claret accents and my girls will be in claret. I love the way your boys look also with the redish accent and your daughter is just adorable in her dress. Unfortunately I have no little girl for a flower girl but we are hoping DF's nieces son (4) will be the ringbearer.

Looking forward to reading more.

First off, sorry to hear about your dad.

I must say that you look amazing and I love your dress (I remember your dress drama from earlier and this one is just perfect). I contacted Ana yesterday about getting my hair and make up done by her this November. We will be down in WDW in July and I am going to do a trial. I might take your photo along as inspiration.

I also love your tiara, necklace and earings. Your necklace is just perfect - just the right amount of sparkle but not too much. I have been checking out ebay all morning looking for something to wear. My dress will be white with claret accents and my girls will be in claret. I love the way your boys look also with the redish accent and your daughter is just adorable in her dress. Unfortunately I have no little girl for a flower girl but we are hoping DF's nieces son (4) will be the ringbearer.

Looking forward to reading more.


Thank you!! And know everywhere I turn around I see woman in my original fact, we saw one on the beach at the GF when we were taking our pics. Ultimately, I'm very pleased with the second gown and it all turned out so much better than I thought! And sure....take my photo...I feel very flattered. Ana was wonderful and I loved my hair!! As for the jewlery, I ordered it on sale from was very inexpensive and and i loved it! The tiara was my something borrowed from my best friend...I felt very honored to wear it! Oh...and check this out...the boys suits I rented from I got both of their 5 piece suits including shipping to and from for $37 total!!! What a deal! I bought the burgundy ties on ebay for less than $10...I'm a bargain shopper baby! ;) I can't wait to hear all about your wedding whe your big day comes!! :goodvibes
Gread idea about the tuxes for your boys. I spoke with Carolyn Allen yesterday and it costs the same amount to rent children tuxes as for the adults so it would start at 115.00.

I am actually now thinking of having him dress up as Prince Charming. I found some cute costumes on line and as my wedding is in November Halloween costumes should start coming out in the early summer. I am hoping he could carry a pillow with a crystal slipper on it with the rings in the slipper (somehow) - we will have to work that all out. He will be 4 by next November and he has a younger brother that will be 2. I might just dress them both up (hopefully they will like that) and see if they both want to walk down the aisle. I am sure he would rather dress up as one of the Cars characters but not for the wedding.

I went back and read some of your planning journal. Was your original dress an Alfred Angelo? I tried that one on last week. As of now I am going with an Alfred Angelo - almost like your original but mine has more of the color in the back - not just the sash. I tried it on in ivory with claret but I think I am going to go with the white and claret. I am a little concerned about two things. First, did you order it from a bridal shop or from someone online. I am nervous as yours never showed up. And second, I don't want to see everyone coming and going in the same dress. I want something that will stand out and I love the idea of color.

I am glad you went with using your friends tiara and it looked great. I checked out for the necklace and earing set and they still have it available. I am seriously considering ordering it. I do want to get my tiara with some clear crystals, pearls and red crystals in it and I am not sure if I should also have color in my necklace. I don't think so but I am still deciding.

Anyway, looking forward to reading more.

Thank you and we did have a blast!!!! And Epcot on the 17th was colder than we would have liked...they had to move our DP indoors to prevent the fondue from stiffening (more on that later)...I froze during illuminations because I gave my jacket to my daughter...I'll probably be blue in my photos with icicles hanging from my nose...hahaha...ok, so maybe it wasn't THAT cold! :rotfl:
We're from New Jersey, and I think it was actually that cold! THe weather was weird that week.

Can't wait to hear the rest!
Thank you for sharing your story. I didn't let my dad ruin my wedding and I'm not going to let him ruin my life either. My mom passed away in March and he's been living with me since. It's been pure h$ll. He dosen't want to get better (no matter how many times he's managed to manipulate me and convinve me otherwise) and I'm now being faced with kicking him out. He has nowhere else to go but I have children who are being affected by this and no daughter should have to raise her father. It's a sickening situation and I've very torn up about it but enough is enough!! GRRRR...can you tell this is all so fresh?? SO for the vent! :guilty:

I know exactly how you feel! People like your dad and my mother are great manipulators. :sad2: My mother does not want to get well either. I am older than you and my kids are much older. I remember the defining moment when I said "enough is enough"! It was when my kids were being exposed to things that no child deserves. Up until then I made excuses for her and just put up with it. But once my children were involved I realized that it was my responsibility to protect them and make sure that they understood that it was not acceptable behavior. It was the wisest decision I ever made. If you ever need to vent or just chat please feel free to PM me. :hug:

On a lighter note - I can't wait until the next installment of your TR! :banana: all must have thought I'd dissapeared never to be seen again! The last few months have been...well...difficult. I won't elaborate too much but I will say that things finally came to a head with my father and while it was a difficult decision, he no longer lives with us. I have also been very sick. It all started with a blessed event gone sour. I became pregnant in March only to find that around week 8 the baby stopped growing. It was my fourth miscarriage and I was devastated. I opted to have a D&C and was beginning to heal when out of the blue my right lung collapsed. 1 week and 2 chest tubes later I was released from the hospital. I have been battling pluerisy and pneumonia ever since....sigh. I'm finally starting to feel a little better and I know with time I'll be back to my crazy energetic self!! So Anyway.....

Can you believe it's been almost 6 months since the wedding??? Things are great with Joe and I and we're taking another trip to the world in June/July...yay!! I guess I should finish this TR now, hahaha!

Let's see, we left off with the morning of the wedding...

Joe and his BM left to go pick up his brother and we waited for the limo to come get us. The weather was beautiful and while it was sunny the day of the wedding it was absolutely freezing!!!! Of course that was the only cold day the whole trip...but at least it wasn't raining! Then the phone was Joe telling me that his brother wasn't at the hotel. OMG...Where was he??? I was totally freaked out and called my MIL to see if she knew where Mark was. She did...he was in the limo with them. He wasn't supposed to be in the limo. I was livid. It dosen't seem like such a big deal but by Mark getting in the limo there was no longer room for one of the other guests...grrr!!!! Fortunately, my MOH's boyfriend was a complete gem and quickly volunteered to drive his car over solving our transportation problem. Before we knew it, the driver was calling to let us know he had arrived. This was it....I was going to get married!!!!! The limo ride seemed so long and way too quick all at the same time. I was petrified and ecstatic! And then we were there!

You can see the fear on my face:


The guys outside:


I was taken to the brides room and quickly swept in the world of photography. Randy was snapping away, Rev Jack asked some questions, and Amy briefed me on the ceremony.

My honey getting ready (Isn't he handsome?)


Me in photography land:


The nerves are growing, it was hard to smile...


I didn't hear a word anyone said. It felt so surreal...I just couldn't believe what was going on and that it was happening to me. It passed in a blur and before I knew it, I was standing behind the double doors listening to the music I had so carefully picked out and I started to cry...
So there I was, standing at the door when the bell began to chime...I was so nervous and I couldn't stand still but at least I had stopped crying. All of sudden I felt this wave of excitement come over me and the doors swung open. With each of my sons on my arms, we began to walk down the aisle. I was grinning from ear to ear and all eyes were on me (in fact, the song I was walking to was actually called "Eyes On Me"). It was a wonderful feeling...I felt so beautiful and happier at that moment than I had ever felt before.



My Mom's mickey ears and memorial Rose:

I joined my hubby to be at the alter and the ceremony began. It was really lovely. I tried to listen to every word intently but will admit that I was at one point gazing out the window at Cinderella's Castle thinking to myself how I couldn't believe I was getting married, that our day had finally come.



The ceremony went off without a hitch...well, mostly. The ring ceremony was amazing and Joseph gave the kids rings of their own with the words inscribed "A Family United". We put them on chains with magnetic clasps but for some reason Brendan's wouldn't open. It was so funny and awkward. I finally grabbed the chain from Joe and shoved it in Brendan's coat pocket! hahaha! They also began our unity candle music too early and had to play the song twice. No one noticed and it actually fit in quite nicely. I was petrified I was going to set the WP on fire when we were lighting our candles...we had no idea what we were doing as Rev Jack tried to talk us through. It was pretty comical but at least we were entertaining! Next thing I know we had exchanged vows, kissed, and Rev Jack announced us as husband and wife! It was truly the most amazing moment ever! "When You Wish Upon A Star" began to play, we held hands and walked down the aisle together as Mr and Mrs DellaVentura!




After the ceremony we went back inside to take some photos. Here are a few of my favorites.








I had a lot of

Up next...Cake Cutting and our favorite Mouse!
Diane! Glad you're back!:hug:
I'm sorry to hear about your loss :( I hope you & your family are doing well.
Now keep writing...we wanna see the cake cutting!
We finished our photos and headed over to the commanders terrace. I'l admit that I felt very rushed and didn't get all the photos I wanted. I should've spoken up but I was too timid and I knew that the "entertainment" was on a schedule and we were a little behind. In hindsight, it was my day and now I'm kicking myself for not being more agressive. Anyway...we entered the GF and everyone stopped and stared...I loved it!! People were congratulating us and telling me how beautiful I looked...I totally ate it up! We went up to the second floor and everyone was already there waiting for us. It was so fun walking in and hearing them cheer!


The cake was beautiful...just how I pictured it and everything was set up so nicely. We barely had a moment to catch our breath when our entertainment arrived...Mickey Mouse!!! He was a huge hit! The kids and adults alike loved Mickey and poured over him!






We took lots of pictures with Mickey and then he helped us cut our cake. I had previously warned my hubby that if he smashed the cake in my face then he would live to regret it. He heeded my warning and loving exchange bites with me. It was so yummy, I wanted to eat more but Mickey wanted to dance, lol.





After Joe and I had our first dance, it was time for Mickey to go. He presented us with our gift and bid us was time to break out the bubbly! Joe's BM gave a very touching toast and the whole room was in tears. Then we drank up...the champagne was better than I expected it to be and we went though several bottles. Then I turned around to discover that my 7 year old son was throwing the corks over the railing to unsuspecting targets below. UGH!! I kept my cool and sent my Aunt over to take care of the matter. We all mingled for a bit while our cake was boxed up and brought downstairs to the Gardenview Tea Lounge. Then Randy informed us that it was time to go to the beach for more pics...the guests headed down for tea and cake.


I'm very sorry you've had so many issues, especially with your own health. We have a friend who is susceptible to collapsed lungs, and he spent quite a bit of time in the hospital in September. I've also had two myself. I know it's not the most pleasurable thing. You don't realize how much your breathing affects the rest of your body until you go through that pain.

I *am* glad, however, that you decided to post, because I had the chance to look at your pictures, and they're beautiful! I love your color scheme (I'm a bit partial to burgundy myself!).

So thank you for coming back and sharing. Despite all the trouble in your life, it's obvious you had a wonderful time!
Welcome back Diane! I'm glad you are feeling better. I can't believe you've been married for almost 6 months already. I love your pictures, they came out great!
Welcome back, and congratulations! I'm sorry to hear about the trouble you've been having - but I'm so happy to see that your wedding day was so beautiful!
Oh my gosh, I'm so sorry to hear about your dad and your health. I'm glad you are feeling better, and sorry you had such a rough few months. You were beautiful on your wedding day. I actually got engaged the day before you got married :goodvibes Can't wait to read more!
your pictures are so beautiful!

Thank you so much!!! :goodvibes

I'm very sorry you've had so many issues, especially with your own health. We have a friend who is susceptible to collapsed lungs, and he spent quite a bit of time in the hospital in September. I've also had two myself. I know it's not the most pleasurable thing. You don't realize how much your breathing affects the rest of your body until you go through that pain.

I *am* glad, however, that you decided to post, because I had the chance to look at your pictures, and they're beautiful! I love your color scheme (I'm a bit partial to burgundy myself!).

So thank you for coming back and sharing. Despite all the trouble in your life, it's obvious you had a wonderful time!

You are so right and it's weird because it was so unexpected...I don't smoke and I'm overall healthy was so strange. I live every day in fear of another collapse, it's scary. And ugh...getting that second chest tube removed was excruciating...I have NEVER felt pain like that and I've given birth to 4 children so that's saying a lot!! Anyway, I just pray I never have to do that again, lol! Thank you for your kind words and sharing your experience.

Welcome back Diane! I'm glad you are feeling better. I can't believe you've been married for almost 6 months already. I love your pictures, they came out great!

Thanks...I know 6 months!!! Time has flown by! I still get weepy though when I look at the pictures and I can't so much as hear one of our wedding songs without bursting into tears! :lmao:

I Hope You And Your New Husband All The Happiness In The World. Glad To Hear Your Feeling Better Now.

That is very sweet of you...thank you!!

Welcome back, and congratulations! I'm sorry to hear about the trouble you've been having - but I'm so happy to see that your wedding day was so beautiful! know sometimes bad things happen and really open your eyes to all the wonderful things overlooked in your life. It's funny how you tend to reevaluate things after an incident like it wasn't all bad!

Oh my gosh, I'm so sorry to hear about your dad and your health. I'm glad you are feeling better, and sorry you had such a rough few months. You were beautiful on your wedding day. I actually got engaged the day before you got married Can't wait to read more!

Thanks so much and a HUGE congratulations to you on your engagement!!

Your pictures are beautiful Diane!

Thanks Lisa!!!! :grouphug:


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